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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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the main part of the president’s address to the federal assembly was devoted to internal issues, it is clear that this is the development of the economy as the basis for the material existence of society, it is especially important to note here that the plans that the head of state voiced are not just election promises of the presidential candidates, they are clearly verified , a program of action calculated down to the ruble.
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the basis of these actions is the country’s budget, and , accordingly, taxes, how the president’s instructions in this area will be carried out, we today discussed with the chairman of the state duma committee on budget and taxes andrei makarov. andrey mikhailovich, hello, thank you for taking the time, now is the time for us to discuss how to carry out the president’s instructions, a very important, serious assignment, achieving economic sovereignty, technological sovereignty. all this requires a huge amount of work , and first of all, probably on our main financial and economic document - this is the budget, it is clear that in the economic conditions in which we all now live, doing this is extremely difficult, but necessary. so, how will the budget policy be structured so that all the instructions, all the goals, the strategic goals that were outlined by the president in the message are fulfilled? yesterday there was more than just a message. it was a program,
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a program for the life of the country, and not even for 6 years, for a much longer period. and it is very important that here the president took a path that would be very good for all those who work in any government positions to adopt; he talked about what happened, what...
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what is this? these are all the figures that the president announced and which should be reflected in the federal budget. i repeat, we are talking only about the federal budget, we are not talking now about regional budgets, about the fact that business should also take shape, the president also spoke about this, but this is the sixties. six points are very serious, this is what has been calculated, this is the first, a figure exceeding 8.5 trillion rubles. and in fact, these numbers show the real state of our economy. not by chance the president says that our main achievement was to prevent our economy from being completely torn apart, as if...
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but the main emphasis is family, a large family, in the end, all of the initiatives that the president announced yesterday are the country’s competitiveness and quality of life of people, that’s the main thing that the president said, in this case we have a balanced program, a balanced program and real ones. now, when we
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are talking about this, he is talking about the tax system, and pay attention to how everything balanced, on the one hand, the order. work to make a proposal for a stable tax system for the next 6 years until the thirtieth year, this is very important, in fact , business with all its wishes, naturally, there are wishes for subsidies, money, loans, whatever, the main thing, the main request of business is always tax stability legislation, and the president says: this is what we must ensure, but which one? there should be a stable system for the next 6 years, he proposes to prepare a proposal taking into account, you know, just yesterday for me it was, you know, like a balm for the early days, i don’t know, it’s just how the song sounded, sometime in
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1998, when i was still writing the general part of the tax code, i laid the foundation for the tax system.
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the principle of fairness was laid down 25 years ago, but the point is that maybe someone resisted for 25 years so that the tax system was fair? no, of course, but just to create a fair system, it took a technological revolution, because 25 years ago there was no neither tax authorities, nor taxpayers, nor tax legislation, this is what has been created today that allows us to decide.
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you reach a new level, so that the tax burden does not immediately hit you over
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the head and make you bankrupt. this understanding of the movement, how to go here , how to do it, it exists, but the details certainly have to be worked out, believe me, this will be done not only by the government and the state duma, we will do it together with business, we will do it together with the tax authorities , because at the same time the president said to close all loopholes. from tax evasion, because as soon as we start creating such mechanisms, we immediately have people who want to use these mechanisms to evade taxes, so this is a very balanced, careful policy, then the president takes an absolute revolutionary step, he says: for those who now understand that the regime that you will develop and it will begin to work there next year is normal, but how...
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not in the forehead, well, well, honestly, well, well, let's, uh, we
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all have to wait for tax increases or not, why should everyone wait , well, i don't know, to pay in advance, no, well, i, well, pay taxes calmly, that's already happened, i'm not talking about that, that's not the question, understand, is not a question of raising taxes, it is a question of balancing the budget tax system. after all, when we talk about tax , say, on organizations, on enterprises, this is a tax on profits and so on all these things, the president very carefully said: look at the possibilities of depreciation, look at the need to maintain further specific industries, developing the support that is already being provided, but you see, the whole point is that, unfortunately, we very often talk about support. it comes down to, let's give tax breaks, but the problem
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is not to give benefits, tax breaks are always of a general nature, i remember how, again, 25 years ago we wrote that it is impossible to give individual benefits, because this is pure corruption encouragement of corruption, analog benefits have a general indiscriminate nature, wouldn’t it be better in this case look at the instruments of not only tax but budget policy. how to collect this money from business, so the most important area, at the same time, which
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the president says, he talks about the problems of inter-budgetary relations, the state of the regions, this is actually the key thing that is going on, here, you know, i understand that i have been talking for a very long time , you probably don’t have that much time, you’ll cut out everything you can, yes, we need to finish it, i understand, but unfortunately, this is exactly what i started with when we talked, what is this... it’s not the right time to discuss, to start discussing, but we can’t help but say this, the president proposed writing off 2/3 from the regions.
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we write off, we write off, the federal budget accepts this debt for itself, but on the condition that these funds will be used for development, for improving
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the quality of life of people, you know, we are now going through each region, the president has indicated the amount, more than 200 billion a year remains with regions, remains with the regions, but so i started looking, you know, well, i started, excuse me, because the deputy from ryazan started looking at just the numbers, what it is one region, although we are now making materials, naturally for each region , look, ryazan will have 12 billion rubles left over the next four years alone, this is the ryazan region, in general, not the richest region of the country, in 4 years 12 billion, which they can focus on its development, on improving the quality of life of people, but at the same time infrastructure loans are increasing, other investments in the regions are increasing, so the president spoke about leadership schools, this is the most important part of that national, new national project,
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personnel that are indicated, he spoke about other national projects, understanding what... i hope that this rule of justice that you said will be respected, thank you very much, i hope that we will have the opportunity to talk again and simply explain to people how this work is going, what is proposed to be done, because it is very important that the measures that are proposed are accepted, yes, that they
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are understandable to people, that they look and are fair, thank you very much, always does this brilliantly, thank you all the best, all the best, vladimir putin today held meetings with permanent members of the security council via video conference, the main topic was neutralizing threats in the space sector. you and i have already discussed the falsehoods that some figures in the west are making about our supposed plans to deploy nuclear weapons in space, i say. because, as i already said, as we well know, we do not have such plans, but still the question of space, the question of neutralizing threats that may arise for us in space sphere should always be in our area of ​​attention, let's talk about it today. my
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grandfather, a world-famous chemist, said that the donankovs have only one homeland - russia. i want us to be proud of our scientists and respect our teachers, so investments in science and education should double. and this is in my program. with love for people. vladislav davankov, time for new ones. for an explanation about the conversation of the german military about the attack on the crimean bridge. this was stated by the official representative of the russian ministry of foreign affairs maria zakharova. previously editor-in-chief of the russia media group.
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graefe, air force inspector, inga gerharts. others also appear in the entry published by artie chief editor margarita simonyan.
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to a certain extent, they lie about the fact that they are not involved , that they say that they have no plans to supply such weapons, and this is a situation where, in fact
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, these high-ranking officers talking to each other, in general, divided their country, its leadership before the whole world, the same world to which chancellor scholz swore the other day with a sly squint, they say, berlin will not supply taurus to ukraine, because that’s before participation. personal missiles, by the way, means of communication between each other and so on, this gives away what nato is doing, in particular
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germany, a leader who denies his country’s participation in the war, in the preparation of very specific military actions against our homeland. the crimean bridge for... nato, apparently, is an object of morbid fixation, as scholz likes to say, on both sides of the ocean. the former director of the cia no longer knows what is more transparent hint in order to be heard. if you want to give the russians a break, if you want to interrupt that sense of momentum that they have, why not do something like destroy the bridge over the kerch strait. i think it would have a big impact on the russians, both psychologically and militarily . and in this context, macron’s impromptu talk about sending nato troops into ukraine no longer looks completely fanciful. the allies, of course, deny it with all their might, however, this is
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only in words. if ukraine falls, we know that if putin achieves success here, he will not stop, he will continue to take more aggressive actions, attack, take the territory of sovereign states. if you're his baltic neighbors, are you really worried about whether you'll be next? this is another extremely irresponsible statement that we have been hearing in recent days; we have been hearing extremely irresponsible statements
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coming from a number of european countries.
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has already established itself as a fairly effective association that knows the problems of small business, which knows the problems that our farmers are working with, well, in fact, this association has already shown that it is ready to solve the pressing issues that concern our farming. and i would like to point out here that i am ready to resolve these issues in partnership with the authorities, in partnership with the state. with this, i, alexander karyevsky, say goodbye to you, all the best to you, and after a short advertisement, our broadcast will continue with the program “news, duty department.”
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