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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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work on the conservation of specially protected natural areas, protection and restoration of rare and endangered species of plants and animals. in this regard, i propose to think about opening a network of rehabilitation centers for injured and confiscated wild animals. by 2030, by 2030 , we will create an environmental infrastructure in all national parks of the country. including eco-trails and hiking trails, including weekend routes for schoolchildren, recreation areas, museums and visitor centers. modern, safe infrastructure will appear near water bodies, including lake baikal, a 24-hour resort will open here by 2030 , and i think it is important to strictly adhere to the principle of zero pollution, that is, the complete absence of waste. and untreated wastewater into
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the lake. the construction of the baikal resort will become part of the large five seas project. modern hotel complexes will also appear on the coasts of the caspian, baltic, azov, black and japanese seas. this project alone will increase the domestic tourist flow by another 10 million people per year. and in throughout the country, taking into account the dynamic development of such tourist centers. like altai, kamchatka, kuzbass, the north caucasus, karelia, and the russian north , by 2030, the tourist flow should practically double to 140 million people per year. at the same time, the contribution of tourism to russia’s gdp will also double to 5%. we will develop additional solutions in this regard in the near future. the development of tourism
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in the region as a whole is ensured by the transport infrastructure; high-speed road traffic has already opened between moscow and kazan; this year we will extend the highway to ekaterinburg, next to tyumen. in the future, a modern and safe route will pass through the entire country to vladivostok. also, more than 50% should be built in russia within 6 years. entrances of cities, a new, significant road project is, of course, the construction of the dzhubga sochi highway, it will reduce the travel time from the m4 don highway to sochi by four times, to one and a half hours, and moreover, it will allow the active development of the black sea coast, but immediately i want to say that we have agreed with the government, and i also want to publicly say this. this is, of course, a complex, very
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capital-intensive project, there are only continuous tunnels and bridges, an expensive project, but nevertheless, i ask the government to provide a scheme for financing it, work it out. we have already put federal highways in order and almost 85 road projects, percent of roads in large agglomerations, we must strictly maintain this level, and in previous and coming years we will place special emphasis on development. namely regional roads, air travel should become more accessible, the so-called aviation mobility of citizens, by 2030 the intensity of air traffic in russia should increase one and a half times compared to last year, for this we plan to accelerate the development of intra- and interregional air traffic, and here the government faces a specific task: to modernize the infrastructure by at least 70% in 6 years .
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the route between moscow and st. petersburg will pass through tver and our ancient capital veliky novgorod. then we will lay highways to kazan and the urals. to rostov, on the don, to the black sea coast, to minsk, to borodskaya belarus, in other popular directions. let's continue, large-scale modernization of the central transport hub will continue. moscow's central diameters will become the basis for connecting the capital region with yaroslavl, teversk, and kaluga using modern high-speed routes.
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works to increase the capitalization of all assets of the country, regions that operate, use their transit tourism potentials, can bring into circulation land plots for industrial and agricultural facilities, and for citizens this is an opportunity to build a house for a large family, to live in more comfortable conditions, for business these are new prospects, including in foreign markets, in this regard, a separate issue that was raised at one of...
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russia with the countries of the middle east and asia, its it will be based not only on road routes, but on seamless rail connections all the way from our ports on the baltic and barien sea to the coast of the persian gulf and the indian ocean. we will also increase the railway capacity in the southern direction, which will make it possible to actively use the port capacities of the azov and black seas. the third stage of expansion of the eastern range of the
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railways, bama and transib, is being launched. well, at one time , sorry for the moviton, we grounded a little. there are some things you can't do in time.
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murmon transport hub and, of course , building up the arctic fleet. last year , the unique research icebreaking platform north pole launched a raid. at the beginning of this year , the new nuclear icebreaker leningrad was laid down at the baltic shipyard. laid down next year another ship of the same class. stalingrad, a star is being built on the far eastern peak.
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i would like to say separately: i constantly meet with participants in special military operations, both personnel and military. and volunteers, people of civilian professions who were mobilized for military service , all of them took up arms in their hands to defend their homeland, you know, i look at these courageous people, sometimes very young guys, without any attraction, i can say, my heart is filled with pride for our people, for our people, for these specifically people like this certainly... will not back down
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, will not back down, will not let you down or betray them, so they must take leading positions in the education system, youth education, in public associations, in state companies, business, in state and municipal administration, to lead regions, enterprises , ultimately
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, due to all sorts of processes in the economy of the nineties, they are definitely not the elite , i repeat, the genuine, real elite is everyone who serves russia, workers and warriors, reliable, proven, proven by deeds devotion to russia, worthy people. in this regard, about a new decision, i consider it important,
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starting tomorrow, from march 1 , 2024, veterans of a special military operation, as well as soldiers and officers who are currently fighting in active units, will be able to apply to participate in the first training stream of special personnel program , let's call it: the time of heroes, this idea, i will not hide, came to my mind when i met with students, participants in a special military operation in st. petersburg, this program will be built on the same standards that our best projects are the higher school of public administration, which is called the school of governors, as well as the competition for leaders of russia and their graduates. even becoming ministers, heads of regions,
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participants in the program here, military personnel and veterans with higher education and management experience will be able to become high positions in many areas, regardless of rank and position. the main thing is that these must be people who have shown their best qualities, who have shown that they know how to lead their comrades. school will begin at in the coming months, mentors for...
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i note that participants in the special military operation, both privates and sergeants, and military officers, already today form the backbone of our armed forces; of course, as i already said, those who intend to continue their military career will receive priority promotions in service upon admission to command courses, schools and military academies. dear friends, dear friends, self-sufficient,
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self-sufficient, sovereignty, this needs to be proven, confirmed every day, we are talking about...
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in the context of sanctions aggression against russia painstakingly built this system, i know that it was difficult, complex work and most importantly , it is already giving results, we see this in the result, we will continue to act exactly in this logic, by the end of the year all the national projects that i spoke about today should be approved, coordinated with each other, i want to emphasize once again that this is not a project... of individual departments, they must work for common systemic tasks, to achieve our national development goals, while i ask the all-russian popular front to continue keep control over the implementation of decisions at all levels, sorry to the authorities, i want to emphasize that the main result of our programs
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is not measured in tons of kilometers and the amount of money spent, the main thing is the assessment of people. how their lives change for the better. the scale of the historical challenges that russia faces requires extremely clear, well-coordinated work by the state, civil society, and business. i think it is necessary now not only to prepare a draft budget for the next three-year period, but also to set up all the main expenses and investments further for the period until 2030, that is, by... despite the difficult period, despite the current trials and difficulties, we are outlining long-term plans, the program that i outlined today in
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my message is objective and fundamental in nature, it is a program of a strong, sovereign country that... this is the courage and determination of our comrades in arms who defend their homeland, rise to attack, go forward under fire, sacrifice themselves for us, for the sake of the fatherland, it is
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they, our warriors, who are creating today the absolutely necessary conditions for... the future of the country and for its development, low bow to you guys, i thank all of you, dear colleagues, i thank all citizens of russia for... solidarity, reliability, we are one big family, we are together, so we will do everything as we plan and want to do. as we dream, i believe in our victories, in successes in the future of russia. thank you.
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perhaps experts on the president’s addresses to the federal assembly, or more precisely on their timing, will correct me, but in my memory this is absolutely certain, the longest speech by the president in this format, perhaps one of the longest the meaningful number of initiatives that were announced today, and these are decisions that must be taken for execution in the very near future, decisions that were prepared and calculated, was, perhaps, the highest of what was imagined... in such a short period of time, like one message from the president to the federal assembly, never before in modern russian history. in fact, the president today
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completely focused on the domestic political agenda in his speech, as we talked about this before the start of today messages. nevertheless, vladimir putin still indirectly conveyed his greetings to former western partners, reminding them of the position from which... conflicts seek not only to restrain our development, but instead of russia they need a dependent, fading, dying space where they can
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create, that whatever they want, in fact, they are in the habit of inciting nationalism all over the world , they would like to do to russia the same thing that they did in many other regions of the world, including ukraine, to bring discord into our home and weaken us from the inside. followers of judaism, representatives of different ethnic groups, cultures, regions, put on more than a thousand words, proving that the centuries-old cohesion and unity of the people of russia is a colossal, all-conquering force.
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will remember its heroes, vladimir putin recalled, and declared a minute of silence in their memory. the defense and strengthening of sovereignty is taking place today in all directions, and above all , of course, at the front, where our soldiers fight steadfastly and selflessly. i thank everyone who is now fighting for the interests of the fatherland, who is going through crucible of military trials. you risk your life every day, the whole people bows to your feat, mourns the dead, and russia
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will always remember its fallen. yes, well, now we have already said that more than a thousand guests listened to the message directly in the living room, and now the chairman of the federation council of russia, valentina matvienko, is in direct contact with us. in the very near future we will contact her in order to evaluate and analyze all those events, all those initiatives that
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she spoke about.
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and we are calm that the state is protected, because in recent years we have been modernizing our weapons, modernizing our army, this is a state with strong social protection for citizens, and it seems to me that this is such a good, positive view of the future that will give our citizens confidence in this future, you know, because when people make... their plans for the horizon, they must believe in this future, they believe in their children, this future is indicated, it will definitely be ensured, russia is such a powerful country, it has so many opportunities, so huge potential, what i would like to pay attention to, you know, i am very, very happy, very pleased.


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