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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the russian army carried out 23 group strikes on ukrainian formations and the military-industrial complex in a week, among other things, the production of drones, arsenals and fuel bases were destroyed, over 100 attacks were repelled, zelensky’s formation lost almost 7,500 more soldiers and mercenary officers, 39 tanks were destroyed, including the american abrams, as well as about 80 other armored vehicles, 97 self-propelled guns.
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landed on the tendra spit in the kherson region, the result of the operation can be assessed from photographs: 25 liquidated, moving on several boats, were supposed to attack local lighthouse, if the machine gun on this boat fails, they turn on, well, or reload, the front machine guns turn on, well , on other boats, one was a metalshak boat, a fire cover group, it had six machine guns, it was supposed to cover in case of reinforcement approaching other points, we had from 30 to 40 minutes to do everything about everything. captured
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senior sailor of the 7th naval special operations center of the navy, or rather what was left of the ukrainian navy. the unit in square is considered the elite of special forces. there were five in each boat attack aircraft, one responsible for navigation, two those who controlled. when there was a command for three boats to line up, but this had to be done a kilometer before the object. this didn’t happen a kilometer away, it happened 300 meters away. 200 meters away the fire should have begun. a machine gun from the outermost boat, fire contact - a lighthouse, what if there is an observer and a machine gunner there. a brilliant , well-thought-out plan by ukrainian commanders brought the group under heavy fire from the russian military. browning on the central boat begins to work. almost immediately flies into the box, into the box receiver, where there is 250 rounds on the side, flies there along it. the box catches fire. the commander, well, the general commander of the three groups gives the order to retreat. as a result, according to the russian ministry of defense, he will leave.
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these archival footage shows what the area is like, this is an island that is located near the northwestern coast of the black sea, not far from the kinburg spit. the area, according to experts, is extremely important, not only for defense, but also for control of the water area. our guys are there front line, this is the front line of defense, further away is the sea, in this regard, this area is very important. perhaps, representatives of the government of the kherson region suggest, this could be the same surprise on the black sea that zelensky spoke about. interesting
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news was announced by some ukrainian public pages, it turned out really interesting, however, instead of victory, it turned out, to quote one of the military personnel of the armed formations of ukraine, a rainy day for the special operations forces, whose elite fighters died for the sake of commanders who want to curry favor. in the leadership of the special operation forces hastened to declare those liquidated as heroes, and not as those whom the command sent to slaughter. ensuring the withdrawal of the main forces of the group, after completing a special task, the soldiers accepted. the last battle , remaining in service forever, what can i say about it, they abandoned the group for slaughter, quit , well, they heroically abandoned it for the sake of the media, to save his life, evgeniy surrendered, went ashore on the orders of the russian soldiers , unfastened his machine gun, lay down on sand, i lay on the sand until i heard the command, unfasten machine gun, come to us, unfastened the machine gun , went up to them, to the entrance, well, at the lighthouse, took off the plate carrier, then took off the unloading, they examined me, took
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me straight into the house, took off my dry suit, examined me for a wound, a natural outcome for those who were sent to kill and die under bullets for the sake of media effect for the kiev regime, andrey sapegin, to lead. moscow demanded an explanation from berlin regarding the conversation between bundeswehr generals about preparing an attack on the crimean bridge. editor-in-chief of the russia today media group margarita simonyan, published audio recording of german officers discussing the use of taurus missiles. anastasia yafimova has all the details. the head of the exercise operations department of the bundeswehr air force command named graefe. air force inspector inga gerharts. the entry, which was published by artie chief editor margarita simonyan, also includes other high-ranking officers of the german army, fensky and frostette. they considered this conversation strictly confidential, and therefore communicated without cuts. i've come to the conclusion that there are two
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interesting targets: the bridge in the east warehouse ammunition that is located above. the bridge in the east is difficult to reach, it is a fairly small target, but taurus can do it. i would also like to say about the destruction of the bridge, we intensively studied this issue , unfortunately we came to the conclusion that the bridge, due to its size, is similar to a runway, so it may not require 10 or even 20 missiles. there is an opinion that taurast will succeed if he uses french. they will only be able to make a hole and damage the bridge. i'm not promoting the bridge idea, i'm pragmatic, i want to understand what they want. the mentioned bridge in the east, of course, is crimean, and german officers are racking their brains about how exactly to reach it
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with taurus cruise missiles, and at the same time pretend that berlin, which supplied these same taurus to kiev and trained the ukrainians to use them, has nothing to do with it at all. germans. the direct participants in this war, uh, the germans, are absolutely hypocritical to the highest degree, they lie about how they are not involved, that they say they have no plans to supply such weapons, and this is a situation where in fact in fact, these high-ranking officers talking to each other, in general , divided their country, their leadership in front of the whole world, the very world to which the chancellor... scholz the other day swore with a sly squint, they say , berlin will not supply taurus to ukraine, after all, you can even get to the point of participating in a conflict, but it seems to have nothing to do with it, he simply helps kiev in a brotherly way, puts weapons in his hands, teaches them how to use them, chooses targets,
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not military, but civilian, and so, of course , stands in the country, it's absolutely obscene false, because they are in detail here, it shows. i won’t quote any more, they relate to the subtle details of military production, various missiles, by the way , means of communication with each other and so on, this clearly reveals what nato is doing, in particular germany, a leader who denies the participation of his country in the war, in the preparation of very specific military operations against our homeland. the crimean bridge for nato appears to be an object of morbid fixation, as scholz likes to say, on both sides of the ocean. the former director of the cia no longer knows it’s much more transparent to hint in order to be
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heard. if you want to give the russians a break, if you want to interrupt that sense of momentum that they have, why not do something like...
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let them think for themselves, the conclusions could be disappointing for the white house on the eve of the election, first of all, this another extremely irresponsible statement. which we have been hearing in recent days, we are hearing extremely irresponsible statements that are coming from a number of european capitals, and now also from overseas, these statements lead to further escalation of tension, although there seems to be nowhere to escalate it further, and the main thing is that they de facto demonstrate nato’s worldview. nato considers ukraine its territory. this once again emphasizes the absolute correctness of what he is doing. russian federation and the correctness and justification of a special military operation.
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berlin will probably say that the published recording of officer conversations is a lie, according to tradition , and will blame everything on russian propaganda. however, when asked by ryan news about the names of german defense, she apparently refused to comment. in private conversations, it is much more common for the bundeswehr to be frank than to be responsible for one’s own words. anastasia efimova, lead. whether finland needs to lift the ban on
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the government and parliament have the right to decide the deployment of nuclear weapons, including their transfer. meanwhile, paris is rushing around and can’t decide whether or not it will send its troops to ukraine to save the kiev regime? at first macron said that this was possible, then the prime minister said that there was no such solution, but the mont newspaper reports that france can still allow its special forces and other units operating on the territory of ukraine, also admitted that a limited number of representatives of the army of all the allied countries of kiev are already operating there, for example, they control complex types of western weapons. in germany, by the way, macron’s throwing was not appreciated, as bloomberg notes, berlin considers the french leader a talker, in the united states they called on macron to restrain his impulses, it is better to give kiev more weapons. joe biden taking in white'. house of the prime minister of italy twice confused the gas sector with ukraine, neither could help
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teleprompter, no cheat sheet with the text of the speech. in the coming days, we, together with our friends from jordan and other countries, will be airdropping additional shipments of food and supplies to ukraine. and we will look for other ways to deliver to ukraine. large volumes of humanitarian cargo, including the sea corridor. we're also going to, we're going to convince israel to let more trucks through so that more people can get the help they need. when biden suddenly said ukraine instead of gaza, italian prime minister miloni looked at her aides in obvious confusion, trying to understand what it was all about. then she nervously grabbed the sheets of paper with her speech. but at this moment biden confidently said ukraine for the second time. as a result, the italian was able to cope
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with surprise and continued listening to the speech of the us president with a straight face. alfabank for business. register for free and open a business account with free service. alfabank is the best bank for business. what are men silent about? painful urination, problems with erection - these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the effects of prostatitis. langitaza against prostatitis. you can endlessly wait for favorable conditions from your bank. you can take time off from work to go to the bank. or you can open a reliable deposit online. in rosbank at 16% per annum. rosebank - real opportunities. what is
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vladimir posin spoke about the importance of russia’s technological sovereignty in his message to the federal assembly. development is needed fundamental science.
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the international airport of the world youth festival is welcoming more and more guests, participants from 188 countries will become the first residents of the city of youth. during the festival , the sochi olympic park will be called exactly that: a real city of the young and ambitious. i love the weather, i love the amazing people, they're really kind, it's a lot of fun. they speak different languages ​​here, but this word is heard more often than others. and, of course, traditional songs that you just want to sing along to. here it is, russian flavor. across my endless field, across my endless field. first of all, the russian people sing with their souls, sing with all their hearts. participants
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gradually get used to the city of youth, the first excursions through the streets and attractions from guides. there are a lot of foreign students here, those who have been studying in russia for the last few years, to be honest , i liked everything, because in tyumin there is nothing like this, well, it’s snowing very cold there now , there, there it’s bright, well, just like in africa. first of all, foreign guests receive bank and sim cards. met with we talked to other countries, china, spain, everything is cool here. shahrizoda tells her parents about miracles. russia, here for the first time, there are a lot of emotions, by the way, festival participants can even call their loved ones home for free, and share their impressions every day. the package includes 15 gb of internet, 50 minutes of calls within russia, 10 minutes of calls abroad. over 22 thousand participants will come here to the city of youth in siruz, and
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there were many more people wishing to be here, 300,000 applications, this is a new record. the really best are coming guys who... they come here to us with very meaningful goals, who are interested in international cooperation, in the formation of such an open dialogue. and everything is just beginning. the week promises to be busy, with more than 800 events, including lectures, master classes, training, competitions, meetings with famous speakers, and most importantly, the development of international youth cooperation. anastasia ponko, egor dolinsky, konstantin mitin, alexandra perfileva, alina zykova and alexander porkhunov. news from the federal territories. new trams have been launched in kursk. modern russian- made carriages were appreciated by our correspondent, anzhelika gurova. new trams are ready to welcome their first passengers. before the start of the movement, the drivers of the lion cubs share their impressions; they learned to steal them in st. petersburg. excited before the start? of course, just like in an exam.
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there is more comfort for both the driver and passengers. start of movement. the tram on the first route from the depot even to the station was officially given by the minister of transport of russia vitaly savelyev and governor roman storovoit in vks mode. the minister noted that now, thanks to federal support, a project to update electric transport has been launched in ten regions of the country, kuryan is among the leaders in terms of the pace of work. the comprehensive work being carried out, taking into account the independent purchase of transport by the regions , has already made it possible to renew almost 90% of the entire public transport fleet of kursk. this is another milestone in the development of the tram, of course, we still have a lot of work to do on landscaping, we will do this in the spring, but it is worth noting that practically more, than... traffic opens six months ahead of schedule. vitaly gennadievich, allow me to start moving. raman vladimirovich, are we allowed? we allow it with great pleasure. good luck, colleagues. bon
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voyage. thank you. the first passengers of the new tram were a mother and daughter; it turned out that today was little sofia’s birthday. how old are you, sofia? sofia, on the same day we decided to install a sign on the tram with the name sofia, it’s very cool that there will be such a route and that the trams have been preserved, we like it and that now the trams will pass by our house drive very quietly. the first two weeks of travel on the new trams will be free, the governor announced. this year it is planned to deliver 14 more new lion cubs to kursk and reconstruct the fourth route. according to the federal program for updating urban electric transport , it is planned to launch a digital model of it. management,” noted deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko. the traffic flow in the city is monitored, smart traffic lights are installed, the load on each line is understood, er, that means traffic
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public transport, are adjusted in real time, depending on the need for load quantity - trams or electric buses on the line, naturally smart traffic lights make traffic in such a way that priority in travel is given, naturally. public transport. such a green wave is planned for kursk trams on karl marx street. all work is being carried out thanks to the national project for safe and high-quality roads, initiated by the president. anzhelika gurova, alexander azarov, vesti kursk. the games of the future continue in kazan. the speedrun and vr rhythm simulator competitions have ended. and also there was the first wedding. this is what it all looked like, danil makhalin knows. another additional gaming point of the games of the future, the same it park where the tank battles took place, but the location is different, a separate space for speedrunners, where they train and play.
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in simple words, the speedrun discipline is the completion of various games at speed. participants do this simultaneously, the screen is divided into four parts so that the audience can see it’s more convenient to follow the process live. before, i just played for fun, but at some point i realized i learned. that i can even compete and even earn money for it, i’m up against a prize pool of $250,000, so my nerves are on edge. it so happens that your hands also get very sweaty, and considering that you are holding a gamepad, it means that you are slippery, but you need to hold it tightly. the most popular games were chosen for the speedrun, especially in retro mode, hitman, mcspey and gta vice city. that's the one the famous mission with the helicopter, which everyone knows from gta wice city, is not used in rana, because it can be... skipped using certain methods, it is not needed for a mandatory passage for enip in order to reach the ending, so we don’t see it , the most popular and what i like the most is the bnihhop, that is, it is a technique
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that allows you to move faster by jumping, well, this is in many games, a quick reaction is needed in a rhythm simulator, where the final took place on the big stage of the expo, the task on lita cut flying figures in a virtual reality helmet, to be honest, i expected that my opponent would win, because in... preparation he was stronger than me on average, but apparently my nerves overpowered me and i survived, oh very happy to win, honestly right i’m very glad, where will you spend the cash prize? and most likely to study at a university. the city of the future is so universal that for a while it even became a deputy, artificial intelligence among those couples whose painting was scheduled for march 1 chose egor and elena orekhov, it turned out to be the first phygital wedding.
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the ambassadors are studying now, should generally be known to everyone, because the values ​​of the festival are accessible and familiar to everyone. this is a platform to truly appreciate our differences and similarities, learn about our cultures. i am the head of the us delegation to the world youth festival, an event that will play a key role in bringing people together. applications were sent by 3,000 people from 190 countries.


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