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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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hello, kirill byshinsky is with you, and this is a typical new russia program, our name says it all, we are talking about that territory. which returned to its historical roots, about novorossiya. with the help of a careful look at history, we will try to reveal the uniqueness of its present day, to find typical features, recognizable signs of the past. and that's what we'll talk about today. scars that are not visible, the psychological consequences of the war in donbass, how to treat them. mental wounds.
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conversation with a program expert. locomotives industrialization. 100 years at full speed. almost 8 years of war in donbass and 2 years of military operations in the northern military district not only changed the way of life of the people of novorossiya. their idea of ​​security, plans for the future and dreams, but left a deep psychological mark. in the minds of millions, as adults here joke bitterly, our children have an almost musical ear; by the sound they distinguish the calibers of projectiles and the direction of flight during shelling. almost all children perceive war as the norm, as something ordinary. this means that fear becomes a constant companion for both children and adults, fear for themselves, for their loved ones, for their homes, fear of the unknown of tomorrow. the constant,
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almost daily stress from the proximity of war , a severe test for the nerves of the psyche of civilians, is even more difficult for those who have lost loved ones, who every day may find themselves faced with death or serious injury, who have seen from personal experience the fragility of human life. post-traumatic stress disorder or ptsd for short. this is what doesn't leave visible injuries on the body, but causes no less harm, depriving a person of sleep, depriving him of his social behavior, in the worst perspective, destroying his personality. for many who have gone through war, returning to peaceful life is not an easy task. often the tragedy of the situation lies in the fact that realizing one’s psychological trauma, understanding its scale, for most people is a much more difficult task than... than coping with physical pain from
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a wound or injury. psychologists who have begun to actively work in new regions are helping to return the wounded to peaceful life, support those who have undergone difficult operations or gone through trials in ukrainian captivity. no less effort is needed to help the wives and mothers of fallen soldiers overcome grief and loss. and there are also thousands of children who were left without parents, we saw. dozens of deaths with this psychological burden are just beginning to live. donbass psychology of life assistance offices operate in more than twenty cities of the republics of novorossiya. and this is just one of the psychological support programs that exist in new regions of russia. more details in the story of anna efimova. central park in
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lugansk, a favorite place for family walks. ilya grebennikov recently returned to civilian life after being wounded on the front line, behind a triage hospital in rostov and a difficult operation in burda. recovery from injuries turned out to be not the most difficult, much more serious, the imprint that was left on the psyche, military actions, reaction to loud noise, disturbing dreams, feelings of guilt, endless replaying of the same scenario in the head, these are only part of the realities faced fighters, returning with such baggage to peaceful life is a test not only for the person himself, but also for everyone who surrounds him; there are no rotten people there. yes, those who they are there, what kind of person there is, that’s how he is, everything is completely revealed there when you return here, there is a lot of cunning, all sorts of tricks, everyone is trying, everyone is trying to deceive each other for some reason. the post-war syndrome in the context of ongoing hostilities and constant flights to cities cannot
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simply be abolished, but it can be worked through. most often used in the treatment of emotional trauma specialists use the dpd technique, healing injuries with eye movements. this. established itself more than 35 years ago. war is a different life. other habits begin to form there, especially when you stay there for a long time. accordingly, this influence on the psyche, on the emotional state, to which you get used to the cover. and sooner or later the war ends, and the person returns home. and now he needs to adapt to peaceful conditions. in 2013, the who recommended this method as a priority approach therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder. and it is still proving its effectiveness, there were disturbing thoughts, there were, well, in general the state was kind of tense, but after the sessions everything gets better, calms down, the state seems to
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stabilize. psychological help is a thing that many still consider almost a whim; not everyone is ready to open up to a specialist, not only because of internal barriers, but because of reluctance. to relive the problem again, this is nonsense, this is not nonsense, this is the work of the hemispheres, right hemisphere, left hemisphere, 80 percent of the adult population are ready to talk about what they experienced, but of them, probably, only a third are ready to work with their trauma, because they let go of talking about it a little, but relive it again.
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psychological assistance, as a rule, is a very expensive pleasure, but in new regions every effort is being made to make it as targeted and accessible as possible, free consultations by phone, if necessary, and regular face-to-face meetings, taking into account the difficult living conditions in the donbass, sometimes, in order to understand one problem , you need a whole council of specialists, so... more often than not, local psychologists have something to teach the psychologists of the mainland, psychologists in the russian federation work in certain areas, in certain schools , certain approaches, they are all disconnected, we cannot be separated, the uniqueness of this
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project is that we have built a system that does not exist anywhere, it exists separately in the ministry of education, separately in the ministry of labor of social protection, separately in the ministry healthcare. but they did not interact with each other without our project. last year, the human rights council launched a special project to create psychological assistance in donbass, which united local psychologists of various specializations. all of them work comprehensively with the beneficiary, as clients and his family are called here. more than a hundred specialists have already completed training and advanced training courses in russian universities as part of the training project, although many of them have not been in the profession for the first time. i was a family psychologist and... a child psychologist, i worked in a kindergarten with children, and, accordingly, with parents, when the svo itself began, i heard a lot from friends, yes, when families began to collapse, yes, when children began to lead, as it were
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, and misunderstandings between parents and children, and i understood , that my experience needs to be expanded, so i accordingly came to psychological support, this simulator. develops self-regulation skills; a person may not talk about his problems, he learns to live through them himself with minimal interference. biofeedback, abbreviated as boss, it’s something like... it really helps, it’s just that many people want, well, as in the old traditional way , the psychologist has some unpleasant associations, that
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there’s something wrong with me, no, everything is fine, everything is fine, that’s really real help, i don’t have such hysteria as on the internet that i need to save them all, they won’t cope, our defenders are very strong, they will cope, there’s just time, yes, for how long, different types of nervous systems, different personalities features, different types of troops in which he took part. soldier, who he was, either it was infantry or artillery, uh, he can handle it, it’s just a year, two, three years difference. of course, the first to take on the main load in the donbass were psychologists from the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of defense. they were the ones who worked with families in the twenty-second during the evacuation before the start of the northern military district on the front line. but this professional help was urgent. now it can be provided on a regular basis, because mental wounds need treatment no less than... anna efimova, valery savelyev, anastasia popova, typical
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novorossiya. on the importance of psychological help for those who have been living in conditions of military confrontation for almost 10 years, we will talk with our regular expert, political scientist rastislav ishchenko. rastislav, good afternoon, good afternoon. rastislav, it’s even difficult. imagine what people in donbass have experienced over the past 10 years, are there any statistics or at least an idea of ​​the scale of the psychological trauma inflicted? well , there are always statistics, the question is how correct it is, firstly, and secondly, how much it corresponds to our ideas about what it is psychological trauma, i will explain, there are extensive statistics from the united nations organization regarding military conflicts and...
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its heirs, after the great patriotic war it was simply not possible
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to provide such volumes of psychological assistance to everyone who needed it, it was necessary to restore, feed, restore the destroyed, feed people, so this concept was very far from us, that is , we, in principle, we were only after the fighting in afghanistan, which means we were faced with a situation of post-traumatic syndrome there there on a large scale, relatively, and they began to somehow work with it, but then...
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it adapts to the conditions of military operations, then it adapts to the conditions of post-war actions, it is clear that... such stressful situations as those that society is experiencing now , change a person radically , improve some, worsen others , and in any case enrich everyone with new experience, but this experience is not always useful for the body, because stress leads to massive psychosomatic disorders, which also provoke cancer, especially cardiovascular diseases, and these
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are diseases that most strongly affect mortality, that is, they cause the highest... mortality rate, respectively, if we still want to care about the collective health of our society, not even mental health, just collective health of our society, then also in this case mental stabilization is very important. thank you very much for a very detailed and interesting story. we often talk about the cities of new russia, with which the history of the turbulent industrialization. on these lands, however, there are also enterprises in the donbass, the biography of which reflects the entire history of the region, from the moment of transformation in the second half of the 19th century, to the dawn of soviet times, and then to the difficult years in independent ukraine. one of them is the lugansk diesel locomotive plant,
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once the largest manufacturer of rolling stock for railways in eastern europe. ood series was released here in 1900. then it was part of the joint-stock company russian society of machine-building plants hartmann, which was founded by the german industrialist gustav hartmann. in soviet times, in the thirty-eighth year, lugansk steam locomotives of the fd series, felix dzerzhinsky and is, joseph stalin were awarded the grand prix at the international exhibition in... paris, the diesel locomotive fleet of the former soviet republics consisted of 95% cars from the lugansk plant. they rushed along the roads of hungary, poland, bulgaria, syria, india and china. since 1992, the plant has mastered the production of diesel and electric trains, tram cars. after
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the start of the civil war in donbass, enterprises encountered difficulties with components and you... in 2015, the lugansk diesel locomotive became the lugamash machine-building plant, today it produces spare parts for cars and new locomotives of russian railways, about more than a century of history of lugansk steam locomotives by their builders in the story of olga mokhova. when, at the end of the 19th century , the hereditary mechanical engineer gustav hartmann proposed to the russian government to build a steam locomotive plant, he was recommended to establish production on the shore. lugan river products. already 3 years after its founding in donbass. the region was then in dire need of transport to transport its industrial plant; the plant began producing up to twenty locomotives a
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month and soon became one of the most powerful enterprises in its industry throughout the empire. by the end of 1905, our enterprise produced its thousandth locomotive. gardman gave orders to everyone for this event. an employee of the enterprise will be given a silver personalized medal with the inscription anniversary medal dedicated to the production of the thousandth steam locomotive. along with the plant , the whole city grew, and in less than 10 years the population lugansk increased from 20 to 34,000 people. lugansk locomotive builders kept up with the times. it was here that the first workers' unions appeared; during the civil war , 10 armored vehicles were produced. from here at twenty- nine.
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on the basis of felix dzerzhinsky in 1932, at the kolominsky machine-building plant , the passenger iz joseph
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stalin, reaching speeds of up to 115 km/h, came off the assembly line, but then its production was moved to lugansk. it is worth mentioning about the locomotive, which was produced in a single copy, this is an aa series locomotive. this locomotive was released... in 1930 , this locomotive is considered the largest steam locomotive, the largest and most powerful locomotive that was invented in general during the entire period of steam locomotive construction, its weight was 208 tons. the existing railway tracks could not support such a giant; this model was not put into mass production, but the modernization of the locomotives continued. in 1937 , the lugansk plant produced the is-2016 of an unusual shape, which was developed for testing.
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the plant did not work during the second war during the occupation; in february 1943, during the retreat the germans completely destroyed it, the damage amounted to almost 300 million rubles, but already in october of 1945 the zavoyans produced the first steam locomotive from the l series, this so-17 thousandth post-war steam locomotive, it was put on rails in 49, in 78 it became a monument, since then , one of the signature... checks of lugansk. the era of steam locomotives ended in 1956, in the same year the plant received the name of diesel locomotive construction. at that time, this
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was the largest production in the soviet union and europe, and the second in the world in terms of the number of locomotives produced. in total, for the entire history, 12,000 steam locomotives and 44,000 sections of diesel locomotives of various modifications were manufactured here. at different periods of its history the plant was called differently. bore the name of the october revolution and was a lugansk diesel locomotive, but was invariably a city-forming enterprise, entire family dynasties worked here, at the peak of production success up to 4,000 people worked, many are still, despite difficulties, loyal to their plant. 2003 and to this day it happens on vacation, it happens in principle, mainly in the workplace constantly.
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currently, they are part of the transmasholding corporation and, as it were, carry out orders from the main parent company , the need in the entire russian federation is now to replace this rolling stock and locomotives, so well, they will definitely not be deprived of orders. at the end of last year , lugamash received 75 million rubles. loan from the lpr industrial development fund. everyone here hopes that the capacity of this will not... when the engineering giant will again be restored in full and that the former glory of lugansk will certainly return diesel locomotive builders. olga mokhova, anastasia popova, valery savelyev, typical new russia. that's all we wanted to talk about today. kirill vyshinsky was with you. see you soon.
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does she really read minds or not? premiere. anna strovskaya, investigative committee. and special ones. who are you all looking at? maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this matter. and do you know who the killer is? yes. just watch without amateur performances. stand still,
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don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, watch it before everyone else, in the app or online. dear friends, i invite you to watch reruns of our original besagon tv program. i hope you remember them and enjoy them.
4:00 am
the russian army struck. in a week, 23 group strikes on ukrainian formations and the military-industrial complex, among other things, destroyed the production of drones, arsenals, fuel bases , repelled over 100 attacks, zelensky’s formations lost almost 700 more soldiers, mercenary officers, destroyed 39 tanks, including the american abrams, as well as about 80 other armored vehicles, 97 self-propelled guns, etc. moscow
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demanded from berlin. for an explanation about


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