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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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hello, there is a legal program on the air, hosted by maxim movchan on duty in the studio. a murder worth a million, that's what an ordinary dump truck and chair driver was willing to pay to eliminate his lover's ex. the jealous man has already been arrested by court order. law enforcement officers caught him while handing over a large sum to a potential killer. according to the investigation, the jealous man planned the murder of his competitor in advance and even found a potential killer, but instead of killing him, he handed over the customer to the security forces. the accused met several times with a man acting as the perpetrator of the crime and gave him information about the identity of the victim and his photograph. it is known that a local mechanic, ex-husband, and lover of the detainee almost became a victim of the assassination attempt. he allegedly threatened to take away their common child. when, in principle, he prevented the couple from building
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their personal life, in the end the locksmith was safe and sound, and the jealous man is now wondering whether his beloved will faithfully wait for his release from the colony, the man has already been arrested by court decision. in the samara region , a former policeman who indirectly became responsible for the fatal poisoning of dozens of people. investigators proved that it was he who allowed the removal of a huge batch of poisonous broom alcohol from the departmental warehouse. then the poison was bottled and sold under the brand name mister cider. words by olgeren. it took investigators and the court less than a year to establish the guilt of former policeman ivan grebenkin, as well as his acquaintances, father and son yegorov, who were involved in the theft of methyl alcohol. it was they who, through their actions, launched a chain of events that led to the death of dozens of people, poisoned by the drink, mr. cider. policeman ivan grebyonkin guarded the warehouse of the ministry of internal affairs and probably decided to make money by trading in material evidence. he helped his friends egorov steal almost 6 tons of meth from a departmental facility. alcohol, which was kept there for
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safekeeping as evidence. over the course of 3 weeks, on duty days, grebenkin allowed the gazelle into the territory of the protected facility six times, and received 100,000 rubles for this. his accomplices, the egorovs, used a pump to pump the liquid from the storage facilities into empty containers, and then took them away. at the same time, they were sure that they steal not methyl alcohol, but ethyl alcohol, which is safe for people. and then the deadly alcohol spread further along the chain. the egorovs resold the raw materials. rapetyan, who in turn, anar huseynov, the owner of the company that produced mr. cider. mass poisoning from the drink occurred last summer in six regions of the country. ulyanovsk, samara, nizhny novgorod, penza and kurgan regions, republic of udmurtia. 46 people died, more than 100 were injured. the examination established that it was methyl alcohol stolen from a departmental warehouse, caused poisoning. regular apple cider, i drank a maximum of 0.5. i felt bad,
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my stomach hurt, very bad, i was burned. severe weakness, dizziness, nausea, the symptoms are the same for everyone, only the consequences are different depending on the amount of surrogate drunk. larisa zhdanova noted. birthday with a friend, drank a couple of glasses of cider, after a few hours both of them felt bad, she was foaming, she was choking, she was already losing consciousness, we started doing cardiac massage, artificial breath, while we were waiting for the ambulance, there she also died in your arms, and in the summer journalists showed what the production of deadly cider looked like, not a hint of a classic brewery in the premises of containers with colored liquid, flavorings, dyes, special equipment. there is also a warehouse with finished products here. in june last year, employees of the russian ministry of internal affairs carried out a large-scale set of measures to establish channels for the entry into illegal circulation of life-threatening alcoholic products sold under the brand name mister cedar.
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a large number of shops and vehicle storage areas were inspected. the surrogate began to be withdrawn from circulation en masse. the deadly drink under the mr. cider sticker was sold not only in stores, but also in so-called... don’t take me down, you say you sell alcohol around the clock, woman, what are you doing? i rent here , i don’t sell cider. after the mass poisoning of a surrogate, the minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev was relieved of his post deputy head of the main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the samara region yuri safronov, who oversaw the activities of the rear units. the head of the center for economic and service support, the samara headquarters of the ministry of internal affairs, alexander, was also fired.
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huseynov and his accomplice artyom aeropityan, the court verdict will most likely not be heard so soon, both are now in pre-trial detention, the investigation into their case has not yet been completed. olga zhurenkova, ksenia klimina, alexander mostovay, andrey ivlev, dmitry manyshev. news, duty department. we will take on this matter, it will be honest detective. former state duma deputy and odious businessman vadim varshavsky was sentenced to seven years in prison. the rostov
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court found him guilty of attempted fraud. several years ago, varshavsky undertook to build a large grain processing plant on credit. the bank allocated the money in installments, and the businessman decided. to outwit everyone, he forged documents, saying that some of the enterprises were already ready, he asked for another 10 million, but the bankers saw through the deception in time, warsaw drowned in the courts, and received a new term, by the way, already having been convicted, the former people's choice was put behind bars back in 2019 for tax evasion and theft of billions. footage from the scene of the accident in khakassia, where teenagers were injured, has been released. here is a group of students standing near the college, a car is driving past. at some point, the driver sharply turns to the right and, hitting the gas, flies into the crowd, and there. two students are thrown into the air, the driver himself is slammed into a fence, and also hits a neighboring foreign car. teenagers, despite fractures in the arms of the spine, stand up on their own, even open i'm shaking the door, but that's a couple of scratches. now experts are looking into the causes of the accident, but it is already known that the culprit was tres.
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the former head of a local detention center was put on trial from behind bars, only in a different status, in the oryol region, who decided that the prisoner desperately needed a hollywood smile and took him to a private clinic. and it is very likely that behind the closed doors of the dentistry, the accused not only built bridges, but built them together with his accomplices. details from alexander mostova. former head of the local temporary detention center vladimir prikhochenko, for the last 2 years he has been in sadness, dressed in all black, accompanied by a lawyer, he appeared in the hall of the mtsensky district court of the oryol region. his passion for expensive cars brought him to the dock. at the first substantive meeting , the former policeman chose to remain silent, without explaining to journalists why. released a dangerous criminal, his defender was responsible for prikhodchenko. my client , i naturally do not agree with the accusation, the accusation is built on conjectures and assumptions on the part of the prosecution, and not based on objective evidence. as follows from the materials of the criminal case,
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mr. prikhodchenko released the detained local authority from custody. according to local publications, we are talking about a defendant in a criminal case of hooliganism, whose name is lasha kushanashvili. here is supposedly his photo. kushanoshvil was tormented by toothache, he asked the head of the temporary detention facility to let him go to see a dentist. in gratitude, he gave prikhodchenko two forklifts and a brand new sports car for rent. gave to subordinate employees. legal instructions about delivery without the permission of the mtsensky district court of the defendant, held in an isolation ward, to one of the private dental clinics in the city of mtsensk, where the latter was provided with dental services, and he met with people previously known to him. it is possible that the trip to the doctor was just a screen; at the dental clinic , kushanashvili was talking with his relatives, discussing something else with friends who may be connected to crime, when the journalists of our program... came to the medical center, the employees suddenly changed their friendly tone, hearing the name kushanashvili. i don't remember, i didn't
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see it. the chief doctor came out to reporters only half an hour later. there was no meeting. the meeting did not take place. kamvor didn’t let anyone in, they healed and left. his father was here, his father then came up at the end to talk about how much of what, but he saw his people. lasha kushenashvili is serving a sentence for hooliganism. in 2021, he started a brawl in one of the local cafes. in these shots. nashvi and a friend enter the establishment, both are armed, but they didn’t have time to shoot, they were detained by security forces, pull your hands out, now the former head of the air force runs the risk of joining the prisoner kushinashvili; he may have to pay with his freedom for his love of expensive cars. alexander mostovaya, olga zhurenkova, mikhail shirin and khalimat kuchmezova, lead the duty department. the main suspect in the murder, dari dugina , and ukrainian citizen natalya vovk, together with an accomplice, have been added to the list of terrorists. and extremists, which is led by rosfinitoring. let me remind you that the crime occurred in august 2022. the political scientist journalist was blown up in
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a car. according to the investigation into the terrorist attack ukrainian special services stand. the main performer was natalya vovk, who left russia immediately after the murder of daria dugina. it is known that she had an alleged accomplice, bogdan tsyganenko, who was also on the list of terrorists. now they are both on the international wanted list. this weekend on russia-24 tv channel, watch the investigation. second gasoline, this is a purchase at your own peril and risk. how was the
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gasoline boots group eliminated? this is a mobile gas station, no longer open. hello, yours machine? whose car is it? the sellers of burnt fuel began to panic in the city. it’s a real war, three of our cars were stolen from a place of safe storage. did two mechanics get fuel? second object. first, special operations, you know, what are you spilling here, illegal gasoline, no, i don’t know , money doesn’t smell like gasoline, no, we took on this matter and conducted our investigation, people learn about the legal news of their region or region thanks to the work of local journalists , the program to conduct the duty department comes out in in many regions of the country, my colleague alina kutareva will tell you what topics interested our colleagues in the republic of moriel. hello, maxim, this is what we will talk about in our issue.
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fraudsters defrauded 17 million rubles via the internet from 96 victims from different regions. the izhkorolinsky court examined the case materials and convicted three gang members of an attempt on the life of a neighbor. a man who stabbed a volzhan man three times will spend 6 years in prison. the first day of spring will be celebrated by forensic experts, let's tell you more about the nuance. the duty department, mariel, will talk about this and much more in the final episode of the program. maksim. thank you, alina. and we return to federal news. gas workers linden explosion is real. a trial is ongoing in novosibirsk regarding a gas leak in a five-story building. the middle of the building was torn into pieces after a visit from specialists with fake crusts. 2 days before the incident, they changed gas equipment in the apartments for money. why don't the accused admit guilt? from the court, report by ekaterina kopylova. they meet again in the hall zaeltsovsky court of novosibirsk, fake gas workers and relatives of those who died due to the explosion
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of a house on a linear street. tatyana murzina then lost her daughter-in-law and two-year-old granddaughter, and now demands maximum punishment for the defendants. i really wanted to, but imagine a child. many victims still cannot calmly remember that day . on february 9 at 7:30 am a powerful explosion occurred in a five-story building. the middle of the building was blown to pieces and the entire entrance collapsed. rescuers searched for living people under the rubble for days. nalists found out the causes of the emergency, the alleged culprits were detained a few hours after the tragedy; they turned out to be gas service employees with fake ids, irina urbakh and evgeniy kavun, residents of the omsk region, as investigators established, went from apartment to apartment 2 days before the incident and changed gas equipment for money. acting by a group of people in a preliminary conspiracy, they dismantled
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the existing gas equipment and installed another one, for which they received a material reward. on the morning of february 9, as a result of their actions, a leak and fire occurred gas-air mixture in one of the apartments. 15 people died then, another 11 ended up in the hospital. during the investigation of the case , other interesting facts were revealed: the offices that considered themselves false gas workers existed in omsk, only on paper, while the guest performers visited novosibirsk in the twenty-second year, walked along several streets, fortunately, then there was no emergency. in the first case , the owner sensed a problem immediately after replacing the hose and called real specialists. they fixed the leak. pensioner from the twenty-first apartment, where the explosion occurred, she did not rush, consulted with neighbors, wanted to call the emergency service, but did not have time. more than a year has passed since the tragedy, and the defendants still
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do not consider themselves guilty. and my reluctance. evgeniy kavun promised to tell what exactly the investigation’s version was wrong with during the trial. after the trial began, a new claim appeared in the case. the novosibirsk city hall asked to include in the case a demand to recover from the defendants more than 335 million rubles that were spent. from the city budget for the purchase of new apartments for the residents of the collapsed house, as well as for the repair of neighboring buildings that were damaged by the explosion, it is already clear that the consideration of this high-profile case will take a long time, there are 135 victims in it, they plan to interrogate each of them. in addition, during the court hearing today , the dates were also set; they will meet four times a
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month for the next six months. elena kopylova, andrey svatutsa, duty officer, novosibirs. after a year of struggle , the criminal case against the yaroslavl scientist hydrologist alexander tsvitkov was finally closed. his was accused of two murders twenty years ago, only because outwardly he looks a little like a homeless maniac on the outskirts , nicknamed sasha chuvash. the similarity is 55%, this was determined by nereset. as a result, the investigators were not embarrassed either by the scientist’s lack of tattoos, which were the killers, or even by his reinforced concrete alibi. when the real criminal was committing murders, robberies and arson, tsvetkov and his colleagues were on
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a long-distance expedition. this is confirmed by documents, photographs, and testimony of other scientists. despite this, innocent. the man was kept in an isolation cell for six months, then another six months under house arrest , and finally alexander tsvitkov is free again, all charges against him were dropped, he has to pay for the fake, criminal printing houses are churning out fake fortunes, fake banknotes are being molded from everything, criminal masters are using paint , a rag, and a new year's toy, how not to put such a counterfeit in your wallet, why a rare counterfeit coin manages to print something similar to real money, special report: skachkova. table colonel of the ministry of internal affairs olga strelkova, as usual, is overwhelmed with money. she cuts them with a scalpel and pierces them with rays. it only takes a couple of minutes for a forensic expert to accurately identify a fake, and a rather crude one at that. the so-called masters of five thousand
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bills are counterfeited most often, but the technology in their arsenal has not advanced far, they say in the forensic center of the capital. police headquarters still office printers domishura from the christmas tree in real money to the touch in addition to such a micro the relief of the paper also gives the image a tactile sensation, with a fake there is no such thing, this is most often an inkjet printer or a laser printer, a shiny element - this can also be from primitive coloring with some kind of silver metallic dye to gluing rain, here everything falls under the microscope of an expert.. . dubious rubles, dollars and euros, and if the banknote is fake, it will not pass the spectrum test, like here, the ultraviolet ray clearly highlights the watermark, on the right the banknote is real, on the left is just a candy wrapper, these are the ones printed by one of... one of the largest gangs of counterfeit coiners in recent years, accomplices operated in moscow and other regions of russia, and got so carried away that they made lindens worth as much as 10 billion, for comparison, this is the annual budget of the city of
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vladimir, surname, first name, patronymic, now the courts are already underway, and these images of the search, materials of the criminal case, in the apartments the security forces found several underground printing houses, printers, paint, prints, a ready-made crispy product, dried here. and why exactly? this is earlier the counterfeiters went with their pieces of paper to the nearest market, now they are much more careful, they act like drug dealers, they sell their printed products through bookmarks to smaller swindlers, but all these precautions do not work, they still fall into the hands of operatives, the department of economic security and anti-corruption. big mania, as a rule, is one of the crimes that is characterized by careful preparation and deep secrecy. often, attackers do not stay long. in one place or even in one region, fake money is taken without looking at markets, in small shops, to say nothing, even some terminals are swallowed, only in banks and cash desks such a trick will not work, there
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are special detectors that recognize complex security elements, only their secret recipe is known here at the enterprise of the state sign, here is the holy of holies, the money shop, where all future salaries are born, at this strategic enterprise many employees work in earplugs, the noise level at the machines is prohibitive, for example this... machine, under high pressure and temperature, applies metallography, a unique security element, to sheets of banknotes. it can take more than a month to produce one banknote, and some stages of production are completely secret, for example, the composition of the paper, for money it is made not from wood, but from cotton, this cannot be obtained in a regular store, a diving thread is passed through the sheets, and then the entrance is orlov seal, back in the 19th century, our inventor ivan orlov figured out how to apply clear multicolor patterns with iridescence to banknotes at once. since then since then, this principle has been used all over the world. and now millions are floating along the line, lined up side by side, every bill is checked for defects. previously , sharp-eyed employees did this manually, today
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they have been replaced by technology in multi-ton machines. banknotes fly at the speed of bullets, no miracle printers, of course, can compare with this, especially since the new rubles, compared to banknotes of the nineties, are several times more secure. here a protective thread with its own protective complex appeared. visual signs appeared. these are optical variable elements here and here, the watermark has noticeably improved , which is why there are very few fakes, because even, even to imitate all this, you need to put in a lot of effort, and these imitations, at least that’s what i saw, imitations of the last ones, for example, two thousand banknotes, you can’t look at it without tears, but the world history of fake manism remembers a lot of tears. during the second world war, the germans carried out an operation called maps from airplanes, dropped fake pounds on england and almost undermined the entire financial system of the country. in the ussr for counterfeiting money they gave up to the highest measure. now in our country the maximum is 15 years, and there is a risk
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of getting caught, even if a large sum of linden ended up in your pocket by accident. the calculation of counterfeit coins is always due to inattention. well, you can check the bill without leaving kase. the watermark should be visible to light, the coat of arms should shimmer, and the paper should have a barely noticeable relief. fortunately, the threat of finding a counterfeit in your wallet is low. today. two fakes per million. alena skachkova, dmitry kanavalov, lead the duty department. paint in the face, pigeons in the sky. in st. petersburg, hooligans instill fear in annoying animators who force tourists to take photos of the squirrels. here is another incident: unknown people run up to the owners of the birds and pour paint on them. pigeons scatter, daring painters too. one of them was later detained. it turned out that competitors could have incited the hooligans. this is not the first year that street entertainers have been dividing up the territory among themselves, looking for tasty spots where there are more tourists. we are even ready to throw fists, footage taken a year ago of a girl with a dove walking down the street, a thug meets her, a sharp blow of the elbow and the lady
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is knocked out, the jerk himself, as it turned out, colleague bogdan bolenko, he was arrested only 5 months later, he has already appeared in court, the entire operational legal news feed in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective, subscribe, also we watch our investigation daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab , turn on the honest detective, our release is now complete. russia 24, watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, watch, watch, in the app or online.
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the russian ministry of emergency situations warns: protect your home, install a fire detector. safety starts with you, russian emergency situations ministry.
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during a special military operation in the artyomovsk direction , a group of ukrainian armed forces infantry was destroyed. the platoon stronghold where the militants had taken refuge was discovered by a drone. artillery paratroopers on nona self-propelled guns immediately went to the indicated area. having completed the march, the soldiers chose a convenient point for shooting, took aim and successfully struck. all specified targets were hit. in everyday life.


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