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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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thirty-six-year-old kamilla grabska, here she is in the photographs, throwing a one and a half meter tree. everything would be fine, but it was this same woman who tried to sue the insurance company for almost 800,000 euros, insisting that after the accident she had had a very bad back for several years, could not turn her neck and had terrible weakness. but now the court accepted the results of the competition as evidence, and the swindler was denied payment. the entire operational feed of legal news in telegram channels is maintained by the duty department and an honest detective. subscribe. also our investigation and daily releases on platform "look". go to the broadcast tab, turn on honest detective. and our release is now complete. maxim movchan was in the studio. see you on the russia-24 tv channel. during the week, the russian army carried out 23 group strikes against ukrainian formations and the military-industrial complex. among other things, the production of drones and arsenals and fuel depots were destroyed. we repulsed over 100 attacks. zelensky's formation was lost. almost 7,500 more soldiers,
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mercenary officers. 39 tanks were destroyed, including the american abrams, as well as almost 80 other armored vehicles, 97 self-propelled guns and galnitsa. moscow demanded an explanation from berlin regarding the conversation between the bondesfer generals about preparing an attack on the crimean bridge. the editor-in-chief of the russia today media group, margarta simonyan, published an audio recording in which german officers discuss the use. taurus. anastasia efimova has all the details. the head of the exercise operations department of the bundeswehr air force command , graefe, air force inspector, inga gerharts. the entry, which was published by arti editor-in-chief margarita simonyan, also includes other high-ranking officers of the german army, fensky and frostette. they considered this conversation strictly confidential, and therefore communicated without cuts.
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that the bridge, due to its size, is similar to a runway, so it may not require 10 or even 20 missiles. there is an opinion that taurost will succeed if we use the french rafale fighter. they will only be able to make a hole and damage the bridge. i'm not promoting the bridge idea, i pragmatically want to understand what they want. the mentioned bridge in the east is, of course, crimean, and german officers are racking their brains as to how exactly to get it tau cruise missiles? and at the same time
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pretending that berlin supplied these same taurus to kiev and trained the ukrainians to use them has nothing to do with it. the germans , direct participants in this war, the germans are absolutely hypocritical to the highest degree, they lie about the fact that they are not involved, that they say they have no plans to supply such weapons, and this is the situation when in fact these are these. .. high-ranking officers talking with each other, in general , divided their country, their leadership in front of the whole world. the very world to which the chancellor scholz the other day swore with a sly squint , saying that berlin would not supply taurus to ukraine, because this could lead to participation in the conflict, and nato seemed to have nothing to do with it, it was simply helping kiev in a brotherly way, putting weapons in their hands , teaches how to use it, chooses a goal. not military,
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but civilians, and this, of course, is the case in the country, this is an absolutely obscene lie, since they are here in detail, this is clear from the recording, i will not quote more, they relate to the subtle details of military production, various missiles, by the way, means of communication between each other and so on, this clearly reveals what nato is doing, in particular germany, a leader who denies his country’s participation in the war, uh, uh, in the preparation of very specific military actions against our homeland. the crimean bridge for nato, apparently, is an object of morbid fixation, as scholz likes to say, on both sides of the ocean. the former director of the cia no longer knows where to hint more transparently in order to be heard.
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i think it would have a big impact on the russians, both psychologically and militarily plan. and in this context, macron’s impromptu talk about sending nato troops to ukraine no longer looks completely fanciful. the allies, of course, deny it with all their might, however, this is only in words. if ukraine falls, we know that if putin succeeds here, he will not stop, he will continue to take more aggressive actions, to attack, to take away.
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considers ukraine its territory. this once again emphasizes the absolute correctness of what the russian federation is doing and demonstrates nato’s worldview. nato correctness and justification of a special military operation. berlin will probably say
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that the published recording of officer conversations is a lie, traditionally blaming russian propaganda for everything. however, when asked for news , the german ministry of defense declined to comment, apparently within an hour. than to be responsible for your own words. anastasia efimova. news. countering military threats from space became the main topic of the meeting of the russian security council. the meeting was chaired by vladimir putin. we have already discussed the stuffing that some figures in the west do according to about our supposed nuclear deployment plans. weapons in space , i say allegedly, because , as i already said, as we well know, we do not have such plans, but still the issue of space, the issue of neutralizing threats that may arise for us in the space sphere, must always be in our area of ​​attention,
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let's talk about it today. vladimir putin instructed to extend the family mortgage until 2030, improving housing conditions for millions of russians. anna lazareva. extend the family mortgage program until 2030, from the initiative was taken by president vladimir putin during his address to the federal assembly. pay special attention to families with children under 6 years of age, inclusive, for them the preferential loan rate will remain the same - 6%. and now, at the birth of the third child, the state pays off part of the mortgage loan for the family, 450,000. rubles, i also propose to extend this rule until 2030. the program has been running since 2018, and was supposed to end on july 1 of this year. participants are families who have at least one a child born from january 1, 18
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to december 31, 23, as well as families with at least two children under 18 years of age. under the terms of the program, the mortgage loan rate for the entire term is 6%. maximum size. loan 12 million rubles - this is in moscow, the moscow region, st. petersburg and the region, and 6 million rubles in other regions of russia. down payment minimum 20%. this decision will not be the main and significant factor in the rise in prices, the reason is that there are still fewer people who can afford a family mortgage, than those who could afford to participate in preferential programs for new buildings. as reported to the house of the russian federation, for the last. almost a million families have already moved into a new apartment or house with the help of a family mortgage for 6 years; thanks to the president’s proposal, it will be possible to provide 300,000 families with new real estate annually. the largest number of decisions about improving housing conditions are made by
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families, and even more so for families it is a fundamental factor in making the decision to have children, in principle, to expand the decision there. demographic issue, if from the point of view of the state, having a roof over your head is the main and primary factor that helps make such decisions. since the launch of the family mortgage amount. issued loans exceeded 4 trillion rubles, it now accounts for more than 50% of all loans issued under state programs. meanwhile , the central bank once again pointed out that the primary housing market is overheated. in the second half of last year, mortgages grew by an average of 3.2% monthly, said elvira nabeulina. the portfolio has grown over the year by almost 35%. the high share of risky loans also indicates overheating, especially in
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the years... we will be able to apply macroprudential limits in mortgages. the bank of russia is recording the emergence of new schemes with high risks for buyers of new buildings. when issuing a mortgage, some banks offer agreements for participation in shared construction, under which part of the funds for the apartment is placed not in an escrow account, but on a letter of credit. the bank receives additional profit from the use of these funds, but the buyer runs the risk of losing both money and an apartment, because the funds that lie on the letter of credit - insured, the law provides for, well, let's say, a loophole, the possibility that if the contract states that
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the funds are credited to this escrow account before the house is put into operation, in theory they should be credited immediately, well, in practice , but now we see that the deadline is indicated closer to the date before the house is put into operation, that is, in other words, for this, during this time, the bank is using this money, the bank of russia in the near future plans to complete the work on creating... a standards committee , where the first issue will be the adoption of a mortgage standard, the regulator expects that it will work in the first half of the year. the head of the agricultural farm checked how the agribusiness of the ivanovo region is developing, together with the governor of the region dmitry patrushev, he inspected a modern greenhouse complex, also explained the farm where vladimirsky tyazhelovoz breeds horses, discussed state support measures for simplifying the working conditions of the farmer, that is. the people's farmer association, although it was created recently,
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nevertheless, it has already managed to prove itself, as a fairly effective association that knows the problems of small business, which knows the problems that our farmers are working with, well, in fact, this association has already shown that it is ready to solve those problems. pressing issues that concern our farming, and i would like to point out here that we are ready to resolve these issues in partnership with the authorities, in partnership with the state. the world of bcs investment is limitless. there are those who boldly open it. are not afraid of turbulence at the start; they accurately calculate the trajectory based on
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a sticker or online, pay like... a real legend is visible right away, it’s almost impossible to touch it, but not for you, it’s your legendary. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a supercake in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable! the general director of the state corporation rosatom,
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alexey likhachev, arrived in sorov, one of the largest nuclear cities. visited the recently opened rehabilitation department in the city clinic and they are ready to accept participants of the special operation. meet russian presidential candidate vladislav dvankov. with voters in rostov-on- don, discussed the work of public transport and quality of road surface. davankov spoke about his ideas for developing passenger transportation in the regions. several provisions of his election program are devoted to this issue. i also attended a master class on cooking don cuisine, and here it was about promoting gastronomic tourism.
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the legendary moscow snuffbox theater celebrates its 37th birthday; in 1987 , the first performance was performed in the basement of a house on cheplygina street. the tiny studio immediately turned into a very popular space, the most daring performances were staged there, in which a galaxy of talented actors played. the theater was created by oleg tabakov. now the master’s work is continued by his student vladimir. you all know what tests he went through in order to create our theater, how much effort and health he spent, but despite all the adversities, he moved forward like a gladiator, because he believed
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in us, in you, in his future work. and of course, now he is here in the mirrors, and we, as his reflection, spartak football player quincy promes were released from custody in the united arab emirates, but it is forbidden to leave the country, an idea that is only gaining momentum, alexander abramov. the russian football championship resumes for spartak on saturday evening. before the most important match with a key rival, spartak found itself in a situation similar to one in which russian football had not yet seen the leader of the red and white, the dutch footballer quintis. could fly with the team from the united arab emirates to st. petersburg. quincy's ceremony was not missed by the arab border guards. dutch national quin simes was detained yesterday and taken to al khawanij police station.
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quinn simes will miss the match with zenit. the footballer is still in the united arab emirates. the club in contact with him provides the necessary assistance in resolving the circumstances that did not allow him to fly to st. petersburg on time. considering that promest will not participate in the game for personal reasons, the club will apply to him after returning to russia. disciplinary measures. spartak flew from the united arab emirates to st. petersburg for the match against zenit on thursday evening, when information appeared that queens was not leaving the country released. at first they assumed and wrote that this was connected with a prison term in promes’s homeland. two weeks ago, a court in amsterdam sentenced vince in absentia to six years in prison for drug smuggling. a new version appeared on friday. allegedly , quincy got into an accident on the territory of the emirates and fled the scene. in the netherlands , the spartacists might not have known about the detention, but when almost all russian media wrote about it, the dutch became more active. we were not informed regarding the arrest of promes in
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dubai. spartak has been preparing for the match against zenit in st. petersburg for a long time. quincy spent all this time in one of the police stations in dubai. if the version of hiding from the scene of an accident is confirmed, then in the emirates queens faces up to 4 years in prison. if, the fact is that queens. is wanted by interpol and the dutch side insists on extraditing the player to his homeland, then the netherlands has two days to prepare all the documents. this deadline will be released on saturday afternoon. in any case, things are going well for the top scorer in russian history of spartak is very bad. in principle, it does not matter why the worker was detained. the fact itself is important: there is an extradition treaty between the emirates and the netherlands. uh criminals and uh one of these days there will be a court decision the other day and he will be extradited and it doesn’t matter at all whether the status
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of interpol has changed or some other uh passing events. the situation with quincy promes is not easy. there is a limited extradition treaty between the netherlands and the united arab emirates. the most popular dutch publication telegra. queens article recalls that in the past , arrests were already made in the emirates at the request of the netherlands, in particular, it was under this agreement that ridouane taghi was extradited from dubai to the netherlands. a few years ago he was the most wanted criminal in the netherlands. over the past few weeks, spartak has been training in the united arab emirates. quincy promes scored in almost every test match. it is difficult to predict how events will unfold, but it is quite possible that these were the last goals. to vince for spartak, the dutchman will not play against zenit exactly. alexander abramov and umar tuskaev. news. there is very little time left before
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the presidential election. early voting has already begun in the regions. how has russia changed over the past 20-plus years and what remains to be done? my colleagues natalya litovka talk about this and more in the new program. in the frame is the special representative of the president on environmental issues and nature conservation. watch his interview after a short advertisement, believe it or not, you want cars from tinkov and millions of other prizes at a delicious point, this is the same vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner, top headphones, and also top choice, top quality discounts up to 50% for just 5. the real legend is visible right away, it’s almost impossible to touch, but not for
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the constitution of the russian federation, it is with his hand on the constitution that the president takes an oath during the inauguration. today we are working in a very interesting place, this is the presidential library in the presidential administration. very soon in our country the main political event of this year is the election of the head of state. how has it changed? russia over the last two to more than ten years , about this and more, let’s talk with a person with vast political experience, we... sergey borisovich, hello, first of all, thank you very much for finding the time for this conversation of ours, good afternoon , you deal with issues of ecology, transport, environmental protection, but you have enormous political experience, they respect me,
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they listen to you, the presidential elections are coming very soon, so this interview is about what has been done in our country, about the results of our country fits this an important political event, about the challenges we now also face, including in the international arena, about politics, once again about politics, well, not only, well, not only, and an interview with president tucker carlson, according to experts, it can gain a billion. views all over the world, tucker talks about his impressions of moscow, of russia in general, that moscow is a very pleasant city, very comfortable, cannot be compared even with some american cities, does the american consumer have any questions about the american audience gets the feeling, well, that the american establishment is doing something wrong, in this sense, this is of course a global interview, we can safely say
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now that this is an interview that...


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