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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 29, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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the russian army liberated the village of petrovskoye in the avdeysk direction, repelled 21 attacks by the armed forces of ukraine, zelensky’s formation lost over 700 more soldiers and mercenary officers, destroyed seven tanks and the same number of other armored vehicles, as well as 27 artillery pieces and self-propelled guns and 99 combat drones. about the situation on the front line, denis alekseev. it’s already officially in petrovskoye.
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a settlement liberated from the presence of nationalists, every day there is good news from the avdievsky direction, where our troops are rapidly developing an offensive against the west, well, the militants are fleeing, here are just shots of the vsushniks leaving their dugouts, trenches, running away at the sight of the russian military, scattered across the field and it doesn’t matter that our drones are in full view, they would run away from the artillery, in avdeevsky in the direction of the unit, the troop center was liberated. orlovka and pervomaisky, the enemy lost up to 165 military personnel, four tanks, two bradley infantry fighting vehicles, an american -made m113 armored personnel carrier, five cars, and yet kiev had almost its best fighters in...
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directed the direction, western equipment provided them, in the end everything was abandoned, these are shots from lastochkin, which was cleared the other day, it is clear that the village was badly destroyed, vseushniki worked on it with multiple launch rocket systems, mortars and artillery, used prohibited phosphorus shells, therefore, many houses burned to the ground, and the motorized riflemen who knocked out the militants from lastochkin were thanked by the minister of defense sergei shaigu in a telegram, and today sergei shaigu checked the progress of the state defense order tula... acceptances by the minister posettre, they produce counter-battery weapons, radar stations, zoo hawks and walls, due to the transition to a twelve-hour work shift for the purchase of new equipment, the number of produced complexes has doubled, in 2025 it will be four. 6:1, sometimes 7:00 depending on the amount of work. well, sergei shaigu also
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inspected the production of modern weapons at the npo splav enterprise, technical re-equipment is being actively carried out there, production volumes are some positions have been increased as much as seven times. this is what the minister said following the trip at a meeting with the participation of the governor of the tula region, alexei dyumin. in general, the schedule is being met and the president’s instructions are being carried out. and this, of course, cannot but make us happy.
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this is the publication’s reaction to macron’s statement that nato soldiers could be deployed to help kiev, why even an alliance? macron's remarks were a departure from the restraint shown by western allies as he attempted to fill a leadership vacuum, but his attempt to show russia's strength played against him,
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in the sense that his colleagues began to energetically distance themselves from macron's words, despite the fact that, according to the agency, there was a plan to send troops to ukraine due to the unstable situation at the front. has been discussed by them for several weeks and, moreover, was approved in washington. the way macron’s idea was commented on in the biden administration and the pentagon does not call into question the very existence of the intervention plan, but in words, it excludes the participation of the us army in it. to be clear, we are not we plan to send american troops to fight in ukraine. president biden has been very clear from the very beginning of this conflict, no. there will be no american troops on the ground in a combat role there, in ukraine. if washington does not plan to participate, then perhaps the washington lansknechts should do so, because british special forces groups have been secretly operating in ukraine for a long time, as the financial times writes. it’s an open secret, although the compactness
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of such battle groups and the local nature of operations allows london not to recognize its direct participation in the war against russia. on the contrary, the multinational expeditionary force can no longer be hidden. and we still need to decide on this. the possibility of centralized participation of nato troops in hostilities at the alliance headquarters was completely rejected. nothing like this is being discussed at the eu level yet. there is no decision at eu level on any deployment of troops or ground forces to ukraine to conduct combat operations. the italian la repubblica also points out that at the level of individual eu states, macron’s proposals did not cause enthusiasm. they say it’s insurmountable. the red line, spain, poland, sweden spoke out against it, but the most noticeable split, as the newspaper writes, occurred on the paris-berlin axis. another contribution to the treasury of franco-german contradictions. there will be no ground troops or soldiers sent there by european countries or nato countries on ukrainian soil. and
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the soldiers operating in our countries will also not take an active part in the war. on nato's so-called eastern flank, the idea of ​​sending troops to ukraine has also raised concerns. europe is now officially divided only by hungary, but macron seems to have received lashings for his talkativeness from a variety of quarters. today, people from the french
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government began to defend the president, saying that he was once again misunderstood . the french foreign minister explained that this was in fact a practically humanitarian mission related to training. that now the power in poland has changed, heredity dictates its own. of course, it would be better if russia simply did not exist. here in western europe and elsewhere on the atlantic side they may talk about the need for strategic balance, but in poland everyone will say that these are fairy tales, because
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it would be better if there were no strong russian presence in this part of the world. these basic attitudes of the polish elites are fully consistent with the collective goal of the west, which is to inflict strategic defeat. otherwise another aggression will follow. german federal president steinmeier facilitated a coup d'etat in ukraine. he , together with merkel, deceived russia for years, simulating the minsk process, which was supposed to give the kiev regime time to prepare for war. now people like him don’t give it a chance to end, because they don’t see a future for themselves after defeat. in may, as a result of nato exercises, a staunch defender on the western borders of russia, belarus and ukraine. almost a hundred thousand troops will be concentrated, they will decide what to do with it next. direct
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western participation in the war with russia may well be the next step, because financing kiev and supplying weapons does not give the necessary result. moreover, on on the battlefield, the initiative completely passed to the russians, so they probably have some kind of desperate plan. the complaint about the french rooster is that it crows too loudly too early. mikhail antonov, anastasia barkovskaya. putro, news berlin, germany. china's special envoy li hui will visit russia at the end of the week and then visit brussels, poland, ukraine, germany and france. as stated in the media , the diplomat will contribute to the political settlement of the ukrainian crisis to the prc. beijing continues its so-called shuttle diplomacy, seeks peace negotiations, the special envoy will arrive in moscow on march 3. well , zelensky flew to albania to beg for
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weapons, the prime minister promised to help, there are a lot of american weapons in this country, and also explained why albania seeks to join the eu. the european union is not heaven, but it is without a doubt a hell of complete joy, at least it is not a bloody hell, that is why we want to be there, this is a fundamental thing, we need to think not only about what we are doing, but about that. the united states does not allow ukraine to begin peaceful negotiations with russia, therefore it is the white house that is responsible for the deaths, said american journalist tucker. now he is meeting with journalists about the interview he took with the russian leader. with details natalya goncharova. however, he chose the tactics of a patient
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listener. carlson had something to answer. in he expected more pressing questions from the reporter, he explained in an interview with american blogger lex friedman that his main goal was to understand who vladimir putin is and convey his image western audience. what was your first impression when you met vladimir putin for an interview? it seemed to me that he was nervous, and i was very surprised by this.
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about the famine in ukraine, i knew quite a lot about it, but in fact i knew nothing, specifically about modern russia. tucker carlson named the russian capital one of the main discoveries during his trip to russia. in his video, he admired the architecture, cleanliness and safety of moscow. it was the complete opposite of the picture that portrayed by western media. i just visited moscow, the largest city in europe, with a population of 13 million people. i drove around and this city is much nicer, at least outwardly, than any other city
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that we have, this is not support for putin, by the way, this did not make me love putin, it made me hate our own leaders, because that i grew up in a country where there were such safe cities, and now we don’t have them, tucker carlson spoke about his vision of ending the conflict in ukraine, in his words, the confrontation will end, i quote, with a reasonable settlement, in a conversation with friedman i recalled that... offered options for a peaceful settlement, the journalist pointed out that zelensky is a pawn in a big game, in fact , events are controlled by russia, the usa and nato. i would like to see.
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for example, russia produces artillery shells, which are essential in ground warfare, at a ratio of 7:1, meaning russia produces seven times more artillery shells than all of europe combined. one of the main events for the usa has presidential elections this year. tucker carlson emphasized that if joe biden is re-elected, democracy in the states will turn into
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a sick joke. natalya goncharova, lead. joe biden passed. the annual medical examination later he himself said that everything was the same as in 1923, there was no improvement, and the examination by doctors did not include a test of the mental abilities of the president of the united states. as stated in the press service, he is tested every day for adequacy while performing his official duties. numerous errors and they did not comment on biden’s reservations. double failure of the german navy, so german building. commented on the attempt of the german frigate gason to destroy the american ripper drone worth 30 million euros. in the red sea they mistook it for a houthi drone, but it’s unclear how they could have confused it. the wingspan of the ripper is 20 m. the houthis simply do not have such drones. but that is not all. geson fired two missiles, both of which did not explode due to a technical
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malfunction. the german ministry of defense placed all the blame on the americans. there was an incident where our missiles failed to hit the target, it was a drone that turned out to be a reconnaissance drone, identification requests did not go through, in accordance with the current rules, frigate hesson, then contacted all possible interested parties, this yielded nothing, then there were protective measures have been taken, after all, the main thing is that the drone was not shot down. bypass traffic on the m11 highway will be fully opened this summer, the new route will significantly save travel time, margarita found out how the work is progressing semenyuk, we click on any point and we see who the licensee of the vehicle is, the category of the car, license plates and all documents. red dots transport system aeroglonas,
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within a radius of 3 km, employees see the movement of drivers online, using a navigation tracker they can.
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russia is one of the world-leading countries in the use of transponders, while the company abandoned imported frameworks under the conditions of sanctions and switched to domestic ones. today there is none. the need, so to speak, to turn to foreign manufacturers, all equipment, even software products, we respond quite actively to... to the challenges that our low prices give us today, and we feel confident. the roads of the state company avtodor are now patrolled by 128 crews of emergency
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commissioners, almost 20 of them on the central railway. specialists are visiting the sites day and night. there are technical means of organizing traffic, signal cones, signal beacons, road signs that inform drivers in advance that they need to change lanes and pass safely. sky center, here is all the information about the road network, in a year alone, artificial intelligence operators process more than a billion photos and videos, and currently control 144 cameras at once. the value of the system in artificial
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intelligence is machine vision; it automatically notices and records a variety of events on the road, mainly dangerous and threatening to drivers or passengers. if there is a high risk of threat to human life, information in real time is displayed on the display, which is installed on on the highway, for example, a recommendation to slow down. due to ice or congestion. the central ring road became a pilot site where, for the first time in russia , a system for collecting free flow tolls on roads was created and implemented. this is a new barrier-free car drive. routes equipped with detectors. let’s say that if four cars pass at the ninth kilometer, then at the tenth kilometer they should appear in 30 seconds. if after 30 seconds we do not see the required number of vehicles, then we form a certain hypothesis of an event that needs to be checked, which is possible with one from cars or whatever.
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masha, in the eighties, served as chairman of the council of ministers, and was a member of the politburo of the cpsu central committee. about the path of life, zenaid kurbatova. an extremely honest politician, a brilliant organizer, a man of action, thoughtful, thorough, the name of nikolai ryshkov will forever go down in the history of our country. as the head of the ussr government, it fell to his lot to prepare the so -called perestroika, and then to wage a tough struggle for careful, gradual economic reforms. you know, this is...
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it’s not surprising that in 1975 it was made first deputy minister of heavy engineering, then deputy head of state planning. but his great political career began in 1982.
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yuri andropov, the head of the ussr, offered him a seat as a member of the politburo and introduced him to the team that was supposed to come up with a plan for the country’s transition to a market economy. it was an interesting creative period. the reforms were prepared, but mikhail gorbachev already announced them. under him , ryshkov becomes chairman of the council. ministers, formally he is on gorbachev’s team, but it’s difficult to call them like-minded people. the hardest time of my life nikolai ryshkov will then name the years 1988-90. young economists offer a mythical concept of improving the country's health in 500 days and propose to lower prices. experienced ryshkov and the council of ministers are developing their own program, more cautious, vital, with an eye on the social sphere. it means that this program is 500 days. program, when everyone thought that in 500 days there would be a heavenly paradise in our country, i perfectly understood that this was nonsense, i believed that we had to gradually...
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an evolutionary transition, that the country was not ready to immediately throw itself upside down like that, how many i could, i said, listen, but remember , and remember what you are doing, otherwise you will die if you follow this path, no, you, enough, enough, that means we will put things in order ourselves, we will live richly, not like that , as with you, nikolai ryshkov, as the head of government , suffered the most difficult history of the era of the late ussr, april 26, 1900... eighty-six , the accident at the chernobyl nuclear power plant. then the government of the country will be accused of wrong actions. ryshkov did everything he could and even more. he organized urgent evacuation from pripyat, and then used all the available currency in the country to purchase necessary medicines for chernobyl children. and one more page: ryshkov became the only non-armenian who was called the national hero of armenia. in december 1988,
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this happened in spetak. consequences of the petak earthquake, a monument was erected to him there , a monument was erected in gyumri, so he was, so to speak, one of the elders, also in the development of armenian-russian relations, when in 1990 nikolai ryshkov suffered a heart attack, mikhail gorbachev dismissed him without regret
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, and a year later gorbachev himself resigned. romanov and dolgikh, three members of the politburo, who were brought up by the soviet economy and were born in labor, our fate and the fate of the entire country would have been more favorable. ryshkov will not leave politics, he will be a state duma deputy, a senator from the belgorod region, it is his idea to create a huge memorial reserve, the prokhorovsky field, in the place where the battle of kursk began, nikolai ryshkov was able to defend. nikolai
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ryshkov called the creation of this memorial the main thing in your life. zinaeda gurbatova. news.
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if it is possible to send troops to the west of ukraine, nothing should be ruled out in this matter in the future. if we send troops into ukraine, we will obviously become a warring country. this means the beginning of world war iii. when you and i remember the events of 1940, the defeat of the french army, and yet the french group was more than upward. this is the reason for the general sloppiness. suddenly it turned out that...


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