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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 1, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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you deal with issues of ecology , transport, environmental protection, but you have extensive political experience, your opinion is respected, they listen to you, presidential elections are coming very soon, so this interview is about what has been done in our country, about the results of our country approaches this important political event, about what challenges we now also face, including in the international arena.
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about what the overall return on the endless help from ukraine is, of course there is a return, because basically the help to ukraine consists of the work of american enterprises of the military-industrial complex, which receive money for this assistance, but still there are not only financial aspects, well, in general, i think that in any case, the interview was necessary, timely and for the world.
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some, most of the leaders of european countries, i think, such a concept has not yet come or such enlightenment has yet arrived, i say this because in the past, say, in the mid-2000s, i had to communicate directly with the leaders of the largest european powers, i still remember president chirac, schroeder, berlusconi. you see, these are individuals , these are individuals who command respect, breadth of views, knowledge of world history, culture, if you like, if we are talking about chirac, he adored russian culture and knew it well, and let’s look at the current leaders,
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especially the european union, but this is a nightmare , this is my personal opinion, i don’t want to criticize them or say bad words to their addresses. but the comparison is not in their favor, that’s all. you are also one of the twelve permanent members of the security council. it is clear that the main one, one of the main security topics that are currently being discussed, probably within the security council, are the situation with the special military operation, the situation in ukraine. we know the goals that the president voiced, the goals of the northern military district, denazification, and so on. how close do you think we are to these goals?
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because the russian military-industrial complex, which i know quite well, has proven its very high efficiency, and this is what you asked about the understanding in the west of something, about the understanding that the russian military-industrial complex shows miracles, as they say, in his efficiency and productivity and power, this is already, this sounds open in the west, because. they mentioned the security council, i became the secretary of the security council in the last century, it’s scary to think how time flies, but during these 24 years, when the country was led by vladimirovich putin, our military-industrial complex has really
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achieved colossal successes, i speak about this with knowledge of the matter, and ukraine is not the only, far from the only example. yes, we are now producing many times more, as the president spoke about, both tanks and artillery shells, and much more related to conventional weapons, but over the years , few people know, and i can say this, the president personally held dozens of completely closed meetings on the avangard complex, which is in service, this is a unique weapon. who is not there in the world, with only one vanguard we ensure our national security for a decade to come, if not a century, but besides this there is a petrel, there is a poseidon, there is a relight,
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we have completely re-equipped our strategic nuclear submarine fleet, a series of submarines equipped with a bulovaya, i remember how this is quite...
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the beginning of the 2000s, the fighting in chechnya, we did not have a single battalion at that moment, fully coherent and ready for combat, we created with the world along the lines, so to speak, individual companies, combat tactical groups that fought in chechnya, and in chechnya in general, we managed to win in many ways at the expense of conscripts, i don’t want to.
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industries with which i am familiar, which i have encountered in various positions, but let's take one transport, just transport
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, so to speak, putin took over a country in which there were only ports left, only the rsfsr, we lost a port in the baltic states, the most modern ones built in the last years of soviet power, we decided on all ukrainian ports, now the cargo turnover of russian ports ...
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b. it is deep-sea, there is no need to deal with the endless dredging of the bottom on the approach to the port, this is a huge cost savings, i say frankly. and the third is direct access to the world's oceans. do you want to go to the east all the way to the sea, do you want to go to the west, even to the east coast the usa, even europe, anywhere, and no one will ever use any artificial measures in the form of, for example, environmental standards.
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only in the eighth or ninth year, with personal participation, how many meetings were there, which i attended, which were held by the president, about the construction of this particular road, because a new road is always a boost to the economy , motels, gas stations, some kind of life appear , there was a remote taiga there, i was there during the construction period, there were bears walking around the workers, and so on. it was, but still in transport there are many problems, we need to deal with regional airports, which
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are not in the best condition, we need to deal with local roads, which are not in the best condition, we have made federal roads at a good level, not only toll roads, almost all federal highways are in good condition, why did i say , that the russian proverb is beginning to change a little, there is another problem in logistics, for the first time i will allow myself... not to mention publicly, my attention was attracted by such short informational messages, literally the last few days, months, perhaps, that latvia and...
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since wine and whiskey are imported to us from lithuania and latvia, this means they are imported through the baltic ports. in recent years , having built the service, we, of course, have greatly cut off power to the baltic ports, which in general can only exist if there is cargo to or from russia, because cargo, actually to latvia or to estonia or... to lithuania is nonsense, it’s just nonsense, but since we continue to accept goods, naturally, by drivers, trucks, through the baltic ports, this means we allow baltic port to make money for us, i believe that the baltic countries are not
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an unfriendly state, they are a hostile state, well, they are generally mongrel satellites, if... to call a spade a spade, they have never been independent and will never be independent in life, they can only be in the service of someone, well , i think it’s stupid, then we just continue to feed their ports, why do this, we have baltic ports, we have black sea ports, if, by the way, i am categorically opposed to the introduction of an embargo on supply of wine and whiskey from unfriendly states, i am in favor of... so that supplies continue, only in a different way, not through the baltic states, but there are dozens of mechanisms that can regulate this matter, but this must be done and not feed hostile states, i repeat, well, i hope our authorities, who are authorized to do this, will do it quickly. if we return to
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the presidential elections in our country, as an event, many experts say that this is the most important...
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at least for the next 6 years, at least therefore, i am sure that the russian people generally have enough wisdom to ensure that without any international promptings of intervention that will come from the collective west, of course there will be attempts for sure, but i am sure that we will stop them, and secondly, the russian people without any prompting, is able to make independent choices, well, now even in...
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i don’t know why they haven’t created it yet, or this is the last story, i, excuse me, maybe i’m getting a little distracted, there was an assumption that gst countries, collective the west wants to appoint its own special representative to ukraine, with the right of direct access to zelensky’s presidency, but i immediately wondered what was possible.
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we put it all together, and today rosatom is a world-class company, a world leader, believe me, in terms of the number of nuclear
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units that are being built abroad, inside russia and along the northern sea route, and well, in everything, wherever and whatever it does. rusatom, there is practically success everywhere, it is a very strong state corporation, i know what i’m talking about, and not only in the nuclear defense sector complex, not only.
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we still have a lot of unresolved problems in transport, in space, and no one is glossing over them, not obscuring them, and the president also openly talks about this, so we have few spacecraft in orbit, we are not improving the economic use of space, on the other hand glanas is working at full capacity, and 15-20 years ago i remember there was also a lot of crap and... it’s crazy how russia will have an independent glanas group, a competitor to gps, but it appeared, it works and
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it’s fine, everyone is already used to it. there was such a phrase: i consider it my sacred duty to unite the people of russia, to gather citizens around the clear goals of the task, to remember every day, every minute that we have one homeland, one people, one common future, that was incredible to the point, i know you how a person who is truly interested in history, who truly loves his country, taking all this into account, what would you say, what russia can and should be like tomorrow, i have... an idea of ​​what
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russia should be like tomorrow, it should be even stronger, first of all, not even militarily, because we are already strong, it must become stronger economically, there are very few russians , i say this directly and frankly, there are very few of us, we have very little population for such a huge country, which means we must constantly think about demographics. which is actually what is happening, but i hope that these concerns about demography, maternity protection, various social and financial payments, they will sooner or later begin to bear concrete fruit in the form of an increase in population, well, there is one more, of course, the source of the increase in the population of russia at the expense of novorussia, we also need to think about this,
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well... russia should be better, more beautiful, richer, and so that russians, regardless, of course, of their nationality, feel comfortable in russia. in part, this is already happening, again they introduced sanctions, there is transport, for ordinary people this does not play a special role, but because. if you want , you can still go to the same europe, it’s just inconvenient. i've generally been lucky in life. i have been to about 60 countries around the world due to my main profession and, finally, over the past 24 years i have visited every region of the russian federation, most of them multiple times. well, i can compare,
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russia is a more beautiful country. we have a queue for a year in advance for a lot of money, for tens of thousands of dollars, to buy a ticket for an icebreaker and go to the northern policy in the summer, and people are ready to pay a lot of money for it, which means it’s interesting, it’s also interesting to see polar bears, i dream of visiting again on ostrovangel, where i have not been, this is the maternity hospital for all the polar bears in
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arctic. this is the northern chukotka region, well, you can get there, it’s difficult, but it’s possible, it’s possible, well, by helicopter, of course, there’s no other way, that’s it, thank you very much for this detailed, almost philosophical conversation, thank you. hello, international review is on air, in the studio fyodor lupyanov. today on the program is an international review. event of the week, chronicle, facts, comments. macron promised troops to ukraine. europe is on
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its way. war, but this is still not certain. decisive artificial intelligence, in an unclear situation for...


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