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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 29, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm MSK

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four, well, another 3 seconds, one two, thank you for helping us count until the end of time, leonid dudarich, and also our dear participants in the election debates, we now have the final round, also 4 minutes, each participant is supposed to, and the question is very echoes in general everything that each of you spoke about, in particular, what the president spoke about today in his address to the federal assembly, leonid eduardovich quoted that we are talking... now and the main thing is not in kilometers, not in amounts of money, not in thousands, billions, but the main thing is people, now the question is about the people who live in the new territories of the russian federation, what needs to be done now, what kind of policy should be built in the direction of these very people who have returned to us, who are now with us , which, which are now ours. vladimirovich. new year's gifts for
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children, in lugansk a drama theater was opened for us, it was cold, the children came there in clothes, they were all sitting there, they were from families who suffered as a result of the barbarity of the nazis from ukraine, or someone from... died, someone was injured, the children themselves suffered, that’s when, after several songs performed from the stage, they heard that they would receive new year’s gifts today, i’m closer to this event without i couldn’t remember the tears , it was such a delight, the children were screaming like that, they were jumping out of their chairs and falling on the handrails, i was afraid that they would break their ribs... then
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the children of russia movement to the children of donbass was practically launched, in our leadership took part in this factions together with joseph kabzon, an honorary citizen of donetsk, as part of the implementation of this program, 16 thousand children visited russia and the moscow region. they visited the museum, they all saw how they thawed out, they arrived completely old, barely moving, withdrawn and blossomed during their two-week stay, we plan to implement this program in the future, in addition, as i already said, we do not stop humanitarian convoys, from the sixth the nearest one is leaving, on the sixth of february, we also insisted when we saw it? how are they issued?
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passports, how passports are issued, thanks to the activities of our group under the leadership, the leadership of our faction, we have achieved preferential registration of russian citizenship for residents of donbass, these are specific examples of work, and uh, we also raised the issue of - protecting those fighting in the forefront was expressed. in supporting families, these are kindergartens, schools and institutes, but when we say that our universities accept them for free, it’s time to raise the question not in such a way that it is decided that - free, or rather budget places were provided to the detriment of russians, since they are also russians, and it is necessary to switch to free education in universities, among other things, for this there are levers in our... program
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, specific examples are formulated of where to get the money. this is working with the population. in addition, we recreated the activities of many public organizations, the union of soviet officers, the women's movement, support for the army and navy, and the military industry. well, in general, as expected, work is being done to support the population. we have entered into agreements with libraries, including the central donetsk library. we supply lugansk; the shortage of books in russian is acutely felt in the zaporozhye and kherson regions. this too should be eliminated as soon as possible. well, everything i talked about was the result of the activities, including our candidate for the post of president of russia, nikolai mikhailovich kharitonov. therefore, i urge you to pay attention to him and this candidacy and support him. it is
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we who have received in advance a great credit of trust from people who decided to join to the russian federation, all the people who , living on this territory, believed in us, we simply have no right to disappoint them, they are counting on a better life, on a life when they are not afraid to speak russian, think about it, and in some territories not only now...
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roads, they make money from tourism, and many with whom i communicate say that we did not regret it, we did not regret making such a choice then, and i believe that the main criterion for us for which they have joined now they have good everyone who makes the decision, so that the people who then decided to join russia do not regret it. about our choice, and for this we will do a lot, besides the fact that our country received an objective assessment of what we are capable of doing ourselves and what not, it turned out that we, as
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a colleague has already pointed out, have a lot of kulibins, these at first, kulibins were rescued, including by drones. well, let’s imagine that these drones, after the military operation is over, and we have learned, and we have mastered these technologies, our faction leader, alexey nechaev, has repeatedly raised the question of the use of dual-use goods, their production, that these drones can be used in agriculture, and vladislav. davankov describes these points in detail in his program, probably, each of you will not read 170 points, but when you go to the dovankov website, it seems that these 170 points seem like a lot, then you start reading and you recognize your thoughts in them , this is
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exactly how you think, just throwing it away, having discarded everything superfluous, you understand that everything is written there according to... and the implementation of these points will make it possible to objectively make life better in new territories, so it would seem that you will ask, what does dual dual-use technologies have to do with it, and given that when will the development these productions take place, they have to be built from scratch, choosing new locations, and these locations will, in many ways, be located, i think, in new territories, would you agree? it will be correct to place many new productions, new factories in new territories so that there will be jobs there, and i believe that the most comprehensively balanced harmonious program of vladislav davankov gives hope
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that this will be implemented, it is very synchronous with what the president spoke about today in his message, thank you very much , well, drones. peaceful equipment, only then some evil genius thought of attaching explosives to it. leonid eduardovich, please, your 4 minutes. thank you, speaking about people, you need to do specific things aimed on people. they are now watching our debates, they are watching in the kherson region, in genich or skadovsk, they are watching in zaporozhye. more precisely, in the energy dar they are looking in the recently liberated avdeevka in the dpr or in the most affected petrovsky district, trudovsky district of the airport in donetsk, and today they are waiting for concrete
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help. there is no housing, no work, children need to be taught and it is advisable to give them a good education. there are none. more tasks that, solving problems that officials are bogging down, someone has not received some necessary documents, certificates, this may be real. the situation is every time in a warring country with officials, maybe we won’t harass them , we don’t get around to it, that’s what we do every day, answering hundreds, now thousands of requests to the ldpr, that’s why the ldpr is in a growth trend, because no one will say, that the ldpr gave an unsubscribe, refused, vladimir romanovich, it is unworthy, pathetic and unprofessional to measure who is more. i did it, there’s no need to compare, here we need to unite, it ’s you who are measuring, not me, i’m afraid that the audience
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will give an assessment exactly the opposite, i want to urge everyone to stand shoulder to shoulder and really work over any task, only then will we be able to do faster and better for these people what they expect from us, the ldpr today, indeed, but these are people. i never talk about this, because it’s a sin to somehow hype it up, so to speak, to count,
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there is much more tens of hundreds of times to be sent and not to send convoys, but to be with them, i will soon be there in our new territories, in new regions, because it cannot be otherwise, they must be really supported, and not through television programs, the debate in... has already been resolved a lot, but much more remains to be resolve, here is the answer to your question, and this is regardless of the debate, the more of us there are among them, the less of them there are among us, those who are unhappy with the fact that they ended up in russia, who believe that we are to blame, that they lost blood, relatives, we need to be with them and provide them with a decent future in great russia, this is exactly the task that has passed like a red thread today. through the president's message, which is conveyed in every speech i make in the program, in the action plan, in
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real actions every day, these are the people they evaluate when there was one situation, but it became qualitatively different, and how much we sent there, so i think that we somehow refrain from such things, shoulder to shoulder, for russia, for new regions, for people, we are together. .. see you, see you, lionit eduardovich, thank you, here again stands , probably, many of you today appealed to exactly what the president said today, and he, among other things , thanked the political parties for such an epoch-making time for our country, they joined forces, consolidated their opportunities to work together towards a common goal. thank you all very much, this was a debate on the russia 24 channel, see you next week, thank you all, thank you. so, vladimir
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putin’s new message to the federal assembly became the longest in all years: 2:6 minutes. this time, the president devoted his speech almost entirely to domestic politics and socio-economic issues, and launched five national projects at once, which are designed to improve the lives of russians. one of them is designed to further strengthen state support for families with children. we need constant work aimed at supporting the birth rate, and for this we will improve the quality of life of families with children, we will launch a new national project, which is called the family, i propose to additionally help the subject federation, where the birth rate is lower than the russian average, this is especially important for central russia and the north -west, by the end of the thirtieth year... we will send at least 75 billion rubles to such regions.
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the family mortgage program is valid until july of this year, i propose to extend it until 2030 year, maintaining the main basic parameters. pay special attention to families with children under 6 years of age, inclusive, for them the preferential loan rate will remain the same 6%. and one more thing: now , at the birth of a third child, the state pays off part of the mortgage loan for the family, 450.00 rubles. i also suggest extending it.
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as well as soldiers and officers who are currently fighting in active units will be able to apply to participate in the first training stream of a special personnel program, let’s call it the time of heroes. this program will be built by the same standard as our best projects, the higher school of public administration, which is called the school of governors, as well as the leader of russia competition, their graduates reach high positions in many areas. even becoming ministers, heads of regions, military personnel and veterans with higher education and management experience, regardless of rank and position, can become participants in the program here. the main thing is that these must be people who have shown their best qualities, who have shown that they know how to lead their comrades. school will begin in
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the coming months. the first participants in the program will be mentored by government leaders. presidential administrations, federal ministries, departments, heads of regions of our largest companies. the time of heroes personnel program will embed the best practices, including working with leading experts and leaders from the presidential administration and the cabinet of ministers. the rector of ranhix, alexey komissarov, spoke about this. all participants in a special military operation, as the president said in his message to the federal assembly. will be able take part in the new personnel program “time of heroes”. and we will announce additional details about it in the near future. and, of course, taking into account the instructions that were announced by the president today. and, in the personnel program, the time of heroes, we intend to implement all our best practices, uh , including work, uh, within the framework of the school
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of governors, the school of mayors, the competition for leaders of russia and, uh, we expect that the program will be implemented together with leading experts from among the heads of the presidential administration, government, federal ministries, large companies, governors, and i have no doubt that the experience of our heroes will, in turn, allow us to strengthen the already existing training programs for the presidential academy. another new national project, personnel, is designed to prevent personnel shortages in our country. to support this project, schools and universities will have to work. but connections that will help prepare about a million blue-collar workers who will begin working in high- tech areas. many thanks to him for the new national project personnel, which unites everything from high school, special education, and of course, higher schools, there were already quite ambitious goals set for the government by
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the year 1930: 25 campuses, of which 17 were selected, and this is already 2.5 million square meters. meters of modern infrastructure and a total budget of almost half a trillion rubles, but with his additional instructions to expand this program until the thirty-sixth year to 40 campuses, another additional investment of 400 billion, this is all in the preparation of our it will bring in additional personnel, i think that at least another one and a half, probably trillion rubles, the total amount of the program that will allow us to create. this ecosystem of an environment for training our specialists, who are so necessary for our technological sovereignty in all directions. vladimir putin commented today and immanli macron’s recent threats to the possible sending of troops to ukraine, recalled the fate of those who sent their contingents to the territory of our country. now
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the consequences for the interventionist will be much greater more tragic, but after the president’s message on the question of the latest western rhetoric.
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on the topic of the development of the country's economy, on the new tasks that vladimir putin has set for the state and business, konstantin churikov. the russian economy is showing strong growth and, taking into account new challenges, is capable of developing at an accelerated pace. in his address to the federal assembly, the president spoke about how the west is gradually losing its leadership. as an example, vladimir putin cited the ratio of the gdp of the g7 and brix countries over the past 30-plus years. it is clear that there was no brix in... the second year, but the countries that are part of this organization today accounted for a total of only 16.5% of the world economy, seven
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western countries accounted for almost half, but now this ratio is in favor of brix, and by 28, the g7 countries will have less than a third left. according to the president, today russia has become the main economy of europe, the fifth in the world. the country has enormous potential, we still have room to grow. economy. becomes more complex, technologically advanced, and therefore much more sustainable. today russia is the largest economy in europe in terms of gross domestic product at purchasing power parity and the fifth largest in the world. the pace and main qualities of growth allow us to hope and even affirm. that in the near future we will be able to take another step forward and become one of the four largest economic powers in the world. next, the president
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explained in detail, step by step, how the russian economy will receive an additional boost. one of the main measures will be government investment in production. an additional 300 billion will be allocated to the industrial development fund, and another 200 billion through cluster investment programs will amount to about 120 billion. subsidies for research and development work, as well as for the expansion of industrial mortgages. vladimir putin noted a significant increase in the commissioning of production space, and this also speaks of russia’s development potential. additionally , we will build and modernize more than 10 million square meters of production space. i just want to point out for comparison. by the way, to the pluses, to the pace that we... have already gained, for comparison, today in russia about 4 million square m2 of production space are built annually, this is
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a significant indicator of the renewal of our industrial potential, and we additionally, as i said, we will do 10 million. growing production capacity, the country must focus on solving priority problems for the next 6 years, and this, according to the president, is an increase in non... raw material non -energy exports by 2/3 , a one and a half times increase in the share of domestic high-tech goods and services on the domestic market. to achieve such impressive results, the government must trust business. the president instructed to abandon the temporary moratorium on inspections of enterprises from january 1 next year to completely switch to a risk-based approach. the main task of the risk-based approach is to assign checks only if the inspector has. there is information that offenses are being committed, that is, inspections are not ordered for the sake of inspections, they are ordered only in the event that the control and supervisory authority
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sees that there is a violation of some norm or some rule. and the head of state also instructed to provide the company with working capital. vladimir putin separately explained how this can be done. our banking system and stock market must fully ensure the flow of capital into the economy, into its real sector. including through project and equity financing mechanisms. in the next 2 years , industrial enterprises will be supported using equity funds projects with investments of more than 200 billion rubles. the meaning of this mechanism is that the vep-rf development corporation, with the participation of commercial banks, enters into the capital of high-tech companies and provides assistance during the phase of their active growth. the possibilities, as they say, were not tied, the president ordered to write off most of their debts to the federal budget, i consider it necessary to write off 2/3 of the debt.
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according to estimates, this will allow them to save about 200 billion rubles annually from 25 to 2028. please note that these savings must be, as they say, painted. a separate topic was the adjustment of the tax system; the head of state proposed discussing a mechanism for improving it so that it would be more flexible; separately, vladimir putin proposed thinking about the parameters of an amnesty for small companies that were forced to split up their businesses and thereby reduce costs. i have already said that there should not be a situation where it is actually
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unprofitable for companies to gain momentum. because tax payments increase sharply when switching from a simplified to a general tax regime. it turns out that the state is pushing businesses to fragment in other ways, the so -called optimization of the fiscal burden. i ask the government, together with parliamentarians, to work out the parameters of an amnesty for small companies that, despite the actual growth of their business, were forced to use tax optimization schemes. finance minister anton selanov announced this after the president’s speech; he gave an interview to the 60 minutes program. the most important thing is that you need to understand that all the decisions that we heard today are all those the instructions that were given will be carried out within the framework of budget
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balance, because. the budget is the basis of macroeconomic stability; if we are talking about supporting the regions, then the write-off of part of the budget loans that should be returned to the federal center, these funds will be directed to the implementation of infrastructure projects in the regions themselves. the president's address covered all the main topics of the development of our economy, including agriculture, transport accessibility, logistics, and cargo turnover. by all the directions and plans that vladimir putin spoke about exist. specific goals, the necessary means are provided, which means there will be a result. last year , an unprecedented amount of housing was built in russia, over 110 million square meters. the president stated this. the tasks facing the construction complex for the next 6 years are also quite ambitious. this is a very serious issue related to the modernization of housing and communal services , primarily with communal infrastructure - this is a large program that
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must be approved before the thirtieth year. well in general regional development, improvement , everything related to infrastructure for people , based on the results of the president’s message, of course , we will now promptly introduce our necessary regulatory documents, we will now include in the budget for the next 6 years all the programs announced by the president, that is, i believe that this is a very big breakthrough forward, this is planned work on the development of the region, on the development of the construction complex in... the country until the thirtieth year and subsequently until the thirty-sixth year. so, this presidential message was the longest in history. 2:6 minutes, vladimir putin's speech was interrupted by applause more than 80 times. the president's message was watched in all military districts, in the navies and in educational institutions. the soldiers in the special military operation zone at platoon strongholds, where
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televisions were installed, were also able to watch it. the president was broadcast in all regions, in large cities, on large outdoor screens in cinemas, and for the first time russians could watch a speech at vdnkh in the largest seventy-fifth pavilion of the international exhibition russia, where the achievements of the subjects of our country are presented.


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