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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 28, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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with france and so on, the price tag in serbia for food products is very pleasant, so to speak. elizaveta belousova has been living in the balkans for a long time, has seen various relaxants, sits in belgrade chats and knows how the serbs feel about the northern military district and the corsians, who are against a special military operation. for many of them, sergei potrov is an idol , many here watched the film brother, and you remember that sergei bodrov, he had such words that... when you have a war going on, you can’t be against your own countries, and as if for them this is such an indicator of a russian patriot, but the majority of people who don’t think so, who are not patriots, come here, those who are richer, are trying to settle down in dubai, where for the third time in a row the concert of the foreign agent grebenshchikov was canceled under the pretext , that the musician is unwell, or maybe the fact is that relations between moscow and the emirates are developing, they simply do not need foreign agents on... venues, here is
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bi2 too, let me remind you that leova bi2 is recognized as a foreign agent, and bi2 will not play in dubai, cancellation of the concert, reasons not given. let's remember in january, how they performed in thai potaya, then in phuket, and then they were detained by the police because the group did not have a work permit. the musicians even spent time in prison , visited a temporary detention center for the immigration police, and got out of it, but will they be able to get out of it next time? another powerful relaxant for agencies. in riga , he got to concerts in cafes, he was paid 500 euros, he also ate for free, his career was clearly going uphill, but not one of them shot outside the territory of russia, well, that’s so, so, well, smoleninov, he said, i was walking towards my goal, well, i came, a riga cafe on brunnik street, i had a friend there, he says, all the cats are there, he says, and the mice died in the area while he was singing, well here a man found himself, on tour... a russophobe,
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apostates, relaxants where they fled, where they are looking for work and some new life, it seems, has plunged, rejection of their own country comes to them like a boomerang, which hits all the more painfully because they were dreaming, how they will be received with open arms, and not a paperwork for settling in. in the ranks of the ukrainian army more than 20 thousand mercenaries from 50 countries are already fighting, such data was cited today by the washington post, while clarifying that at least 50 mercenaries from the united states have already been eliminated. special operations article of an american newspaper, apparently should become some kind of response to the discussion that began among european politicians after the statement of the french president, who announced the possibility of introducing nato troops into ukraine and immediately found himself isolated from all the allies of paris. read more in the material from the chief of our berlin bureau, mikhail antonov. what what macron managed to do was to once again apparate the public and firmly cling to the front pages of newspapers and the airwaves of political talk shows.
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russia played forcefully against him, in the sense that his colleagues began to energetically distance themselves from macron’s words, despite the fact that, according to agence france-presse, the plan to send troops to ukraine due to the unstable situation at the front had been discussed by them for several weeks, and moreover, was approved in washington. the way macron's idea was commented on the biden administration and the pentagon do not question the very existence of the intervention plan, but in words exclude the participation of the us army in it. to be clear, we do not
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plan to send american troops to fight in ukraine. president biden has been very clear from the very beginning of this conflict: there will be no american troops on the ground in a combat role there in ukraine. if washington does not plan to participate, then perhaps the washington lansknechts should do so, since groups have been secretly operating in ukraine for a long time british special forces, as reported by the financial times. the secret to deprivation. although the compactness of such battle groups and the local nature of operations allows london not to recognize its direct participation in the war against russia. on the contrary, you can no longer hide a multinational expeditionary force; you still have to decide on this. the possibility of centralized participation of nato troops in hostilities at the alliance headquarters was completely rejected. nothing like this is being discussed at the eu level yet. there is no decision on any at eu level.
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spain, poland, sweden, but the most noticeable split, as the newspaper writes, occurred on the paris-berlin axis. another contribution to the treasury of franco-german contradictions. there will be no ground troops or soldiers sent there by european countries or nato countries on ukrainian soil. and the soldiers operating in our countries will also not take an active part in the war. on the so-called eastern flank of nato, the idea of ​​sending troops to ukraine too. ukraine needs help, but poland and the czech republic are ready to give weapons to kiev, and hungary and slovakia only provides humanitarian aid and money. we are talking about the 50 billion that were approved at the last eu summit. we can continue
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to send weapons, money, equipment to ukraine, but in 2 years we will find ourselves in the same place where we are now. there should be one in the eu. your own peace plan. the eu must fully support the end of the war and the start of negotiations. the opinion of the slovak prime minister in europe is now officially shared only by hungary. however, macron seems to have received a slap from all sorts of people for his talkativeness. sides today, people from the french government began to defend the president, saying that he was once again misunderstood . the french foreign minister explained that this was in fact a practically humanitarian mission.
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despite the fact that now the power in poland has changed, heredity dictates its own. of course, it would be better if russia simply did not exist; here in western europe and on the other side of the atlantic they can talk about the need for strategic balance, but in poland everyone will say that these are fairy tales, because it would be better if there was no strong russian presence in this part of the world. these basic attitudes of the polish elites are fully consistent with the collective goal of the west, which is to strike strategically.
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now people like him don’t give it a chance to end because they don’t see a future for themselves after defeat. in may, as a result of nato exercises, a staunch defender of almost a hundred thousand troops will be concentrated on the western borders of russia, belarus and ukraine, and they will decide what to do with it next. direct participation of the west in the war with russia may well be the next step, because financing kiev for arms supplies does not give the necessary result. moreover, on the battlefield the initiative completely passed to the kru. so they probably have some desperate plan, the complaint against the french rooster is that he crowed too loudly too early. mikhail antonov, anaasiya barkovskaya, andrey putra, conductor berlin, germany. they discovered that they could track
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the phones of world leaders and even tried to organize surveillance of the movements of vladimir putin. tau, who told how american... collected intelligence data in the environment of the russian president, details of this activity were published in a book about the means of control of the us government. allegedly, for surveillance, primarily on its own citizens, the cia uses commercial data, namely information from smartphones that companies collect to display advertising, tailored for each person personally. formally, intelligence services are not allowed to look into these databases, as they can engage in internal espionage, but judging by publications. all this could be attributed solely to the internal affairs of the united states, if not for the revelations and surveillance of politicians in general and the russian president in particular. and how successful was the attempt to discover vladimir putin, evgeniy tishkavets will tell you.
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big brother reveals his cards. american intelligence is monitoring people around the world using their own smartphones. not that it's a big secret, but that's it. tried not to talk. now books are being written about the spy tricks of the pentagon and the cia bravura articles in the media, it seems, total surveillance is no longer taboo. mobile advertising ecosystem. it's the largest source of intelligence in human history, and it wasn't even created by the government. for example, weirth's article is dedicated to the work of mike eagly, a washington contractor who, about 10 years ago, noticed that a gay dating app was very popular in the american government. having hacked the program, the engineer discovered that he could monitor the movements of pentagon and cia employees, literally in real life. time. the issue turned out to be the unique identifiers that are assigned. to each user, so that he can be sent advertising depending on his interests and the place
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where he is, and the identifier interacts with a wide range of applications, from games to weather forecasts, they distribute these databases to their partners, or rather sell them in order to specify the space contextual advertising, to whom to send beer advertisements, to whom to send diaper advertisements, i must say, the databases are completely unprotected, you know, the databases of some travel agencies or these same... retail chains, customer behavior base, well, who will really protect them? the result of igli’s work was the lokomotiv system , a tool for total surveillance of anyone who has a smartphone, information obtained using such a phone can be used against you, well, firstly, to identify your location, your social circle, you can understand where you move, yes, where do you live, that is, your route of movement, how do you live? who do you live with, who are your best friends, who are your colleagues, and the composition of your family
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, and where do the children go, where does the spouse work, where does the wife work, where do you go on vacation in the summer, go on vacation in the summer, americans would not be themselves if they had not tried to use technology in international espionage, the article says , with the help of a locomotive you can keep the leaders of other countries under the hood, probably we are talking about tracking secret negotiations or studying the personal habits of government officials. vladimir putin is also mentioned, although, rather, for the sake of hype, the russian leader is for such technologies are inaccessible , it will not be possible to track the russian president using such a system, because in russia for employees of special services, and the federal security service, the presidential security service is one of them, there has been a regulation in force for a long time, under which they do not have the right to take with them their usual the telephone is a household service, that is, they must turn it off far, far away, as it approaches a worker. accordingly, the russian special services have known about this technology for a long time, which is why
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they developed such regulations, but the name vladimir putin was used in the title not only to attract attention. the publications themselves clearly echo other recent confessions by the big syam, that they have been creating an anti-russian spy network in ukraine for 10 years, that they are launching multi-billion-dollar supertelescopes into space for total surveillance, that nato soldiers have been fighting independently from the first days. when, let’s say, your competitor has already been dehumanized, then you can
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explain anything to your population and justify anything, even if it is done illegally things who should definitely be worried after such articles are washington’s european friends, not only their entourage, but the leaders of the countries themselves carry phones and even often become victims of pranks by russian pranksters, but it doesn’t seem like any of them strongly... apparently, they are forbidden to have secrets from their washington masters. the next round of discussion on the topic of further support for the kiev regime has started in the united states. this time, joe biden tried to find a personal approach to those who are blocking aid, primarily to the speaker house of representatives to republican johnson, who was summoned to talk directly to the oval office. although even this way the president cannot push through his will. our correspondent in the united states , dmitry melnikov, will explain why. after 10 days of rest , congress. shifts are returning to the epicenter of the political heat, and the leadership of both chambers is heading straight to the carpet of the white house, with
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one day until the next shutdown of the us government, the timing of the delivery of aid to ukraine is more elusive than ever. the ukrainian flag pin that biden is wearing again is apparently does not work. every day of inaction leads to disastrous results in ukraine, you just got back from there, chuck. yes, yes, senate democratic leader. chakumer and a group of comrades came to see zelensky the day before; he could bring nothing but assurances of support to kiev. schumer called the meeting in the white house the most tense he had ever seen, and concluded.
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after the conversation at the fireplace, he was invited to a separate conversation with the president in the oval office, because now it depends only on johnson whether the chamber will begin consideration of the package assistance to kiev, but the slogan america above all is like armor against which any arguments about sending money abroad are broken. we must solve america's problems first, when we talk about america's problems, the first thing we talk about is an open border. to the pressure of the republicans. it turned out that the white house also invited cia director burns; he was also at this meeting, possibly talking about dozens of secret bases of his agency in ukraine, information about which was revealed the day before by the american media. last argument biden administration - the retreat of the armed forces of ukraine in avdievka, a direct result of the inaction of congress. to some extent, we were already
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late; they literally lost avdiivka due to a lack of ammunition. the situation is terrible. but, judging by the statement. the white house was not impressed by these arguments and the quiet sabotage continues, even despite concessions on protecting the border with mexico. the speaker still refuses to put the document to a vote, which begs the question: what is he really trying to achieve? johnson's stubbornness, kyiv's financing has already not a personal whim, but a systemic decision of the republicans, among whom are increasingly inclined to the need for negotiations with russia. their opinion leads. politician publication. it seems that washington is constantly lagging several months behind in understanding the real state of affairs. the reality we need to accept is that war ends with a negotiated settlement. new reality in the results of the latest primaris. trump and biden expectedly won the primary votes in michigan, but the numbers made us worry
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both. protest voting among republicans and among democrats is a dangerous sign on the eve of the decisive one. super tuesday, while biden was separately punished for supporting israel; in a state with the largest arab population in the country, they decided to get even with the current president for tens of thousands of dead palestinians; even democratic supporters rebelled. 4 years ago i voted for joe biden, but today i am very disappointed with him. we are trying to save the democratic party from the genocidal destruction of human rights. already tomorrow. biden and trump will end up in texas for the sake of spectacular shots, both are going to the border with mexico, but literally the day before their visits to texas, there is a new drama. there is a state of emergency in sixty counties of the state due to severe wildfires. evacuates everyone, including patients from local hospitals. the fire came close to the strategic
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pentex plant, which services components for american atomic bombs. whether biden will cancel his trip to texas amid footage coming from the burning state is still unknown, however they promise to give him hot times in washington, congress, which has returned from vacation with fresh forces, continues the investigation into the impeachment of the president, hunter biden has again been summoned to testify on the capitalist hill, the commission will conduct his interrogation behind closed doors, the son for interrogation, and the father in hospital. along with the congressional investigation into the hunter biden case, joe biden went for an examination at walter reed hospital, and the main question is whether tests will be carried out on the state of his memory old us president. the white house insists that there is no need for this, although 80% of americans are already sure that there is. in any case, what the
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us president remembers and does not remember now seems to have become america's top state secret. dmitry melnikov and nikolai koskin, lead. we'll be back after a short commercial, here's what we'll talk about. no gratitude for the rescue. the taxi driver who took poroshenko away from the angry crowd in crimea never received compensation from the oligarch for the damaged car. was it worth counting on humanity at all?
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of ukraine petro poroshenko towards an ordinary crimean taxi driver, namely vitaly grishchenko. as colleagues from komsomolskaya pravda remind, in february of the fourteenth he saved the ex-leader of independence from popular wrath. poroshenko then came to simphepol, trying to dissuade local residents from participating in the referendum, but was confronted. with unforeseen circumstances in the form too strong dislike of crimeans for the kiev regime. as a result, he shamefully hid in the first taxi that turned up, but as it turned out, he still had not fully settled with the owner of the burgundy chevrolet. so it is not surprising that poroshenko’s savior is not proud of meeting him, and in general does not even want to remember again, but he still shared some details of the chocolate oligarch’s escape with journalists. and which ones anastasia ivanova will tell you exactly. deceived the ukrainian people when he was president, he lied even before he became head country, the story with the taxi driver is one of those, indicative. vitaly grishchenko on tres now refuses to communicate, he is so
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disappointed in the ex-chairman. independent, because petro didn’t even think about keeping his promise, although in february 2014 the red foreign car became almost the only chance not to get cuffed, he started stumbling over some garbage cans, hiding behind trees, there were literally several policemen there, there were 5-7 people , on this sirova street, which adjoins the supreme council of crimea, at that time there was a taxi stand, there was maybe maybe three or four cars, the one that was closest to parliament, he jumped into it, the driver didn’t even understand who it was, yes, he... started giving him some money, well, the glass was clear that he thrust some money at him and said something, and the crowd rushed onto the car, began to put pressure on him, the driver was very scared, vitaly had no choice but to press on the gas, there were black stripes on the asphalt, eyewitnesses recall, they drove off towards the airport , paid poroshenko about 1,500 hryvnia or about 6,000 rubles at the 2014 exchange rate, but the damage from the people's anger was greater; the blow hit the car, the car
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was dented. well, again, for that money, the repairs cost probably 40 thousand rubles , that is, you understand, poroshenko himself told him, when the driver told him what he told you, he said that i will buy you a new car, just take me away from here, of course i i didn’t buy anything, although the driver wrote to remind him, no thanks for a new car, no repairs, although there was a reason why poroshenko’s voyage to crimea in february 2014 is still called a disgrace, then people they immediately made it clear where the oligarch belongs, i came to meet in parliament, if the people, you want. “others from crimea, traitor, banderovitz and other epithets were thrown at petro for a reason, the self-confident poroshenko then wanted, instead of a referendum, to organize a plebiscite among the residents of the peninsula, in other words, an ordinary poll, if before that he was a fairly well-known politician, a party leader, and minister of foreign affairs, then a chance to become president appeared, we remember his footage on a bulldozer near
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the presidential administration on the bank, when he..." also acted as a kind of peacemaker during the maidan period, and then flew to crimea, this also indicates that the ukrainian elite did not understand crimea, and still does not understand, so he had no choice but to do his own thing, by the way, the only thing then poroshenko succeeded , of course, they act in their own interests, misleading people, suspecting in advance that today’s actions will lead to grave consequences in the future, but... they don’t give, they give, they give, just the same with this taxi driver, pyotr alekseevich showed all the essence of modern ukrainian politics is to promise, but not to deliver. vitaly grichenko, by the way, did not count on poroshenko’s promise for a long time; he managed to sell his car and generally move to yakutsk for work, but it is unlikely that the memories there will warm him in february 2014. the weapons that are supplied to ukraine as military aid from western countries it is
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constant. ends up on the black market. medium and large-caliber weapons come from ukraine, thanks to nato supplies. we have provided ukraine with military support and will continue in the same spirit. some army insiders confirmed that there are indeed weapons that are being supplied to us in nigeria from the territory of ukraine. african business with ukrainian weapons is tied to so-called blood diamonds. they are easy to transport, not a single scanner there takes them, the weapons themselves most often do not reach the front, that is, they are all written off, zhivylin, two of the same ones, warehouses began to explode, now in one place, then in another, well, let's go this hack, because they knew that it would be revealed that there were some shortcomings somewhere losses.
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the russian army liberated the populated area. the petrovskoye point in the avdiivka direction repulsed 21 attacks in the control system; zelensky’s formation lost over 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers. seven tanks and the same number of other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 27 artillery pieces and self-propelled guns and 99 combat drones. tula defense industry enterprises will transfer the majority of supplies to the troops from the second half of the year to the first, such.


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