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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am MSK

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in germany, a scandal is growing around the leaked conversations of the german military, and the fact that the recording is genuine is already recognized by the leading media in germany. the bundeswehr really discussed the attack on the crimean bridge, as spiegel writes, after analysis , the version that the recording could have been faked was ruled out. develt refers to the opinion of officers who were allowed to listen to this conversation, so they considered her quote authentic. the fact that the recording has already been real has already been announced in bilt, the berlin zeitung newspaper notes that counterintelligence is hastily looking for the source of the leak. at the german authorities have remained silent on this for now. by hushing up the incidents and blocking the publication of this conversation on social networks, the bundesfer is covering its tracks. this was stated by our official representative.
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preparations for the solemn ceremony and in sirius at these minutes the last openings of the largest youth event of the world youth festival are taking place. 20 thousand young leaders from 180 countries of the world gathered on the black sea coast to participate in it. a total of 3,000 people applied.
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promising speakers, excursions, exhibitions, of course, cultural program, concerts. the festival lasts 5 days, every day will be held under a certain theme, today the day is dedicated to responsibility for the fate of the world. the first events today will begin at 11 am. the russian society of knowledge will hold a knowledge first marathon. today there will be about twenty different lectures, discussions, open dialogues. for example, the head of rusatom alexey will conduct. entitled russian nuclear industry and global challenges of humanity, minister of health mikhail murashko will talk about the medicine of the present, about accessibility, about high technologies, about the exploits of doctors, the speakers will be the heads of regions, the governor of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, will tell listeners about the far east, talk about the prospects, the opportunities that open up for people there ; events dedicated to new regions, for example, will also become separate areas. dpr heroes of russia
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will talk about themselves, about their path, as well as about other brave fighters. there are also more creative topics, for example, the guys will learn how modern cinema influences society, how to find their own style, experienced designers, how to feel confident on stage and even how humor helps you achieve your goals. today there will be a gastrofestival called russia for a taste, and guests will be able to try our famous one. more than 10 thousand different servings of dishes will be prepared, today there will be an active program, for example, an ice show, the ceremonial launch of the international award, we are together, the opening of the art youth exhibition , the rhythmic gymnastics festival, and of course the opening ceremony, something that everyone is so looking forward to participants, today at 16:00 the world youth festival will be inaugurated, anastasia, thank you for the direct link, sirius.
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my colleague anastasia ponko told me where the world youth festival officially opens today. patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill also plans to communicate with participants of the world youth festival in serius. he is expected to give a lecture as part of the knowledge marathon. russia and the world are values ​​that unite humanity. and then on our broadcast the stopfake program, alexey kazakov will talk about the technologies of information warfare against russia and will expose the ukrainian propaganda. the more graves there are in ukrainian cemeteries, the fewer dead people are killed. this is the logical paradox that the leadership of the kiev regime is trying to feed to their masters, although they no longer believe it. we’ll tell you more about how our troops burn western equipment that was considered indestructible right now in the stopfake program on russia-24. carefully loses touch with
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reality, or hopes to outwit those who have not yet written him off. judge for yourself, the leader of the junta suddenly decided share with the public data on losses, that’s how many i counted. character for an adult conversation, it turns out, does not hide anything and is honest with its citizens, so there is a whole media company whose task is quite obvious, there is such a terrible joke that 3100 is true, but this is on the scale of one cemetery, all this is monstrous and it’s scary when
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our garbage dumps join this necrophilia, this corpse-eating, and while raking up the garbage, they stick out of these rubble until... square, maybe they know something that they don’t the president knows them, finally, thirdly , how can one not remember the resonant publication dated december last year, then a popular european resource, whose authors specialize in the analysis of open data, put together a two-hour video from filming graveyards
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following the results of the counter-offensive, there is nothing secret here, everyone of the videos was obtained in the square blessing sphere, where there is plenty of such content, the geolocation is as wide as possible, lviv, ivanofrankovsk, kharkov, dnepropetrovsk, nikolaev, kiev region, you can’t list everything. pathos captions it seems like the price of our freedom is attached, but the main thing is 4000 over the coffin with fresh wreaths of flags, so we are definitely talking about those who did not return from the front alive. it would be interesting to listen to zelensky’s comment on this matter. the growth rate of these cemeteries and the fact that they are scattered throughout the country indicate that...
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that the number of two hundred lads is significantly underestimated, although it is easy to see that for the western press this topic is still thin ice, since i criticize zelensky for bias, americans themselves are british also remain very far from the final recognition of the disaster in the armed forces of ukraine. these are the strings
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that the west is now pulling, saying that there are much more losses, this is also an attempt to put zelensky in his place, because he has played too much, he dictates the conditions on how much to supply them with weapons when... help is needed , how necessary, what equipment needs to be supplied, that is , in fact , all of europe is now dancing under zelensky’s bait, this is, of course, for many elites, many forces in europe and in the united states itself the states of america don’t really like it, that is, a counterforce is emerging, but the question is: when will western sponsors run out of patience, because individual ones are still ready to play along with bandera’s lies, which is worth the head of mit in germany, anna lena berbock, who, according to the tabloid bilt, barely did not become a victim of a russian drone in... for them, this disc of a jacque with
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an infernal face turns on the siren, they are collective, then they order a disco, arrange these demonic dances to it, as they run somewhere to a shelter, jump there, they fall, filming it all. with which they frightened berbok they don’t get so far. the average range of use of the most popular ones, be it a ghoul or a vt-40 , is from 7.5 to 12 km, a similar radius for maviks with grenades, and the distance between nikolaev and the positions of russian positions on a bare pier is five times greater. on the other hand, if such a drone were to approach, it would be very problematic to get away from it; as reported, the german minister’s motorcade left nikolaev at a speed of about 80 km/h. and the same ghoul at approaching the target accelerates to 100 , he would probably easily have caught up with the convoy of cars, hence
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the logical conclusion that no one was hunting for the foreign delegation, but fear has big eyes, and there are even cooler fantasies, as evidenced by the daily mail material marked exclusive about ukrainian attack aircraft, for which, imagine, were observed not only by drones, but by pro-russian aliens, it doesn’t fucking matter that this is a start, in any case. we’re still standing in place, you’re laughing, but in place, in fact, this is what we see - well, this is either a technical failure, or modern artificial intelligence technologies now allow you to insert anything you want into any video frame, in general , the use of ufos in the information agenda, this is a favorite, so to speak, technique of the west, that is, this is an attempt to raise all kinds of dregs to the top, after which it is necessary to formulate certain narratives, so to speak, certain tasks for defense, so to speak. complex to allocate even more money to the taxpayer for costs and defense. next
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from the svidomo circus to the spectacle that truly pleasing to the eye. the first of the abrams tanks was destroyed by our military exactly the day after the documented arrival of these vehicles at the front. by that time , the kiev media had already boasted that american technology was tearing russian technology to pieces. however, for some reason no one showed evidence. but russian fighters. and then finished off with an accurate shot from an anti-tank gun, blazing for the sweet soul, accordingly, now it would be nice to look into the eyes of those who seriously considered these tanks almost the best in the world, expected from them absolute superiority over the modernized t-90s of the russian armed forces and called the abrams literally a whispering death, because any meeting with it supposedly turns out to be bad. these abrams, how they rushed around with them, we went the way of bayaroktarov, and
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three axes, and khaymars, all this was called such a prodigy that could destroy the russians and change the outcome of the war, with these abrams, they also made some kind of monstrous bet, for the american average all this was not shown, that’s all somewhere hidden in a distant drawer only for the most sophisticated military enthusiasts. i mean the american public can come see what they did to abrams. but in general, the eloquence of any words, the silence of ukrainian telegram channels, the analysis carried out by kraken media allowed us to establish that they mentioned abrams only 78 times per day against the background of almost three million mentions in the russian segment of social networks. but extremist instagram went even further, where, as it turned out, they simply blocked the video of the scrapped tank, so that quote: protect the image and business reputation of the manufacturing company. censorship. from banknotes , western it-platforms work, communicate with western intelligence services, they actively use
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censorship technologies, they simply take and delete a video you don’t like, because the value of the shares depends on showing this video to the whole world, so to speak, this will have an extremely negative impact on their reputation in first of all , on the international market of military equipment and partners will point to this , look, you say one thing, that’s the fact. that the drone has arrived, and your tank is not there, how can you answer this, but they cannot answer, by the way, no less enthusiastic epithets from propaganda were previously awarded to the latest archer self-propelled artillery mounts, made in sweden. recently, stockholm handed over to ukraine eight such sao, which are positioned as the most advanced in their class, they praised the accuracy and solid ammunition, but above all the speed and maneuverability characteristics, they say, after firing, the archers quickly leave the line of fire, which means not... vulnerable to counter-battery warfare, but the enemy clearly did not
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take into account the factor of the lancet drone and its ability to fly accurately to the target. the problem is in the artillery itself, its availability, because if you pay attention to the last, especially six months, yes, then there is clearly a consumption of artillery, yes, its failure is not covered by new supplies, but even half of it, then they can’t do it anymore, which means how - take care of these most valuable ones. the most modern models, and they have to do dirty work, in which they actually die. well, to complete the set some more from nato scrap metal, an engineering vehicle burned down in the avdeevka area. demining m1150 briacher. russian tank crews did a good job on it. this , by the way, is a rather rare animal, for which the image of vundarv was also greatly enhanced. as stated, in addition to clearing minefields, the unit is capable of fully performing the functions of an assault tank, since nothing can penetrate its armor. but in reality, britcher is rather clumsy and heavy than powerful. it was created on the basis of the above-mentioned
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abrams, from which they took the tracked chassis and engine. however, the m1150 weighs 10 tons more, and the reason for this is a four-meter plow, adapted for removing a layer of soil in minefields, after which a special m-58 installation must come into play, it shoots unguided missiles with hoses filled with c4 explosives. when they fall to the ground, they detonate along their entire length, causing nearby mines to go off. in this way, a passage 8 wide and up to 100 long should be cleared, but ironically, it was precisely the minefield that stopped britcher. their western allies, they never attached much importance to such technology, well, it was supposed that it would work there in completely hothouse conditions, since the enemy had already fled there, the minefields there, as they repeatedly noted, turned out to be, well,
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overly saturated for them, then there should have been much fewer mines, but it turned out that there are a lot of them, so these machines... can’t withstand such a load. in addition to the usual sweeping of evil under the carpet, the gang with the bank does not forget about drawing victories. this time minister of defense umerov and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky were noted, who, according to ukrasmi , visited zero, that is, they allegedly visited the defenders directly at the front line. it sounds loud, but it looks strange. please note that for a second the cameraman chose the wrong angle and filmed the office ceilings in the dugout. that's all ukrainian.
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photo cards, well, the russian leadership doesn’t need decorations, even if someone doesn’t persistently dream of it, a resource with the self-explanatory name cotton swamp made a strained attempt to troll vladimir putin, they say the new plane that was demonstrated to the president at kab tupolev is stuck at the cardboard mock-up stage and will never take off. do i need to clarify, after a short time , the unfortunate comedians deleted their post, because the plane just took off, and even with putin personally at the controls, the technology is excellent, it... but it’s really of a new generation, as i told the commander, the ship and now i’ll say it again , the leadership of the ministry of defense, of course, can accept the composition of the armed forces. exact specifications as expected classified, but judging by data from open sources, this is one of the largest combat aircraft in the world, its length is 54 m,
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its wingspan is almost 56, its normal take-off weight is about 260 tons. at the same time, its impressive dimensions do not prevent the tu-160 from accelerating to 2,000 km/h at altitude. as for the combat radius, formally it is about 7,000 km, but with modern refueling and a resilient crew, the aircraft is capable of spending 25 hours in the air, covering 20,000 km. the white swan is armed with six h-101 high-precision cruise missiles pieces are loaded into two drums inside the fuselage, in addition, the load can be taken up to 40 tons. conventional bombs by the very design, russia , in principle, should not be able to build any planes, not even some kind of an-2, when reality breaks through this fairy tale, you have to cover it with patches, well, here’s a plane, but it’s cardboard, so it ’s like don’t worry, nuclear carriers , these supersonic missile carriers, as if they
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are reproduced, in general they will be on duty, the air component, the nuclear three... and there will be more, the margin of safety the russian economy, industry and defense industry are so great that everything planned is being implemented exactly on time, despite the strongest pressure from the outside, and the enemy can only bite their elbows, writing ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel . our country, our president, our choice, march 15, 16, 17. let's vote for our president.
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voting by location. mobile voter. if you find yourself far from your polling station on voting days, you can vote locally your location. at any site in the country. for this. no later than march 11, submit an application to any election commission or mfc or government services and you can vote at the chosen polling station. alfabank for business. register for free and open a business account with free service. alfabank, the best bank for business. what are men silent about?
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banned until the end of summer, short-term compulsory regulations have appeared and the tobacco market is now regulated in the same way as the alcohol market. let's start with the mortgage. for many, this is the only possible way to buy a new apartment, since square meters are not cheap, but recently, the central bank has recorded an increase in the share of loans with an increased risk of non-repayment. and from march 1, the decision of the central bank tightened the conditions for issuing mortgages for clients with a debt burden of more than 80%. that is. for those who give banks most of their income, well, one might say, almost everything, especially since in the third quarter of last year the share of such clients increased by almost 50%. in our opinion, the primary housing market is overheated and in the second half of last year mortgages grew monthly by an average of 3.2%, mainly due to the fact that people sought to take out soft
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loans before it became more difficult. conditions of state programs, high inflation expectations also played a role; the high share of risky issues, especially in the primary period, also indicates overheating. market participants say that, if desired, the bank can help the borrower fit into the new conditions for issuing a mortgage, but to do this, the client must find someone more solvent in his environment or reduce credit card limits. for example, you can attract a borrower who has sufficient income and a low debt load. it means that co-borrower clients take out a loan for two, when calculating the pdt , the client’s earnings will be taken into account, and accordingly from the borrower, which will increase the total amount of monthly income. there is another way - to close credit card loans, or reduce the limit on them. the fact is that open credit cards are taken into account when calculating personal income tax, even if clients did not use them or even forgot that they had them, because of this,
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the debt load also... changes in the fuel market: from march 1, temporarily for six months the government banned the export of gasoline, a measure designed to maintain stability during periods of increased demand during field work, the holiday season and planned repairs of oil refineries. deputy prime minister alexander novak commented on the ban on the export of gasoline in an interview with our tv channel. the main task of the government of the russian federation is to ensure that the market is balanced and stable. so that prices at gas stations do not rise at the level of higher inflation, so that wholesale and small wholesale prices and prices on exchanges allow the normal formation of the economy of oil refineries factories, small wholesale segment, this is an economic sphere, it is currently a market one, so both market and government regulation tools are used. another rule that came into force on march 1: russian exporters are required to inform the bank. on foreign currency
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assets and liabilities of their subsidiary structures, including foreign ones. experts say that this will help more effectively monitor the movement of foreign currency, and therefore promptly identify possible imbalances that threaten the stability of our financial system. this will certainly add stability, at least in relation to the exchange rate of the russian currency, because the central bank and the ministry of finance will have an understanding of which foreign exchange reserves they have. companies on a consolidated basis, that is, including subsidiaries, including foreign ones, this is the first, second - this will allow closing the so -called possible loopholes or ways to minimize the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings. innovations also affected russian motorists; they were offered a new product - short-term osaga. driver's responsibility can now be insured for a period from one day to 3 months. whoever's
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osaga policy has expired, and needs it, for example. sell the car and they renew it for example for a month and no more , so that later they simply don’t re-register, for those people, of course, this is a plus, another thing is that it will be somewhat more expensive, this is quite obvious, but within the framework of the maximum cost of osaga, and those , who hopes to purchase this osaga, asaga policy, you know, one to one, that is , divide the policy amount by 3.65 days to pay for each day, they are mistaken, most likely this it will be enough, well, more expensive, important changes concern. market for tobacco and nicotine-containing products, it is now subject to government regulation similar to the alcohol market. experts see only advantages in this. mandatory requirements are being introduced for the presence of a license for production, on the contrary , for distribution, even for storage of tobacco products; all these tobacco products, as before, must be labeled, and both consumer packaging and larger boxes there must be labeled. like this.


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