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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 6:00am-6:30am MSK

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let's start with the progress of the special military operation, snipers from the west group of forces continue to hunt for militants in the kupinsky direction. soldiers work as part of combat units or alone in their actions, supporting motorized riflemen and tankers. shooting is carried out from a distance of more than a kilometer, despite the difficult terrain, minefields and shelling.
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let's put pressure, the better, i don't keep any calculations, there are simply targets , in the navdeevsky direction, the ukrainian armed forces' equipment is being destroyed by the crews of su-35s fighters, they cover bombers, attack aircraft and combat helicopters during attacks on militant positions. often, su-35s do not even allow the enemy to take off from their home airfield. any target is immediately detected and destroyed by our pilots. in germany, a scandal is growing
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around the leaked conversations of the german military, the fact that even the local media is already admitting that the recording is genuine, which means the bundesfer is really discussing the attack on the crimean bridge, as spiegel writes, after analysis , the version that the recording could have been faked is practically excluded. develt refers to the opinion officers who were allowed to listen to this conversation. they considered her quote to be authentic. bilta also stated that the recording is real. berlin-zeitung notes that... intelligence is quickly looking for the source of the leak, while the ministry of defense does not comment on the situation, and the german authorities are silent. by hushing up the incident, and most importantly blocking the publication of this conversation on the internet, the bundesfer is covering its tracks, as stated by the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova. she predicts that everything will follow the same scenario as the german investigation into the terrorist attacks in the northern streams. it is a fact that the german military is negotiating attacks. on russia could
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lead germany to a real war with moscow, the famous businessman stated. the bundesfer soldiers planned an attack on the crimean bridge, trying to remain unnoticed, and the fact that scholz is silent and allows this suggests that the chancellor, quote, is mentally ill. participants of the world youth festival are being welcomed in sochi, it takes place on the federal territory of sirius by decree of the president of russia, who came from which countries, about this in detail. anastasia panko will tell you. the international airport of the world youth festival is receiving more and more guests, participants from 188 countries will become the first residents of the city of youth. during the festival, the sochi olympic park will be called exactly that, a real city of the young and ambitious. i love the weather, i love the amazing people, they're really kind, it's a lot of fun. they speak different languages ​​here, but this is the word.
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heard more often than others, and of course, traditional songs that just want sing along, here it is, russian flavor, across my endless field, across my endless field, first of all, the russian people sing with their souls, sing with all their hearts, participants are gradually getting used to the city of youth, the first excursions through the streets and sights... from the guides. there are many foreign students here, those who have been studying in russia for the last few years. to be honest, i liked everything, because in tyumen there is nothing like this, well, it’s snowing there now, it’s very cold, there, here, well, just like in africa. first of all, foreign guests receive bank and sim cards. we met other countries, china, spain, talked, everything was cool. here
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we have shahrizodi telling her parents about the wonders of russia, this is her first time here, there are a lot of emotions , by the way, festival participants can even call their loved ones home for free, share their impressions every day, package: includes 15 gb of internet, 50 minutes of calls within russia, 10 minutes, respectively calls abroad. over 22 thousand participants will come here to the city of youth in siyuz, and there were many times more people wishing to be here, 300,000 applications, this new record. the really best guys are coming here, who come here with very meaningful goals, who are interested in international cooperation, in the formation of such an open dialogue.
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boots, how dangerous are such gas stations on wheels, look about this after the advertisement, one of my friends asks me to give her snowdrops, i give them, now the prices for flowers are such, it’s cheaper to buy a smartphone, mega discounts up to 50% on smartphones. with communication, only in a megaphone, when you give russian lotto tickets for a holiday, it may turn out that you gave a million rubles or a mega jacuzzi, a wardrobe like a star and even 10 one poodle, who knows what the money will be spent on, but we know for sure that
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novosibirs is gripped by gasoline fever. who would have thought that in the very center of our countries, far from drilling sites and oil pipelines, the fuel mafia is becoming more active. the scoundrels have been feeding the huge city with gasoline of dubious quality for more than a year. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. in the city. panic began, well, the gasoline is normal , no one is beating the police, you have documents for gasoline, you
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sell fuel, yes, well, aren’t you ashamed, no, this mobile gas station no longer works, well , you know what you’re pouring here, illegal gasoline, the use of this type of fuel can lead to major repairs of the car engine, this is gasoline the fraction is called nefras, it’s not gasoline, no, the heels come here or whatever it’s called here. with barrels they are filled with this muck, that’s it, the employees got to the site, that is, these boots come to you and you refuel these cars, yes, that’s right, and we ground the plant so that if there is no fire, then it will explode, refuel the car without leaving home, until recently, such a service was available to many...
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basic safety rules, cars, gas stations stopped right in residential areas and sold gasoline of dubious quality, as they say, off the wheels. novosibirsk residents quickly nicknamed such cars “boots” due to their external resemblance. how the gasoline boot group was liquidated, where the scammers got fuel , why the gasoline fever gripped not the most oil-producing region of our country. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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you don’t need to look for them, they are on every corner, in the literal sense of the word, most often unusual painted vans in the common people’s boots can be found in residential areas. inside they have one or two fuel tanks of 200-odd liters each, separately for ninety-five gasoline and for ninety- second. any driver can drive up to such a mobile gas station to refuel. another favorite stopping place for petrol boots is the highways leaving the city. destroy them here. at the end of august 2022
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, a large-scale police operation took place in the novosibirsk region, an operational event is being held here, we are looking at the scene of the incident. law enforcement officers completely checked mobile gas stations, their owners and the right to sell fuel. a separate issue is the quality of gasoline, because it costs. only leave the city and here they are boots. novosibirs highway, pavlodar. we stop at the first gas station we come across, the owner of all this stuff, local resident konstantin zaryanov. who is your profession? the owner, simply all his life. all life. are you selling gasoline now? well, that's difficult. it's clear. can you tell us how the process
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works? that is, you take a pistol and pour how much? here you collect a certain number of liters, right? yes, it’s a computer, it’s all done by itself, it’s a computer, and if people don’t have cash, you can transfer it, mikhail vladimirovich, it turns out, your owner, yes, sberbank , i don’t know, that is, to whom people transfer money, you don’t know, this is how trade goes, by the way, quite briskly, it seems like they’ve never heard of a cash register here, but what if a person asked for a check , what do you issue, is there a receipt? no, there is no receipt , no, there is no receipt, no, that is, the person filled it up and went, no , yes, and you have some kind of invoice there, you can look, but it’s not an invoice, but the owner of the boot, konstantin zerianov, is ready to answer for the quality of gasoline with his head , the product says cleanest, he only fills up his car with it,
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well, the gas is normal, yes, people fill up, as you say, no one hits the police. no one hits you in the face, and they also say thank you, they say thank you for such gasoline, and yesterday actually two lexuses actually refueled in kazakhstan, at this illegal gas station a liter of 95th gasoline costs 44 rubles, 92nd 42, the price is almost a quarter lower than the regional average, zaryanov admits that when paying in cash... he is ready to give fuel even cheaper, because in addition to the salary , he receives interest on the gasoline sold, this mobile gas station no longer operates, and there are a huge number of such cars in the novosibirsk region , you can buy the ninety-fifth, ninety -second device with liters, here is the account in
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the savings bank, then we look at the compartment for... where fuel is stored, ninety-five - 250 liters, ninety-second - 250 liters, in total there is half a ton of fuel, such makeshift gas stations are actually a bomb on wheels, no one observes basic safety measures, owners of gasoline boots, such as konstantin zaryanov we'll be back a little later, now let's move to...
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meanwhile, the gas station attendant frantically calls someone and in a matter of minutes a black tinted mercedes without a license plate drives up to the mobile gas station . well, if you don’t understand something , get out of the car or open the window and we ’ll talk to you, negotiate with the stranger , the driver couldn’t show his face and so... decided, and in the meantime the gas station attendant closed the point and disappeared with his patron. it turned out that mobile gas stations are a scourge for novosibirsk; they attract motorists with their prices. quality is guaranteed only in words.
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we sent the fuel purchased at one of the illegal gas stations for examination, and the result was disappointing. the octane number does not correspond to the declared ninety-second gasoline, since its octane number is 79. the use of this type of fuel can lead to failure of the fuel system and major repairs of the car engine. kaza.
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to thoroughly understand the problem, the film crew of the program investigating eduard petrov set off. at first no one knew, neither the local authorities nor
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the security forces. this allowed us to assess the situation without bias. we take a taxi around we arrived incognito, about our visit to the city without a specific route, any preliminary information about the location of mobile gas stations. here is a car, delivery of gasoline, oil, fuel from professionals, whoever wants to refuel, we drive on, we practically don’t know the city, so we ask the taxi driver to turn left, then to the right, here’s another piece of luck, this is the intersection of the tetova signalmen street. there is a typewriter there, there seems to be no one inside, but the phone number is listed. we drove around novosibirsk for exactly an hour, during which time we found more than ten
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such mobile gas stations. kalkhidskaya street, next to the moika there is another car, neftisip, delivering gasoline directly to the tank. signalmen street costs a car, ninety-fifth gasoline is 44 rubles, ninety-second gasoline is 42 rubles, we are trying to find out where these gas stations fill up with fuel, where is their main base, naturally we ask local taxi drivers, who else but they should have complete information, and it turns out that such a point is really... here, some 30 km from novosibirsk, we are going, august 23
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, 2022, leninskoye village, molodezhnaya street, here on this youth street, right there there is a gas station in the distance. oil gas is here, and here is a gas station called neftesip, ninety-second gasoline costs 43 rubles, ninety-fifth gasoline costs 45 rubles. it’s not clear what’s behind the fence here, but there’s a bunch of all sorts of canisters, just hoses sticking out of the ground everywhere, well, judging by everything, this hose is very similar to some kind of insert. well, i think we'll come here with the police and see what it is. for clarification, we turned to the main
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department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the novosibirsk region. why is this happening right under the noses of the police? it turns out that management is well aware of this problem. citizens, information. we have found that the price is significantly lower, including the purchase of gas motor fuel, than the official laws of az, while the quality of the fuel does not meet the requirements technical regulations. during the year , the police carried out several activities to... inspect mobile gas stations, as a result, they fined several dozen gas stations; drivers who sell fuel, including from
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largus cars, are threatened with administrative liability. oep-ipk employees have been developing directions for a long time. moreover, the police are planning to shut down both the sale and production of burnt fuel in one fell swoop. the boot special event began the next morning. operatives of the novosibirsk ob ipk with force support fighters of the special detachment krom advance along the highway towards the village of krivodanovka. here is
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a technical stop, further along the country road, we approach a lonely barrier.
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let's see what we find at this base, here , the factory is small, but there are quite a lot of workers. when they saw people in uniform, for some reason they tried to hide, but no one managed to escape from the special forces officers, everyone is lined up near the administrative house and their documents are checked. “hello, comrade, hello, so what do you do, tell me, but nothing, what’s your name? alexander, alexander, you work at this farm, no, what are you doing , you came to visit, to visit, right in this outfit, yes, where are you, you smell of gasoline, well, what am i, visiting, what are you doing, you're spilling gasoline, the house is doused, the house is doused with gasoline , it's clear what you're not doing, with the woodsman, with the woodsman, yeah, it's clear how he pays, it's normal,
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that's enough." enough, it's clear, what are you doing, i won't say anything, nothing i won’t say, tell me, what are you doing here, who are you? i came to drink coffee, coffee? yes, on a visit, by chance, by chance, they got in too, a cup of tea, yes , of course, the hard workers are clearly not happy about the visit of policemen and journalists, they worked quietly, didn’t bother anyone, here you are, you’re a security guard, a security guard, what are you guarding, well, that territory, where does the gasoline come from, you know ? i don’t know, no, you don’t know, it’s clear what your salary is 24, 24,000 rubles. per month, yes, of course, they pay regularly, yes, of course, good, in general, money doesn’t smell like gasoline, no, no, normal, clear, well, you know that you are spilling illegal gasoline here, no, didn’t
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know, didn’t know , didn't know you were illegal petrol? you’re spilling, i don’t know, i don’t know , it’s clear, meanwhile the police continue to check the workers’ documents, and we inspect the plant. behind me are barrels of oil, a very dangerous enterprise; once upon a time, work was in full swing here. the workers fled, and some were caught by employees. the police are talking to them, so they threw a bucket, and this is analogous to diesel fuel, it stinks terribly , it’s probably disgusting, it’s terrible for your car, these workers threw a toothbrush, for some reason, what are they doing here with this toothbrush , maybe they check with what does this disc smell?


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