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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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federal assembly, it became the longest in all years: 2:6 minutes, most of the address was devoted to domestic politics, the president announced the launch of five new national projects at once, which are designed to improve the lives of russians, one of them is a family about strengthening state support for families with children. we need constant work aimed at improving the quality of life of families with children and supporting fertility, and for this we will launch.
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- said vladimir putin. on march 1 , a special personnel program for veterans of svo participants will begin. from march 1st of twenty years veterans of special military operations, as well as soldiers and officers who are currently fighting. in active units will be able to apply to participate in the first training stream of a special personnel program, let’s call it the time of heroes. this program will be built according to the same standards as our best projects: the higher school of public administration, which is called the school of governors, as well as the competition for leaders of russia, their graduates reach high positions in many areas, even become ministers, heads of regions, and participants. programs
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here military personnel and veterans with higher education will be able to become managerial experience, regardless of rank and position. the main thing is that these must be people who have shown their best qualities, who have shown that they know how to lead their comrades. the studies will begin in the coming months, and the leaders of the government, the presidential administration, and federal ministries will become mentors for the first participants in the program. departments, heads of regions of our largest companies. the president paid special attention to the participants of the special military operation, thanked you for your persistence and courage. the implementation of all planned plans today directly depends on our soldiers, officers, volunteers, all military personnel who are now fighting at the front. from courage.
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from the courage and determination of our comrades in arms who defend their homeland, rise to attack , go forward under fire, sacrifice themselves for us, for the sake of the fatherland, it is they, our warriors, who are creating today the absolutely necessary conditions for the future of the country and for its development. low bow to you guys, vladimir commented putin and emmanuel macron’s recent threats about the possible sending of troops to ukraine recalled the fate of those who sent their contingents to the territory of our country, but now the consequences for the interventionists will be much more tragic, but after the president’s message to the question for...
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that that now the president has analyzed everything, shown that we can do a lot, but we can do even more, this example personally arouses great enthusiasm in me, the message to the federal assembly has long ceased to be simply a statement of tasks to parliament, this an appeal to the nation, to all citizens in the far east, far north, south and west of the country, in the hall there are ministers, governors, representatives of the clergy, military officers and many others who will implement it. ideas of the national leader, all these journalists are standing and waiting for the main , let’s say, sources of information to come out, for how
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the initiatives now said by the president will be implemented locally in the regions, the president said at the end, colleagues, teamwork is needed, i’m sure that it is teamwork that will produce results, and we, of course, we will fulfill all the tasks that... were set by our president, our national leader. conceptual tasks, national goals for the coming years. symbolically, in the year of the family, important statements are made about the development and support of traditional values. with each subsequent child, the tax deduction increases, the family mortgage program is extended, payments are maintained, and programs for their provision are extended. this is our maternity capital, which has already proven itself well, and so on. but still, when we talk about family, and the president emphasized this at the end, these are not numbers, not statistics, not demography, nor any programmatic, let’s say, documents, these are people, and it seems to me that everyone is talking about people today, regardless of profession, regardless of that branch of activity ,
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i heard to myself. among the listeners for the first time there were so many military personnel, participants in a special operation, already veterans and still active fighters, the hero of russia eduard kazymov flew to moscow from yuzhno-donetsk. board, where he is currently serving and performing combat missions. in his speech we heard at the end summed up the words that he believes in us are also what he trusts and gives, no matter what status you hold in the army, what position, what rank you have, that is, all layers in the army can try themselves there after graduation his own and even during his time to study, well, at civilian universities, military universities, that is, he is now emphasizing. to the so-called elite, as he himself said, that from ordinary fighters , anyone can become a manager there, well, in a different field. this is very important, because many guys who are now returning from the front, they must have such support, move further up the career
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ladder, learn and pass on their vast experience to the new generation. the new elite can become managers not only in individual industries, but also lead entire cities and regions. i just had a great pleasure today to hear that a whole program, hero’s time, was created today especially for them, we really have guys who are ready today, want and intend to manage our territories, for some reason i am sure that they have the most and best of all, this will definitely work out, the whole country, without exaggeration, followed the president’s message, even close to the line of combat contact, the guys in my battalion also prepared, brought a large screen, a large plasma, set up, so to speak, the supply of uninterrupted internet, well, as much as possible close to the front line, they called me yesterday, they said, he says: we will look, i said, they say: what row will you be in, commander, so that we look at you, the president said about the external politics, sanctions unleashed by the collective west through the hands of kiev, the war against russia and
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our opposition to these challenges. for us , the words of the president, when the country is at war, are the orders of the supreme commander; i rejoice in the confidence of our president in all respects. all commanders, all the russian people, therefore, the confident future of russia, the greatest, the best, victory will be ours, the message about the people and for the people was stated following the results of the address. specialty is one of the priorities for the authorities of the moscow region, this was stated by governor andrey vorobyov. we are certainly
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moving forward with the priorities that our president spoke about today; well, we probably need to separately note the importance of ensuring the safety of our guys, the heroes who are on the front line today. i mean training and providing additional opportunities for... all this is our strategic task. a new national family project will be launched in russia to support families and fertility, extending family income, maternity capital, what other proposals are there, maria knows all the details kudrevets. family support should become the center of government strategy. the goal is to achieve a sustainable increase in the birth rate in the country over the next 6 years. for this purpose , a new national project is being launched - family. an important signal that president vladimir putin outlined in his address to the federal assembly:
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a large large family should become the norm and philosophy of social life, hence the targeted support measures. at least 75 billion rubles will be allocated to regions with low birth rates to support families. vladimir putin noted that parents should have more free funds to solve everyday problems and proposed doubling the tax deduction for the second child. up to 2800 rubles per month and up to 600 deduction for the third of each subsequent child. often the housing issue becomes decisive in fertility issues; over the past 6 years, millions of russian families have improved their living conditions, including more than 900,000 with the help of family mortgages. the family mortgage program is valid until july of this year. i propose to extend it until 2030, maintaining the basic basic ones.
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capital until at least 2030. deputy prime minister tatyana golikova has already commented that this will require an additional 600 billion rubles. another important signal, according to vladimir putin, starting from 2020, the minimum wage in russia has increased by one and a half times, by 2030 it should almost double again to 35,000 rubles. moreover, already in 2025 , the president instructed the ruler. develop a new wage model for public sector employees,
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and make a final and unified decision for all regions in 2026. we need to improve the system remuneration in the public sector, to achieve an increase in the income of specialists employed here. the level of average salaries in the economy in the regions is different, which means that the incomes of public sector workers, even in neighboring regions of the federation, sometimes differ markedly. i simply ask the government to work out a new model of remuneration for public sector employees in the framework of pilot projects of the federal subject already in the twenty-fifth year, and in the twenty-sixth year to make a final decision for the entire country. creating motivation for young professionals is a separate important issue, and this the task will also be helped by another new national project - personnel. it was originally planned to build 25 university campuses by 2030, but vladimir putin. proposed expanding the program to increase this figure to 40. also, 124 billion
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rubles will be spent on repairing university dormitories and 120 billion on re-equipping technical schools and colleges. but it is important that the living conditions of people throughout the country become more comfortable. the president instructed to expand the masterplan program; it should cover more than 2.0 settlements. and there are point ones, but not less important decisions. this includes the expansion of the social program.
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in huge areas, the sounds of close combat acquire an additional echo. how huge the territory of the plant is becomes clear already in the light of day. avdeevsky coke and chemical plant, a soviet industrial giant. it is believed that this is the largest enterprise of its type in europe. its size is truly absolutely amazing. the defense here could have been held for a long time, but the second azov did not work out. the rather disgusting sound of the drone detector does not stop, but there is certainly some benefit from it, because it helps to determine the type of drone , if it recognizes wi-fi, then it is possible, the so-called babaega, it also sees an fpv drone, but now the drone is wearing clothes in the air and that means that the situation is, in principle, within the bounds of decency, that is, normal, well, you can move around calmly and contentedly, on the territory
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of the plant there is your own large railway facility, your own fleet of huge belaz trucks, and ammunition. western style are scattered in disarray, uniforms have been thrown off, we get into one of the underground bunkers through a ventilation duct, there are mountains of dry rations and food from a wide variety of nato countries. apparently, there was some kind of command post around the perimeter of the room, tables arranged, a huge number of boxes with various computer wires, some kind of large, complex technological surveillance unit was being prepared here, but then fab ceiling of the room flew here. the impact craters are truly impressive in size, the wall of which encloses the plant, which looks rather menacing, but in places it is folded as if it were made of paper. one of the typical details of the local landscape is a drone kamikaze, what happened to him is difficult to say for sure now; specialists will deal with this, but for now, of course , it is categorically not recommended to touch him. just during our work at the plant
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, our successful operations in orlovka were reported. there's smoke on the horizon, it's just western. rule from avdeevka, from avdeevsky koksakhim, now the fighting is shifting there, the enemy is being pushed further and further away, the following settlements are being occupied from the city: namely the heroic 114th brigade of the first corps, one of units that made a key contribution to the occupation of avdeevka and such a complex object as kaksakhim from the point of view of driving out the enemy from here. they understood that sooner or later they would fall into the ring, the so-called oldeev cauldron would close, there would be
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a way out. the very fact that our film crew, the first of all news services working in the dpr, managed to film and prepare this report, speaks well. report from avdeevsky kaksakhim. grigory vdoin, oleg makarov, gennady korneev and andrey rudenko, news from avdeevka, donetsk people's republic republic.
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weapons that are supplied to ukraine as military aid from western countries constantly end up on the black market; large-caliber weapons come from ukraine, thanks to nato supplies. we have provided ukraine with military support and will continue in the same spirit. some military insiders.
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well, we went for this one because we knew that it would be revealed that there were some shortcomings, some losses somewhere. let’s tell you what this day is memorable for in history right now. hello. march 1, 1555 in france in the book "prophecy" has gone on sale in lyon. its author, michel nostradamus, was a physician who fought the plague. but having become a courtier. queen catherine de' medici's physician switched to astrology and horoscopes. one of his first predictions has already come true. nastradamus predicted the death of henry ii from a serious
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wound that he received at a knightly tournament. he added and updated his work, the book of prophecies, regularly publishing astrological almanacs. nostradamus owns 6,338 prophecies, set out in quatrains. most of them are vague and vague. some are very specific, about the great french revolution, the second world war, the collapse of hitler's germany. he correctly predicted the burning of moscow by the crimean khan in 1571, and even the formation and collapse of the soviet union. nostradamus also named the date of the end of the world - 3797 and foresaw his own death. scientists prove the invalidity of his prophecies, but they are still republished in different languages ​​and are in great demand. on march 1, 1921, kronshtat rose up, a powerful a sea fortress that defended petrograd , until recently lev trutsky called the baltic sailors the beauty and pride
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of the revolution, they played a huge role in the october coup in the civil war, but now they challenged the bolsheviks, who , instead of the promised power of the soviets, established their dictatorship, took away grain from the peasants, suppressed workers' strikes, dissatisfied people were sent to concentration camps, that's what... people, many were shot, sent to camps, but the bolsheviks learned a lesson from the uprising and moved to nep, a new economic policies that restored the country. in 1994
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, participants in the kronstadt uprising were rehabilitated. on march 1, 1943, the koryukov massacre began. the nazis began to kill civilians in the village of karyukovka, in the chernihiv region, killing almost 700 people. many times more. than in khatyn, oradouri or lidice. in the materials for the nuremberg trials , this tragedy was defined as the most massive extermination of the local civilian population in the occupied territories during the entire period of the second world war. but until now , few have heard from those who happened. the day before the partisans raided karyukovka and freed the hostages, and the nazis decided to take revenge. they shot, beat to death, burned people alive. in soviet times , they tried not to remember this event, perhaps because the punitive forces were mainly hungarians; in addition to the sesovites, they were assisted by ukrainian policemen. hungary outnumbered the number of socialist countries. ukraine was the
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largest of the union republics. in seventy- seven, a monument was erected in karyukovo without writing on it either about the victims of the tragedy or about it the culprits. in modern ukraine they were going to erect a memorial, but things did not go further than the statement. on march 1, 1996, in the capital of malaysia, kualalumpuri, the construction of the then tallest buildings in the world , the petronos twin towers, was completed, with a height of almost 452 m. the towers were built according to the design of the architect caesar pelli. has the shape of the islamic eight-pointed star rizb, in order to reach the rocks, they laid the deepest foundation in the world, drove more than 100 piles, connected the skyscrapers with a unique bridge, it was constructed in south korea and not for beauty, the bridge dampens vibrations from gusts of wind and seismic loads, the total area of ​​​​office premises in the towers is almost 24,000 km2, there are shopping centers, restaurants, museums, a concert hall...
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in dubai, whose height is 828 m. that’s what it was like this day in history, we need to create the future ourselves and do it together, we are very happy. we speak different languages, but we have one desire: a diverse and open world for everyone, every opinion will be heard at the world youth festival, let's start the future together, find out more at
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all the most important things in life are in our hands,
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to fulfill a childhood dream. gain new knowledge , feel inspired, build a career, realize your plans, start a family , create a life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights, it is in our hands to choose your future and... the future of the whole country, together, we are strong, we vote for russia.
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