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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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today it was said about the need , probably, to change the tax reform, more fair, we talked a lot about nationalization, the law has not been formally adopted, but the prosecutor general’s office, through the courts, has already , probably, challenged illegal privatization of seventy key strategic enterprises, the state is returning it, i’m sure, that we will come to a progressive scale of taxation, but in fact it already exists, nationalization is also not an easy thing. in general, we live in a time when it is very important to correctly analyze experience; simple recipes are always lead to big troubles later, big troubles , by the way, not yeltsin, yeltsin’s role goes without saying, but still there was such a person, his name was gorbachev mikhail, well, they’re practically a couple, each in his own way, like that, traitors to the party, traitors country, no couple, traitor - this is a very strong word, it should be judicial, alexandrevich, please. the collapse
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of the ussr, so for reference, the communist party of the soviet socialist republic consisted of 16.5 million people, i don’t know a single example when at least one of the communists came to the defense of both their party and their country, but we can still return to the message, i would like to argue a little here with my colleagues, not even to argue, to say that the message was not primarily addressed to the west, this message was primarily addressed and addressed not to the federal assembly, no, it is addressed to the citizens of russia, and i here agree with the thesis that was voiced that this is essentially the program of presidential candidates vladimir vladimirovich putin, not only for the next 6 years, but for the long-term subsequent period, and what today a significant part of the message was addressed specifically to the problems of the country’s internal development, its tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, this is very important, there were a lot of numbers, very specific tasks, out of journalistic habit, i wrote everything down, i copied half of the notebook for myself. i thought about this, because
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what was said today by the president, without exaggeration, concerns every citizen of russia, from an infant to an old man, because those specific tasks, specific goals, new national projects, new programs that were announced, that were have been announced, they cover all environments without exception, but let’s just remember, the new national projects, you said at the beginning that they...
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are about people who have retired, but still want to feel needed, useful, active members of society, want to live an interesting life and are not going to sit on the stove. the third national project is the youth of russia, it will allow solving a lot of problems of young people, to whom the president devoted a lot of time in his message today, saying rightly that today we have the generation for whom it’s not scary to hand over the country tomorrow, the fourth national project.
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will not retreat, will not let you down and will not betray, so they must take leading positions in the education system, youth education, in public associations, in state-owned companies, business, in state and municipal administration, to lead regions, enterprises, and ultimately, the most large domestic projects, so genuine...
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confident in their deeds, who have proven their devotion to russia, worthy people, in this regard, about the new, i consider it important to make a decision tomorrow, with march 1, twenty-four, veterans of a special military operation, as well as soldiers. officers who are currently fighting in active units will be able to apply to participate in the first training stream of a special personnel program, let's call it “time of heroes.” yes, thank you, well , indeed, the time of heroes without attraction
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without pathos. i spoke only about national projects, but the president voiced, i repeat, a huge number of new tasks that will affect every person. what is, for example, the procurement of public transport, forgive me, 40,000 units of new buses, trams or trolleybuses, i see this from the example of my region, where in samara today people are taking the tram by storm, since in the twenties in moscow they rode on the bandwagon, cramming in there like selgi in a barrel, what is the program regarding the resettlement of the emergency fund, this means that the people who live today in the same place i have again today in samara, with cesspools in their yards, with a lack of toilets in wooden ones. sorry barracks, they will move quality, normal modern housing. environmental programs that were announced today, saving forests, clean water. what was discussed today about the modernization of housing and communal services, it is proposed to allocate gigantic funds there, again, this concerns each of us. roads
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, aleksandrovich said about this, we live in the biggest country in the world, where the sun never sets, where we have so many time zones, and at the same time... of course, we live in unequal conditions, the task is to make sure that a person, regardless depending on whether in the far east or in the volga region, in siberia, in the urals, in the caucasus or central russia, i did not feel like a second or third class person, and the same express roads, high-speed highways, and this problem will be solved, i mean that the message is addressed to every resident of our country, it is not just a set of some numbers, not just a set of... we have already started preparing bills in pursuance of the presidential order, i can
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say this from my profile, as the chairman of the information technology committee, that with the relevant ministry of the ministry of digital development, we have already they began to work on this task, and i, of course, applauded from the bottom of my heart when i heard the president’s words. that unprecedented funds are being allocated to a satellite constellation that will allow us to solve the problem of communication and the internet throughout the country, it cannot and should not be the case that today you are driving along a highway in the same siberia, the far east and you don’t have ten kilometers communications, it cannot be that people today in the 21st century do not have access to the internet, because they live somewhere in a remote village, thank god, today we have this we will solve the problem, and this is a program document, a message, this...
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who really, everyone who ultimately wants to just live normally, today gets such an opportunity, in this sense, of course, the message is an absolutely unique document. from the point of view of its content and fullness and multi-directionality, because , of course, in the foreign policy aspect and the military-strategic aspect voiced in it, this is of course the most important thing, without strong security, without strong defense, there can be no development, of course, alexey said that in the conditions of pressure there, such things absolutely cannot happen, there is not a word here. about the mobilization budget, we can imagine the speech of molotov in
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1941 or stalin, where he talks not about the tasks of the war, but also says that we need to develop this, master it, direct it there, no, of course, what does this mean, it means that the president and the leadership of the country are thinking about tomorrow about the day after tomorrow, and this day will definitely come, i am in this some. i have no doubt, i really liked the irony that vladimir vladimirovich had when he said that i was dating, well, i understand that but information is breaking through, especially when let’s still have one exam on the unified state exam so that we can there was a retake , but still this is life, well, these are such subtle moments that just show that there is communication, like...
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why is this, this, so to speak, the president said correctly, the consolidation of society, the moment when we we need to forget about some kind of intra-party, inter-party some of your own ideas and really consolidate, the second point about the message, well, you know, i saw a political leader who leads, well , a truly great nation, unlike...
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ours said of the times, as they say, stagnation , but i experienced a feeling of deep satisfaction , you know, it really is, but actually, 2 years later, 2 years later, a terrible blow was dealt to our country, but in general a terrible, terrifying blow, finances were completely cut off, everything was cut off, well indeed those countries which are considered advanced there.
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maybe this is right, maybe this is our advantage, we constantly belittle ourselves somewhat like this, well, in general, who is this, tell me, who could withstand this, these are the economists, could china withstand this, i think, no, i think china would could not withstand such a blow, not china, and the united states would not have withstood such a blow, if everything had been cut off for them like that, well, russia not only withstood it, but russia in general was a north-west military district, there weren’t any literal ones about the north-west military district, and lots and lots of them. was not said, in general it seemed to be hovering in air, what was it in? it hovered in
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the fact that in general it had a colossal impact on our internal life, this message is an example of this, the first thing that is very close to me as a soviet person, the president said, is the six-year plan, and how much we talked here at the very beginning about that we need a plan, we need a plan, we need a plan, we need a plan , what they told us, no, it’s not... in any case , it must be said, it’s obvious that a colossal amount of work has been done there, i don’t know, they call it but what’s the difference, how it's called gosplan, not state, well, that means there is some kind of organ that... can, as they say, work through all this and draw up such a really clear, precise program, which, in principle, i was sitting, this is, well , a person who has already lived, i remember the nineties, this directly opposite to what was declared in the nineties, well, directly opposite, one might say
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a counter-revolution in relation to what was said in the nineties, everything is different, everything is different. russia - portugal, russia - so to speak, we must occupy our niche, so to speak, somewhere then there was a counter-revolution, now there is a revolution, no, well, karengevich , in relation, in relation, how to look at it, the ninety-first year of the revolution to the seventeenth, yes, absolutely right, well, now it may not matter, this doesn’t matter, this is not necessary here, revolution is an unpopular word for us, i i understand, by the way, the president doesn’t like this word, and by the way, i understand him, he will do the right thing, not a single political leader...
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it’s right that in this speech there were no truly belligerent statements addressed to the west, and it seems to me that this is true, precisely against the background of the hysteria that is there, then, what they perceive, i also read, they have already gone there, how they will inflict on us, russia has threatened to strike us with a blow on our territory, they are like naive girls, children or something, don’t they know that we have nuclear missiles, which? they’ve been around for 70 years now, they can deliver these attacks on your territory, they pretend that this is some kind of discovery for them, what kind of kindergarten they really are, they’re just morons, well, yes, yes, i want it, we need an enemy take it seriously, but some things, some things just amaze,
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like, for example, the statement there by the estonian president, we have a question, and it also needs to be taken seriously. you understand who you are, why you need all this, well, you will be the first to simply disappear from the face of the earth, well, why are all these finns, really, what the hell is in people’s heads? well, by the way, the president was right about this, sorry, we also talked about this here, this is a generation that grew up playing computer games on their stupid films, stupid precisely because they have good films, of course, good ones, which in contrast to the stupid ones, we need to... show here, like, for example, the last picture from the carseza, the killer, as they say, the flower moon, yes, this is a picture that tells everything about them very well, in this...
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states of america - this is not a country, this is a business. they say, this should be shown, they have good films and worthy ones, of course they are masters, this is this. in short, why am i saying all this, to the fact that this threat, in fact, would not, would not exist, we are there, you, so to speak, we will grind into dust, we, so to speak, it was there, no, it was, it was worthy, it was, it was dedicated to our inner ones.
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which consists of many nations , which today, by the way, as a result of the northern military district, in my opinion, have become a single nation, this also had an impact, this is a great nation, this is a nation that, as we found out, is capable of solving incredible problems in these 2 years, because i repeat, the fact that they withstood such a blow and that they did not, so to speak, on the contrary, in their own way, even all this... our economy has grown, this is a huge achievement, now we will not continue advertising with a new composition. real
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