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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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there is always hope, soon! welcome to the!
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voting at home, oh, it’s not the right time, i ’m sick, i’ll have to miss the elections, why? you’ll vote at home, how’s that going? if the reason is valid, you can invite members of the commission home, for this you need to submit an application to the precinct commission, in writing or orally, you can do it in person, you can through friends or relatives, by phone on the public service portal, when do you need to submit your application in time? from march 7 to 14:00 march 17, on the public services portal from march 5 to march 11, everything will be like at a polling station, yes members will come.
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they use sealed portable boxes, that’s good, and i’ll vote, smiled, it means i recognized it, smiled, it means the person standing is recognized, loved, remembered, truly appreciated, psb is a bank for the present, when you give russian lotto tickets, it may turn out that gifted shopping worth a million and even... 101 poodles wins
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“i saw a sign in the sky, in the harsh winter , something that has never happened will appear, the stars of the worlds will converge, where east and west meet, big and small, people and robots, deft eyes and precise hands will come together, but who will take the heavenly trophies, unknown, no one, games of the future, subscribe, watch the broadcast on social networks, download the application":
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defense industry enterprises will transfer the majority of supplies to the troops. from the second half of the year to the first, this task was set today by the minister of defense. during a working trip to the troops of the western military district, sergei shaigu inspected production facilities and held a meeting. according to the head of the ministry of defense, for certain types of weapons and military equipment, it has already been possible to reduce the time frame from 6 months to one and a half. you know that the president made a decision, a decision to prepare a schedule and list of instructions. the instructions have been prepared. everything related to the allocation of funds, determination, approval of delivery schedules for karsyz missiles , shells, the vehicles themselves, transport-loaders, and launchers, in general, the schedule is being met,
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the president’s instructions are being carried out, this, of course , cannot but make us happy because what we saw today after work last time here at these enterprises. the changes are serious, for some things we have moved away from the concepts of 6 months, 8 months, three quarters, the concept of a month, a month and a half, and up to two month, this, of course, is a great merit of the head of these enterprises and of course those engineers and specialists who work here, discovered that they could track the phones of world leaders and even tried... to organize surveillance of the movements of vladimir putin, confession of former wall street journal journalist byron thau , who told how an american company collected intelligence data around the russian president. details of these activities are published in a book on us government controls. as stated,
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to spy primarily on its own citizens, the cia uses commercial data, namely information from smartphones, which is collected by companies to display advertising tailored to each person. they admit that russian state security was at its best. yes, alexey, in the case of the russian president the technique turned out to be ineffective, which cannot be said about other world leaders. big brother reveals his cards. american intelligence is monitoring people around the world using their own
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smartphones. not that it's big secret, but they tried not to talk about it directly. now books and bravura articles in the media are being written about the espionage tricks of the pentagon and the cia. it seems. total surveillance is no longer taboo. the mobile advertising ecosystem is the largest source of intelligence in human history, and it wasn't even created by the government. for example, weyerth's article is dedicated to the work of mike eagly, a washington contractor who, about 10 years ago, noticed that a gay dating app was very popular in the american government. hacking program, the engineer discovered that he could monitor the movements of employees. literally in real time. the issue turned out to be unique identifiers that are assigned to each user so that advertisements can be sent to him depending on his interests and the place where he is, and the identifier interacts with a wide range of applications, from games to
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weather forecasts, they distribute these databases to their partners, more precisely sell in order to specify the space of contextual, contextual advertising, to whom to send. advertising beer, who wants an advertisement for diapers, i must say, the databases are completely unprotected, you know, the databases of some travel agencies or these same retail chains, databases of customer behavior, well, who will they be? really protect. the result of igli's work was the locomotive system. a tool for total surveillance of anyone who has a smartphone. information obtained with the help of such a phone can be used against you, well, firstly, to identify your location, your social circle. you can understand where you are moving, yes, where you live, that is, your travel route, how you live, who you live with, who is your best. friends, who are your colleagues, the composition of your family, where do your children go, where does your spouse work, where does your wife work, where
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do you go on vacation, in the summer, go on vacation in the summer? americans would not be themselves if they had not tried to use technology in international espionage. the article says that with the help of a locomotive it is possible to keep the leaders of other countries under the hood. we are probably talking about tracking secret negotiations or studying the personal habits of government officials. vladimir putin is also mentioned, although, rather , for the sake of hype, the russian leader is beyond the reach of such technologies, it will not be possible to track the russian president using such a system, because in russia for employees of special services, and the federal security service, the presidential security service is one of those, operates a long time ago there was a regulation under which they do not have the right to take their regular telephone with them, a household service, that is, they must turn it off, regulation. however, the name of vladimir putin
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is used in the title not only for attracting attention. the publications themselves that is why they developed such a clear echo with other recent confessions of the big sam, that for 10 years they created an anti-russian spy network in ukraine, which launches multi-billion dollars into space. telescopes for total surveillance that nato soldiers have been fighting on the independent since the first days of the northern military district. in another situation, washington would not admit this, it would try to save face, but now it is possible, this is against russia, which means that all means are good. in my opinion this is what it is a logical continuation, let’s say, of the policy of the washington regional committee, which is trying as hard as possible to stir up russophobia. and well, let’s say, dehumanize russia as a whole, yes, when
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, let’s say, your competitor has already been dehumanized, then you can explain to your population anything and justify anything, even if it’s doing illegal things, who would really care what to worry about after such articles is washington's european friends, not only those around them, but themselves... country leaders carry phones and even often become victims of pranks russian pranksters, but it doesn’t seem like any of them care much; apparently, they are not allowed to have secrets from their washington masters. evgeny deshkavetsii intelligence trick. more than 200 mercenaries from 50 countries are already fighting in the ranks of the ukrainian army, such data was provided today by the washington post, while clarifying that there were already at least 50 mercenaries from the united states. an article from an american newspaper should apparently become some kind of response to the discussion that began
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among european politicians after the statement of the french president, who announced the possibility of introducing nato troops into ukraine immediately found itself isolated from all of paris’s allies. read more in the material of the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov. what macron managed to do was once again shock the public and firmly cling to the front pages of newspapers and the airwaves of political talk shows. that ease, what a president. while most european leaders agree with the part about defeating russia, the idea of ​​sending their own troops has backfired. macron's remarks were a departure from the restraint which was demonstrated by the western allies. he tried to fill the leadership vacuum, but his attempt to show russia... strength played against him, in the sense that his colleagues began to energetically distance themselves
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from macron’s words, despite the fact that, according to the franz press agency, the plan to send troops to ukraine in connection with the unstable situation at the front, had been discussed by them for several weeks, and moreover, was approved in washington. the way macron’s idea was commented on in the biden administration and the pentagon is not questions the very existence of the intervention plan, but in words excludes the participation of the us army in it. here you go. to be clear, we do not plan to send american troops to fight in ukraine. president biden has been very clear from the very beginning of this conflict. there will be no such american troops on the ground in a combat role there in ukraine. if washington does not plan to participate, then perhaps the washington lansknechts should do so? after all , british special forces groups have been secretly operating in ukraine for a long time, as reported by financial times. it is an open secret, although the compactness of such battle groups and the local nature of operations allows london not to recognize
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its direct participation in the war against russia. on the contrary, the multinational expeditionary force can no longer be hidden. and we still need to decide on this. the possibility of centralized participation of nato troops in hostilities at the alliance headquarters was completely rejected. nothing like this is being discussed at the eu level yet. there is no decision at the eu level on any sending of troops or ground forces to ukraine to conduct military operations. the italian also points out that at the level of individual eu states , macron’s proposals did not arouse enthusiasm. spain, poland, and sweden spoke out against it, but the most noticeable split, as the newspaper writes, occurred on the paris-berlin axis, another contribution to the treasury of franco-german contradictions. there will be no ground troops on ukrainian soil, no soldiers sent there by european countries or nato countries, and soldiers operating in our countries
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will also not take an active part in the war. on the so-called eastern flank of nato, ideas they also called for sending troops to ukraine.
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people like him don’t give it a chance to end because they don’t see a future for themselves after defeat. in may, as a result of nato exercises, a staunch defender of almost a hundred thousand troops will be concentrated on the western borders of russia, belarus and ukraine, and they will decide what to do with it next. direct western participation in the war with russia may well be the next step, because
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financing kiev and supplying weapons does not give the necessary result. moreover, on on the battlefield, the initiative completely passed to the russians. so they must have some desperate plan, the complaint against the french rooster is that he crowed too loudly too early. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya, andrey putra, conductor berlin, germany. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. no gratitude for the rescue. the taxi driver who took poroshenko away from the angry crowd in crimea never received it. compensation from the oligarch for a damaged car, but was it worth counting on humanity at all? wishes are fulfilled not by yourself, but by you, who
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just choose your path and believe that everything will definitely work out, by those who love to make small surprises and give great joy. those who are far away, but are ready to overcome any distance to be close to their closest ones. we believe that if a dream exists, it must come true. and sber will help you implement everything you plan. they told me that you will dance with this house of culture. well, let's dance together and dance, everyone who wants to sing in the updated house of culture in... in the city of orekhovo-zueva and another 1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people.
8:52 pm
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8:53 pm
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3% on sbp for everything, and no matter what you want to give, buy gifts on azon using sbp at a profit, register on even 10 years later , he still hasn’t repaid the debt to the person thanks to whom he managed to stay safe and sound, this is outrageous the ingratitude of the former president of ukraine petro poroshenko towards the ordinary. crimean taxi driver, it was vitaly grishchenko, as colleagues from komsomolskaya pravda remind, in february of the fourteenth he saved the ex-leader of the square from popular wrath.
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poroshenko then came to simferopol, trying to dissuade local residents from participating in the referendum, but was faced with unforeseen circumstances in the form of too strong dislike of the crimeans for the kiev regime, as a result, he shamefully hid in the first taxi that turned up, but as it turned out, before still hasn’t fully settled with the owner of the burgundy chevrolet, so it’s not... it’s surprising that the savior poroshenko is not proud of meeting him, and in general doesn’t even want to remember again, but he does have some details of the chocolate oligarch’s escape with journalists nevertheless, he shared , and which ones anastasia ivanova will tell, anastasia, good evening, by the way, about his decision to let poroshenko down, the taxi driver by chance does not regret now, that’s exactly what he regrets, he says that if the situation were repeated now, then under no circumstances would he give a lift, he deceived the ukrainian people, as president he lied even before... he led the country, the story with the taxi driver is one of those, indicative. vitaly grishchenko now completely refuses to communicate, he was so disappointed in the ex-head of square, because petro didn’t even think about fulfilling his promise,
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although... 2014 the red foreign car became almost the only chance not to get punches, he started tripping over some garbage cans, hide behind the trees, there were literally several police officers, there were 5-7 man, on this sirova street , which is adjacent to the supreme council of crimea, at that time there was a taxi stand, there were maybe three or four cars parked there, the one that stood closest to the parliament, he jumped into it , the driver didn’t understand at all, what is this, who is this , yes, he started giving him some money, well , it was clear from his glass that he was giving him some money. pokes around and says something, and the crowd jumped on the car, began to press, the driver was very scared, vitaly had no choice but to press on the gas, and the black the stripes on the asphalt remained , eyewitnesses recall, they drove towards the airport , poroshenko paid about one and a half thousand hryvnia, or about 600 rubles at the 2014 exchange rate , but the damage from the people’s anger was greater, the blow hit the car, the car was dented, well again according to those thousands
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, probably 40 thousand, the repairs there cost rubles , that is, you understand, poroshenko himself, when the driver told him what he told you, he said that i will buy you a new car, just take me away from here, of course, i’m okay didn’t buy it, although the driver wrote to remind him, no new car, no repairs, no thanks, although there was a reason why poroshenko’s voyage to crimea in february 2014 is still called a disgrace, then people immediately made it clear where the oligarch belongs, i came to meet in parliament if the people don’t want to. others from crimea, the traitor banderovits and other epithets addressed to petro were not just thrown around. the self-confident poroshenko then wanted, instead of a referendum, to arrange a plebescite among the residents of the peninsula, in other words, an ordinary poll. if before that he was a fairly well-known politician, leader party, and the minister of foreign affairs, then there was a chance to become president. we also remember his footage on a bulldozer near the administration.
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president at the bank, when he also acted as a kind of peacemaker during the maidan period, and then flew to crimea, this also indicates that the ukrainian elite did not understand crimea, and still does not understand, so he had no choice but to do legs, by the way, the only thing that poroshenko succeeded in then, of course, is acting in his own interests, misleading people, suspecting in advance about that the actions... today will lead to grave consequences in the future, but promises are made, given, given, just like with these taxi drivers, pyotr alekseevich showed the whole essence of modern ukrainian politics, to promise, but not to do. vitaly grichenko, by the way, did not count on poroshenko’s promise for a long time; he managed to sell his car and generally move to yakutsk for work, but it is unlikely that the memories there will warm him in february 2014.
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ivanova and the crimean kick. meetings of the intergovernmental commission on trade and economic cooperation between russia and iran. a key area for joint work is energy. on the russian side , the delegation is headed by deputy prime minister alexander novaka, which was agreed upon during these meetings, he told in an interview with my colleague anna lazareva. alexander valentinovich,
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hello. tell us in what atmosphere these negotiations took place, are you satisfied with the result, what result can we talk about now? well, first of all, i want to say that iran is our strategic partner in the economic sphere, in the political sphere, we have a very long-standing relationship between our countries, so the development of trade and economic cooperation between our countries is of great interest, especially recently, today, for example, i came to the intergovernmental commission. more than 200 representatives of various companies who worked here for 3 days in order to hold negotiations, establish new connections, relationships, agree on new projects, and it is clear that our trade is growing turnover, at the end of last year it became 4 billion dollars, this year it is becoming even larger, increasing,


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