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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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period from one day to 3 months , for those whose osaga policy has expired, they need, for example, to sell a car and they renew it, for example, for a month and no more, so that later they simply don’t have to re-issue it, for those people, of course, this is a plus, another thing is that it will be somewhat more expensive, this is quite obvious, but within the maximum cost of osaga, and those who hope to purchase this osaga asaga policy, you know, one to one, that is , divide the policy amount by 3.65 days, and pay for every day, they are most likely mistaken it will be quite, well, more expensive. important changes concern the market of tobacco and nicotine-containing products; it is now subject to government regulation similar to the alcohol market. experts see only advantages in this. mandatory requirements are being introduced for the presence of a license for production, on the contrary, for distribution, even for storage of tobacco products; all these tobacco products, as before, must be labeled, and they must be labeled as consumer packaging. so are
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there larger boxes, so ours the tobacco market will be almost completely protected from illegal tobacco producers, because it will become much easier to fight against it both for the police and for non-profit organizations that sometimes monitor regulation in this area. and also, from march 1, a new online business start service launched in russia, with its help you can register an individual entrepreneur or llc. with one founder without visiting the tax office, the entire registration will take one day, but you will need biometric data, there are several dozen rules of laws coming into force in march, if not a hundred, having barely begun, spring promises a lot of new things, but as it should be in spring, all changes are for the better, depositing the best percentage in savings is an easy way to profitably
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invest money online, just one button , the contribution to your child’s future has already been made, one savings button grows with the maximum rate, one button, and you look forward with confidence, together, open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank, save with prime more profitably, what is a good car for you? mileage, condition, comfort, and smell like new, for everyone has their own good car, find it on the author, it’s just plastic, and this is alphapay, freedom to pay as it’s convenient for you, with a smartphone, sticker or online, pay as conveniently as possible with alphapay. and you get a supercake every
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month, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable, it ’s the same vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner, the top headphones, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50%. ravento for only 5.999, in infidio and eldorado. what a blessing that navito is on sale and discounts up to 70.
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open a business account on vtb is a bank for your business. or maybe you and i also open an account with vdb. what is your dream car? the answer is very simple. it should have everything. style, dynamics. and first class comfort. on any road and for my whole family. cherry tigo 8 pro max. dream bigger. from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. when buying a car , you can do without a car service if you have scanning vision. at least i bought it. and those who don’t have superpowers have a car library and a complete history of the car according to twenty criteria. it’s safer to buy from the auto library on avito auto. open your first deposit on financial services with a rate of up to 18
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, hunting, test your instinct, dear men, a holiday is coming, i’ll tell you a secret, on azon there is 3% cashback on sbp for everything, and it doesn’t matter what you want to give, buy gifts on ozone psbp at a profit, register on privetmir. ru!
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welcome to asia, where the heart of the continent beats. trafalgar square is known throughout the world, named in honor of the british victory over the combined fleets of france and spain, in the center there is a column topped with the figure of the legendary admiral garatio nelson. he was seriously wounded and until the end of this battle lived. the empire the admiral died fighting for whose interests has long since disappeared. the united kingdom today has fewer warships than south korea or japan, which is the mistress of the seas, so garatio nelson, to put it mildly, would be very surprised if we found out the current state of affairs.
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on january 30 of this year, the british minister of defense grand sheps, his deputy james cartlidge and the commander of the royal navy , admiral ben key, almost died during a ballistic test. triident2 missiles off the coast of florida. the missile was supposed to hit an imaginary target almost 4.00 miles away, but instead crashed into the water next to a nuclear submarine. we understand that triiden 2 was not equipped with a nuclear warhead. she left the submarine as expected, but the first stage boosters did not fire. as a result, a rocket weighing 58 tons crashed into the water next to the vengaard submarine and sank. minister of defense.
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to make this worse, comes the news that in the british army , male soldiers who identify as women are allowed to be housed in women's barracks. to me britain seems to be in great shape to beat everyone to cancel culture. but completely unprepared to win a world war, this is an absolute shock, second failure in a row, it cost us £17 million to sink this thing to the bottom of the ocean, the other part of the scandal is the leak itself, serious questions arise as to how such information could get into the press, it looks bad, but the main thing is that this is just the latest episode in a whole series of military mistakes this year due to due to a malfunction in the undercarriage, the aircraft carrier was unable to depart for a nato exercise. queen
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elizabeth was replaced by the aircraft carrier prince of wales. it was launched in 2019, but since then has been subject to constant modifications. in 2020 , a leak was discovered on the ship; 2 years later , the aircraft carrier was again sent for repairs due to a propeller failure. the british fleet's problems are not limited to failed launches and other technical failures. main. trouble, staff shortage. in 2022 , the royal navy command admitted that they lack 7.0 sailors. due to the inability to form crews , two frigates were removed from combat duty. for the same reason, the british were unable to send a carrier strike group to the red sea in january. it turned out that there were not enough people on the support ships. it got to the point that the royal navy began to lure service through social networks, and on waka.
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do we want to return to the cold war again, who would think of using atomic weapons, no one will survive, no matter how many people will die, and no matter where, in china, russia or india, anywhere, the consequences of these bombs are catastrophic, it is immoral. in 2016 , the british government hid information about a failed rocket launch for several months. replacing nuclear warheads produced in britain. the economist writes that the cost of upgrading nuclear
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deterrence forces is 34% of what is planned to be spent on technical re-equipment, and they continue to grow. according to the december report of the national audit office, the latest the updated plan for equipping the defense complex was considered unaffordable for the budget. the cost of the plan has risen to £306 billion. with a black hole of 17 billion. the main reason is the growing costs of the nuclear defense organization, which includes new attack submarines, four dred noute ballistic missile submarines, and they are also developing a new nuclear warhead. since the previous report, spending had increased by 62% just a year earlier. in a devastating article about the economist gives a depressing account of the state of the british armed forces and the prospects for their development. statistics and pessimistic assessments of experts. by 2025, the size
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of the british army should be reduced to 72,500 people. only 148 updated challenger tanks will remain in service. britain and its ponata allies, particularly america, believe that our country's military power is declining. the forces are so small that they risk falling below critical mass. major procurement projects go wrong. defense equipment plan. doesn't get enough funding, and there is also a crisis of conscripts. one of the striking examples of money spent with no obvious results is the long-suffering project to create the ayak combat vehicle. new infantry fighting vehicles were supposed to enter the army in 2018, but due to miscalculations and endless alterations, ajax turned into a real long-term construction project. it took several years just to eliminate the high noise and vibrations, which is why the soldiers could stay inside the ajax for no more than 90 minutes. the vehicle also
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could not safely overcome obstacles higher than 20 cm. in the army there are still big problems for that. to become a reliable force against an opponent of equal or similar strength. we are talking about sufficient air defense, long- range missiles and electronic warfare. the army is concerned that it lacks intelligence, surveillance and artillery capabilities. the army was running low on ammunition even before it handed over its stockpile to ukraine, although it allocated £2bn to resupply last year . this money risks disappearing in the general defense haze. budget. british the government claims to have spent £12 billion on ukraine, but this money did not come from the military budget and strictly took into account the need to maintain its own weapons stockpiles. is this really hidden behind a veil of secrecy, but photographs of simulators instead of cruise missiles on board the mangled destroyer appeared in the british press. it turned out that
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the royal navy had nothing to carry out attacks on ground targets when britain decided to join the us operation against the houthis. chief of the british general staff general patrick sanders, who has combat experience in iraq and afghanistan, believes that the british army may be unable to conduct military operations outside the country. our strategic power is threatened, and we may be reduced to small, static , conflict-oriented ground forces. i'm not sure if this is the army that our nation needs or the one that we want to see... sander shared these thoughts in a letter to retired generals, however, he himself will soon become one of them. patrick sandres in the near future he must resign from the post of chief of the general staff earlier than the usual three-year term. one of the reasons for his imminent resignation is said to be that sanders talked too much, when missiles are flying in the wrong direction and money is being wasted
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70%. give yourself and your loved ones a brand new one. equipment, an inspiring sale of electronics on avito, oh, i’m pleased with that, so 44.900, yes, of course, oh, the panda is on sale, yes, it is on sale, psb credit card, double cashback, increased cashback on everyday purchases, and bref is an easier way, bref is colored water for a clean, fresh toilet with every flush. bref at a super price. hurry up to buy in stores. your city. deposit - the best interest rate in savings - is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made. one button. savings grow at the maximum rate. one button and you look forward with confidence. together.
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open a deposit with the best interest rate with a maximum rate of up to 16% per annum in sberbank in sberis. individual entrepreneurs, vtb does not accept commissions from transfers to your personal account, open a business account on vtb bank for your business. or maybe you and i should also open an account at vdb? smiled, it means you recognized, smiled, it means real, recognizes,
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loves, remembers, appreciates, truly, bsb is a bank for the real.
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weapons that are supplied to ukraine as military aid from western countries constantly end up on the black market. medium and large-caliber weapons come from ukraine, thanks to nato supplies. we provided ukraine with military support and we will continue in the same spirit. some army insiders have confirmed that there are indeed weapons that are being supplied to us in nigeria from the territory of ukraine. the african
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business with ukrainian weapons is tied to so-called blood diamonds, they are easy to transport, and not a single scanner there can take them. the weapons themselves most often do not reach the front, that is, they are all written off, zhivylin, two of the same ones, warehouses began to explode, then in one. something else, well, let’s go to this place, because we knew that it would be revealed, that there are some shortcomings, some losses somewhere.
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does she really read minds or not? the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special responsibilities. who are you all looking at? well , there, the girl is earning money, maybe
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this dream of mine has something to do with it.
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the opening ceremony of the world youth festival will take place today in sirius. 20 thousand participants from 180 countries gathered on the black sea coast. also at the festival site, the marathon of the russian knowledge society will start, during which the patriarch will give a lecture moscow all rus' kirill. deceitful, aggressive and revanchist. this is how the russian mission to the un commented on the methods
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of german foreign policy. after a recording of a conversation between high-ranking bundeswehr officers about an attack on the crimean bridge with taurus missiles leaked online. leading media in germany have recognized the authenticity of the audio track, and it is now being closely studied by german counterintelligence. the air defense forces of the russian troops grouping south shot down another 24 ukrainian armed forces drones in the donetsk direction. in the avdeevsky direction, where the unit operates group center, repelled 11 counterattacks. six enemy tanks and four infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed, including us-made bradleys. on the zaporozhye sector of the front, our paratroopers fought to take strongholds in the ukrainian armed forces. games of the future continue in kazan; they have combined regular sports and computer games. the day before , a speed run competition was held there - this is the completion of various speed games. a quick reaction is needed in the rhythm simulator, where the final took place on the big expo stage.
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the task is to cut it on the fly. flying figures in virtual reality helmet. europe is on the warpath. emmanuel macron promises to send troops to ukraine, but eu partners pretend that such an issue is not on the agenda. is europe ready for confrontation? they also decided to test artificial intelligence for humanity in political confrontation. and they found out that the computer suggests not to hesitate in any incomprehensible situation and inflicts a nuclear attack. blow, but for now it’s just a game, but how all this can turn out, about this and not only in the international review program, immediately after the short advertising. deposit - the best interest rate in savings - is an easy way to profitably invest money online. just one button, the investment in your child’s future has already been made. one button.


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