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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm MSK

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this is all, this is about the same thing that president macron now wants to provide to corsica, this is much less than the degree of autonomy that exists in many western countries, for national minorities, in palestine, there are also decisions there that were made unanimously on the creation of a palestinian state , and the security council, and the un general assembly, but...
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we recognize one china, but do not violate the status quo, and what is the status quo? this is a relationship with taiwan as a de facto independent state, here you go, double standards, and there are many such examples, so the problem is not in the foundation of the un, but the problem is that, first of all , western countries do not implement numerous decisions. sorry for the sl, i was just waiting
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for the translation, minister lav, you talked about lot, um, us policy, nato expansion eastward, the situation at the united nations, macron's comments, the situation gaza, we're going to get into all of that, but i specifically want to ask you, because the tone that seem to have gotten from from from from from your opening as far as i i understand that we are now operating in the action-reaction paradigm. i would like to understand how you look at the prospects for russian foreign policy and how you see russia 10 years from now?
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the european union, as they say in russian, pulled out all the veins from us, pulled out concessions, and much more was present in our relations with the same european union, as with our closest neighbor, although we were the largest trading partners, but this was constantly given, any economic actions, steps and agreements were made with great difficulty, in ultimately, we were deceived on... the main issue for us on issues of equal indivisible security, this principle of equal indivisible security is written down in a number of decisions of the so-called osce, the organization for security cooperation in europe, and which summits, summits, starting with the summit in in 1999 in istanbul, this principle was proclaimed. then it was confirmed more than once,
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including at the highest level, and it is written there in this solemn commitment that it is not one country or a group of countries. subordinate regime to the americans, who before coup d'etat, hundreds sat there in the ministries, just as they now supposedly have their own mercenaries, in fact there are career officers there, there are also british and
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french, we know this well, and it all ended up with what we have now.
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in latvia and estonia they simply don’t give them citizenship, now they are starting to throw them out of the countries altogether, and the osce is silent, so the president, in his message to the federal assembly, outlined our initiative or our awareness,
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if you like, of the reality that is now emerging, namely the importance of development cooperation. on the eurasian continent with the participation of all countries located here, all organizations, and the basis for this process is already being created by the relations that have been established between, well, for example, the eurasian economic union and the shanghai cooperation organization, between the european union and osian, shossian, and we see prospects in to join in these efforts...
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parts, large parts of the russian federation are being painted the wrong color. i hope you don't mean these cards. also, the french were briefly mentioned. i would like ask a question about what you think about president macron's comments that he made at the beginning.
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to the european union as such, many people there simply began to categorically deny it, including
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chancellor scholz, but mr. macron’s subordinates, including the new foreign minister, began to say that, well, in general, he didn’t quite mean that, and on the other hand, you can send troops there, but they won’t fight, they’ll train, and it won’t necessarily lead... to a war with russia, that is, maybe it will? the very fact of the deployment of troops was recorded, or rather the desire to lead troops, officially, not officially, they are there, without these so-called instructors, ukraine’s long-range weapons could not be used against russian cities, we understand all this perfectly well, and there is a lot of evidence for this.
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and mr. austin, the secretary of defense, coming out of the hospital, he said that if ukraine is defeated by russia, then nato will have to enter into a fight with russia, there is a quote, it is generally impossible, this is the meaning.
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as they do now, prohibited by this treaty ground-based missile , but before leaving, they accused us, they said that you had already acquired this type of weapons, to which president putin officially sent a message to all nato members, yes, they said that these weapons were deployed in the kaliningrad region, and putin sent message to all nato members, officially. having invited them to send experts to the kaliningrad region to inspect the installations located there, in response he asked that our experts be allowed to visit poland and romania, where american systems were deployed missile defense, which could
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be used as strike weapons, also fell under this point of view. were covered by the treaty in question, they didn’t even try to discuss it with us , they simply refused, they said, no, you ’re violating, we don’t even have anything to check, they did the same thing with the open skies treaty before withdrawing from it, but he still seriously strengthened trust, before leaving it, they said, russia is violating this agreement all the time, although there were violators there before just on the west side. therefore , the americans are probably now accumulating an extra argument to refuse any agreement on the non-transfer of weapons into space. well, yesterday, in his message, the president very clearly answered all these fabrications, that this is just nonsense, as he put it, and that those who
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are driving this wave, so militaristic, must be aware of their responsibility. and we really hope that the population of these countries understands what their elected representatives are playing with. mr. lavrov, you said that if ukraine loses in this conflict, russia will have to deal with nato. this week was another anniversary of the start of a special military operation in ukraine, in the west in ukraine, just a different way of looking at it, this is an invasion, an invasion of the territory of an independent state, well, russia has
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a certain dissatisfaction with the fact that nato was moving to the east. russia wants to denazify ukraine; if you look at the result of these actions, the length of the border between russia and nato states has increased by more than 3.00 km. what kind of endgame will there be in this game? you started your question, i’m just pointing out the meaning of this, if ukraine loses, nato will have to go against russia, but before that it just came out of his freudian mind.
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but this is also, because this whole idea with ukraine, it was not only against russia, but with the aim that europe... would not be too strong a competitor, and this goal has been achieved, europe is no longer at all not a competitor to the united states, all business, the main
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industry, are moving to the usa, where conditions and energy resources are completely different much cheaper, so this cannot be discounted, but as for the reasons for what is happening... this is the cancellation of the coming years that preceded this event, just as in the case of crimea, for example, the west always
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said: you annexed crimea , march 15 , now the story has changed in 2014, they don’t want to remember that there was a coup d’etat, and the coup d’état took place the next day, after the opposition, then president yanukovych, signed a settlement document, which stipulated holding early elections, creating a government of national unity for the period of preparation for the elections, this document, under it are signed by poland, france and germany, as guarantor countries. in the morning a coup took place, the opposition occupied the government publication, one of its leaders, who later became prime minister, went to this square,
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to the so-called maidan, said to the microphone for the whole of kiev, congratulate us, we are creating a government of winners, there is a difference, government of national unity, preparations for the elections, here the government is the winner and hello, this part. yes, this is the government of the winners, first of all, it was the very first such initiative, throwing into the public space announced that it would cancel the status of the russian language in ukraine, first of all, in crimea, in the southeast of ukraine, no one has ever spoken the language in another language, his second action was to send armed militants to crimea to storm the crimean parliament building. then the population of this peninsula and the population of eastern ukraine said: “guys, you know, you and i are not on the same path,
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let you sort it out for now, and we will live without you." they did not attack anyone, but those who preceded them to power purely declared them terrorists and began a so-called anti-terrorist operation against them, which included such episodes as the burning of 48 people for...
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which are crucial in understanding the whole performance, if you like, and no one in the west wants to talk about them, by the way, when after the coup in february 2014 we began to contact to the germans, to the french and says: guys, your ministers guaranteed a settlement agreement, the opposition has crossed it out, influence it, force it to fulfill it. what was agreed upon, especially since it was about the fact that in 5-6 months there would be early elections, which the then-current president definitely lost, and in response to our admonitions, the germans and
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french told us: well, yes, of course, there was this agreement, it’s not bad, but you see, sometimes democracy makes unexpected bends, in the form of the destruction of people, such a bend democratic, was ultimately accepted and set aside as having no consequences for the further development of events. russia did not invade ukraine, then hamas would not have attacked israel on october 7 last year, look, this is a quote, i have heard a lot of
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interesting statements.
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american proposal to resume dialogue on strategic stability, on the basis of a treaty on strategic offensive arms, but the preamble of the treaty says that it is concluded on the principles of equality, mutual respect, transparency, trust and much more good, then everything else, the americans propose to resume... to resume visits to our strategic sites, inspections are provided for in the treaty, firstly, inspections were agreed upon in the context of those relations, strategic stability so that they are reflected in the preamble of the treaty , they tell us: you know, the preamble is so, it doesn’t count, why doesn’t it count, without the preamble there would be nothing else, and secondly,
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the missiles themselves, in order to add to their range, the president described this approach here in in his message, when he says: they, what they need, they will ask on the one hand, go to the other, through the ministry of foreign affairs, through other structures, all this only in order to...


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