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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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i don’t know if you talked about it on air, but absolutely, i learned about this today with surprise, in chukotka, where vladimir putin recently visited for the first time, a live broadcast of the president’s address to the federal assembly will also be organized in one of the cinemas, this despite the difference in time, and it is significant, this is still, perhaps, the most distant russian region, nevertheless , the broadcast will be organized there too, on large screens around the city, of course there will be online broadcasts, of course, our tv channel, how... as it always happens, it will show live everything that will be said by the president today, and you need to understand that subsequently, after the message is delivered, it will be analyzed for quite a long time, in general it will sound like such an echo, an echo that will give in to the decisions made, including by the government, all members of the government are here, you saw it with your own eyes, just now we see the prime minister, mikhail mishustin, who is also, of course, here today in gostiny dvor, the government itself is under his leadership. will implement the
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initiatives that the president will announce today? they will be implemented, of course , by governors, of course, at the legislative level, this is the federal assembly, the upper and lower houses, but here it is also very important to understand that the echo is always echoed in all the world's media, you just saw dmitry peskov on your screens , and just before the start of today’s message, he said that traditionally the president’s message is, in general, the very information that attracts the attention of the whole world, in the context of those events.
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he adds something to his speech, it differs from the written version , so it is possible that today’s message will be exactly like that, therefore, what to expect, we can only guess here, drawing in topics that are well in the focus of government attention, in focus presidential attention, all the last months, all the last years, based on this we can predict something, but it is clear that this is an extremely thankless task, especially taking into account everything i have voiced before...
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factors, what they will talk about today, what the president will talk about, today we talked with the governors who are present here , with federal ministers, with deputies, with senators. many of them believe that an important topic of today ’s message will be one way or another technological development and the sovereignty of the state, and they are waiting for a conversation about strategic stability, this, by the way, is also a very important aspect. let me remind you that last week, if my memory serves me right, the head of state met with defense minister sergei shaigu, and strategic stability then, by the way, was one of the topics of conversation in the context of an unexpected, it must be said, proposal from the united states to update or organize a dialogue between moscow and washington regarding strategic stability, and this proposal could be considered unexpectedly sound taking into account the level of relations that now exist between our states, but at the same time, vladimir putin, within the framework of that very meeting with sergei shaigu, recalled that
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what can we say about strategic stability in isolation from the rhetoric of the west aimed at the strategic defeat of russia, and this has already been voiced at all levels in some countries, even included in doctrinal documents. it’s unlikely that it will be possible to talk about this very strategic stability in such a situation; all issues can only be discussed as a whole, taking into account all the current circumstances, without turning a blind eye to the situation that is now developing in the combat zone, in the zone of a special military operation, and of course, only in complex russia is open to dialogue, although it is still open to dialogue, from this point of view moscow’s position does not change in any way, but ignore our interest, concern,
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by the way, it seems to me that the western media may be a little less interested in listening to the message than they are used to, simply because within the framework of this speech the president traditionally focuses not on foreign policy, but on domestic policy, the internal russian context, this is generally such a distinctive feature of the president’s address
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to the federal assembly, precisely because it sounds like a statement of tasks, like a designation of the vector along which the country will move in the coming years, in this case we are talking about movement...
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it doesn’t exist yet, perhaps some kind of project, some kind of comprehensive solution regarding youth policies with clear objectives, with specific indicators that must be achieved and nothing less.
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i make this assumption based on the infographics that we saw here on
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the monitors, and let me remind you that in addition to the central podium, which the president will occupy, there are two large monitors on which basic information will be displayed. so, what will vladimir putin say? let's watch and listen. thank you, please. well, good afternoon, dear senators, deputies of the state duma, dear citizens of russia, every message to the federal assembly is, first of all , a look into the future, and today we will talk not only about our immediate plans, but about strategic tasks, about those issues, decisions, which i consider fundamentally important for the confident... state-term development of the country, such a program of action, specific peace in
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was largely formed during trips to the regions, direct conversations with workers, engineers of civil defense plants, with doctors, teachers, scientists, volunteers, entrepreneurs, with large families, with our heroes, front-line soldiers, volunteers, soldiers and officers of the russian armed forces. of course, we understand that such events are being prepared, but nevertheless, the real needs of people certainly come through in these conversations, many ideas were put forward at large public expert panels.
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to answer any of the most difficult challenges, we, for example, we repelled the aggression of international terrorism, preserved the unity of the country , did not allow it to be torn apart in due time , we supported our brothers and sisters, their will to be with russia, this year marks 10 years of the legendary russian spring, but now energy, sincerity, courage its heroes, crimeans, sevastopol residents, residents of the rebel donbass, their love. to the homeland, which they carried through generations, certainly causes pride. all this, all this inspires, strengthens the confidence that we will overcome everything, together we can do everything, just like that
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the whole world, we not only forced the deadly threat of a global epidemic to recede quite recently, but... showed that in our society such values ​​as mercy, mutual support, solidarity prevail, and today, when our homeland defends its sovereignty and security, it protects the life of compatriots in the donbass in novorussia, the decisive role in this righteous struggle belongs to our citizens, our unity, devotion to our native country, responsibility for its fate, these... qualities clearly, unambiguously manifested themselves at the very beginning of the special military operation, when it was supported by the absolute majority of the russian people, despite all the trials, bitterness, losses, people are adamant in this choice and constantly confirm it with the desire to do as much as possible for the country and for
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the common good. in production, in production they work in three shifts, as many as needed.
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our heroes on the front line, in the trenches, where it is most difficult, know that the whole country is with them. i want, i want to acknowledge the work of the defenders fund fatherland, the efforts of the committee of families of soldiers of the fatherland, and other public associations. i ask all authorities to continue to do everything to support the families of our heroes. parents, wives, children, who worry about the people closest to them, who are dear to them, are waiting for them to come home. i am grateful to the parliamentary parties for consolidating around national interests; the russian political system is one of the pillars of the country’s sovereignty. we will further develop democratic institutions. we will not allow anyone
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to interfere in our internal affairs. the so -called west with its colonial habits, the habit of inciting national conflicts around the world, seeks not only to restrain our development, instead of russia they need a dependent, fading, dying space where they can do whatever they want, in fact, they would like to do the same with russia , what they did in many other regions of the world, including... in ukraine, brought discord into our home and weakened us from the inside, but they miscalculated, this is already an absolutely obvious thing today, they were faced with a firm position. followers of judaism, representatives of different
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ethnic groups, cultures, regions, in fact, better than a thousand words, have proven that the centuries-old cohesion and unity of the people of russia is a colossal all-conquering force, together, all together , i will fly, they are fighting for one common homeland, we are all citizens of russia, we will together to defend our freedom, the right to a peaceful and dignified life, to determine our own path, to protect the connection between generations, and therefore the continuity of historical development, to solve the problems that the country faces, based on our worldview, our traditions and beliefs that we will pass on to our children. dear friends, the defense and strengthening of sovereignty is going on today in all directions, and above all, of course, at the front, where
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our soldiers are fighting steadfastly and selflessly, i thank everyone who is now fighting for the interests of the fatherland, who is going through the crucible of military trials, risking their lives every day , all the people bow to your feat. mourns the dead, and russia will always remember its fallen heroes. a minute of silence is announced. thank you. our armed forces have gained colossal combat experience. this concerns
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the interaction of all types and branches of the military, modern tactics of operational art, a whole galaxy of talented commanders has grown and been trained, who take care of people, competently carry out their tasks, and use new equipment. successfully solve the tasks assigned to them, and i want to say that at all levels, from the platoon and operational level to the highest level of management, we see where and what problems we have, of course they exist, we understand at the same time what is needed do, and such work is being done continuously, at the front, in the rear, it is aimed at increasing the striking power of the army and navy, their technological effectiveness and efficiency.
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we did not start this war in the donbass, but as i have said more than once, we will do everything to finish it, eradicate nazism, solve all tasks of a special military operation. to protect the sovereignty and security of our citizens, strategic nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness for guaranteed use, what we planned in the field of armaments, which i spoke about in the 2018 message, has all been done, or this work is being completed, the hypersonic aviation complex dagger has not only been put into service, but is used with high efficiency to destroy particularly important targets during a special military operation; the
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sea-based strike hypersonic complex zircon, about which is in the message of the eighteenth year , has already been used in battle there was no talk, but this system is already in operation. the avangard and laser intercontinental range hypersonic units are most on duty... peresvet, tests are being completed unlimited range cruise missile burevestnik unmanned underwater vehicle poseidon. these systems have confirmed their high and, without exaggeration, unique characteristics. the first serial sarmat heavy ballistic missiles were also delivered to the troops. we will soon demonstrate them in operational deployment areas. work continues on a number of other promising weapons systems, about the new achievements of our
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scientists. gunsmiths, we’ll find out later. russia is ready for dialogue with the united states of america on issues of strategic stability. but here is what i would like to emphasize, dear colleagues, so that everyone understands me correctly. in this case, we are dealing with a state whose ruling circles are taking open hostile actions against us. so what? they are seriously going to discuss issues of strategic stability with us, while at the same time trying to inflict damage. russia, as they themselves say, is facing a strategic defeat on the battlefield. this is, uh, a clear example of such hypocrisy. last time unfounded accusations are increasingly heard, for example, against russia, that we are allegedly going to place nuclear weapons in space. such falsehoods, and this is nothing more than falsehoods, are a ploy only to draw us into negotiations on their own terms,
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which are beneficial. exclusively to the united states, while they are blocking our proposal, which has been on their table for more than 15 years, i mean the draft treaty on preventing the placement of weapons in outer space, which we prepared back in 2008, there is no reaction whatsoever, about which they say is generally incomprehensible, so we have every reason to believe that the words of today ’s american authorities, and their supposed interest in negotiations with us on issues of strategic stability, are demagoguery on the eve of the us presidential elections, they just want to show their citizens, and everyone else, that -they still rule the world, well, on those issues where it is beneficial for america to negotiate, we will have a conversation with the russians, and where it is not profitable for them, there is nothing to discuss, as they themselves say, business as usual, there they will strive to defeat us, well, that certainly won’t
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do. our position is clear, if you want to discuss important issues of security and stability that are important for the entire planet, then it is necessary to do this only in a single complex, naturally, including all those aspects that affect our national interests and directly affect the security of our country, the security of russia. we also understand that the west is trying to drag us into an arms race.
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it is necessary to allocate resources as rationally as possible and build an effective economy armed forces, to achieve the maximum for every ruble of defense spending. it is important for us to increase the pace in solving social, demographic, infrastructure and other problems, and at the same time reach a qualitatively new level of equipment for the army and navy. first of all, this concerns general-purpose forces, the principles of their organization; it is seriously necessary to strengthen the groupings in the western strategic direction in order to neutralize the threats associated with the next expansion of nato to the east and the involvement of sweden and finland in the alliance. west provoked a conflict in ukraine, on...
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russia allegedly intends to attack europe. now, without any embarrassment, they declare that well, you and i just understand that this is not a court of law, just some kind of nonsense, and at the same time they themselves choose targets for striking across our territory, they choose what they think are the most effective means of destruction. they started talking about the possibility of sending nato military contingents to ukraine, but we remember the fate, the fate of those who once sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for possible interventionists will be much more tragic, they...


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