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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  February 29, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the true, real elite is everyone who serves russia, workers and wars. those who have proven their loyalty to russia will be responsible for the development of the country. all the details about vladimir putin’s statements during his address to the federal assembly, the largest in history. message development plan. find out what they are like.
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kyiv militants tried to attack. so, the main political event of this day, vladimir putin’s message to the federal assembly. it became the longest in all years: 2:6 minutes. most of the circulation dedicated to domestic politics. the president announced the launch of five new national projects at once, which are designed to improve the lives of russians, one of... the quality of life of families with
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children, to support fertility, and for this we will launch a new national project, which is called: family. i propose to further help the federal subjects where the birth rate is below the russian average; this is especially important for central russia and the north-west. by the end of the thirtieth year , we will allocate at least 75 billion rubles to such regions. family mortgage program valid until july this year, i propose to extend it until 2030, maintaining the main basic parameters. pay special attention to families with children under six years of age, inclusive, for them the preferential loan rate will remain the same - 6%. and even
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now, at the birth of a third child , the state pays off part of the mortgage loan for the family, 450 thousand rubles. i also propose to extend this rule until 2003. the real elite of russia are the fighters of a special military operation, warriors and workers who must participate in governing the country and lead the largest projects - stated. on march 1, a special personnel program for veterans of svo participants will begin. from march 1, 24, veterans of a special military operation, as well as officer soldiers who are currently fighting in active units, will be able to apply to participate in the first training stream of a special personnel program, let’s call it “time of heroes.” this program will be built to the same standards as our best projects. graduate school.
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studies will begin in the coming months, mentors for the first participants of the program will be the heads of the government, the presidential administration, federal ministries, departments, heads of regions of our largest companies. the president paid special attention to the participant in the special military operation and thanked him for his steadfastness and courage. the implementation of all
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planned plans today directly depends on our soldiers, officers, volunteers, all military personnel who are fighting now. from the courage and determination of our comrades in arms who defend their homeland, go on the attack, go forward under fire, sacrifice themselves for the sake of it is they, our warriors, who are absolutely creating us today for the sake of the fatherland. necessary conditions for the future of the country and for its development, low bow to you guys, vladimir putin commented and
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emmanuel macron’s recent threats to the possible sending of troops to ukraine, recalled the fate of those who sent their contingents to the territory of our country. well, we’ll wait and see, we’ll live and see, but in any case, russia has everything to meet any adversary, any enemy who encroaches on our territory. in gostiny dvor, about a thousand people were invited to the announcement of the president's message, senators, deputies, members
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of the government, heads of regions and, of course, participants in a special military operation. first impressions were collected by dmitry gornov. in gostiny dvor today all statements are important. the address to the federal assembly has long ceased to be simply a statement of tasks for parliament; it is an appeal to the nation, to all citizens in the far east, far north, south and west of the country. in the hall are ministers, governors, representatives of the clergy, military officers and many others who will implement the ideas of the national leader. all these
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journalists are standing and waiting for the main ones to come out.
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it doesn’t matter what status you hold in the army, what position you hold, what military rank you have, that is, all layers in the army can try themselves there after graduating from the northern military district and even during the northern military education study, well, at civilian universities, military universities, that is, he does now the emphasis is on the so-called elite, as he himself
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said, that from ordinary fighters, every person can become a manager there, well, in various fields, this is very important, because many guys... who are now returning from the front should have such support, move further up the career ladder, learn and pass on their vast experience to the new generation. the new elite can become managers not only in individual industries, but also lead entire cities and regions. it was just a great pleasure for me today to hear that a whole program, hero time, was created today especially for them, we really have guys who are ready today, want intend to manage our territories, for some reason i am sure that they will definitely succeed the most and best. without exaggeration, the whole country followed the president’s message, even close to the line of combat contact. we also prepared, brought a big screen, a large plasma , set up, so to speak, uninterrupted
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internet, well, as close as possible to the front line, they called me yesterday, they said, they say, we will watch, i said, they say, you which row will you be in, commander, so we're on you we looked, the president spoke about foreign policy, sanctions unleashed by the collective west through the hands of kiev, the war against russia and our opposition to this challenge, for us the words of the president, when the country is at war, are the orders of the supreme...
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priorities that our president spoke about today, but we probably need to separately note the importance of ensuring the safety of our guys, the heroes who are on the front line today, i mean training and providing additional opportunities for self-realization, all this is ours strategic task. vladimir
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putin's address to the federal assembly is discussed by candidates for the post of president and their proxies . this topic was discussed today at the debate that took place on our channel. we and my colleague, margarita semenyuk, will find out all the details. she joins us live from our studio. margarita, greetings, the floor is yours. yes, i welcome you, about protecting our borders, about helping the rear, as well.
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thousands of people will receive such very serious support; culture in our country will develop.
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we will be able to be confident that we will do everything possible and impossible to ensure that the operation ends this year, we need to do very specific things, we already have several laws working on the participants, nikolai kharitonov’s confidant vladimir, answering the question of the moderator of the debate, emphasized: many russian communists today are fighting on the front line,
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communists and komsomol members are fighting on the front line, you can also find 62 members of the communist party of the russian federation, unfortunately, heroes, who died heroically in this operation. special military operation showed how quickly the russian world can unite in the fight against a common enemy, noted alexander khurdzhi. confidant of presidential race participant vladislav davankov from the new people party. the studio guest emphasized that our country has everything. for victory, we must admit that our troops are much stronger , we have quite high-quality and educated personnel in military affairs, but besides everything else , there was unity, a unique unity of the entire people, when we talk about the people who fight, they are certainly on the front line,
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but there are people who create weapons for them, there are people who sew for them... so, in russia a new national family project will be launched to support families and fertility, extension of family mortgages, maternity capital, what other proposals are there,
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he knows all the details maria kudrevtseva. family support should become the center of government strategy. the goal is to achieve a sustainable increase in the birth rate in the country in the next 6 years, including the launch of a new national family project for this purpose. an important signal that indicated president vladimir putin in his message to the federal assembly: a large large family should become the norm and philosophy of social life, hence the targeted support measures; at least 75 billion rubles will be sent to regions with low birth rates to support families. vladimir putin noted: parents should have more free funds to solve everyday problems and proposed doubling the tax deduction for the second child to 2,800 rubles per month and up to 6,000 deduction for the third of each subsequent child. often determining fertility issues become a housing issue. over the past 6 years, millions of russian families have improved their living
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conditions, including more than 900,000 with the help of family mortgages. program. family mortgages are valid until july of this year, i propose to extend it until 2030, maintaining the basic basic parameters, paying special attention to families with children under 6 years old, inclusive, for them the preferential loan rate will remain the same 6%. and yet, now, at the birth of a third child, the state pays for the family part mortgage loan, 450,000 rub. also. i propose to extend this rule until 2030. the president also proposed extending the maternity capital program at least until 2030. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova has already commented that this will require an additional 600 billion rubles. another important signal, according to vladimir putin,
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starting from 2020, the minimum wage in russia has increased by one and a half times, by 2030 it should almost double again to 35,000 rubles. and already in 2025 the president instructed the government to develop a new model of remuneration for public sector employees. in 2026, make a final and unified decision for all regions. it is necessary to improve the system of remuneration in the public sector, to achieve an increase in the income of specialists employed here. the level of average salaries across the economies in the regions is different, which means that the incomes of public sector workers, even in neighboring regions of the federation, sometimes differ markedly. i simply ask the government to work already in the twenty-fifth year. a new model of remuneration for public sector employees within the framework of pilot projects of the federal subject, in the twenty-sixth year to make a final decision for the entire country. creating motivation
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for young specialists is a separate important issue, and this task will also be helped by another new national project - personnel. initially, it was planned to build 25 university campuses by 2030, but vladimir putin proposed expanding the program to increase this figure to forty. also 124 billion rubles. will be allocated for the repair of university dormitories and 120 billion for the re-equipment of technical schools and colleges. but it is important that the living conditions of people throughout the country become more comfortable. the president instructed to expand the master plan program; it should cover more than 2,000 settlements. and there are targeted, but no less important decisions. this includes the expansion of the social gasification program. today, as part of the message from the federal assembly. the president expanded this program, he instructed to ensure additional gasification of gardening partnerships located within the boundaries of populated areas, and this is another impulse,
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the pace of increasing gasification in general country, 4.5 trillion rubles will be allocated for the modernization of public utilities until 2030. after completing his address to the federal assembly, deputy prime minister marat khusnulin spoke about how work in this area is being built. we are a program for the development of communal infrastructure, which means we will draw up a program for the development of communal infrastructure before the thirtieth year, it is the largest in terms of money - 4.5 trillion, this is from all sources, which means this task is to collect all possible money, build a management system, and still put the communal services in order, it has long been required solutions to this problems. in total, vladimir putin, during his address to the federal assembly, launched five national projects, each with its own goals. but all of them should improve the lives of russians, well, then a report from the special operation zone, fighters of the center group have improved the situation on the avdeevka sector
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of the front, in avdeevka itself the military is inspecting the coke-chemical plant, where a powerful fortified ukrainian armed forces was created. our special correspondent, grigory vdobin, visited there. the machine gunner takes his place in our armored car, turn on rap, all movements at night, the route is quite. a large enterprise of this type in europe , its size is truly absolutely amazing, the defense here could be held for a long time, but the second azov of steel did not
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work out, the rather disgusting sound of the drone detector does not stop, but there is certainly a benefit from it, because it helps determine the type drone, if it recognizes wi-fi, then it is possibly the so-called babaega, it also sees an fpv drone, well, now a drone is approaching in the air, this means that the situation is, in principle, within the framework. decency, then there is a regular one, well, you can easily move around quite easily. on the territory of the plant there is a large railway facility, a fleet of huge belaz trucks, western -style ammunition is scattered in disarray , uniforms have been discarded, we enter one of the underground bunkers through a ventilation duct, there are mountains of dry rations and food from various nato countries. apparently, there was some kind of command post around the perimeter of the room, tables were placed, a huge number of boxes with... various computer wires , some kind of large complex technological unit i was preparing observations here, but then the factory arrived here and the ceiling in the premises collapsed.
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the craters from... hits are really impressive in size, the wall of which is fenced off by a rather menacing-looking plant, but in some places it looks like it was made of paper. one of the typical details of the local landscape is the kamikaze drone. it’s difficult to say exactly what happened to him now; specialists will deal with it, but for now, of course, touching him is categorically not recommended. just during our work at the plant , it was reported about our successful operations in orlovka. there is smoke on the horizon, this is exactly the western direction. it was the heroic 114th brigade of the first corps that was one of the units that made a key contribution to the occupation of avdeevka and such a complex object as kaksakhim from the point of view of driving out the enemy from here. they understood that sooner or later they would fall into the ring, the so-called obliev cauldron would close. there would be
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only one way out for them. the fact that our film crew, the first of all news services working in the dpr, managed to film and prepare this report, report from avdeevsky as a sahikhim. grigory vdoin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev and andrey rudenko, news from avdeevka, donetsk people's republic. how do you like it, are we
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