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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 29, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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comment, i wish you success, thank you. well, we continue to analyze live the president’s message to the federal assembly on the russia-24 tv channel. now, let's talk about national projects, in total, according to our calculations, the president announced five national projects - family, youth, personnel, life expectancy and the data economy. of course, the family national project deserves special attention, because demography remains key now. a task in russia so
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that there are simply more of us, yes, for in order for more families to give birth to children, of course, and in order to interrupt that general, planetary planetary, perhaps, trend towards a decrease in the birth rate, for example, one measurement, one of the support measures is maternity capital, there is already a reaction from tatyana golikova, then , that the amount for the matkapital program will be recalculated taking into account the birth rate forecast, the total figure will exceed 570 billion rubles, of course, now everyone...
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is a representative of the federal assembly, to which this message was addressed, of course, we understand that not only deputies and senators, and a fairly wide circle of representatives of the legislative, executive authorities, the public, and all citizens of russia, but nevertheless, formally speaking, the message to the federal assembly, this is precisely the message to our legislators, that you, anna yuryevna, what would you pay attention to, yes, what main topics would you highlight, and what, from a legislative point of view, needs to be done now in order for... all those very large-scale plans to be implemented, well , firstly, when the message ended, we passed by and they started congratulating me, we congratulate you, so much about the family, i thought that for several years now i have been working on issues of protecting family and childhood, now in the state duma i supervise the relevant committees, this was such a result of my pro-deformation that it seems to me that especially how - the president is talking about the family, that is, after all , questions about family and childhood come first to you.
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certainly, and of course, absolutely, so we immediately looked not only at, let’s say, what was said, but the whole... spectrum measures to support the family, which will become laws, government decisions , which will be adopted by the relevant departments, but as was said, and the president said that this is the main thing, this is where we need to start, always start when the regions begin to implement those tasks , which are addressed specifically to the regions, and here i cannot help but note the presidential decree on the status of large families, and today there are excellent regional practices, for example, kaliningrad, the abolition of need criteria for large families as... which create a good prospect to build such a holistic family policy in relation to supporting the birth of the next child, and this concept is embedded in the measures that the president spoke about: with each subsequent child , the tax deduction increases, the extension of the family
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mortgage program, the preservation of payments, the extension of programs for their provision, this is our maternal capital has already proven itself well, and so on, then the president... even speaking about other programs, one way or another the topic of the family slipped through, as the most, let’s say, like a red thread, which went through the programs, and i will now confirm my point of view by the fact that, for example, programs that talk about science-intensive industries, where we talk about human resources, which say that today we need to train those people who will restore and take those breakthrough steps.
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the president appealed to the deputies, to the legislative authorities, in order for these decisions to be made, not only federal, but also regional, the president also appealed to them, addressing the issue of implementing presidential decrees, which affirm the unified status of large families. of course, this national project will also include government decisions, these are new programs, these are, let’s say, system-forming decisions, so i hope that thanks to this project, we will succeed.
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so that there could be a strong russia, as the president said at the end, yes, so that there would be someone to pass on what to pass on, a strong russia, yes, and to prepare those to whom to pass it on , these words are so very... i give the floor to the studio, yes, yuri , thank you very much, yuri
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bogdanov was in direct contact with the studio, who communicates with the guests, in in the living room, while we’ll tidy up for a little advertising, with age, changes in vision can change familiar things, the phone was created for nutrition, restoring the preservation of youthful eyes, it is recommended. apply daily for 3 months, three courses per year, tulfon is now in new packaging, designed specifically for course use. this night our friend has already been forced to get up several times to admire the stars. my friend, if you get up more than twice at night, and at the first symptoms of the prostate ophalase. afalaza - a modern drug for the early treatment of prostate adenoma. well, are the credit card debts hanging and interest dripping? need a holwa. you take credit cards, transfer debts to halva, divide them
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can suck in any place only dad will reduce the beastly appetite a snack will not harm the appetite for sausages dad can. well , traditionally, the president’s message to the federal assembly is followed not only in russia, but abroad, it is known that...
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new and new states, vladimir putin noted the positive development of cooperation between russia and the association of southeast asian nations, and moscow also has long-standing and strong relations with arab and african countries, which of course helps strengthen international stability and develop economic ties. well, now let's move back to gostiny dvor, where our colleague anastasia efimova continues to work. let’s return again to the national family project, the most important one, of course. the national project, here is the birth rate, care for the older generation, and the priority of a large family, which the president spoke about, anastasia, what did you note about the family national project, and in general on this topic, well , if we talk about the family national project, then of course we are talking about a whole set of measures, very specific, some of which are already essentially working and
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should only be extended next period , some will essentially be reintroduced, but the most important thing is that supporting the family is a fundamental state task, this is exactly how the president formulated it, recalling that over the coming years the birth rate in the country should rise, it is necessary constant work aimed at improving the quality of life of families with children, to support the birth rate, and for this we will launch a new national project, which is called family, i propose to further help the subjects...
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pay special attention to families with children under 6 years old, inclusive, for their preferential loan rate will remain the same 6%. and yet, now, at the birth of a third child, the state pays off part of the mortgage loan for the family, 450,000 rubles. i also propose to extend this rule until 2030. preferential mortgage is not the only one offered. there is also a tax deduction for large families, that is, in essence, these are taxes underpaid to the budget, to which families are entitled, and those with three or more children are growing up. finally, there is another very effective, well-proven
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mechanism, maternity capital, a program that will also be extended. i propose to double the tax deduction to 2,800 rubles per month for the second child and to 6,000 rubles per month for the third of each subsequent child. for example, a family with three children will save in your budget 1,300 rubles. at the same time, i also propose to increase the amount of annual income to which the deduction applies from 350.
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i am running for the presidential elections so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live in love and the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov, time for new ones. well, let’s continue to analyze the president’s message to the federal assembly; here is another national project announced by the president. is called a long and active life, according to vladimir putin, the average life expectancy in russia has exceeded 73 year, the new national project should help
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increase it to 78 years by 2030 and even reach the level of 80 plus. this is indeed an ambitious goal, given that if moscow has such a level, then in the regions it is necessary, it is necessary to improve healthcare. the president also ordered the launch of a comprehensive program. on maternal health and preserving the health of children and adolescents. according to him, it is planned to allocate more than 1 trillion rubles to expand antenatal clinics and perinatal centers. i offer at the expense of federal resources to annually build at least 350 additional sports facilities in the regions, primarily in small towns and rural areas. these are universal complexes and prefabricated sites. where children, adults, and entire families can study. even during his address to the federal
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assembly, vladimir putin announced a large-scale renovation program for schools and kindergartens. they will launch it next year and allocate more than 400 billion rubles for this. according to the president, more than 18,000 buildings require major repairs, including schools and kindergartens. the program will end in 2030, after which the buildings will be repaired as planned, and vladimir putin also said that in addition to the repairs, new children's schools, kindergartens and schools will be built, about 100, if we are talking about schools, 150 if talk about kindergartens, and but if we return to, for example, life expectancy, then we know that in moscow the average life expectancy is already 78 years, in this sense, of course, here.
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we also realized that in the sanctions regime we can do a lot ourselves, and automotive, instrument making, microelectronics, and pharmaceuticals and so on
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, what we are also developing in moscow now, of course, the most important area is transport projects that unite our huge country, these are high-speed highways, railways connecting moscow, st. petersburg, nizhny novgorod, voronezh, minsk. “this and the extension of the moscow central diameters, which have shown high efficiency, i think that of course the message is very fundamental, serious and inspiring, thank you, ready for cromate, of course, thank you very much,
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this is russia tv channel. 24, we continue to analyze the president's message to the federal assembly. of course, the central topic is the new national projects that vladimir putin ordered to launch this year; one of them, as the president himself put it, is a project about the future and for the future. the national project youth of russia will be focused on the development of youth policy. in addition, special attention should be paid to the motivation of young specialists. and here are specific measures. the president proposed from september 1, introduce a new payment of 5,000 rubles. for... all advisers, educational directors, and starting tomorrow, increase payments for classroom management and supervision in cities with a population of less than 100 thousand people. vladimir putin also noted that it is necessary to allocate additional money to update the infrastructure of pedagogical universities. he touched upon the president and the topic of the unified state exam. according to the head of state, the unified state exam mechanism needs to be improved. vladimir putin proposed giving graduates a second chance, precisely because
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the choice of the student himself. leave him the opportunity to retake the unified state exam in one of the subjects, to do this before the end of the university admissions process, and in order to have time to submit documents already taking into account the retake. the president also announced the launch of another new national project, an extremely important one called personnel. according to the president, the lack of competent, strong specialists is one of the risks for the russian economy. as the head of state noted, it is necessary to strengthen the connection of all levels of education from school to university. because these institutions must work in a single logic for a common result. the russian leader also emphasized that today the younger generation must become professionals in their field. young people need to be ready to work in the economic realities of today. the president set the task of modernizing the field of secondary vocational education and training over 1 million blue-collar specialists by 2028, as well as increasing funding for
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university development programs. i instruct the government , together with the regions, to implement the program repair of equipment of secondary vocational education institutions. it is necessary to put in order not only educational buildings, but sports facilities, dormitories, technical schools and colleges. over the next 6 years, we will allocate 120 billion rubles from the federal budget for these purposes. we will also allocate an additional 124 billion rubles. well, we continue to collect comments from famous politicians and experts after the president’s address to the federal assembly, let’s now listen to what the chairman of the ldpr, leonid slutsky, told us. tell us what are the main aspects in today's address by vladimir putin, can you?


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