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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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mobile voting point. pa, are you waiting for someone? but now you will see, this is a special mobile point that will come to places where there is no polling station and transport rarely goes, so that every resident can vote. how does it all work here? and just like in a regular area. if you vote,
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how will they save your ballot? the boxes are sealed, the ballots from them will be stored entirely in bags until the end of voting, and there will also be observers at the polling station. is stress leaving you exhausted? elcar contains elcarnitine from... source of additional energy and helps cope with stress. elcar - you can fight stress. well, credit card debts carry interest . what? need a holwa. you take credit cards, transfer your debts to halva, divide them into 24 months and repay them conveniently, make purchases or get rid of credit card debts, easily with halva. new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes. the main trophy from 20 million. hunt, have a go! colored water for a clean, fresh
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tezb, hello, live on air. the legal program is conducted by the duty department in the studio maxim movchan. a gas leak caused a terrible fire in serpukhov near moscow. these are the preliminary conclusions of investigators. according to an eyewitness, there was a loud noise in the house, after which two floors of the apartment were immediately engulfed in fire. in a matter of minutes they were already working on site rescuers and doctors. as a result of the fire , six victims were taken to the hospital. it is known that there are children among them. most poisoning is caused by carbon dioxide. by this moment the fire had already been extinguished. police are currently on the scene and the details of the incident are being established. employees of the investigative committee of russia. a criminal case has been opened regarding the provision of services that do not meet safety requirements. investigators and criminologists from the main investigation department for the moscow region immediately went to the scene. held inspection, the circumstances of the incident are established. meanwhile, the supply of domestic
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gas at the scene was temporarily cut off. the head of the district, sergei nikitenko, has already ordered to provide the victims with all the necessary support, including housing from the flexible fund. life for mercedes in the moscow region began to try the alleged killer, whose victim was a business taxi driver. according to investigators , the criminal lured the driver to a deserted place and attacked him with a knife. maybykh later sold it, ran away himself, and now appears before themis. word to alexandra mostova. the investigation into the murder of a business class taxi driver lasted a year and a half; the accused, twenty-year-old sergei shelist , has been in jail all this time. he never admitted his wine at the first meeting , he essentially remained silent, pointedly turning away from the journalists, he sat in a glass box in the hall of the moscow regional court and ignored all questions. sergei shelest is probably ashamed to show his face, the alleged killer pulled a medical mask up to his eyes and put it on his head hood. sergey, tell me, can you somehow
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comment on what happened, can you say something about the accusation? do you have this opportunity now? at 20 , he could have studied at the university if he had not taken the criminal path and ended up in the dock. most likely it was the thirst for big money. according to investigators, in october 2022, he brutally dealt with a business class taxi driver. the body of the deceased pyotr malenkov was found near an adventure park in the sergeevo-posad urban district. this is the first footage taken from the murder scene. eyewitnesses. the taxi driver was found in the forest area by his colleagues. they sounded the alarm when malinkov stopped communicating. here they found peter, they combed this entire forest belt, this park, right behind these letters they found him. our colleague, i won’t take pictures closely, the body is disfigured, the probable killer carefully planned everything , he pretended to be a client and deliberately lured the driver to a deserted place, when he arrived, attacked him, inflicted about thirty blows with a knife, malenkov had no chance of surviving, the target there was a rustle of a brand new car
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a maybach worth several million rubles, after the murder the young man fled in a car, and then sold the foreign car on the black market, the transaction itself was filmed on a mobile phone, in these frames a rustle is signing a contract for... mercedes-benz. after selling the car, shelist went to the krasnodar region, hoping to hide from the police there, but he did not run for long. operatives detained him in a rented apartment and took him to moscow for investigative actions. at the first meeting the party spoke on the merits accusations, details of the murder were announced. now.
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12 people suffered and are receiving assistance. emergency services are currently working at the scene, and traffic on the street is almost paralyzed. it smells like counterfeit, on the eve of march 8, cavalier is emptying the counters of perfume shops, sweeping away everything from expensive branded fragrances to outright stench, which is a fake, and most likely everyone who comes in contact with such fakes will have bad luck. the lady of the heart will reject the gift, the gentleman will be upset, and the seller will be detained. report by danil sukharuchko. the capital welcomed the beginning of spring in anticipation of the most tender holiday, not only buyers, but also sellers are preparing for international women’s day, including the most conscientious ones. in this store we buy supposedly branded perfumes, although the price is suspiciously generous, 600 rubles per bottle, up to friendly sellers
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go on the defensive when they see the cameras, there are no certificates , but the workers themselves don’t hide it, the perfume is a real fake, i don’t know, not in a real city, well, you yourself admitted it, why are you doing it? the quality of the goods in this store is not guaranteed at all, supposedly no one has ever seen the owner of the outlet here, it’s not a shame at all. i bathe 600 rubles supposedly this company, it’s clearly not them , they sniffed it at all, whatever you want, i have allergies, don’t, okay, you’re allergic to everything or just this one, it seems to me that you’re allergic to everything , i’m allergic to cameras, we call the police after learning about this, most of the employees seem to dissolve into thin air, only the heavy smell of fake perfume just won’t go away, now law enforcement will take over the store, and this outlet is still quite modest. burnt perfumes are sold in much larger volumes in places like this: a large shopping center in the south-west of the capital, like the streets of paris
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, is teeming with perfume shops, in the first one we come across we find the necessary fakes, this counterfeit is already more expensive, one piece is 1.300, 1.200, i think the optimum is needed , no, you don’t have a translation, we return with a camera with a police squad, sellers of counterfeit goods, apparently out of fear, begin to rent out their colleagues in the foul-smelling business, the rest of the rooms also behind the open on the fourth, they are open, but why is it that our room is perfectly understood, buy from you, do you understand? fake perfume, look, here is a woman vehemently defending counterfeit perfume, you are for counterfeit, girl, yes, for counterfeit, yes, i am, meanwhile, the usually crowded shopping center at this time was empty at the sight of journalists, most businessmen suddenly announced a short working day and tightly closed their shops , the supposed owner of the shop has neither excuses nor certificates for...
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we had to open our bins to the police, this is only the first batch of fragrant potion seized from unborn merchants, all of this will be sent for examination. now the owner of the shop will have to answer questions from investigators, not correspondents. employees seized about 28 boxes of low-quality perfume products. currently , an investigation into this fact is being carried out, based on the results of which a decision will be made in accordance with the law. we showed the purchased counterfeit to an expert in perfume making, a sensitive nose a professional leaves no chance for fakes. this is very far in quality, look, if this fragrance is supposed to smell fragrant
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for six to eight hours, it ’s absolutely not there, listen again, it’s not there at all, yes, that is, it’s not there, what we paid for, we paid for the bottle , in principle , you can put all three bottles in the restroom, for example, yes, in addition, experts note, a fake is revealed not only by a faint smell, but by the poor quality of the bottle, crooked labels, non-original font and others details, and also... counterfeits are distinguished by a low price, but wasted money is not so bad. doctors are sure that such perfumes can be dangerous. there may be health complications. this could be itching of the skin , redness of the eyes, even to the point that serious skin diseases may occur; it will be necessary to contact not only a dermatologist, but perhaps even a surgeon with such complications, so to take care of their ladies, men when choosing perfumes in the gift is worth paying more attention to. love did not evaporate the same way after a dangerous gift quickly, like the aroma of cheap perfume. daniil sukharuchko, sultan zeganov, maria bukato,
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victor barmin, lead. duty department. the number of defrauded shareholders is decreasing, for example, in krasnodar only nine such houses still remain unfinished, the progress of work on them is monitored by the head of the regional department of the investigative committee, andrei maslov, the day before he met with shareholders of several residential complexes, the developers of which were drawn into criminal schemes, the task of new contractors - correct shortcomings and publish objects again established deadlines. in
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total, over the past few years , 457 houses from the register of problematic properties have been completed in the krasnodar territory. this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel, watch the investigation of eduard petrov. gasoline boot. refuel your car without leaving home. a mobile fuel delivery service has launched in novosibirsk, it would seem to be a great initiative, but that was not the case, the city was suddenly filled with illegal goods. mobile gas station. we have discovered a low number of reports of illegal cell phone activities gas stations, including container ones. the cactant number does not correspond to the declared ninety-second gasoline. this is a purchase at your own risk. how was the gasoline boots group eliminated? this is a mobile gas station, no longer open.
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hello, your machine. whose car is it? sellers of burnt fuel. panic began in the city, a real war, three of our cars were stolen from a place of safe storage, two mechanics were getting fuel, the second object of a special operation began, well , you know what you are spilling here, illegal gasoline, no, i don’t know, money doesn’t smell like gasoline, no, we took on this case and conducted our investigation, a murder with a samurai sword in the saratov region, a resident of the city of bolokov. after a drunken quarrel, he waited until all the party participants fell asleep, armed himself with a katana, and hacked to death the sleeping man. where was the victim? here, he struck one blow, after which there was no reaction ; a criminal case of murder was opened against a twenty-five-year-old resident of the city of bolokov. the balakovo ninja was so drunk
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that he also mixed up the beds, wanted to kill the offender, but killed his best friend. about legal news. people learn about regions or regions thanks to the work of local journalists, the program is broadcast in many regions of the country, what topics are of interest to our colleagues in the tomsk region, my colleague ekaterina loskutova will tell you. maxim, hello, my colleagues and i have been closely following the events in the region all week, the most significant incidents are in our materials. in the tomsk region, a driver was detained who deliberately hit a traffic police inspector. the man did not want to respond to the request. stopped the car deliberately ran into a policeman, now the dashing driver faces a criminal case, an article of violence against a representative of the authorities, he stole both the heart and money, tomsk, he cleaned out the apartment of his beloved, at night he stole more than a million rubles from the closet, with this money the girl’s father planned to buy dacha, but the potential son-in-law failed to leave unnoticed, which now threatens him
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instead of a wedding, and a massive road accident, three accidents at once in just half an hour. happened on one on a section of the highway in the tomsk region, five cars collided, including a heavy truck, and there were injuries. eyewitnesses say the cause could have been smoke on the highway due to a fire at apilorama, but the police have their own version. about all this and much more in the new episode of the vesti dezhurnaya tomsk program. maksim. thank you. in addition, this saturday residents of the tver region will see the final release of our regional colleagues. let's find out what will be discussed there. word to olga volgina. hello, maxim, this is what we will talk about in our issue: drug production on an industrial scale in the rymeshkovsky district of the tver region, a large underground drug laboratory that produced mephidrone was liquidated. 11 kg of lethal grain were seized. fake police became more active,
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and a pensioner became a victim of telephone impostors. the attackers deceived a gullible woman out of 15 million rubles. about these and other news in the summary. the release of the program will be conducted by the duty department of tver, colleagues, thank you, it was my colleague olga volgina from the tver region, well, we we continue our release. argentine borscht from a barnaul swindler in russia , a lady was extradited from buenos aires, who, according to investigators, managed to make 150 million rubles. being a realtor, the accused went too far with the desire to get rich and disappeared without a trace, collecting a gigantic sum from her clients, then she turned up as a groom in argentina, it’s a matter of technology and that’s it, she was caught by interpol. this is the last fashion show of the swindler lyudmila avdyukhina on argentinean soil . she spent a year on the run and has already been promised extradition. interpol officers report lady to the russian security forces, she in red trousers with a smile on her face doesn’t even think of losing heart, she still flies to her homeland in barnaul, where, according to investigators, more than 150 million were stolen. in the capital of the altai territory. this
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glamorous diva headed a private real estate company and traded professionally with her husband. and made multimillion-dollar turnover, but on one of the family days she suddenly disappeared, along with her allegedly the contents of the safe, money to the treasurers to whom the lady promised housing. previously , lyudmila ovdyukhina worked as a pastry chef in barnaul, but in 2014 she radically changed her life, became a realtor, and was very successful, according to some sources, her salary reached half a million. now former subordinates are taking the rap for avdyukhina; according to the ministry of internal affairs, there are two types of victims in this case, some clients. who wanted to buy an apartment, their money has already been returned, other businessmen lent avdyukhina a total of 100 million. the pike perch is still fighting with the real estate company. there was news about extradition for the victims. expected, civil cases ongoing, criminal the investigation is not preventing this in any way, the victims, some of the victims still
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have not received their money, for a whole year avdyukhina, who will be on the international wanted list, cleverly hid money abroad, confused her tracks as best she could, flew from barnaul to sochi, from sochi to istanbul, then to dubai has finally laid low, buenos aires decided it was here in one of the apartments in an elite area , the neighbors didn’t even... i know since they moved here, they didn’t communicate with anyone, they just said hello, we didn’t even think could that they have some kind of second life, this it was not visible from the outside, my neighbor was a very nice person, always smiling and had wonderful manners, here is the life of a swindler, as if from scratch, she changed her name, cut her hair and started trading again, in argentina we found a shop where for months a secret millionaire pretended to be simple cook, cooked borscht and sold russian products. but the overseas fairy tale quickly ended, and interpol caught the thief right outside the house. last year, thanks to the use of interpol channels , the whereabouts of avdyukhina were established, she
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detained in argentina. the competent authorities of this country granted the request of the prosecutor general's office of the russian federation and decided to extradite the accused. soon, in her homeland , avdyukhin will appear in court in a case of fraud on an especially large scale; she is taking a risk. to teach up to 10 years old, only one detail remains a mystery: where did the runaway realtor do 150 million, they were never found, but for comparison, this is a whole barrel of banknotes. alena skachkova, alexey gorshkov, lead the duty department. murder in the center of krasnodar during a quarrel, an african businessman was shot there, the alleged killer was his krasnodar competitor. he called the police and confessed to the crime. so, according to preliminary data, fifty-five-year-old andronik grigoryan opened fire on his opponent with a gun in the middle of the day. yakubu hamid toure, a native of africa, did not. several years ago he owned a popular night spot called the havana club. after the club closed , toure invested his savings in an agricultural business. it is possible
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that the death of a native of the niger republic could bring the conflict precisely on business grounds. investigators are now interrogating the alleged killer, and a criminal case has been opened. on saturday at 18:15 do not miss the final release of our program. here are its main themes. this weapon could easily arm an entire platoon. grenade launchers, sniper rifles, machine guns and pistols with a silencer, an unprecedented arsenal in an ordinary garage in st. petersburg. we haven’t had such a catch for a long time, how did a high-profile attempt on the life of a lawyer help us find out who is the owner of the weapon? only we managed to visit inside the garage, immediately after the investigative actions, investigators were looking for weapons under the casing, to commit what crimes could...
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how long was vlasov going to scare his followers with the end of the world and when did his empire of deception come to an end from the ulyanovsk region, investigation by vlada egorova. a new
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scandal in the clinic of plastic surgeon timur khaidarov. a capital businessman and producer died here after a stomach reduction operation. why pyotr gavrilov decided to undergo the procedure in secret from his relatives and friends? if we had known, we would never have allowed this to happen. what happened a few days after the operation, why it was not possible to save it. patient, the patient was examined, we did everything to the maximum in terms of equipment, do you understand what the investigators seized during the search in the clinic and will the team of the notorious surgeon be able to get out of it this time? andrey ivlev sorted it out. love on prepayment instead of call ladies thugs for refusing to pay for big family problems. there are hundreds of sites on the internet that offer you to choose companion for the night. money, of course, is demanded in advance, and then there is blackmail and the risk of not only being left without money, but also making the thirst for adventure public. and in orenburg, for example, there is an opportunity to be included in operational filming
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. material by oksana boricheva. in the footage , another deceived and dissatisfied man is giving an interview to the police, but he dreamed of being given love for money, and in the end he brought the scammers 1000 rubles. and they turned out to be insatiable and demanded another 2.5 million, otherwise everyone would know about his love preferences.
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their companions offer to take them at their word and, for example, paying in advance. of course, most of these sites are just fakes. the calculation is simple, almost none of the victims will run to complain, in case the wife finds out. one can only guess what men are thinking when transferring tens of thousands of rubles to scammers. the desire to have fun resulted in the loss of large sums for thousands of gullible gentlemen. inflamed with passion , would-be lovers find a website with photographs and phone numbers. we conduct an experiment, go to a private site, explain that our friend is waiting for a big and pure love, i’ll pick you up , i’ll pay you right away, where your salon is located, i’ll pick you up, we have a salon, we have advertising on the website, we need to receive payment electronically, you see, they immediately ask for an advance payment, a kind of insurance if the client takes the bait and forks out, he will not have a date waiting for him, but another bill, a bigger one , and at the same time threats, saying that it was his fault
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that the failure occurred, the swindlers can...
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lerchik and her husband decided to triumphantly inform their subscribers about this directly from the investigator’s office, they took pictures shining with snow-white smiles, as if they themselves were still they don’t fully believe what’s happening. after a long year of 359 days, we finally received a decree that everything is over, now i am a free citizen of the russian federation and believe me, i am now a super respectable citizen. this is already the second closed criminal case in the biography of the super-decent family. subscribe, we also watch our investigations and daily releases on the platform, go to the broadcast tab, turn on an honest detective, our release is now complete, maxim ovchan was in the studio, see you on the russia 24 tv channel at 21:30. vladimir putin
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today i held a meeting with permanent members of the security council via videoconference. the main topic is neutralizing threats in the space sphere. you and i have already discussed the falsehoods that some figures in the west are making about our supposed plans to deploy nuclear weapons in space. i say allegedly because, as i already said, as we well know, we do not have such plans, but still a question. space, the issue of neutralizing threats that may arise for us in the space sphere should always be in our sphere attention, let's talk about this today. a combat training launch of the yars intercontinental ballistic missile was carried out at the plesetsk cosmodrome, the ministry of defense reported. it was carried out by the crew of the south carolina missile formation. the mobile- based ballistic missile was equipped with a multiple warhead.


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