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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 29, 2024 5:00pm-5:30pm MSK

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besagon tv programs. i hope you remember them and enjoy them. the elite in modern russia are those people who serve the country, workers and warriors who have proven their devotion to russia. vladimir putin made this statement during his address to the federal assembly. he also launched five national projects at once. a replay of the president's speech is now on air. president of the russian federation, vladimir vladimirovich putin. thank you, please, okay, good
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afternoon, dear senators, deputies of the state duma, dear citizens russia, every message to the federal assembly is, first of all, a look into the future, and today we will talk not only about our immediate plans, but about strategic tasks, about those issues and solutions that i consider fundamentally important for the confident long-term development of the country. this program of action, specific measures, was largely formed during trips to the regions, direct conversations with workers, engineers of civil defense plants with doctors, teachers, scientists, volunteers, entrepreneurs,
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being with russia, this year 10 years legendary russian spring, but now the energy , we supported our brothers and sisters, their will , sincerity, the courage of its heroes, crimeans, sevastopol residents, residents of the rebel donbass, their love for their homeland, which they carried through generations, certainly causes pride. all this, all this inspires, strengthens the confidence that we will overcome everything, together we can do everything, just like that, with the whole world, we not only forced the deadly threat of a global epidemic to recede quite recently, but showed that in our society values ​​such as mercy, mutual support, solidarity prevail, and today, when... our homeland defends its
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sovereignty and security, protects the lives of compatriots in the donbass in novorusiya, the decisive role in this righteous struggle belongs to our citizens, our unity, devotion native country, responsibility for its fate. these qualities clearly and unambiguously manifested themselves at the very beginning of the special military operation, when it was supported by the absolute majority of the russian people. despite all the trials, bitterness losses, people are adamant in this choice and constantly confirm it with the desire to do as much as possible for the country and for the common good, but in production they work in three shifts, as long as the front needs, the entire economy, and this is the industrial technological basis of our victory, has shown flexibility sustainability. i would like
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to thank now the entrepreneurs, engineers, workers, rural workers for their responsible hard work in the interests of russia, they united millions of people, we are together in the action and the project of the all-russian people's everything on the front is for victory. over the past 2 years, russian business has sent billions of rubles to volunteer organizations and charitable foundations that support our soldiers and their families. people send letters and parcels to the front. warm clothes, camouflage nets, transfer funds from their, sometimes quite modest savings. i repeat, such help is priceless. this is everyone's contribution. our heroes on the front line in the trenches, where it is most difficult to know that the whole country is with them, i want, i want to note the work of
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the defenders of the fatherland foundation, the efforts of the committee families, soldiers of the fatherland, others... parents, wives, children who worry about the people closest to them, dear to them, are waiting for them home, i am grateful to the parliamentary parties for consolidating around national interests, the political system of russia, one of the pillars of the country's sovereignty, we will further develop. institute of democracy, we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs. the so-called west, with its colonial habits, its habit of inciting
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national conflicts around the world, seeks not only to restrain our development. instead of russia they you need a dependent, fading, dying space where you can create, what? anything, in fact, they would like to do to russia the same thing that they did in many other regions of the world, including ukraine, to bring discord into our home and weaken us from the inside. but they miscalculated, this is an absolutely obvious thing today, they were faced with the firm position and determination of our multinational people. our soldiers , officers, christians and muslims, buddhists and followers of judaism, representatives of different ethnic groups, cultures, regions, put on their best thousands of words have proven that the centuries-old cohesion and unity of the people of russia is a colossal all-conquering force, together, all
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together, shoulder to shoulder, they are fighting for one common homeland, we are all citizens of russia, we will together defend our... freedom, the right to a peaceful and dignified life, only to determine their own path, to protect the connection between generations, and therefore the continuity of historical development, to solve the problems that the country faces, based on our worldview, our traditions, beliefs that we will pass on to our children. dear friends, the defense of the strengthening of sovereignty is going on today in all directions, and first of all, of course, on... tests , risking their lives every day, the entire people bows to
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your feat, mourns the dead, and russia will always remember its fallen heroes. this silence, thank you, our armed forces have gained colossal. this concerns the interaction of all types and branches of the military, modern tactics and operational art; a whole galaxy of talented commanders has grown and been trained, who take care of people, competently perform carry out their tasks, use new
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equipment, successfully solve the tasks assigned to them, and i want to say that this is in all levels, from the platoon and the operational level. to the highest echelon of management, we see where and what problems we have, of course they exist, we understand, along with what needs to be done, and such work is carried out continuously at the front, in the rear. it is aimed at increasing the striking power of the naval army, their technology and efficiency. the combat capabilities of the armed forces have increased many times over. our parts are firmly in control initiative. a number of operational directions are confidently advancing and liberating more and more territories. we did not start this war in donbass. but as i have said more than once, we will do everything to finish it. to eradicate nazism, solve all the tasks of a special military operation, protect the sovereignty and security
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of our citizens, strategic nuclear forces are in a state of full readiness for guaranteed use. what we planned in the field of armaments, which i spoke about in my 2018 message, has all been done. or this work is completed, the kinzhal hypersonic aviation complex is not only put into service, but is used with high efficiency to destroy particularly important targets during a special military operation. also , the tserkun sea-based hypersonic strike complex has already been used in battle, which was not even mentioned in the message of the eighteenth year, but this system is already... already in service,
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avangard intercontinental-range hypersonic units and peresvet laser complexes are on combat duty, tests of the winged aircraft are being completed unlimited range missiles burevestnik unmanned underwater vehicle poseidon, these systems have confirmed their high, one can say without exaggeration, unique characteristics, troops have been delivered and the first production heavy ballistic missiles have been delivered. sarmat, we will soon demonstrate them in the areas where they are based on combat duty. work, work on a number of other promising weapons systems continues, we will still learn about the new achievements of our weapons scientists. russia is ready for dialogue with the united states of america on issues strategic stability. but here's the thing.
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russia that we are supposedly going to place nuclear weapons in space. such falsehoods, and this is nothing more than falsehoods, are a ploy, only to drag us into negotiations on our own terms, which are beneficial exclusively to the united states. at the same time , they are blocking our proposal, which has been on their table for more than 15 years, i have.
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they rule the world, well, on those issues where it is beneficial for america to negotiate, we will have a conversation with the russians, and where it is not profitable for them, there there is nothing to discuss, as they themselves say, business as usual, there they will seek to defeat us, well, this certainly won’t work, our position is clear, if you want to discuss responsible issues of security and stability that are important for the entire planet, then you need to do this.. only in a single complex, naturally, including all those aspects that affect our
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national interests and directly affect the security of our country, the security of russia. we also understand that the west is trying to drag us into an arms race, thereby exhaust, repeat the trick that they succeeded in the eighties with the soviet union. i remember. industrial complex, in order to increase the scientific, technological, industrial potential of the country, we need to allocate resources as rationally as possible and build an effective economy of the armed forces, achieve the maximum for every ruble of defense spending, it is important for us to increase the pace
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in solving social, demographic, infrastructural and other problems, and this will bring us to a qualitatively new level. level of equipment of the army and navy. first of all, this concerns general-purpose forces, the principles of their organization, the supply of unmanned strike systems, air defense and electronic warfare systems, communications intelligence, high-precision private, high-precision and other weapons to the troops. seriously, it is necessary to strengthen the groups in the western strategic direction in order to neutralize the threats associated with the next expansion. nato to the east, drawing sweden and finland into the alliance. the west provoked conflict in ukraine, the middle east, and other regions of the world, continues lie. now, without any embarrassment , they declare that russia allegedly intends to attack europe. well, it’s simple, you and i understand, this is not a trial, it’s nonsense, just some kind of nonsense.
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and at the same time, they themselves choose targets for... striking our territory , they choose what they think are the most effective means of destruction, they started talking about the possibility of sending nato military contingents to ukraine, but we remember the fate, the fate of those who once sent their contingents into the territory of our country, but now there will be consequences for possible interventionists much more... they must ultimately understand that we also have weapons, and they know about it, just now i said, there are also weapons that can hit targets on their territory, and that they are inventing everything
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now to scare the whole world, that's all. this really threatens a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization, why don’t they understand this, or what ? these are people, you know, these are people who have not gone through difficult trials, they have already forgotten what war is, here we are, even our current generation have gone through such things difficult trials during the fight against international terrorism in the caucasus, now in the context of the conflict in ukraine. the same thing happens, they think that for them these are all some kind of cartoons, what can i say, indeed, russophobia, like the other, the ideology of racism, national superiority of exclusivity, it blinds, deprives one of reason. the actions of the united states and its satellites have actually led to the dismantling
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of the european security system; this creates risks for everyone. it is obvious that it is necessary to work... so that already in in the foreseeable future, to form a new contour of equal and indivisible security in eurasia. we are ready for a substantive conversation on this topic with all interested countries and associations, and i would like to emphasize again: i think that this is important for everyone today. without a sovereign, strong russia, no lasting world order is possible. we strive to unite the efforts of the world majority to respond to global challenges, including the rapid transformation of the world economy, trade, finance, technology markets, when many previous monopolies and the stereotypes associated with them collapse, already in
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2028 the brix country, taking into account the states that have recently become members of this association, will create about... 37% of global gdp, while the group of seven figure will drop below 28 %. well, these figures are very convincing, because 10-15 years ago the situation was completely different. i have already spoken about this publicly, but these are the trends, you know, global trends, there is no escape from this, they are objective in nature. look, the share in world gdp at parity purchasing power of the big seven in ninety-two. in the ninety-second year, in the twenty-second it was already seven 33%, and brix - 31.5%. by
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28 the situation will change even more, towards brix, it will be 36.6%. for... and the seven forecast for the twenty-eighth year is 27.8, there is no escape from this, this is, this is objective reality, it will be so, no matter what happens, including even in ukraine, we , together with friendly states, will continue to create efficient and secure logistics corridors, advanced technological base to build a new global financial architecture, free from political interference, especially since the west itself... is discrediting its own currencies and banking system, sawing off the branch on which they have been sitting for decades, we interact with partners on the principles of equality, respect for the interests of each other friend,
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because more and more states are actively joining the work of the european union, the sco, other brigsta and other associations with the participation of russia, we see great prospects in building a large eurasian partnership in coupling and integration processes. within the framework of the eurasian economic union and the one belt-1 road initiative of the people's republic of china. the russia-ocean dialogue is developing positively. the russia-africa summit was a real breakthrough. the african continent is increasingly declaring its interests and its right to true sovereignty. we wholeheartedly support all these aspirations. russia has long-standing good relations with arab states. they represent originality.
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by the way, dear friends, colleagues, i’m sure many visited the russia exhibition, here come to see for themselves, to show children how rich and vast our homeland is, at the exhibition russia the year of the family was launched, the values ​​of love, mutual support and trust are passed on in the family from generation to generation, just like culture, traditions, history,
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russia was and remains a stronghold of traditional values ​​on which human civilization is built. our choice is shared by the majority of people in the world, including millions of citizens of western countries. download the sbpay app, link your bank account and you can pay for anything through. download sbp, pay conveniently , they told me, you will dance with this house
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of culture, well, everyone danced and danced together, everyone began to sing in the renovated house of culture in the city of orekhovo-zuyevo, and another one thousand two hundred renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. panic, let’s do without panic, there ’s belain’s internet, let’s go to motels, better ones, with beeline’s smart network, you have connections in a variety of situations, again i’m sparing everyone, with such and such the internet is on your side, where else can you turn dance into a world heritage, a sport, an invincible machine, let's go. go into space , send mom a star from the sky, be the best for your own people, and not for everyone in the world, turn. into
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