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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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let's start with the progress of the special.
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they try to gain a foothold on the lines for days, but we don’t let them do this a little, we knock the enemy out of the dugouts, from the trenches, from the so-called fox holes. fighters and su-34 bombers destroyed strongholds of the ukrainian armed forces infantry in the southern donetsk direction. the crews approached the targets at extremely low altitudes, increased their speed several kilometers before the target, gained altitude, dropped high-explosive
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bombs with universal planning and correction modules on... the opponents, then the planes descended and returned to the home airfield. the west is discussing the statement that vladimir putin made the day before in his address to the federal assembly. the president devoted a small part of his speech to the external agenda, but it was precisely this that became the center of attention in europe from the ocean. what do they write? the press was studied by anton potkovenko. how frightened they were, and yet in his address to the federal assembly, vladimir putin voiced seemingly obvious things, but america and europe were much calmer in thinking that they could, without any consequences of supplying kiev with weapons with which it attacks the territory of our country, but when the president said that the actions of the west really threaten a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, putin. in fact
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, i’ve already talked about this more than once, but right now nato is breaking out in a cold sweat, the british daily mail, how london is involved in the conflict in ukraine is well known, these are british stormshadows flying across crimea through new historically russian territories, so, daily mail is horrified by the realization that russia can respond not only to kiev, they convinced themselves first of all and... the entire western world that russia is incapable, it is crushed, collapsed, now it turns out that russia is sovereignly capable, and that if we continue to provoke russia by sending weapons to ukraine, then we can already get the answer is not in ukraine, in those places where such decisions are made. in london they are also so nervous because they were recently, one might say, set up...
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german chancellor scholz spoke out about the fact that british military personnel are helping ukrainians to launch stormshadow missiles, while scholz himself backed down on the issue of transferring long-range taurus to kiev. berlin will not supply them because it does not want to drag germany into the conflict, and scholz said this even before putin’s current speech, maybe historical memory has spoken. mr. scholz, quite recently, was famous for his belligerent statements, but when... it came down to it, he immediately, realizing the possible consequences for germany, refused to supply taurus to ukraine and clearly and unequivocally stated that the bundeswehr has no plans for sending his armed contingent to ukraine, that is, the most important function of the president, which he performed brilliantly today during his address, is to pour a cold shower on the heads of the western elites, a cold shower for macron, first of all, who hinted the other day
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about in order to bring nato troops into ukraine, the french publications are now in a tizzy, writing that putin is warning the west against the third world war, the former. that's how scared they are now, with a remarkable post from sarbona. teacher gospar skoda writes: putin said that russia is ready for dialogue with the states on issues of strategic stability, that is, russia understands perfectly well that the main boss here is not the europeans. end of quote: it turns out that while macron is trying to rattle sabers, the citizens of his country look at things quite soberly; in italy, for example, they have not forgotten how russia helped in the fight against coronavirus in the twentieth year, on the day of putin’s address to the federal assembly, in one of bars in naples have discounts, and there even
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seemed to be a broadcast if in italy they buy beer in order to listen to vladimir putin’s speech, but in my opinion this is already very significant. following the interview. like the british ones, it broadcasts about the specter of world war iii. the west heard in vladimir putin's speech what it wanted to hear, the shadow of a nuclear apocalypse began to tremble, because it is one thing to try to weaken russia, and quite another to put the world at risk
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of destroying civilization. republican matt rosendale accused democrats in the united states of wasting money on kiev. lawmakers are wasting americans' money on pr. visited the liberated avdiivka to support our soldiers. he talked with the military personnel and even played several games of chess with them. during an inspection of the city of chessmen, destroyed by the ukrainian armed forces , the fighters tried to attack an enemy drone. sergei koryakin told how they managed to escape. we escaped from the kamikaze drone.
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we ran into the entrance. precinct election commissions in the donetsk people's republic were assigned the names of significant persons for the region, heroes of a special military operation. in donetsk and in a number of other cities ceremonies took place. so section number 500 is now named in honor of mikhail tolstykh, known by the call sign give. the event participants paid tribute to his memory with a minute of silence and laid flowers. memorable.
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so that polling stations in the republic and not only in the republic, this is the practice, but on the territory, on the territory of great russia, also have the names of their outstanding fellow countrymen, their patriots and heroes of those territories where they were born or made a significant contribution to the development of one or another city ​​or town. sergei lavrov arrived in turkey to participate in the antalya diplomatic forum. minister, landed at antalya airport, this was reported by the representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. in turkey, he will hold talks with his turkish counterpart fokan fedan, as well as with the heads of the mita of azerbaijan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan and the king of eswatini, within the framework of which the ministers will discuss bilateral cooperation in many areas, including
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trade, energy, banking, tourism, and also agree on a schedule for future contracts at different levels, this was explained in diplomatic department of our country. the fiftieth scientific gastro session is being held in moscow at the loginov clinical research center, with young medical scientists participating. this year's theme is the consensus basis of clinical guidelines. maria valeeva will tell you more. diploma and certificate for training at the loginov moscow clinical research center. valeria kukarskaya’s work on gastroenterology was among the top three at a competition for young scientists. for several months the girl, together with her friendly team of novice specialists from mmits-radiology in obnensk, observed the condition of the lumbar muscles in patients diagnosed with stomach cancer. we understand if a patient is leaking. tissue, then we prescribe him nutritious nutrition and physical activity
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, the patient begins to improve his muscle status, by the time of surgery the patient ’s muscle status becomes much better, and thus the patient calmly goes into surgery, and the likelihood of any serious complications is small. participation in the fiftieth scientific gastrosession for young scientists is a unique opportunity. communicate with famous professors and academicians, learn from the experience of hundreds of specialists from russia and other countries of the world at the event; famous surgeons from the usa, great britain and italy joined the discussions via video link. professional communications are a very important aspect. we are very glad that our colleagues, with whom we have long-standing, great connections, and i can say that we, too, have certainly learned a lot from them , and i know exactly what we have. there is a lot to learn, well, due to the fact that we simply have great experience on certain topics,
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people came to us with pleasure not only to give lectures, but also to see our operations, among the audience were foreign students, david akuna from nigeria, finishing his residency in moscow, says that he decided to study in russia, never regretted it, usa, europe , why should i go there, but why live there, because, let’s say, a person there after an operation gives him 5 days or... there are 2 days to move out, well, there is no such thing in russia at all, there are so many people here, well, until that moment when the doctor decides that the person is already well recovered, you can be discharged, then he discharges you, there is no such thing, there, there everything is for money, if you want it for money, after the operation they evict you in 2 days, but i think this is an insult even for a doctor. the achievements of a unique operation, doctors from the login scientific center show live, pre-courses on... endoscopy, the meaning of all modern medicine is to find cancer at the stage when it can be cured endoscopically
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without the use of any surgical interventions, well, in fact, this is also the same the same as surgery, only surgery performed endoscopically. the technical capabilities of endoscopic intraluminal surgery make it possible to perform the operation with a minimum number of incisions on the body, or even without them at all. patients recover quickly after such interventions. in the profession for more than 25 years, during all this time she has not missed a single scientific session, she remembers very well how she spoke at such events as a student, now she is an honorary professor, but we have the ability to predict factors, predictive, we can say who is at risk for of one pathology or another, for one complication or another, here at the moscow scientific and clinical center high-resolution manometry has been launched, this is, of course, the flagship for motor disorders.
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for this year we have money from different sources, but what is the volume of investment for the twenty-fourth year? for this year, about 600 billion, design work will begin in cases where it is ready.
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in the coming months, the development committee will update the rules for selecting individual development programs for regions. let me remind you that during his address to the federal assembly, vladimir putin instructed to extend this mechanism for 6 years for ten regions with difficult economic situations. the ministry is already considering which regions could be included in the program at the second stage. in general, the ipr mechanism initiated by the president has proven its effectiveness. individual development programs have become a significant factor in the development of regional economies. over the 4 years of implementation of individual development programs, most regions reached growth rates above the russian average. tasks common to dozens are completed ahead of schedule. more than 14 created thousand jobs. the investment plan has been exceeded. the unemployment rate has decreased by 2 and
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a half times compared to the russian average. today russia has returned flexible export duties on coal for a year. up to 7% depending on the national currency exchange rate. however, if they give less than 80 rubles per dollar. the duty will be zero. a similar measure was already in effect in october-december last year. it should protect the domestic market from unjustified price increases. treasury revenues from exchange duties in the twenty-third year amounted to about 140 billion rubles. we received the most from the supply of fertilizers , mineral fuels, ferrous metals and fish. at the end of the issue, let me remind you that the exchange rates for today are 90 rubles, 84 kopecks, and 98.54 euros. and that's all i have for now. if possible , send troops to western ukraine. nothing should be ruled out in the future on this issue. if we send troops into ukraine, we will obviously become a warring country. this means the beginning of the third world war. when you and
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i remember the events of the forties, the defeat of the french army, and yet the french grouping, it was larger than up. it is there. the reason for the general sloppiness, it suddenly became clear that no one can rearm the army, the military industry is not ready, let others fight, and somewhere around here we will survive all this. france was a statist who was defeated at the beginning of the war, and by and large made a winner at the end, and precisely made a winner.
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my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future. i am running for the presidential election so that we can all live with dignity and freedom. remember the new ones, we voted for zhirinovsky and the ldpr, i will raise russia from its knees, i will defend the russians, to the great people,
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great russia, don’t lie and don’t be afraid, shirinovsky or it will be worse, get up, great russia, not a single unemployed, homeless, hungry , all these years zhirinovsky, ldpr, fought for you, defended your interests, be true to yourself, vote for ldpr, my name is vladislav davankov, i came to politics from ordinary life, where people want simple things, to live in abundance, to be happy and confident in the future. i
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am running for the presidential election so that we all live with dignity and freedom, in a modern and peaceful country, live with love and the future, live in a new way. vladislav davankov, russian presidential candidate, number one on the ballot. time! i’ll remove the new ones, no, leave them, zhirinovsky’s work lives on, slutsky, a presidential candidate. it is difficult for russia to find a person who would not dream of justice and a better life, not many they know that at our national enterprises
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the salary is more than 100 thousand rubles, free medicine and education, interest-free housing, and every second family has many children, and this will be the case everywhere, they played at capitalism and that’s enough. socialism. when buying a car , you can do without a car service if you have scanning vision. at least i bought it. and for those who don’t have superpowers, there is an auto library and a complete history of the car according to 25 criteria.
6:24 am
use weasel gel, it maintains the strength of the fabric and restores light, things like new, they last three times longer, there is no new, i wash them with affection. appetite anywhere, dad can, dad can, only dad will tame it, dad will help, dad can, there is a beastly appetite for sausages, dad can, what a blessing that vito is on sale with discounts of up to 70%, give yourself and your loved ones brand new equipment, inspiring sale electronics on avito , hello, in a magnet you can win your own smart prize, the one with... the desire to help, the one that spins around the house for you, and now all you need to do is be with your loved ones, give time to your loved ones, buy cards from
6:25 am
the magnet application , play, get instant prizes, win smart technology, a magnet, it is so pure that it is invisible, but gives incredible power, gas - an ultra-pure base of rolf ultra motor oil, synthesized from gas using two innovative technologies gtl and pao provide maximum engine performance. rolf ultra - a new era of motor oils. that's it. it tastes better on fire, burger king. desires are fulfilled not by themselves, but by you. who just chooses their path and believes that everything will definitely work out. those who love to make small surprises and give
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big joy. those who are far away, but are ready to overcome any distance to be close to their closest ones. we believe that if a dream exists, it must come true, sberbank will help you realize everything you have planned. i start it with a filter, an oil filter, a filter according to the car brand, oh, and for... she has an application, i select the car brand, avito will select everything for that, today there will be elections in iran, for two government agencies at once: majlis, parliament and council of experts. the majlis consists of 290 members who are elected for 4 years, and the council of experts consists of 88
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islamic theologians who are assembled for... 8 years. on the eve of voting, the issue of turnout is especially acute, the newspaper writes. polls show that among iranians' main desires is the need for economic progress. according to official data, the inflation rate in iraq in iran is approaching 50%.
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now is the time for sports news, ilya, the capacity of the most visited, indoor ice sports palace in the world, ska arena increased, tell us how much? tanya, good morning, up to 22.300 people or 800
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seats, this is done just right. in the first matches, two pairs of opponents from each conference played. the current trophy holder cska began the defense of the title with an away victory over yaroslavl lokomotiv. the army team whitened 2:0 after the first period , mikhail grigorenko and anton slepushev scored. sheba nikita nesterov and vitali abramova in the second twenty minutes allowed cska to double its advantage. in the end, 4:0 , the victory of the reigning champion is assured. match the teams will also be held in yaroslavl and this will be on march 2. in other meetings of the day , he performed on his home ice for the motorist 1:2. slav oyulaev also could not avoid a home defeat. a puck from tractor defender grigory tronov at the end of the match brought victory to the chelyabinsk team 3:2. the confrontation between spartak and severstal in moscow ended with the same score. spartak became the only higher seeded team to win...


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