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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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not only the western puppeteers are shocked; they do not believe the president’s word and the residents of the square, which is behind the cynical arithmetic of the ukrafuhrer. the nazis of the carpathian sich were missing dozens of their colombian mercenaries. hackers published lists of losses and found that it is increasingly difficult to attract new foreigners to the ssu. they escaped and are being expelled. why do they not like russians in serbia who oppose the north military district, and how will they be treated? from the country. the target is the president's phone. weiert magazine reported that the pentagon, using targeted advertising tried to detect vladimir putin’s smartphone and track his movement. so how did it turn out? no gratitude for the rescue. the taxi driver who took poroshenko away from the angry crowd in crimea never received compensation from the oligarch for the damaged car. was it worth counting on humanity at all? “they saw the truth
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with their own eyes and do not believe zelensky’s calculations, this is the quite eloquent result of a survey on the streets of odessa, where military officers who recently returned from the front were asked to comment on the data leader of the kiev regime about the losses of personnel . the character, let me remind you, claimed that during 2 years of hostilities , a total of 31 thousand ukrainian military personnel died, and those who were lucky enough to survive were, to put it mildly,
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ukrainians. deadly arithmetic according to wild pain reverberates in the heart of private zelensky, it is so bloody and merciless. zelensky lies without a twinge of conscience and does not blink an eye, even despite the growing day, more and more cemeteries and graves of fallen warriors of light. 3100 and even if you crack. elections. he canceled, which means he has to bear
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any nonsense is possible, everything will pass for the truth , a simple man in the street will eat everything and not choke, however, a survey conducted by journalists on the streets of ukrainian cities showed a minimum of distrust in the numbers announced by the guarantor, here, for example, is what residents of the capital, residents of kiev say, i think, i think, there are many more dead, they are simply lying to us, and what do you think they should say, probably so that people don’t panic, that’s why such omissions are so unexpected and...
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because every death, even of a militant, even of a terrorist with from our point of view, yes, a serviceman in the armed forces of ukraine, but it lies, this responsibility, this blood is on the hands of zelensky, who led to this, who dragged ukraine into this geopolitical adventure, every ruined life lies on his shoulders, well, if among ordinary citizens there are still no, no, yes you will meet someone who believed in these fairy tales of zelensky, among the dry-landers who had the good fortune to return from the front.
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according to experts, zelensky really doesn’t care much about the opinion of the ordinary man in the street, the ordinary man in the street must silently obey the order of everyone to the front, which means to the front, especially the losses in total. nothing, all these figures were announced against the backdrop of a discussion about the unpopular mobilization law in ukraine, and accordingly, zelensky is trying to reduce the negative effect of this mobilization bill by showing the public that, in fact, the losses are not such serious, which is what you generally mean ukrainians are afraid, i don’t think there is any flirtation here. to the west, on the contrary, it would be more expedient for it to present some colossal terrible losses, confirming that constant mantra, which they say in kiev, that ukrainians are dying for the values ​​of democracy. if on
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the streets people are still choosing their words, trying not to say anything unnecessary, then in the boundless space of the internet many people’s brakes fail, this train rushes at an uncontrollable speed. another one from a great hero, well, we found out how many thousand people died, 31 thousand, what the hell are you smoking, why the bitch snorts like that, and why didn’t you just say 300, maybe you don’t understand the numbers anymore, and even if you don’t care bi for kiev, there is a treasure trove and how many fresh graves there are, for you people - it’s a shame, you can’t even tell the truth, you think that you want to believe the ascribed expression... a unit of the russian counterattack group of troops center again occupied more advantageous lines at the avdeevsky site of the special operation liberated the one located there
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petrovskaya settlement. attempts traditionally did not bring success to the enemy. the ssu lost up to 165 personnel, four tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles, a bradley and eight artillery pieces. guns hit by counter-battery fighting, and pavel prokopenko saw what else was happening on the front line in the dpr. as we approach the geocinth positions, hail suddenly appears in front of us. handsome guys, such is the density of work of the rocket systems and artillery of the group of troops center near avdeevka. the crew of the self-propelled gun s only has a couple of minutes to deploy and fire, so everything is calculated. little things, even the location of magazines with shells , so that the target is hit more effectively, you need to shoot with the same shells, the same weight category and charges accordingly, take the target platoon strong point 27:10, two projectiles, fugitives, fire, on the other side you need
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to dismantle another enemy fortification, hyacinth is perfect for this, objective control records all hits, the optics of our drones even allow you to see. very intense shooting, after the first shot, immediately preparation for the second, several shells go off in less than a minute. artillery and infantry are always supported by aviation. heat traps are designed to reflect thermal missiles . an important element when reflecting. enemy forces. container with heat traps - final preparations for the flight. alligators take to the sky. a pair of legendary k-52s of the southern group of troops are sent on their next mission. they will work in the same sector as hyocinth, but their target is enemy armored vehicles. and on
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the k-52m helicopter, thanks to the already improved optics, at a distance of 10 km, armored vehicles are clearly visible both in the television channel and in the heater. on board is the vikhr anti-tank missile system - the most powerful weapon an alligator can be equipped with. the car secretly moves at extremely low speed altitude, you can see how the helicopter literally bends around obstacles, rises above the hills, or, on the contrary, dives into the lowlands. pilots, also scouts, they see with their own eyes from the air everything that is happening on the front line, especially
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when the culprit was confirmed, intact, excellent, the sky is frowning, it’s time for the alligators to go to base, just like that the helicopter touches the ground smoothly, the cars are returning in the task they carried out in the air. almost 3 hours, and this is the maximum resource for one flight. entry in the logbook, the flight went smoothly, no comments, the car is being prepared for a new flight; the alligator’s command can come at any time. pavel prokopenko, vitaly kaydanovich, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, lead. 95 militants with detailed personal data from last names , call signs to dates of birth, nearby in a specific location of their destruction, this list of obtained ones has been published.
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that since the time of the ill-fated ato they have mocked the civilians of donbass, and already during the nvo they committed a number of documented war crimes. however, judging by the document leaked by hackers, many of the boys are for last month we managed to reunite with our kumi. "bandera". and, in addition, interestingly, they were joined by a considerable number of foreign soldiers of failure, who were also members of the above-mentioned battle, and, if you pay attention, the majority had colombian citizenship. and what is remarkable about this particular fact, evgeniy nipot is ready to explain. the militants of the carpathian sich alone of the forty-ninth assault battalion of the armed forces of ukraine did not count dozens of their foreign mercenaries. during the svo they lost at least 20 vagrant geese. a significant part of whom are colombians, the lists of losses were published by hackers joker dpr, clarifying that these are only
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officially confirmed, in fact , there are much more liquidated. in the documents , for example, appears the name of diego fernando, a twenty-three-year-old colombian who joined the armed forces of ukraine in october of the twenty -third, and in december he was destroyed by the russian military, the music played for a short time, and a rather interesting indicative thing is connected with him. story: family, grateful kiev regime returned the wrong body to the ukrainian armed forces, apparently, everyone looks the same, diego, juan, why is there any difference between these consumables, the requests of the relatives were ignored at the ukrainian embassy, ​​at the colombian prosecutor's office, and another family, who received someone else's body, quickly buried him. now the remains of diego will have to be exhumed, but it ’s impossible for him to tell tales about a simple, dust-free little robot far from the front. you.
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on various multiple launch rocket systems in the same hammers, yes, without the sanctions
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of the americans, who do not shoot anywhere, serve some complex systems, cannon fodder is recruited from some disadvantaged territories, but they could live, hackers note, but they wanted money for killing russians, if at first everything looked rosy and cheerful for them, now experts note the number of foreigners who are ready... who are ready to volunteer to participate in suicidal operations in the ssu is rapidly declining, valuable nato specialists are becoming less and less, again using the example of the sich. in december , a spanish citizen, hector jurada, who had been fighting since 2022, was liquidated. before that, he served in the unit spanish ground forces, which specialize in combat operations abroad. khurada, for example, participated in the war in afghanistan. and in february, diana wagner, who received salaries, was eliminated. also in the carpathian sich, a german citizen, her nazi ideals in the literal sense of the word
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, led to the coffin, the carpathian slaughter, yes, of course, the nazi battalion, it has been known for a long time, it has been known since 2014, as the main backbone of this carpathian battalion flog, are the exit from this nazi group for freedom, which was actively fostered, including by the intelligence services of the west, so in place of the ideological deficit... socialists from the alliance countries they are trying to recruit those who agree to go to fight with the russians, as a rule, latin americans. the colombian press reports that dozens of young citizens of the country have died in ukraine over the years. in this battalion there are representatives of latin american countries, colombians and peruvians, during a recent powerful, targeted fire raid in the donbass direction in the area where there is a settlement called terny settlement makeevka, targeted strikes were carried out and there the ranks of this battalion thinned out significantly.
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such is the bloody sunset of the battle, which is inexorably approaching... the nationalists and mercenaries who go for the money, but leave with their feet first. tula defense industry enterprises will transfer the majority of supplies to the troops from the second half of the year to the first. this task was set today by the minister of defense. during a working trip to the troops of the western military district, sergei shaigu inspected the production and held a meeting. according to the head of the ministry of defense for individual samples weapons and military equipment have already been reduced from 6 months, or rather from 6 months to one and a half months. you know about that. preparation of the schedule and list of instructions, instructions have been prepared, everything regarding the decision was made by the president, the decision on the allocation of funds, determination, approval of delivery schedules, for crzo missiles , for shells, for the vehicles themselves, transport-loading, launchers,
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the overall schedule the president's instructions are being carried out.
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to have one in the first aid kit, divide in half, prices on the yandex market, discounts up to 50% when paying with an alfabank card, if there is no card, order a free alpha debit card buy at half price. to the situation in ovdeevka: the city is now literally an unplowed field for sappers, there is a huge amount of unexploded ammunition to be examined there, but despite dangerous situation, local residents cannot contain their positive emotions, because they have returned home to russia, and now they are definitely saved from those who have been using them as a living count for years. the story of those released from natalya solovyova. what is your name? dima is cool! it’s dima’s birthday, he’s turned four, and he doesn’t even know what gift he just received. my dream was
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to take him out just like on his birthday, to give him such a big gift that he would finally be able to see the world. dima was born in avdeevka and exactly half spent his life in the basement. the whole family, dad, grandmothers, grandfather, aunt, convinced the neighbors that polina and her son had long since left for the ukrainian rear. the boy was hidden from... forced evacuation, the ukrainian authorities even opened the apartment in an even attempt to take the child away, forcibly, but they were taken out, a week later my family went to see what was wrong with our apartment, the apartment was hidden, that is, they tried to look for him there, but they didn’t find him , thank god, but how were they evacuated separately from their parents or what? well, if, well, if the parents didn’t want to leave, then they forcibly took them away, they were deprived of parental rights, now the family is settling in yasenovataya, local.
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residents of avdiivka protested in the summer of 1915 against the garrison of ukrainian militants. from city high-rise buildings, the nazis adjusted fire on donetsk; they were least concerned about the fate of civilians. they 're killing us. it is not the dpr that is killing us, it is these fascists who surrounded our avdiivka. kiev did not hear, oleg and oksana fedorenko worked at the avdeevka coke plant until the neo-nazis turned it into a fortified area.
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you can’t tell where anyone lives now, after sappers, they are slowly moving street by street, there are no children, they saw old people, women, a lot of very dead people, i was struck today by the fact that there in ovdeevka they don’t have a corpse in all the private sector, well, the corpse of a stove is a corpse, i say, what do they have you, i say, the roofs are intact, there is no corpse, but they say, and in ukraine , the ukrainians shot the corpse with machine guns and those who did not want to go for evacuation to ukraine were locked in their houses, so that well... otherwise the front is getting worse every day , although the city will not soon be called safe, but those who survived these difficult 10 years are ready even now to rebuild the houses that the nazis
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destroyed under...
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showed their unreliability and turned away as the head emphasized, the artists who left the country that gave them the opportunity to earn a fortune, and now these characters, in order not to lose profit , they try to please the politics of the countries where they stay, but traitors are not welcome anywhere. well , by the way, not all states have accepted russian relocants of all bridges. support their russophobic activities. information has appeared that in serbia, for example, critics of the special operation have become, to put it mildly, not very comfortable, but what kind of sanctions belgrade can impose against them, anton podkovenko found out. relaxants who are against the svo are not welcome in serbia. those who came to belgrade and are now signing open letters against russia’s actions in ukraine are simply starting to be evicted. the associated press
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ran the story and article. about those whose residence permits in serbia, according to journalists, are being revoked for political reasons. elena koposova, for example, signed how she an anti-war letter is expressed against russian aggression and now she must leave the country within thirty days. extremely shocked, we thought that after 4 years the residence permit was approved without problems.
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that we love russians, but not those who do not want to fight for their homeland, many among the relaxants really chose serbia, there are thousands of them there now, because it’s inexpensive because the mentality is similar, they are orthodox, they are slavs, the language is quite understandable, yes, that is, good dan and good afternoon, that is you can figure it out if you compare it with dubai, for example, if you compare it with i don’t know, with spain, there with france and so on,
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the price tag... in serbia for food, it’s very pleasant, let’s call it that. elizaveta belousova has been living in the balkans for a long time, has seen various relaxants, sits in belgrade chats and knows how the serbs feel about the northern military district and the russians who are against a special military operation. for many, their idol is sergei patrov. many people watched the film "brother" here. do you remember, yes, that sergei bodrov, he had such words that when you have a war going on, you can’t. can’t be against his country, and as if for them this is such an indicator of a russian patriot, but what comes here is, well, the majority of people who don’t think so. non-patriots, those who are richer, are trying to settle down in dubai, where for the third time in a row the concert of foreign agent grebenshchikov was canceled under the pretext that the musician was unwell. or maybe the fact is that relations between moscow and the emirates are developing, they simply do not need foreign agents for...


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