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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 9:30pm-10:01pm MSK

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let's go, go into space, send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn the department into an application, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, work into a dream,
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dear men, a holiday is coming, i’ll tell you a secret , on ozone, 3% cashback on sbp for everything, and it doesn’t matter what you want to give, this, this or even this, the main thing is not the gift, attention, and if it’s also profitable, buy gifts on ozone psbp profitably, register on . hmm, nice, like 3% cashback from sbp. hello, about the main legal the events of the day, correspondents of the vesti program dezhurnaya part and i maxim movchan will tell. former deputy head of the baguchansky district, vladimir karnookhov, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for 26 bribes in krasnoyarsk. it was established that the official, together with...
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it was established that during this time they received 26 bribes. in court, kornaukhov did not admit guilt and claimed that he did not receive money from entrepreneurs. it is not yet known whether he will appeal the verdict. the illegal money flow was stopped. large-scale police operation in st. petersburg, detained persons involved in a large financial laundry, who transferred tens of millions of scammers’ money abroad, in small amounts in tranches using thousands of gray sim cards. details of sultan zeganov. police from st. petersburg break into the apartment of a dealer of one of the major mobile operators. the man in his underpants clearly wasn’t expecting such guests, but he doesn’t dare to be indignant, he obediently fulfills the demands of the operatives, while they begin a search.
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many unactivated sim cards are found in a suspicious bag. according to the ministry of internal affairs, it is with the help of such sim cards that telephone scammers anonymously withdraw money abroad. to use sim cards for criminal purposes , employees of dealer organizations entered fictitious data about non-existent clients into contracts for the provision of communication services, a specialized automated system of the operator company, and the sim cards were activated and transferred. swindlers, and these operational footage was filmed two years earlier, showing the first arrest of members of that very group of telephone swindlers, which supplied batches of anonymous sim cards when the police searched the apartments where the crooks lived and worked, they found about a dozen internet centers, but how does it work or is it like some kind of telephone or what is it? well, i ’ll explain in simple words, how i understood that they transmit traffic to the internet, as it was written on them, that is, this internet does not depend on anything. no - operators, no, that's right,
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well, yes, the task of the operator of such routers is to change sim cards for equipment every 2 days so that the provider does not have time to notice the gray traffic through which from russia money from defrauded citizens flowed abroad, it is currently functioning , yes it is turned on, in fact, a set of gray sim cards served as a pocket bank for scammers, the fact is that a personal account is already linked to any phone number, and although there are many restrictions on it for example, sim cards cannot be used to withdraw more than 200,000 rubles per month; criminals actively take advantage of this. first , call center employees from abroad call russians and lure money from them, then with this money they top up the accounts of sim cards issued in the names of dummies, and then from there, small amounts are withdrawn abroad through payment systems or cryptocurrency. of course, suspicious transactions quickly attract the attention of auditors. such sim cards are blocked almost immediately, but it’s a criminal. they simply replace them with new ones and
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the criminal loot flows out of the country. according to the materials of the criminal case, about 150 people went to sea through the secret internet centers that were covered by st. petersburg operatives, because just last year, telephone scammers lured russians out of more than ten million rubles. but this is what they call a drop billion rubles. finding secret internet centers sometimes takes months, or even years, because such equipment is easy to hide, for example, in a rented apartment in an ordinary residential building, and none of the residents will even suspect that criminals are providing money traffic to their accomplices through the wall, however, russian security forces cut it off time after time.
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elena stepanova. news. duty department. death after a visit to the star clinic. the investigative committee is investigating the causes of the patient's death. the famous plastic surgeon himself gives an interview. farewell distillery in the ulyanovsk region is removing equipment from an impregnable fortress that has poisoned people’s lives for decades. will nature really be cleansed now? revenge at the cost of seven lives in moscow is judged by arsonists and murderers. what kind of offense did he estimate in the death of so many people? all the fun comes after. short advertisement, don’t switch when it seems that things can’t get any better,
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penoplex slabs provide a double advantage, provide protection from heat and cold, and help you save on air conditioning. effective thermal insulation, any business it starts with a desire, i wanted a comfortable chair, and to do what you need, gather a team and do it yourself, but sometimes development stops, it doesn’t stop with support, we expand further, the national project for small and medium-sized businesses is by decision of the president, our job is to support yours.
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previously, the temperature in the workshop was like outside, in winter we were freezing, we ran to the stove to warm ourselves, now it’s comfortable and people don’t get sick and productivity has improved. and now these are in memory of gifts, hundreds of languages , cultures, millions of people, we are in our own country, we have no barriers. where else can you turn dance into a world heritage, a sport, an invincible machine, let's go, go into space, send
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mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn the department. into application, knowledge into vocation, technology into live communication, work into dreams, traditions, innovation, only here, in the country on which the sun never sets. tinkov, 40 million clients in the largest country in the world.
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alexey makrushin created new opportunities to study well from one of the oldest schools the city of kaluga is one of the most modern. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. message from the president of the russian federation vladimir putin to the federal assembly. live broadcast tomorrow at 12:00 moscow time. live broadcast of the legal program "vesti dezhurnaya part". we are continuing production. in moscow, they began to try the person accused of a fatal fire that broke out. seven people died. investigators were able to quickly find the person who was likely to set the fire ; it turned out to be a recidivist neighbor who allegedly
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decided to get even with his offenders. the topic will be continued by maxim shevchenko. in the glass box of the most city court, yuri khomchenko behaves like a boss. lounging on a bench, he doesn’t try to hide his face and almost poses for the cameras like a model. however, he does not want to comment on his feelings after a year spent in pre-trial detention. meanwhile , they detained him very loudly. on international street, which happened last winter, caused a huge resonance, the old building of the mozkabelmet dormitory flared up like a match, it burned so quickly that it didn’t left seven residents a chance to escape; apartment number...
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was dying in the fire. the evacuation helped to avoid large casualties; it was carried out smoothly by the rescuers who arrived in time. the rest of the work was carried out by representatives of the capital's main investigative committee and the moscow prosecutor's office under the personal supervision of the leaders. they also arrived on site. according to investigators, khomchenko started the fire to kill his cohabitant. there was allegedly a disagreement between them, the man set fire to the door and ran towards the metro in only his slippers, and in the morning, as if nothing had happened never happened, went to work.
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before the arson, now khomchenko drinks milk, life imprisonment, so that he does not drink in the detention center, he has no access to alcohol, the man’s fate will have to be determined by the jury, which has just begun to be selected. that same jury selection procedure, as explained in court, can last quite a long time, and may not even be completed the first time, but only after its completion will the moscow city court be able to hold the first hearings in the case of yuri khomchenko. maxim shevchenko, oleg ivanov and yuri lepatnikov. lead, duty department. now there is operational news that our editorial team receives directly from the news agency’s feed. so, three on the ice floe,
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not counting the dog. in the novgorod region , schoolchildren decided to take a walk on the ice of the river and ended up going on an unplanned voyage. footage of their rescue was published on the official telegram channel of the russian ministry of emergency situations. fortunately, the children were not harmed. department employees came to their aid in time. the ministry of emergency situations urges not to leave children unattended, check how they spend their time and be sure to tell them about the dangers, including including about... ice. business on our smaller side, so-called specialists with fake diplomas immediately make false diagnoses and immediately prescribe treatment, which in fact turns out to be useless. pseudo-aesculapians take advantage of the fact that confused owners are ready to pay any money just to help their pets. words by annie balan. for a whole month , the cat tikhan refused to eat, was lethargic and unusually sad. the owner, concerned about the pet's condition, called a veterinarian to the house. i found the doctor on the internet. analysis
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showed that the cat had serious problems, the veterinarian immediately prescribed expensive treatment, but it didn’t get any easier, then maria took tikhon to another clinic, where she found out that the tests were fake, the cat was just in a bad mood, and the veterinarian worked at home using a fake diploma, like us i managed to find out and get such... a job, although , as it turned out, they would also take me without a diploma, there are many vacancies, no experience is needed, i was invited to one of the clinics for a probationary period. well, i’m already approaching the veterinary clinic; according to legend, i have i have no experience or education, they ask me to put on a uniform and give me a badge, from now on i am an assistant to a veterinarian, soon i will be able to draw blood and apply stitches, and then
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you’ll be trusted to operate, these manipulations can be taught to guests, the appointment is tight for everyone .
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in moscow at every step, but there are only a few good ones, together with natalya, her pygmy hedgehog bella and iguana igor, we go to several clinics at once: iguana supposedly has a runny nose, and yuzh is foaming at the mouth. of course this is unhealthy behavior, maybe it's neurologists didn’t even examine our patients, they immediately made frightening diagnoses and prescribed expensive treatment, although both are absolutely healthy, and dangerous symptoms are usually the behavior of such animals, they just know about it. not everyone, they often confuse this symptom with epilepsy , but with other disorders of a different nature, so they prescribe treatment, as a rule, these are potent drugs, hedgehogs that cannot stand it, there is only one way out, go only to trusted clinics, where several departments have the necessary medical equipment and it is treated not by one doctor, but by several highly specialized specialists. anna balan, ilona agasieva, gennady talochkin, alexander
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markin nogaev and olga gribina, lead the duty department. taking a deep breath for the first time... without a license and even despite the court’s decision , it was not easy for the bailiffs to get into the production area, word from olga zherinkova. in the half-empty workshop of the hippocrates distillery in molovka. representatives of several departments at once: rosalkogol-tobacco control, rosspirtprom and bailiffs. by court decision, equipment for alcohol production. here are the local residents, members of the initiative group who have been trying to achieve this for many years. here there are six recreational columns. dismantling has begun. some of the equipment is cordoned off with warning
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tapes. by decision of the arbitration court , the equipment must be confiscated and disposed of. the list is impressive. the enterprise actually produced ethyl alcohol without having a license. the decision came into force in may last year, but for several months the plant’s representatives were not allowed into the bailiffs’ territory, they managed to remove some of the equipment, and at the same time hastily re-registered the premises with the equipment to another owner, an affiliated company with the telling name pink panther. residents of mulovka have been waiting for the alcohol plant to stop for almost two decades. the notorious hippocrates distillery poisoned the life of a small village for years. our colleagues from eduard petrov’s investigation program have repeatedly spoken about the difficult environmental situation. in addition to harmful emissions, plant workers dumped waste into local water bodies production, the so-called board. because of this, fish died in rivers and lakes. this is what the land and agricultural fields looked like from the air, huge pits the size of football fields, filled with brownish-burgundy slurry along
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the banks of toxic crusts. in recent years , the mulefish population has dropped by a third. half died, half. “we lost ponds, our river was polluted, allergy sufferers suffered, and patients with ischemia suffered , because the air was disgusting, it was with the emissions of the plant that local residents associated numerous cases of allergies, problems with breath in children, i have two sons, when the wind was in our direction, my children suffocated from this smell, my youngest son had a strong allergic reaction, that is, his voice even disappeared. acids, acids, we can’t open the windows, sometimes for weeks, we can’t open the windows. alcohol was produced in the soap factory in the ulyanovsk region, and it was bottled in neighboring samarsko. earlier , local journalists reported that one of the final
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managers of the plant could be a former police officer, dmitry ostrovsky. i believe that today we have won a victory over stinking mule production. you met with management and always behaved brazenly and impudently. residents of mulovka have repeatedly complained to officials and security forces, but this is doubtful. over the several months that the plant has been closed, they have finally begun to breathe clean air. olga zhurenkova and dmitry manushev, anton fedotov, sergey soldatov, denis bezlakovsky, denis novozhilov. news,
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duty department. we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. a specialist in prison life is now under arrest, in vladimir, police officers along with soldiers the national guard detained a repeat offender who, according to them, occupies one of the highest levels of the criminal hierarchy. to put it simply, he is considered a crime lord in some circles and can give orders to lesser criminals. at the same time, this is a personality. the person is not revealed, citing the secrecy of the investigation, is it known that he is 43 years old and he has allegedly retained his influence for 10 years, i will not send a court, the recidivist went to the detention center, to pay for the fake, how
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criminal printing houses stamp fake fortune and where they spend it, all illegal business of counterfeiters to the light, see tomorrow in our special report, to whom money is just counterfeit paper. crispy fakes are molded from everything; the criminal masters enter with paint, a rag and a new year's toy. a shiny element - this can also come from primitive painting with some kind of silvery metallic material. dye before gluing the rain, how to distinguish a counterfeit bill from a real one, laughter, tears from the best experts in the industry, in order to imitate all this, you need to put in
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a lot of effort, and these imitations are in any case, what i saw, imitation in the last 2000 banknote, you can’t look at it without tears, and also why the russian ruble is one of the most secure banknotes in the world, at this strategic enterprise many employees work in earplugs, the noise level is... tanks, incredible protection for your pocket and all the economies in detail alena skachkova with a report straight from the financial heart of the country tomorrow at 18:30 and 21:30 in the program hosted by the duty department only on the russia 24 tv channel. another high-profile scandal in the clinic of the star plastic surgeon timur khaidarova is only gaining momentum. after the death of the patient, the investigative committee opened a criminal case. the chairman took him under personal control. departments, searches are being carried out in the medical institution itself. report by ekaterina lekhomanova. in the star clinic of the plastic
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surgeon, no matter how strange it may sound, the situation is again unhealthy. investigators are working, although surgeon-blogger timur khaidarov seems to be trying not to focus on this. he probably decided that we wouldn’t notice only after the employee entered the office, no matter how what never happened. after a few minutes, khaidarov is already clutching his head; throughout the day , questions are asked not only by investigators, but also by journalists. during breaks you have to answer phone calls. i called an ambulance. the ambulance arrived, i don’t know what they were there, they offered hospitalization, but they didn’t. we are talking about one of the patients of timur khaidarov’s clinic. the famous businessman pyotr gavrilov suddenly became a godfather and died a few days after he underwent surgery here. the cause of his death is now being investigated investigators. as i understand it, the photos were recorded, the photos were documented, and the actual conditions in which
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the operation was carried out. that is, the operating room, the equipment itself in the laparoscopic stand, right down to the serial numbers to compare them with documents, the anesthetic manual, the intensive care unit was photographed, the wards, how the patients are kept. khaidarov’s clinic has been involved in high-profile scandals more than once, supervisory authorities found one violation after another here, and star doctors accused the surgeon of poor-quality operations patients, when i took off my bra a month later, i just, i lived in stress for a year, their neighbors were divided. those who had to urgently go to other clinics after the operation, it’s very painful, when you have wounds that don’t heal, when you just have this pus flowing, khaidarov eventually resolved all these conflict situations, pre-trial proceedings never came, but this turned out to be the calm before the storm, it is known that producer pyotr gavrilov was not only a patient of the clinic, but also a friend of the blogger-surgeon himself, he went to bed under a scalpel because i wanted to get rid of
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excess weight. although this operation could hardly be called necessary, in this video he seems to be in excellent shape, with his beautiful wife nearby. after the operation, gavrilov was discharged, it seemed that he had already begun to recover, but there was a sharp deterioration in his health. a thirty-five-year-old man felt his health deteriorated. a criminal case has been opened regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. the producer's relatives suggested that the infection occurred due to a doctor's mistake. experts review and another option, they say, operations aimed at losing weight are complex and unpredictable, such patients must be carefully monitored, very carefully so that these sutures do not fall apart, if there is a hole or hole in one place, then the contents enter the abdominal cavity, this is peritonitis, if this is not recognized in time, although gastric peritonitis proceeds more favorably than intestinal peritonitis, because there is an acidic flora and an acidic environment, then of course in this case the consequences can be
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fatal, he said that the showman operated his colleague ilya elagin. as our ilya borisovich says, he says: don’t be afraid, he says, of barytric surgery for excess weight. surgeon with many years of experience, candidate of medical sciences. they left her a stomach with a volume of 15 ml, an elementary white-patriotic loop made her a litter. the operation took us exactly 45 minutes. everything worked out for us, everything is great. timur khaidarov assures that the operation was allegedly carried out efficiently. the clinic is ready to provide even a video recording that was made during surgery, but only investigators, because the matter concerns medical confidentiality. at the same time, the star surgeon insists that he not only regrets the death of the patient, he also lost a comrade. it seems that the scandalous echo will haunt the clinic of star surgeon timur khaidarov for a long time. again you will have to prepare for checks and give evidence. and once again prove that their doctors are not to blame for anything. but this time
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it's more serious. ekaterina likhomanova, igor kuznetsov, lead the duty unit. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and honest detective. subscribe, also our investigations and daily releases on the watch platform. go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective. and our episode was completed, maxim was in the studio. see you on the russia 24 tv channel . this is a big information evening, we continue to introduce you to today’s agenda. zelensky’s lies
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are off the charts, not only western puppeteers are shocked, they don’t believe the president’s word for it and residents of the square, what is behind the cynical arithmetic of the ukrafuhrer? nazis of the carpathian the sich were missing dozens of their colombian mercenaries, the hackers published lists of casualties and found out that it was becoming increasingly difficult to lure new foreigners into the ssu. they escaped and are being expelled. why do they not like russians in serbia who oppose the north military district? and how they will be escorted out of the country. the target is the president's phone. weyerth magazine reported that the pentagon, using targeted advertising, tried to detect vladimir putin’s smartphone and track his movement. so how did it work out? no gratitude for the rescue. taxi driver who took poroshenko away from the angry crowd in crimea and never received compensation from the oligarch for the damage.


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