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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 29, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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taking into account modern environmental standards , we will develop public transport, reduce its age, until 2030, the constituent entities of the federation will receive about 40,000 additional buses.
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main water bodies of russia. over the past 5 years, 128 large landfills in cities and 80 sites of accumulated environmental damage that were literally poisoning the lives of people in 53 regions of russia have been eliminated. the territories of the krasny bor landfill, the baikal pulp and paper mill and the sibirsky usoliya have been brought into a safe state. in this regard, dear colleagues, i would like to emphasize. so far, only the most urgent measures have been carried out at these sites, but that is not all. it is also under no circumstances possible to leave them in such a state as they are now. we need to bring it this work to completion, to create all the necessary infrastructure here. in general, throughout russia we will continue to eliminate the most dangerous objects of the accumulated ecological series. in the next 6 years , at least 50 such points must be eliminated. high
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environmental risks, it is necessary to create incentives for businesses to introduce green technologies and switch to a circular economy, especially since we have essentially created a modern waste management industry from scratch, 250 enterprises have been built to process waste, the goal is to sort it by 2030 everything that needs to be sorted, all solid waste and at least a quarter of it can be reused, we will allocate additional financial resources for such projects, we will build it together with...
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it is important for almost every person, we are here , as they say, uniting efforts around the world, but the situation is gradual is changing, a very important milestone, starting from 2021 , more forests are being restored in russia than are being cut down, i want to thank for this, for this result, the volunteers, schoolchildren, students, all citizens who... planted trees, participated in environmental actions, and of course , business representatives for supporting such projects, we will definitely continue the restoration of forests, parks, gardens, including around agglomerations and industrial centers, and by a separate decision i propose
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to increase the salaries of specialists who work in forestry and in the field of meteorology , environmental protection. that is, they deal with the most important issues of environmental well-being, but we must honestly say that here people have income, the issues that they solve are very important, and income they are very modest. to support civil initiatives in the field of environmental protection, i think it is necessary to establish a fund for environmental and environmental projects. to begin with , the total volume of its grants will be 1 billion endangered species of plants and animals. in this regard, i propose to think about opening a network of rehabilitation centers for injured
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and confiscated wild animals. by 2030. by 2030 in all nationalities. countries will create an infrastructure for eco- tourism, including eco-trails and hiking routes, including routes weekends for schoolchildren, recreation areas, museums and visitor centers. modern, safe infrastructure will appear near water bodies, including lake baikal; a 24-hour resort will open here before 2030, but i think it is important to strictly adhere to the zero pollution principle. that is, the complete absence of waste and untreated wastewater into the lake. the construction of the baikal resort will become part of the large five seas project. modern hotel complexes will also appear on the coast of the caspian, baltic, azov, black and japanese seas.
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this project alone will increase the domestic tourist flow by another 10 million people per year. and in the country as a whole, taking into account the dynamic. development of such tourist centers as altai, kamchatka, kusbass, north caucasus, karelia, russian north, until 2030, the tourist flow should practically double to 140 million people per year. at the same time, the contribution of tourism to russia’s gdp will also double to 5%. it will be released soon.
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more than 50 city bypasses should be built, a new, significant road project - this is, of course, the construction of the dzhubga-sochi highway, it will reduce travel time. from the m4 don highway to sochi in four times to one and a half hours, and what’s more, it will allow the black sea coast to actively develop, but i want to say right away that we have agreed with the government, and i want to say this publicly too, this is of course complex and very capital-intensive project, there are only continuous tunnels and bridges, an expensive project, but nevertheless... i ask the government to provide a scheme for its financing, to work it out. we've already tidied up
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federal highways and almost 85 road projects, percent of roads in large agglomerations. we must strictly maintain this level. at the same time, in previous and coming years we will place special emphasis on the development of regional roads. air travel should become more accessible. it is necessary to increase the so -called aviation mobility of citizens. by 2030, the intensity of air traffic in russia should increase one and a half times compared to last year; for this we plan to accelerate the development of intra- and interregional air messages, and here the government faces a specific task: to modernize the infrastructure of at least 75 airports in 6 years, and this is more than a third. we will allocate at least 250
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billion rubles to the russian airport network for these purposes. this will be direct budget funding. it is necessary to renew the air fleet of our airlines using our own domestic aircraft. they must meet all modern requirements for quality, convenience and safety. a difficult task, they bought too much air transport abroad, but their own. production have not been developed, but nevertheless, advanced russian developments in mechanical engineering, construction, communications and digital systems will be in demand in creating a network of high-speed railways, so in the same directions, i’ll say a few words: the first route between moscow and st. petersburg will pass through tver and our ancient capital veliky novgorod, then we will lay highways. to kazan, the urals, rostov, the don, the black sea coast, minsk,
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fraternal belarus, and other popular destinations. let's continue, it will continue large-scale modernization of the central transport hub. moscow's central diameters will become the basis for connecting the capital region with modern high-speed routes. yaroslavl, tiverskaya, kaluga, vladimir and other regions , it is necessary to modernize the support network of inland waterways, thereby ensuring additional economic effects in the field of tourism, in the field of industrial development, the development of certain sensitive regions that are very important for us, including the regions of the far north . what i want to say something additional here. modern infrastructure directly works to increase the capitalization of all assets of the country
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, regions that operate, use their transit tourism potentials, can bring into circulation land plots for industrial and agricultural facilities, and for citizens it is an opportunity to build a house for a large family and live in more comfortable conditions . these are new prospects for business, including in foreign markets. in this regard , separate. should not exceed 10 minutes. modern technology makes this possible. such
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requirements are also important for the rhythmic operation of the north-south transport corridor, which will connect russia with the countries of the middle east and asia. its basis will be not only road routes, but seamless railway connections all the way from our ports on the baltic and bariens sea to the coast. gulf and the indian ocean, we will also increase the capacity of railways in the southern direction, which will allow active use.
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3 to 210 million tons per year, simultaneously the ports of vanin and sovetskoye gavan should be developed. the further development of the northern sea route is in the area of ​​special attention. we invite foreign logistics companies and states to actively use the opportunities of this global transport corridor. last year, 36 million tons of cargo passed through it. draw your attention. colleagues, this is five times more than the record figure during the soviet union. five times. we will ensure year-round navigation of the route, we will increase the turnover of our northern ports, including murmansk transport hub, and of course, build up
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the arctic fleet. last year, a unique one entered the raid. fleet, tankers, gas carriers, container ships, this will allow russian business to build effective trade flows in the conditions of changing logistics and fundamental changes in the global economy. dear citizens of russia, dear friends, i would like to say
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something separately. i constantly meet with participants in special military operations. these are both career military personnel and volunteers, people of civilian professions who were mobilized for military service, all of them with arms in hand, stood up to defend their homeland, you know, i look at these courageous people, sometimes very young guys, without any attraction, i can say, my heart is filled with pride for our people, for our people, for these particular people . such people will certainly not retreat, will not back down, will not let you down or betray them, so they must take leading positions in the education system, youth education, in public associations, in state-owned companies,
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in business, in state and municipal management, think about the country, live by its destiny, can be transferred in the future and entrusted to russia. you know that, well, you know that the word elta has discredited itself in many ways, by those who , without any merit to society, consider
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themselves to be some kind of caste, with special rights and privileges, especially bearing in mind those who in previous years ... and in this regard, about a new, i think, important decision. starting tomorrow, march 1 , 2024, veterans of a special military operation, as well as officer soldiers who are currently fighting in
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active units will be able to apply to participate in the first training stream of a special personnel program, let's call it “time of heroes.” this idea, i won’t hide, came to my mind when i met with students who were participants in a special military operation in st. petersburg. this program will be built according to the same standards as our best projects, the higher school of public administration, which is called the school of governors, as well as the competition for leaders of russia, their graduates reach high positions in many fields, even become ministers, military personnel will be able to become heads of regions and participants in the program. and veterans with higher education and management experience, regardless of rank and position. the main thing is that these must be people who have shown their
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best qualities, who have shown that they know how to lead their comrades. studies will begin in the coming months. the mentors for the first participants of the program will be the heads of the government, the presidential administration, federal ministries, departments, and the heads of our largest regions. company, we will further expand such personnel programs, we will launch management courses at the russian academy of national economy and public services, and i consider it necessary to legislatively increase the status of the academy. in addition, veterans participating in a special military operation will be able to receive higher education and a civilian specialty in our leading universities as a priority. i ask. i ask the ministry of defense, commanders of combat units, to support the desire of
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military officers, to try their hand at the new personnel program, to provide for them the opportunity to apply for participation, go to face-to-face classes. i would like to note that the participants in the special military operation, both privates, sergeants, and military officers, already form the backbone of our people.
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implementation of national projects on new principles, based on large amounts of data , modern digital technologies, which made it possible to increase work efficiency, control risks, increase the entire volume, take into account the entire volume of information, constantly adjust projects and programs, relying on feedback from citizens. i want to thank my government colleagues, departments, regions, which... all these years during the pandemic, in the conditions of sanctions aggression against russia, painstakingly built this system. i know that it was
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difficult, complex work and most importantly, it is already paying off. we see this in the result. exactly in this logic, we will continue to act. by the end of the year, all the national projects that i spoke about today must be approved and coordinated with each other. i want to emphasize once again that these are not projects of individual departments, they must work towards common systemic objectives, towards the achievements of our national development goals, at the same time i ask the all-russian popular front to continue to monitor the implementation of decisions at all levels, sorry to the authorities, i want to emphasize that the main result of our programs is not measured in ton kilometers and the amount of money spent... the main thing is the assessment of people, then how their lives are changing for the better, the scale of the historical challenges that
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russia faces requires extremely... clear, coordinated work of the state, civil society, and business. i think it is necessary now not only to prepare a draft budget for the next three-year period, but also to make up all the main expenses and investments further for the period until 2030, that is, in essence, we need to formulate a six-year long-term financial plan for the country’s development, which we will, of course, supplement with new initiatives. naturally, life will make adjustments, despite the difficult period, despite the current trials and difficulties, we are outlining long-term plans, the program that i outlined today in my message is objective and fundamental in nature, it is a program of a strong, sovereign country that looks confidently into the future. to achieve our goals, we have both resources and
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enormous opportunities. but i will now emphasize the main thing: the implementation of all planned plans today directly depends on our soldiers, officers, volunteers, all military personnel who are now fighting at the front, on courage. our comrades in arms who defend their homeland, go on the attack , go forward under fire, sacrifice themselves for us, for the sake of the fatherland, it is they, our warriors, who are creating today the absolutely necessary conditions for the future of the country and for its development, low bow to you guys.
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i thank all of you, dear colleagues , i thank all citizens of russia for their solidarity and reliability, we are one big family, we are together, therefore we will do everything as we plan and want to do, as we dream, i believe in our victories, in the success of the future of russia. thank you.
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well, on the eve of the presidential elections on the russia 24 channel there is a debate between candidates for the post of president of the russian federation and proxies . it is my pleasure to introduce the participants in our program today. rodin, vladimir romanovich, political confidant of russian presidential candidate nikolai kharitonov.
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we are talking about a very important topic.


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