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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events. everything that russia admires. immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country. come to the forum russia exhibition. this is a big information evening, that's what we'll talk about in the next hour. zelensky’s early life is off the charts, not only in shock.
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western puppeteers do not believe the president’s word for it and residents of the square do not believe what is behind the cynical arithmetic of ukrafyur. the nazis of the carpathian sich were missing dozens of their colombian mercenaries. hackers published the loss lists revealed that it is increasingly difficult to attract new foreigners to the ssu. they escaped and are being expelled. why do they not like russians in serbia who oppose the svo, and how will they be escorted out of the country? the target is the president's phone. weyerth magazine reported that the pentagon, using targeted advertising , tried to detect vladimir putin’s smartphone and track his movement. so how did it turn out? no gratitude for the rescue. the taxi driver who took poroshenko away from the angry crowd in crimea never received compensation from the oligarch for a damaged car. was it worth counting on humanity at all? saw the truth with their own
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eyes and does not believe zelensky ’s calculations, these are the quite eloquent results of a survey on the streets of odessa, where military officers who recently returned from the front were asked to comment on the data of the leader of the kiev regime on personnel losses; the character, let me remind you, claimed that in 2 years of combat actions killed in total.
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that the authorities are taking ordinary people for fools, otherwise how to explain such a reaction of ordinary people citizens to recent statistics from zelensky about the number of ukrainian armed forces soldiers who died at the front over 2 years. polls that journalists conducted in several cities on the square showed that trust in their president is rapidly falling, and no matter how convincingly actor zelensky lies from 3,100 irretrievable losses, winged unbelief in stanislavsky style , a wild pain reverberates in the heart of an ordinary ukrainian, fatal... without a twinge of conscience
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and does not blink an eye, even despite the growing day by day new cemeteries and graves of fallen warriors of light, 3100 and even though you damn, he canceled the elections, which means you can talk any nonsense, everything will pass for the truth, the common man will eat everything and not choke, but a survey conducted by journalists on the streets of ukrainian cities showed a minimum of distrust in...
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it’s not for nothing that zelensky took so long, almost 2 i generally delayed this topic for years and didn’t talk about it at all, because every death, even of a militant, even of a terrorist from our point of view, or a serviceman in the armed forces of ukraine, but it lies, this is responsibility, this is blood on the hands of zelensky, who led to this who dragged ukraine into this geopolitical adventure, every ruined life lies on his shoulders, well, if among ordinary citizens there are still not... in your opinion, this is a great deal, and you
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value spending more or less, i think it’s rich more than 31, i don’t think this is a true number, many more boys died and were injured. in ukraine, and accordingly, zelensky is trying to reduce the negative effect of this bill on mobilization, showing society that, in fact, they are not so serious losses, which is what you ukrainians are generally
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afraid of, i don’t think that there is some kind of flirting with the west, on the contrary, it would be more appropriate to present it with some colossal terrible losses, confirming ... that constant mantra that they say in kiev, that ukrainians are dying for the values ​​of democracy, if on the streets people are still choosing their words, trying not to say something unnecessary, then in the boundless space of the internet , many brakes are failing, this train is rushing at an uncontrollable speed, the next great hero, well, did you find out how many thousands of people died?
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another important point for zelensky, especially since, don’t believe me, he doesn’t know how to count. stanislav bernwald bloody lies. units of the russian group of troops-center again occupied more advantageous positions in the avdeevsky section of the special operation and liberated the village of petrovskaya located there. attempts to counterattack traditionally did not bring success to the enemy. the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 165 personnel, four tanks, two bradley infantry fighting vehicles and eight artillery pieces.
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little things, even the location of the magazines with shells. in order to hit the target more effectively, you need to shoot with the same shells, the same weight category and, accordingly , charges. accept target platoon stronghold 27:10. two shells, runaway, fire. on the other side, you need to dismantle another enemy fortified area. geocinth is perfect for this. objective control records all hits. the optics of our drones even allow you to see. the area itself is fortified, in the forest belt one can discern camouflaged dugouts, these are hyacinth and blows to pieces, gun, shot, very intense shooting, after the first shot immediately preparation for the second, several old men leave in less than a
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minute. artillery and infantry are always supported by aviation. heat traps are designed to reflect missiles and thermal charges. an important element when reflecting. enemy. a container with heat traps is the last preparation for the flight. alligators take to the sky. a pair of legendary k52s from the southern group of troops are sent on their next task to work. you can see how the helicopter literally skirts obstacles, rises over the hills or
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, on the contrary, dives into the lowlands, pilots, also scouts, they see with their own eyes from the air everything that is happening on the front line, it is especially important to know how the enemy behaves. their offensive operations ended already in september-october of the twenty-third year on the zaporozhye sector of the front, in the severodonetsk, in the south donetsk direction, the enemy sits at... almost 3 hours, and this is the maximum resource of one flight. logbook entry
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the flight went smoothly, there were no comments, the car is being prepared for a new flight, the alligator command can come at any time. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead. 95 militants with detailed personal data from last names , call signs to dates of birth, next to specific locations of their destruction, this list was obtained.
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the militants of the carpathian sich alone of the forty- ninth assault battalion of the ukrainian armed forces were missing dozens of their foreign mercenaries. during the svo, we lost at least 20 vagrant geese, a significant part of which colombians. the lists of losses were published by joker dpr hackers, clarifying that these are only officially confirmed ones; in fact , there are much more liquidated. the documents, for example, include the name of diego fernando, a twenty-three-year-old colombian who joined the ukrainian armed forces. and already in december it was destroyed by the russian military
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, the music played for a short time, and a rather interesting indicative story is connected with it: to the family, the grateful kiev regime returned not only the body, for the armed forces of ukraine, apparently, the wrong body, for the armed forces of ukraine, apparently, everything was the same face that diego that juan, why differentiate this consumable material, the requests of the relatives were ignored at the ukrainian embassy in the colombian prosecutor's office, and the other family... their previous profession was robbery in the role of
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barrage detachments. the leaked lists include the name juan rodriguez. this twenty-one-year-old character lasted longer than his fellow countryman. he fought in 2022, but stopped near donetsk after an airstrike. its liquidation was announced on december 13 in a public post dedicated to the destroyed mercenaries. judging by the tape data, the command of the sich only later. 2 weeks included him in the list of two hundredths. it is clear that these are not qualified personnel, since qualified personnel will never sign up as an ordinary shooter. it serves radars, rap systems, works on various multiple launch rocket systems , in the same hamers, yes, without the sanctions of the americans, who do not shoot anywhere, they service some complex systems, cannon fodder is recruited from some disadvantaged territories, or they could would like to live,
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the hackers note, but they wanted money for killing russians, if at first everything was for them looked rosy and cheerful, but now , experts note, the number of foreigners who are ready, who are ready to voluntarily participate in the suicidal operations of the armed forces of ukraine, is rapidly decreasing, valuable nato specialists are becoming fewer and fewer, again, using the example of the sich. in december , a spanish citizen, hector jurada, who had been fighting since 2022, was liquidated; before that, he served in a unit of the spanish ground forces that specializes in combat operations abroad. participated in the war in afghanistan, in february diana wagner was eliminated, who received salaries, also in the carpathian sich, a german citizen, her nazi ideals in the literal sense of the word led to her grave. the krapatskaya sich, yes, of course, the nazi battalion, it has been known for a long time, it has been known since 2014, the main backbone
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of this carpathian sich battalion is the output, people from this nazi. grouping in freedom, which was actively fed, including by the intelligence services of the west. and in place of ideological, scarce specialists from the alliance countries, they are trying to recruit those who agree to go to fight with russians. typically latino. the colombian press reports that dozens of young citizens of the country have died in ukraine over the years. this battalion includes representatives of latin american countries. colombians and peruvians. during a recent powerful targeted fire raid in the donbass direction, in the area where there is the settlement of terny and the settlement of makeevka , pinpoint strikes were carried out and there the ranks of this battalion were significantly thinned. such is the bloody sunset of the battle, which is inexorably
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approaching the nationalists and mercenaries, that they go for the money, but leave with their feet first. evgeniy nipot and the disposal of mercenaries. within 24 hours, the fighters of the southern group of our troops managed to improve the situation along the front line in the donetsk direction of the northern military district and destroyed up to 230 ukrainian militants, and up to 115 more were eliminated on the south donetsk front. fire damage to the enemy in the areas of urozhainy and staromaisky was inflicted by both artillery and aviation, and the pilots are now working almost non-stop. and he will tell you what specific tasks they face. the strike group of the army aviation of the russian aerospace forces leaves to carry out a combat mission, in
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a matter of minutes the strike link reaches the target, a strong point of the armed forces of ukraine in the zone.
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it’s not the best place for a helicopter pilot to launch, so we try to choose routes that minimize being in the enemy’s action zone. mandatory visual inspection of the combat vehicle before departure and the pilots take their seats in the cockpit. the mi-8 helicopter with the support group has already taken to the skies. it protects the k-52 and m-35 strike forces from possible attacks from the ground. soon the whole group falls on a combat course. before the next one. pitching is an element of combat work; the pilot slightly lifts the nose of the helicopter. allowing you to hit enemy targets from a long distance. with such air support, the advanced ones. the branch of the group of forces at the center takes the defensive lines of the ukrainian armed forces in a pincer movement. alexander katsuba, alexander malyshev and leonid sharov, lead.
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my name is vladislav davankov. i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance. the ship mistook the drone for an aircraft by the german frigate hesson, allegedly the crew the yemen houthis, although, frankly speaking, it is not very clear how they could be confused, because the wingspan of the pentagon uav
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is as much as 20 m, and it is problematic not to recognize it, but however, the embarrassment did not end there, since german anti-aircraft missiles fired at the ripper instead in order to hit the target, they fell into the sea due to a technical malfunction. thus, the germans, one might say, distinguished themselves twice at once, but in any case decided to shift the blame to their colleagues from the united states. answer according to the law, comprehensive comment the head of the investigative committee about escaped show business stars who are engaged in discrediting the russian armed forces. alexander bastrykin clearly indicated that if
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famous people return from abroad, they will not receive the most cordial welcome. as the head of the investigative committee emphasized, the artists who left showed their unreliability and turned their backs on the country that gave them the opportunity to earn a fortune, and now these characters, in order not to lose profits, are trying to please the politics of those countries where they... it happens, but traitors are nowhere to be found glad. well, by the way, not all states that have accepted russian relocants, of all bridges, support their russophobic activities. information has emerged that in serbia, for example, critics of special operations have become , to put it mildly, not very comfortable, but anton potkovenko will explain what kind of sanctions belgrade can impose against them. anton, greetings. well, some characters who settled in the balkans will have to look for another shelter. greetings, yes, well, apparently, this is exactly what will happen, will they find new ones? shelter is a big question: for relaxants who are against the svo in serbia are not happy; those who came to belgrade and are now signing open letters against russia’s actions in ukraine are
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simply starting to be evicted. the associated press rolled out a story and an article about those whose residence permits in serbia, according to journalists, are being revoked for political reasons. elena koposova, for example, signed, as she puts it. an anti-war letter against russian aggression and now she must leave the country within thirty days. extremely shocked, we thought that after 4 years of a residence permit approved without problems, the government already knows what we are. the material contains the usual western accents, they say koposova, when she arrived in... serbia thought that belgrade seemed to want to join the eu, which means it accepts all democratic values, that is, it should be against the north military district, this seems to be the logic, but
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now it sees that all this is not so, well, with insight, koposova is one of those who arrived even before the special military operation, what then can we say about the relaxant runners who rushed to belgrade in the twenty-second year? a wave of russians who did not want to fight, rolled into the balkans. serbia, there are thousands of them now, because it’s inexpensive, because the mentality is similar, they are orthodox, they are slavs, the language is quite understandable, yes, that is.
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is sergei bodrov, here many people watched the film “brother”, and you remember, yes, there, that sergei bodrov, he had such words that when you have a war going on, you can’t be against your country, and as if for them this is such an indicator, here is a russian patriot, and here comes, well , the majority of people who don’t think so, not patriots, those who are richer, are trying to settle down in dubai, where for the third time in a row
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the concert of a foreign agent has been canceled... grebenshchikov under the pretext that the musician is unwell, or maybe the fact is that relations between moscow and the emirates are developing, and they simply do not need foreign agents on the sites. let me remind you that b2 is also recognized as a foreign agent and b2 will not play in dubai. concert cancelled, reasons not given. let's remember in january, how they performed in thai pataya, then in phuket, and then they were detained by the police because the group did not have a work permit. the musicians even went to prison. in the temporary detention center of the immigration police they got out, but will they be able to get out next time, another powerful relaxant for an agent of smalyanin in riga reached concerts in cafes, they paid him 500 euros, he also ate for free, his career is clearly going uphill, start from scratch , not one of them fired beyond the territory of russia, well, that ’s so, so, well, smoleninov, he said, i was walking
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towards my goal, well, i came. anton potkovenko and the path of traitors, now a short advertisement, this is what will happen next on our broadcast. zelensky’s earnings are off the charts, and not only western puppeteers are shocked. residents of square do not believe the president’s word for what lies behind the cynical arithmetic. meet
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the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother is in the donbass , you have to go there, you have to go there just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother in a couple of days, you’ll go there to the gray zone behind this line, you’ll become different, and then what? there was my childhood and youth, and now the enemy, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to it, my passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him,
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now i have to find him. there is still hope, there is always hope, soon. welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. it's easy to get caught up in the facts when you only see part of the big picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it’s easy to make a deep fake, we will expose all the fakes.


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