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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 4:00am-4:30am MSK

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because the row cannot go out, well, yes, he is the owner of that very powerful fleet there with nuclear weapons, although there is a gym on the site of the launch silos, because it turned out that there was no money to equip the launch silos, but of course he can see who and how many they can mobilize, i think that these will be colossal, simply stunning, powerful regiments, but it is unclear who, the scots will not go to die for the british, they will rather come out on our side, since their hatred of the british is great. and the welsh too will think about something of their own, and the british, what englishmen, what englishmen, what nato country can afford such a level of losses, say, like ukraine, but it’s impossible to imagine 444,000, that is, this is the level at which revolutionary an uprising in any of these countries, therefore, well, radakin is stupid and has never fought a single hard war, that is, he has never fought with an equal rival.
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can anyone in germany tell me what their plan is in 6 years, in france, in america, in england, in general they have no idea comes, they don’t understand at all what we’re talking about, and good, well, continuing your topic, after all, putin said that they are used to looking at world politics and military conflicts as cartoons, these are cartoons for them, this is a game on the network, they don’t imagine real life at all, because...
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death really is, and death is not only material, physical, but also metaphysical, because the choice of life that we make is about human nature, about human spirituality, that’s also in what our life consists of, and from here they already go and projects connected with family, with the younger generation, with personnel and so on, it is important for us to preserve, sergeistanovich constantly talks about this, it is very important, i see his eyes, he looks at me like that.
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yes, because indeed, we choose what will make us human, we want to preserve this human life, in this sense , they look at us... the whole world looks at us, and this plan, we choose life, it is not only for russia, but it is for the still thinking, healthy part of the world community, which the majority, i'm sure, but as for more specific things, that is, well, let's talk about more specific things right after a short pause. buy an osaka on the sravniru website and win a car. only until april 26 , you can insure one car with us and win a second or a million rubles. choose osaga or any other insurance and take part in
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that is, the heroes are the creators, we know all the heroes who are fighting now on the front line, but the country will need to be built from within, so the personnel potential is the time of the heroes who will come, in particular from the front, yes, to return home, at the same time , the guys who want to be like them, respectively, to obtain certain skills, we have already said more than once in this studio that the creation of vocational schools, their development,
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the increase in this body of engineering and technological specialties is an extremely important direction, in particular the president also voices this, and it seems to me that this is absolutely important, that is, vocational education is a necessary, very important thing that must be implemented, according to the unified state examination, vladimir vladimirovich suggested, when i heard it. the unified state examination, i even rubbed my hands together, i was wondering what would happen now, but he suggested allowing kids who failed their exams to be retaken at the same time in order to have time to enroll, but i think it’s important to look at this process more broadly, the point is that the unified state exam system itself, on the one hand opened the doors of universities to a very large number of people from the outback who , say, could not use them before.
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but on the other hand, what does the unified state exam do and i observe this from year to year, this is a deterioration, the guys now choose the subjects that they take in the unified state exam, and they don’t study the rest at all, it turns out that he takes russian mathematics, they don’t teach them , yes, they, for example, social studies - this is good, if also social studies, because at least some picture of the world, and if there are precise objects, then absolutely, he doesn’t even know the name of the country in which he lives, this is real.
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what can we do to preserve the unified state exam as an opportunity to enter a university, yes , a certain level, but at the same time preserve education in basic subjects, such as the question is not for the president, yes, but i’m not for the president, i’m saying in general that the president i just proposed to solve a pressing problem now, yes, but everything related to education. only it should be conservative that there is no need to make sudden movements, and by the way, he said that it is necessary here in this on the unified state exam, i believe that the unified state exam has not opened any doors for anyone, i believe that the unified state exam is killing education, because such a system of testing knowledge, in my opinion, has nothing to do with either knowledge or preparation when people spend it’s absolutely true that the time of the place-based education process is in the process of preparing for passing the unified state exam, but this is about something else,
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then the professional community should say: listen, let’s do it this way or not that way. it seems to me that no, that’s exactly it, but we are used to shifting everything to the president, and the president must come for it professionally.
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we also discussed a lot, a single rate for state employees, including teachers, in terms of money it’s right, i really liked it by the way, that for the guys who will go to new regions, there are 2 million, this is so right, what do i mean, well, i love teachers , i understand what hard work this is, i understand how difficult it is, well, just let’s just swing it like this
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in the education system , we need to be careful, we haven’t already waved it like that, we ’ve already done it so many times... from left to right, to right, already they chopped everything up as best they could, let ’s at least be calmer here, but it’s not, let ’s just say the age, by the way, calmly, the unified state exam should be cancelled, can we, can we just say a few words, literally, literally a few words about what really, well what is there to wait for the president to delve into everyone, who should hand over what , and so on and so forth, but here, in addition, you know, it is necessary to have an average solution. including people with convictions, that is, roughly speaking, if you have convictions, if you understand the meaning of this things, then you are ready to take the initiative, it is clear that in general subordinates who take the initiative are not always liked, but if you do not have convictions, you will not do anything, because you will wait, it is better not to do anything, because it is not you established how to do something, and there is a risk of getting hit in the head, that’s all, what
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beliefs were there at school, they had beliefs, parents came with such tough fingers, all beliefs were quickly removed, everything was removed from the teacher...
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the lion’s share, so far this first reaction, this is hysteria about the statement about the possibility of a nuclear conflict, and a warning, what do you mean, if there is a nuclear conflict, it is not in ukraine. will be, yes, then we have the opportunity to respond to your intervention, yes, and you, on your territory, this suddenly became
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a surprise for someone there, here all the headlines are immediately threatening with nuclear weapons, although, well, we are talking , we’re talking about yours, we ’re talking about your threats, you’re the one threatening us, and not just threatening us, okay, macron announced the hypothetical possibility of some western... troops entering there territory of ukraine, and yesterday the daily or telegraph, i remember, even a note appeared , who said that if western troops are brought in, this will lead to a nuclear conflict, well, today we said, yes , and they say there, yes, well, we can there just take care of our troops , demining the territory, yes please, we are not against it, just keep in mind that they will become a legal target, you won’t be offended, yes, they will become a legal target in their places of base in the countries where they are assigned, this is what dmitry quoted today. he wants himself for a year to extend the post of chief of the general staff , they, that’s why he became more active now, they
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just so joyfully, proudly wrote, he personally participated in these operations of ukraine against the black sea fleet, well, forgive me , this is no longer a volunteer, this means, that is, britain to us declared war, which means tony radakin is participating in the war against ukraine and is himself a legitimate target for us. where is his headquarters along the thames river, well, somewhere there, yes, so in this sense, well, excuse me, well, you’re not just threatening us, you’re already actively you are acting against us, in fact , you are giving us a free hand, we are right , vladimirich, we knew this, our intelligence knew very well, and we talked about it, but this is a recognition of the british themselves or the recognition of the americans themselves that there is at least 12 secret bases on the territory...
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“what are we talking about, and we’re telling you right away , yes, take these words very seriously, keep in mind that any of your adventures that you organize on the territory of ukraine or against russia in any case , in any case , dooms you, i honestly don’t like tusk, they when they hear about tusk, my watch immediately shows that the threat is a threat, a completely natural reaction of the watch to the name tusk, in my opinion, this is a tusk reaction, in this regard,
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of course. the strength of not trying to look for an egg from macron, this, as you know, is the same cake as napoleon only without eggs, well, listen to talk , you analyze what they write, their main problem is that they believe in their own fairy tales, the truth is they don’t understand russia at all, you know in this communications this is exactly what caused it.
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well, i would characterize the situation in the west as the operational officer at kimel’s headquarters described it. kimel, commander of the pacific fleet on december 7 , 1941. kimel means he watched his battleships sink and his battleships burn. so now the situation is the same, and he wrote that there was no panic, orderly horror reigned. this is the situation that began approximately, i would say, with tucker. yes, this horror, it continues, this is what the next episode will be, they are expecting, there is one hope, the western world is led by a strong,
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healthy, active.
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not only in this country, but throughout the world, he is endangering our allies, because now the republicans are engaged in reproducing russian lies, in fact, the word republican has now become synonymous with the word russian, what a shame, this is a congresswoman, jasmine croquet, a member of the democratic party, so now we are proudly telling you, you who i am russian, that means i am a republican, no, republicans, in general, in any case, they are interpreted as...
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