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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 2:30am-3:01am MSK

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mass confederation in the fall of 1989, because this program was, it was a confederation, it was not a single state, the program was designed for 10 years, and it was not a program of a single state, it was like closer relations between two sovereign states, not even a union state , that’s what we have with belarus, so there were chances, different chances, well, probably ungrateful. evaluate what was good, what was not done very well, what was done in this way. in another the key country of europe - poland, has its own passions for ukraine. following the truckers , farmers are rebelling and demanding protection from ukrainian dumping. prime minister donald tusk, a passionate defender of the ukrainian cause, even allowed commercial traffic to cease completely.
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one of the reasons for general discontent is the extension of duty-free trade in agricultural goods with ukraine. this means that ukrainian goods can be sold in europe at much more favorable prices. i don't have good news. polish beekeepers in the structures of the european union represents the polish chamber of honey, which protects distributors and importers more than us, the producers. ursula vander was one of the largest supporters of the free import of ukrainian goods into europe.
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international review. after advertising about alexander popov, especially for nuclear deterrence, which is again on the agenda.
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i came for my brother, in a couple of days you will go there, into the gray zone, beyond this line you will become different, and then what? there was my childhood and youth, and now it’s dark, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no, it’s hard to get used to, thank you. my passenger, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how he was being beaten, and i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope, soon.
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we watch to explore the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, for free without registration, from the application or on the website. if possible , send troops to western ukraine. nothing should be ruled out in the future on this issue. if we send troops into ukraine, we will obviously become a warring country. this means the beginning of world war iii. when we are with
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we remember the events of the forties, the defeat of the french army. but the french group was bigger than up. this is the reason for the general sloppiness.
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russian president, the more acute the confrontation, the more pressing the issue of nuclear deterrence. 2 years ago it was difficult to imagine how literally it would have to be interpreted and how frivolously it would be treated. it’s amazing how on
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french television, for example, just yesterday there was a very high-flying intellectual who was an expert in philosophies, religion and quite seriously discussed... nuclear war and said that one should not believe putin, that putin is a weak person, he will never use nuclear weapons, believe me, he is a very respected intellectual in other areas, and indeed. .. authority, but for some reason everyone thinks that they can speak on this topic, they are all military experts, like during football matches the entire referee, well, with the only difference that here we are still talking about a very serious matter. at the same time, however, the financial times publishes an extensive leak supposedly russian documents, from which it follows that moscow’s real threshold for nuclear use is lower than the declared one and... they write this seriously, believe it or not. the game of nuclear escalation is a special
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genre, subtly dangerous. we asked igor istomin from mgimo about its features. he has been analyzing this phenomenon for a long time. igor, is there a well-thought-out theory of escalation in the field of weapons of mass destruction? probably the most famous author who did this was herman kahn, who developed a clear a multi-level ladder of escalation with... there are verbal warnings, relatively speaking, warning shots, yes, when they use, for example, even nuclear weapons, but to strike some insignificant objects, and it was assumed that all this would be help, as if to compete with the enemy and for and at the same time contain possible negative consequences after preventing a nuclear full-fledged nuclear one. when the soviet archives were opened in the nineties and
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it became clear what kind of ideas, including those of the soviets, military, it turned out that the general staff of the armed forces of the ussr did not expect any games at all, such games with controlled escalation, with limited war, it was clearly stated there that if... there is a clash with nato, then that means nuclear weapons will be used massively from the first stage of the conflict. nuclear deterrence usually means a situation where a state has nuclear weapons and the political will to use them in the event of aggression, but the very creation of the bomb did not mark the beginning of nuclear deterrence; just...
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soviet union. each side tried to test their weapons in conditions close to combat. and although the period before the caribbean crisis is perceived as a time of dominance of us nuclear forces, practice showed a contradictory picture. exercises at the totssky training ground in the ussr, american maneuvers with desert rock nuclear weapons, showed that, despite their destructive power, atomic weapons do not guarantee the destruction of the enemy’s armed forces. especially if he is ready for such a scenario. and the korean war confirmed the theory that modern
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jet fighters can shoot down most strategic bombers before they reach their target and complete their mission. therefore, in the sixties , an understanding of the political role of nuclear weapons, and not the military one, came. us secretary of defense robert mcnamara coins the term "assured destruction". conflict, knowing that a crushing blow would follow, especially when by the end of the sixties both sides achieved nuclear parity, negotiations began on a gradual reduction arsenals, by the end of the eighties they were reduced by eight times, but in the mid -seventies, as technology grew , the idea of ​​a high-precision strike, or as it was also called a decapitation strike, appeared, when there was a chance to be the first to destroy the enemy’s leadership, but... the concept was presented by secretary of defense james schleisinger. it later escalated into the euromissile crisis over
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the stationing of pershing in europe, and then into the total intermediate- range missile ban treaty. and only with the onset of detente, after the collapse of the ussr, the us secretary of defense william perry proclaims the transition to the doctrine of mutually guaranteed security. but, as practice has shown, not for long. at this point, nuclear deterrence. already exists between india and pakistan, but there is also a mechanism of nuclear deterrence of a weak state against a strong one, demonstrating to the aggressor that even if he achieves his goal. then he will pay an unacceptable price for it, this is the concept north korea adheres to. very often we are faced with a situation where we slide into such big big confrontation, politicians hope that some limited amount of funds will be enough to
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scare, to convince the opponent to kill the opponent. as a rule, this turns out to be the case. this is not the case and this is where this phenomenon of creeping uncontrollable escalation comes from, which has been encountered many times throughout history, but we are talking about conventional weapons, yes, if we are talking about great powers, then with conventional weapons, if we look at the largest war of the second half of the 20th century centuries, and this is the iran-iraq war, then chemical weapons were used there and the dynamics were exactly like this, at the beginning... timor weapons were used, relatively speaking, on a limited scale and rather for symbolic purposes, and gradually he expanded, expanded the use of weapons of mass destruction. this may be a bit of a stupid question, but what are the general restrictions on the use of weapons of mass destruction? of course, there is also an ethical factor, but it is known that
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during the second world war, i think churchel said that we are not those... people who will be the first to use it, although it was, but the second world war is a good example, when different sides had weapons of mass destruction, but they were not used a lot, mutual restraint was maintained in the use of chemical weapons, fear of retaliation certainly plays a big role, there is certainly doubt about the expediency, to what extent this will really have some practical effect, but probably another question...
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that artificial intelligence, give it free rein, is ready to easily use nuclear weapons, it turns out that there can be no moral restrictions. at the end of january, the bulletin of atomic scientists, an association founded in '45 by oppenheimer, einstein and other prominent scientists, moved the hands of the doomsday clock to 90 seconds to midnight, showing that humanity was closer than ever to... an apolypse, caused by the turbulent the growth of breakthrough artificial intelligence technologies, which today are actively used for military purposes. to assess the reality of the threat, a team of scientists from georgia tech and stanford university developed a war simulation video game using five neural network models gpt-4, gpt-4 base,
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gpt-3.5, clood-2 and metazlama. had to make decisions on behalf of the state in the event of cyber attacks and real invasions, while the neural networks performed a variety of actions, from diplomatic visits to the use of weapons, the results are disappointing, all five neural network models are prone to escalating a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, for example, gpt-4 base during games said that many countries have nuclear weapons, which means they need to be used quickly, trying to explain why he considered it right to escalate, the chatbot cited the example of the opening scene of episode four of star wars, a new hope, and gpt 3.5 indicated that the enemy's nuclear potential poses a threat, so a nuclear attack should be carried out against it. according to futurism, the us military
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has been investing in artificial intelligence technologies using computers for many years. the use of such a mechanism is not regulated by law either in israel or internationally.
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and in parallel, a rather critical point of view appeared, not mainstream, non-conventional, which says, well, actually, if we look at history, yes, uh, then people very often used violence irrationally and a person who is in a state of stress is in a state of psychosis, who is constantly faced with the danger of being killed, he can use violence much more...
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based on one very basic assumptions that we are talking exclusively about conventional weapons, about weapons on the battlefield. the problem with artificial intelligence, probably the main thing is that when we program this intelligence, solving some specific problems, we can quite unconsciously put into it those psychoses of ours that exist, which we don’t even think about. thank you, igor istomin from mgemu was with us. of all the leaders of nato countries, macron’s idea of ​​​​the possibility of sending nato forces to ukraine was supported only by the head of the estonian government, kaja kallos. she too
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stressed that no options should be ruled out. madam prime minister, you are right, nothing needs to be ruled out. once upon a time , the great estonian singer, baritone georg ots was the best performer of the wonderful song “do the russians want war”. then everything turned out differently, but for the future there is no need to rule out anything, yes, we know how to fight , but we don’t want soldiers to fall in battle again, to their sad land, ask your mothers, ask...
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hello, i’m boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in... the future. investment rating, economics. through concrete
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stories, we can reach out. large-scale projects, modern technologies, new horizons, russia of the present and future, touch all the achievements at
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the main exhibition. 131 expositions, business events, lectures, fairs, concerts and dozens of other events, everything that russia admires, immerse yourself in an incredible atmosphere of pride for your country, come to...
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army. in a week, 23 group strikes on ukrainian formations and the military-industrial complex; among other things , the production of drones, arsenals and fuel bases were destroyed. we repulsed over 100 attacks. zelensky’s formations lost almost 7,500 more soldiers and mercenary officers. 39 tanks were destroyed, including the american abrams, as well as about eighty other armored vehicles, 97 self-propelled guns and galnits. they appeared.


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