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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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[000:00:44;00] this year the president's message to the federal assembly was devoted to the strategic challenges facing russia and our common future. the announcement ceremony took place in gostiny dvor in moscow
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and lasted a record 2 hours and 6 minutes. during this time, vladimir putin spoke in detail about the development plans of our country for the coming years, many of them relate to the social and economic sphere, as well as the development of russian infrastructure. in addition, the head of state announced the launch of five new national projects at once. putin especially noted the combat capabilities of the russian armed forces. now the west is absolutely brazenly encroaching on our sovereignty, so its protection requires full attention. the russian political system is one of the pillars of the country's sovereignty. we will further develop democratic institutions. we will not allow anyone to interfere in our internal affairs. the so-called west, with its colonial habits, its habit of inciting national conflicts around the world, seeks not only to restrain our development. instead of russia, they
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need a dependent one. soldiers, officers, christians and muslims, buddhists, followers of judaism , representatives of different ethnic groups, cultures, regions, put on better than a thousand words, proved that the centuries-old cohesion and unity of the people of russia is a colossal all-conquering force, together, all together shoulder to shoulder, they
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are fighting for one common homeland. “we are all citizens of russia, we will together defend our freedom, the right to a peaceful and dignified life, determine our own path, protect the connection between generations, which means the continuity of historical development, solve the problems that the country faces, based on our worldview, our traditions, beliefs that we will pass on to our children. it should be noted that about the war..." very little was said, the west, of course, expected something else, the west , of course, expected completely different rhetoric, the west expected how we would talk about our successes in the military-industrial complex, but in the message there was colossal respect for the people at the front, colossal respect, it is very important how vladimir vladimirovich concluded the message about who directly depends on whom
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the implementation of all planned plans depends. all planned plans today directly depend on our soldiers, officers, volunteers, all military personnel who are now fighting at the front. from courage, from the courage and determination of our comrades in arms who defend their homeland, they rise to attack. they move forward under fire, sacrifice themselves for us, for the sake of the fatherland, it is they, our soldiers, who today create the absolutely necessary conditions for the future of the country and for its development, low bow to you,
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guys. i thank all of you, dear colleagues, i thank all citizens of russia for solidarity reliability, we are one big family. “we are together, therefore we will do everything as we plan and want to do, as we dream, i believe in our victories, in successes, in the future of russia, thank you, also at the beginning there was a minute of silence dedicated to the memory of the fallen heroes, but inside, inside there was a plan until the thirtieth
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year, a clear, detailed one, which is not just outside pressure on russia, after all , the anti-russian coalition is about 45-50 states, this is not so small, and the president puts forward far-reaching social, economic, transport, energy and so on, country development programs. this is where, i think, western leaders probably had a few
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unpleasant moments. the atmosphere, in fact, everyone who was here, in the hall, it was like that, it was extremely important for our society, and you know, this confidence from the president was transmitted to everyone, that’s what i would say, not that we came dissuaded, but it was an additional impulse, because it was clear that everything had really been thought out, everything had been calculated, by the way, he was joking, he
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felt, so to speak , this means that this could complicate it, but
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will not change it, long-range missiles, the same thing, will complicate the situation, cause greater bitterness of the conflict, bring it to a new level of escalation, but will not qualitatively change this situation in favor of ukraine from the west , so they are already talking about the last resort, so they are discussing the last resort, which, it seems to them, could turn the course of military events in favor of ukraine, and i think that the president gave a very timely and correct answer, that is, it was clear that... this is an answer to macron, and to those who think like macron, or to those who, by the way, the finnish side is now making a statement that these long-range missiles should be supplied to ukraine, it has the right to hit military targets on the territory of russia, that is, it’s like this, that’s right, i always read helsinki as a russian city, yes, yes, yes, it was once, well, vladimich leni, vladimirovich lenin let him go in the eighteenth year, my parade, yes, so, and the chance rightly the president says, how is it? they give us propose negotiations on strategic
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stability and at the same time select targets for attacks on our territory, how one fits with the other. well, the finns don’t offer us anything, it should be noted that this is not the right side to discuss strategic stability with us, the finns don’t offer us anything , they now have a new president who can only offer, in my opinion, finland’s advancement towards war. which means one more point about negotiations on strategic stability. americans now have such an attempt
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to separate. not the essence of the content of the speech, this is what the head of state says, which is a country that is on the rise, i had this feeling, you know, here is a country that is simply surviving in the conditions of hostilities, difficulties, sanctions, pressure there, so her the leader does not speak because she is squeezed, she is still in isolation, yes, with his speech the president showed that russia is not in isolation, yes, it is under pressure, but this does not have a decisive impact on its development, yes, it is
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a lot of sanctions, but we managed, at least the first medium-term effect , to largely neutralize them, this is very important, that is, this is a development strategy, in spite of everything, in spite of everything, this is not a survival strategy, this is a strategy of self-affirmation in conditions of effective and such purposeful development, i think
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this is the message, this is the second... of the united states and india. that's the perspective. is this a squeezed country, so to speak, a country in the grip of western pressure, no. a completely different experience. that is, we we are the complete antithesis of the western strategy, and thereby prove that it is untenable and unpromising. i liked the phrase, that we will now show the sarmatians there. at the combat duty, i wonder if we will just show them or show the launch, well, because why should we wait for the extreme point, that is, if they don’t understand something, every escalation is our death. a lot of things, so any attempt by the west , but that is, we see it flies to a lot of places and the escalation should end, that they should get a blow in the impudent faces, and
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there were several such encrypted messages for the west, because it was said, you thought that in the cartoon everything was real, the second was said that... we have more, and we will show, that is, there was nothing there, let’s put up with it, on the contrary it was said, we don’t believe you, we see right through you, we have something to show you, this is very important, but at the same time, i think that you especially liked, dear alexandrovich, what was said, we will not repeat the mistakes of the soviet union , we will not drain our economy with excessive, excessive
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in percentage terms, the costs of... personnel sovereignty, a huge place was also devoted to this, these are schools, vocational schools and higher education, a huge program for campuses, for the construction of new schools, for education aimed at the future, and artificial intelligence, digital platforms and
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so on, then on what our economy should develop at a faster pace, there , by the way, if you pay attention to the digital... platform it says that we are already at the forefront today, we will continue to move forward, at a faster pace, of course, an unprecedented social program aimed at saving people, increasing life expectancy, reducing inequality, reducing inequality between people, between regions, by the way, a colossal regional program, support for the regions. because our problem is that the country is developing unevenly, somewhere there are rich regions, somewhere poor, huge measures have been proposed before the write-off of budget loans, new loans for the development of infrastructure, budgetary and so on, all this is aimed
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at first, to increase the overall level life in the country, to solve perhaps
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the most painful and difficult problem. the central bank heard how with such a policy of the central bank, we, for example, will become the fourth economy in the world, if putin talks about growth about growth rates, and the central bank
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is afraid of overheating. here so that there is no ambiguity, no , there he specifically named several important things, in my opinion, this is improving the depreciation policy from the point of view of encouraging investment, which is also about, also the mission of medium-sized companies that have given an amnesty to those who transferred, to do softer the transition, so that companies that cross the border from small medium-sized enterprises do not evade paying taxes, this is a very important crusher to escape. well, he split the company in order to escape, this is not to punish those, i just don’t want to beat anyone, but pay attention, putin says, for example,
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mortgage, 2%, here is help, there he specifically names the percentages, well, if vladimir vladimirovich, pay attention , what interest rates, maybe those on whom interest rates depend will also start counting, looking, thinking, well, with a pencil we were talking about preferential mortgages, mortgages, its extension, it’s clear that this works great, right? why date? why did housing suddenly become expensive in our country? are our building materials expensive? is our land dear? in our country, housing can be very inexpensive,
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do english lords build with trowels from pure gold, laying out a layer of cement and a layer of black roofs, or what? here the question is precisely that he said this several times, that we are still ready to increase tax time. and for those who need support, yes, just give it a boost , including, of course, what i’m just saying, this is all the same old topic, look, the highest rates of development of the criminal complex, 500,000 jobs , a simple recipe, low interest rate, 80 % of advance payment, here there is preferential lending for a mortgage, we get one and a half times more than in soviet times we build square ones, it turns out that this recipe is known to everyone, everyone
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understands everything. looked like before, but i think that this program, which the president, by the way, emphasized that it was born from meetings
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with citizens, everything that was said here in the message regarding social services and so on, these are all the wishes of our people, it was all born from there, and this is very important, yes, yes, but this is a program that allows make enormous money to replenish the budget, well, look , if we increase roads, yes, what is a road, additional expenses, in order for them to appear, the economy must work, develop at a faster pace, then we
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can support from the budget accordingly and... and social disadvantage, i think, when they are now transferring at 4%, perhaps let ’s show the growth, well, now it will once again be the beginning of the year, well, somewhere around four, but yes, i forgot, sorry , a very important thing, of course, the increase in the minimum wage is colossal, yes, this is it, this concerns millions of people in our country, people should live longer, families should be richer, we must fight this... the phenomenon of working poverty, this in general it shouldn’t be, so i hope that it’s very clearly indicated here too, now it will appear, come on, what's there? a card that earns itself,
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