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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm MSK

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well, now about the weather, today in moscow , probably for the first time this winter, it was so sunny, so pleasant, it turns out that the maximum temperature in moscow has been updated, today has become the warmest since the beginning of winter, we’ll talk more about this with leading specialist zavodchenkov , he's already live, vadim, hello, what's the temperature? recorded in the capital, and what to expect in the coming weeks and days? good evening, in the middle of today the thermometers at the reference weather station in moscow, vdnkh, for the first time this year fluctuated around marks +5°. the temperature background is spring, and it will remain so at least until the beginning of next week. well, let's start with the south of russia. the code basking in the sun is probably the most striking illustration. weather in this
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part of the country, already at noon in the shade in crimea it was up to +10°, in the greater sochi up to +14, according to the latest information, for example, in tuabse it is already +15, local residents and vacationers poured out on the beach while walking along the embankment one could not only enjoy the sound of the waves, but also the view of flowering plants, from unpleasant manifestations of warm windy weather - the return of landscape fires. a common story in recent days in the southern regions is the rapid spread of fire when burning dry vegetation or the transition of fire to grass from burning debris. in the following photographs, a manifestation of the thaw in st. petersburg, a huge puddle practically cut off one of the new residential complexes from civilization. cars plunge into water and stall when trying to leave. such a problem and snow melting, now in many
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areas of the northern capital, tractors are left just drive water around the yards. at the same time, in forests and parks, where there is still a lot of snow, you can take such shots. many animals, including moles, have felt the approach of spring; they emerge from their holes and make their way to the surface. and it was precisely the north-west of russia that found itself at the forefront of the onset of spring. during the thaw week , the lion's share of the snow accumulated over the winter melted here, as a result , 100-150 liters of melt water fell onto the city streets from every square meter of surface, tomorrow the situation will be the atmosphere over the region will change little, the cloud ridge of the atmospheric front will continue to move across the territory of the russian plain, carrying air masses warmed by the gulf stream, there will be little... heavy
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precipitation in this zone, mostly rain in the west, snow in the east, and in some places on the upper volga , freezing rains are not excluded, so on thursday most of european russia will be in the thaw zone, even in the north the thermometers will fluctuate around zero, and the prevailing daytime the temperature in the center of the north-west of the country is up to +1/6; in the southern regions the air can generally warm up. until april +10-15, for example, in yalta relatively cloudy weather will prevail and the probability of precipitation is minimal, now the peak of daytime warming up here has passed, the air begins to cool down a little, by tomorrow morning it will reach +2-4, but already on thursday afternoon the thermometer columns will again reach +14, in st. petersburg the cloud cover is denser, although... significant precipitation
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is unlikely on the banks of the niva, these clouds will reduce the spread between night and daytime thermometer readings, during the day in the northern capital +1, +4, in moscow, calm and dry weather will linger until thursday, and at night the thermometer readings in the megalopolis will drop to -2-4, and then, under the influence of the atmospheric front, cloudiness it will thicken, there will be some precipitation, so it will become a little cooler than today, in the afternoon +1, +3. today it became known that nikolai ryshkov, the former prime minister of the ussr, a famous soviet and russian statesman, has passed away, he was 94 years old, he began his journey a simple worker at the ural mash plant, the eightieth served as chairman of the council of ministers, and was a member of the politburo of the cpsu central committee. he devoted himself entirely to work until october passed. an extremely honest politician, a brilliant
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organizer, a man of action, thoughtful, thorough, the name of nikolai ryshkov forever entered the history of our country ; as the head of the government of the ussr, it fell to his lot to prepare the so-called perestroika, then a tough struggle for careful, gradual economic reforms. you know, this was such an indisputable authority for everyone us, he was such a political heavyweight who, well, it would seem, could simply serve time there.
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changed and did not adapt, did not change his opinion if he was sure of it, and did not adapt to anyone. ryshkov, from his youth, working at ural-mash, came up with a unique technology for casting steel and introduced it into production. therefore, it is not surprising that in 1975 he was made first deputy minister of heavy engineering, then deputy head of the state planning committee. but his great political career began in 1982. yuri andropov, head the ussr offered him a member's chair. politburo was included in the team that was supposed to come up with a plan for the country’s transition to a market economy. it was an interesting creative period, reforms were prepared, but mikhail gorbachev already announced them. under him, ryshkov becomes chairman of the council of ministers. formally, he is on gorbachev’s team, but
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it is difficult to call them like-minded people. nikolai ryshkov would later call the years 1988-90 the most difficult time of his life. young economists offer a mythical concept. i’m ready to throw myself head first like that, as much as i could, i said, listen , come to your senses, remember what you are doing, it means you will die if you follow this path, no, you, enough, enough, that means we will put things in order ourselves, we will live richly, not like that , as with you,
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nikolai ryshkov, as the head of government, suffered the most difficult stories of the era of the late ussr. april 26, 1986, an accident at... ryshkov became the only non-armenian who was called a national hero of armenia. in december 1988, a catastrophic earthquake occurred in spetaki. already left for armenia, organized the evacuation of residents to the country’s sanatoriums, medical and humanitarian assistance. it is not for nothing that he is considered a great friend of armenia; in 2008 he was awarded the medal of the order of the hero of armenia. as the head
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of the council of ministers of the ussr, in 1988 , rishkov led the work on the consequences. spatak earthquake , a monument was erected to him there, a monument was erected in gyumri, so he was, so to speak, one of the elders, also in the development of armenian-russian relations, when in 1990 nikolai ryshkov suffered a heart attack, mikhail gorbachev dismissed him without regret ; a year later gorbachev himself would leave his post and the country called the ussr.
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the politburo, which was brought up by the soviet economy and was born in labor. our fate and the fate of the entire country would have been more favorable. will not leave politics, he will be a deputy of the state duma, a senator from the belgorod region, it is his idea to create a huge memorial reserve, the prokhorovsky field, in the place where the battle of kursk began, nikolai ryshkov was able to defend the lands where they were going to build a cottage village, and then gradually perpetuate the memory of the third battlefield of russia. in recent years, nikolai ryshkov called the creation of this memorial the main work of his life. zenaida gurbatova, lead. and now about the working trip of the minister
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of defense to the troops of the western military district. sergei shaigu checked the organization of the educational process at the military training center at tula state university. there, they also repair and maintain weapons for units that participate in special operations. students have already repaired dozens of anti-tank missile systems. cadets are also trained in management. drones, employees of the ministry of defense undergo training at the training center; more than 400 specialists have already been trained in tula. tomorrow vladimir putin will address the federal assembly with his annual message, as the head of state himself previously stated; his message, taking into account the domestic political calendar, will set tasks for at least the next 6 years. presidential press secretary dmitry peskov told reporters that putin is personally working on the text. and personal contacts of a working nature with ministers,
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deputy prime ministers, heads of departments and assistants to the presidential administration. the announcement of the message will begin tomorrow at 12 o'clock moscow time. it will traditionally be broadcast on federal television channels. also this year, russians will be able to see a video broadcast of the president’s message on large outdoor screens in cinemas. they will be allowed into the halls without. this is subject to availability. the president's message will also be monitored from space from the iss. this was stated by the hero of russia, cosmonaut oleg kononenko. like this. the president of russia will soon address federal assembly. this event is of great importance for each of us. while in orbit, i will follow the speech of vladimir vladimirovich putin, since the future of our homeland depends on the announced decisions of the guidelines. this is an appeal. it is important not only because you and i must understand the general course of development of the country, but each of us must determine our contribution to
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achieving the strategic goals of our state. the president's address to the federal assembly is one of the key strategic planning documents. practice similar appeals were introduced by boris yeltsin based on the results of the address of the head of state, the house of the federal assembly, and the federal government also took part in a special resolution. the implementation of the message is an important component of the work of the state duma. as a rule , the president allocates an hour or a little more for the announcement of the message to the federal assembly, but last year it lasted, well, almost twice as long, an hour and 45 minutes, it was putin’s longest address and it was also the first message since the start of the special operation. so, less than a day until the president’s message. it is known that vladimir putin is already preparing in full, working with materials. well , there are a little more than 2 weeks before the presidential elections. tomorrow morning after 10:00 moscow time. on our channel, watch an exclusive interview with a person with vast political experience, about how
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russia has changed over more than two decades, and what still needs to be done in the very near future, on camera. sergey ivanov. how russia has changed over the past two decades and more, about this and more. let's talk to a person with extensive political experience. we are waiting for sergei ivanov. well, now to kazan, where the international multi-sports tournament continues, the games of the future, we are closely following everything that happens there, there are a lot of disciplines, events, and today at the kazan expo site the first competitions in the discipline figital skatebording were held, and the hundred thousandth was also celebrated visitor to the city of igor. our correspondent, danilo makhalin, is working on the spot, and he is now in direct contact with the facts.
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tribute, welcome, tell me, have you prepared anything for the anniversary guest? yes, welcome , we are in kazan expo, one of the main points of these games of the future, what is there, and for all visitors who come here, there is an open view of many different sites, the very disciplines that. here they are presented and presented, you can try everything, see everything, because , frankly speaking, all this is not so easy and quick to get around, so this is the city of the games of the future. such a separate large location, which represents itself here as a whole scattering of those same disciplines, simply those things that can surprise, families come here , and today, by the way, the organizers noted that there was a hundred thousandth visitor to this city, it turned out to be a resident of kazan,
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ekaterina nabiulina, who was invited to the stage, she came out there with my daughter, to my surprise i discovered... i didn’t even know what to expect here, for me in general it was all, well, a shock, so to speak, i never expected such a scale, let alone that some such bonuses, even this as a bonus, yes...
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it’s done creatively wisely, even the smallest details are thought out, the amount of time we are given for attempts is enough for us to try to perform tricks and pass the baton to our guys with joysticks. well, now we ’re going to the final conter competition, let’s see what happens there, there’s always something happening here every hour, so
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movement, movement, just movement, the studio’s word, conter, how cool, i know, i’m here. .. one fan who is sitting next to us, we are following, we follow and will root for a certain team and of course for our guys, and of course we are waiting for new nuggets to be discovered that will be favorites not only on the field, but in computer games, for sure these will also appear, thank you very much danilo makhalin was distorted, now the news economics, briefly: russia begins to supply pork to china, the general customs administration of the people's republic of china has allowed three russian enterprises to enter its market, according to data. fax, mirotork, velikoluksky meat processing plants and tambov received the right to export bacon. let me remind you that the supply of pork has been banned since 2008; according to estimates from the national union of pig farmers, the export of this meat to china can reach 200,000 tons per year. the european commission plans to completely abandon russian gas supplies through ukraine, european commission representative tim mcphee announced this in brussels. he
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recalled that the transit agreement expires on december 31 and the eu does not intend to do so. overwhelm. currently , about 15 billion cubic meters per year are pumped through the territory of ukraine. the european commission works closely with countries that receive gas through ukraine so that they have the necessary fuel supply. i will not talk about specific routes, but we are talking about ensuring that these countries can receive gas through other gas pipelines, as well as liquefied natural gas. first of all, this concerns austria, slovakia, and the czech republic. italy receives certain volumes. at the end of the year, alrossa paid almost one and a half billion rubles in excess profit tax, as stated in the ifrs report. as for financial results, net profit decreased by 15%. experts believe that sanctions are not will stop sales of alrosa, but will only lead to
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an increase in prices for rough diamonds. and the average down payment on a mortgage in russia increased to 30%, which is 6% more than a year earlier. this data is provided by the bank of the russian federation. the largest size is recorded in ten regions, including moscow. here the average value is 32. the bank’s management believes that the down payment has increased against the backdrop of the central bank’s measures. in particular, the regulator limited the maximum debt burden on borrowers. it was economic news, briefly. in the state the duma held a government hour with the participation of rosatom general director alexei likhachev. he told deputies about the role of the nuclear industry in ensuring the country's technological sovereignty. svetlana chmykhal knows the details; she joined us live. light, welcome. hello. what important results did the corporation achieve based on the results of the past year? greetings, colleagues: rosatom has completely replaced foreign software with russian software, at critical facilities. and in our
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country today nuclear technology is being created fourth generation. in just 3 years , the world's first nuclear reactor with liquid aluminum as a coolant will be operational in russia. the project makes natural resources for nuclear energy endless, and also reduces the possibility of accidents to zero. an experimental demonstration energy complex is being built in seversk, a closed city in the tomsk region. the first kilowatt-hours from the reactors will be received in 2027. we are the only ones in the world who are creating fourth generation nuclear technology in practice. it has a fundamentally new approach to security. a beyond design basis nuclear accident becomes physically impossible due to the design features of the core. additionally, technology provides a solution. disadvantages of nuclear energy: firstly, reserves of raw materials become unlimited due to the involvement of uranium 238 in the fuel cycle, which today is in dumps.
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secondly, this technology eliminates the problem of accumulation of spent nuclear fuel, which is painful for the whole world. the share of civilian products in the total volume of all nuclear enterprises exceeds 50%. let me remind you that vladimir putin set the task of achieving such indicators. by 2030, that is, they completed it ahead of schedule, this despite the multiple increase in state defense orders. the state corporation's revenue last year amounted to about 2.5 trillion rubles. investments for the same period are estimated at 1.2 trillion. rosatom's foreign revenues reached a record $16 billion. rosatom is expanding its investment volumes. this is primarily due to the active development of new directions. over 5 years, investments increased by 3 and a half times and last year reached the amount of 1,200 billion rubles. with the expansion of the volume of activity, the volume
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of taxes increases, doubling over the last five years. the annual growth of average wages is 12.9%. annual growth in labor productivity is 13.2%. today the state corporation is discussing the construction of small nuclear power plants. power plants with kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, myanmar and other countries. in addition, according to alexey likhachev, rosatom will build a second nuclear power plant in turkey. the corresponding political decision has already been made, the company is now studying transaction details. moreover, rosatom does not exclude the possibility of participating in the tender for the construction of a third nuclear power plant in turkey. we promote new nuclear and non-nuclear high-tech products abroad. this is a nuclear power plant. low average power in a ground-based, mobile version, this is a center for nuclear science and technology, this is medical equipment and multifunctional irradiation centers. alexey
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lekhachov dwelled in detail on the situation around the zaporozhye npp. rosatom restored the physical protection of the station; it was destroyed during the withdrawal of the ukrainian armed forces. that's it now technological processes at zaporozhye npp are under the control of experienced specialists. from this point of view. there are no risks, but the threat of ukrainian arrivals remains. following the report of the head of the state corporation, chairman of the state duma vyacheslav volodin noted the need for constant dialogue with the company. rosatom is one of the most efficient and high-tech state corporations in our country. therefore, it is important for us to create conditions for its development. at the same time , we need it. constant dialogue with the company, with the ministry in charge of this is a state corporation. in addition,
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it sounded. the idea is to hold meetings with deputies who represent nuclear cities. according to volodin, in these cities, projects in the field of cultural education could be implemented jointly with rosatan. in the novgorod region, thirteen categories of beneficiaries will be helped to supply gas to their homes. secretary of the general council of united russia, andrei turchak, announced this during a working trip to the region. today he took part in the procedure for commissioning the gas pipeline, thanks to which.
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that such volumes have not existed for 60 years, and what has been done over the past five years in terms of gasification of the novgorod region is simply a breakthrough. mains gas is supplied to the new boiler house, which heats, including the local school. previously, the village was heated with the help of this boiler house; here, several boilers were filled with coal. now everything is changing. here on the territory there is such a small boiler room, it is three times smaller in size than... the previous one gives a start, the main problem that needed to be solved at the local level - cats, of which more than a dozen lived in the old boiler house building, but now we have decided that the employees will take them home and the residents of the houses will also take them for themselves. now cats will bring cozy warmth to apartments. according to the gasification program, only the novgorod region will receive blue fuel.
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in 172 settlements. following the gasification program is a program for connecting social facilities and houses, and people are turning to us, so for the region this is such a step into the 20th century, in fact. throughout russia , environmentally friendly, network fuels within programs for the development of gas supply and gasification will receive 5,700 settlements, but this is only the supply to cities and towns, then up to ... gasification under the additional gasification program we now already have 1,2000 applications, more than 900,000 have built a gas pipeline to the boundaries of land plots and 550,000 households are already using gas in everyday life, because, you know, this is a process, after gas has been supplied to the house, you need to equip the gas system inside the house, buy a russian stove, a russian boiler, another solemn moment in
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moshensky kettle in this apartment. now you can boil using mains gas, economically, safely, unlike bottled and liquefied gas, the main thing is safe, tea with natural gas seems to taste better, even , the owner says, what are the impressions of the work of the gas workers, in general from the program, wonderful, everything is fast , promptly, akimov and sergey fodiev, lead. novgorod region.
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more shells and equipment and faster not in six months, but already now sergei shaigu demanded that the defense enterprises of the tula region be accelerated areas. are they ready for this? the minister checked the implementation of the state defense order by the manufacturers of artillery reconnaissance projectiles. kaliningrad is an integral part of russia , so the kremlin will always have a tough response to the statement of the lithuanian politician. threatened to neutralize kaliningrad if russia challenges nato, but what will really happen? response from the president's press secretary. what is your name? what about you? dima? cool! a story full of pain, but filled with light. four-year-old dima, originally from avdeevka, wanted to take the child away for...


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