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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 10:30am-11:00am MSK

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but the division of germany after world war ii was artificial, and the unification of the two german states was inevitable or what? it is interesting that in the early eighties, in the late seventies, early eighties, when various such multidirectional processes began in the socialist community in the gdr, a very march-leninist state, very much like that... in the prussian state in bungir, although with marchist shoulder straps, there such east german nationalism began to pave the way, based on the fact that the territory of the gdr in essence is the territory of two large german states, well, not completely, but to a large extent prussia and saxony, dresden, this is the southern part of the gdr. and then,
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by the way, many who were in berlin paid attention to the equestrian statue of frederick ii in the center of untraden. this statue was kept in the royal castle of sanssouci in potzdam for several decades after world war ii. and, in 1982, if i’m not mistaken, it was transported to berlin and installed there. it stands now, and this was done on the direct orders of the then the leader of the gdr, erich honecker, and against the opinion of major soviet party officials led by mikhail andreevich suslov, who was responsible for ideology.
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shell, and under this march-leninist shell , in general, the traditional - east german, generally speaking, the gdr was called, this is central, middle germany, and eastern germany, this is selesia, this is pomerania, this is shtokin , this is breslau, this is könecksberg, this is dantzik, these are cities that are no longer part of the current germany, this - uh, eastern, that is,
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central german identity, it has not disappeared anywhere. history does not provide for reversals through continuous history, however, the voting results in the old and new states of germany, that is, the former federal republic of germany and the german democratic republic, show that after 35 years the ghost of the wall has not disappeared. by the way, this is when kohl spoke from his program. the german confederation in the fall of '89, because this program was, this is a confederation, this is not a single state, the program was designed for 10 years, and this is not there was a program of a single state, it was like closer relations between two sovereign states, not even a union state, that’s what we have with belarus, so there were chances, different chances, well , probably ungrateful. it’s a matter of uh assessing
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what was done well, what was not done very well, what was done in this mess, yet?
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i don't have good news. polish beekeepers are represented in the structures of the european union by the polish chamber of honey, which protects distributors and importers more than us producers. ursula vonderlaen was one of the largest supporters of the free import of ukrainian goods to europe. not surprisingly, tensions in brussels itself have also reached their peak. farmers in western europe feel the breath of competition. this is a historical moment. it has never happened before that farmers from all over the european union have protested almost simultaneously, they have almost the same demands, so this should give food for thought in the european parliament. reality is not what they think. brussels imposes many obligations on farmers: they
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must reduce carbon emissions, use fewer pesticides, and reduce the use of fertilizers and antibiotics. however, what farmers do not understand is the allocation of 4%. through poland, but in fact it floods the polish market. carriers use a trick called a grain carousel. grain travels from ukraine to lithuania, and then returns to the border and changes documents. the cargo becomes an eu product that can freely enter poland. the government promises
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to help to some extent, but emphasizes that only it’s impossible to do, certainly not quickly. for politicians, protest farmers, a very difficult topic, it is difficult to ignore a thousand people on... after advertising about nuclear deterrence, which is again on the agenda. we are going on vacation, and
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a conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, and therefore the destruction of civilization, why don’t they understand this, or what? these are people, you know, these are people who have not gone through difficult trials, they have already forgotten what war is, here we are, even our current generation have gone through such difficult ones.
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discussed nuclear war and said that one should not believe putin, that putin is a weak person, he will never use nuclear weapons, believe me, he is a very respected intellectual in other fields and truly an authority. but for some reason everyone thinks that they can speak on this topic, they are all military experts, just like during football matches all referees, well, with the only difference that here we are still talking about a very serious matter. at the same time, however, the financial times publishes an extensive leak of supposedly russian documents, from which it follows that moscow’s real threshold for nuclear use is lower than the announced one, and it writes this. special genre, subtle
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dangerous, we asked igor istomin from mgemo about its features; he has been analyzing this phenomenon for a long time. igor, is there a well-thought-out theory of escalation in the field of weapons of mass destruction? probably the most famous author who dealt with this was herman kahn, who developed a clear multi-level escalation ladder with there. verbal warnings, relatively speaking, warning shots, yes, when they are used, for example, there may even be nuclear weapons, but to strike insignificant some objects, and it was assumed that all this would help, as if compete with the enemy, and at the same time contain possible negative consequences to prevent a nuclear, full-fledged nuclear war. when the soviet archives were opened in the nineties and
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it became clear what kind of ideas the soviet military had, it turned out that the general staff of the armed forces of the ussr did not expect any games at all, such games of controlled escalation with a limited war , it was clearly stated there that if there is... a clash with nato, which means that nuclear weapons will be used massively from the first stage of the conflict. nuclear deterrence usually means a situation where a state has nuclear weapons and the political will to use them in the event of aggression, but the creation of the bomb itself did not mark the beginning of nuclear deterrence; at the beginning it was simply perceived as a high -power weapon, but the thesis is that the main task of the american the armed forces should not be
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a victory in a nuclear war, but its prevention appeared already in the mid-forties, it... was put forward by yale university employee bernard brody, believing that the united states would quickly lose its monopoly on the atom, and so it happened: after 3 years , the soviet union tested a nuclear bomb, each side tried to test its weapons in conditions close to combat, and although the period before the caribbean crisis is perceived as a time of dominance of us nuclear forces, it showed a contradictory picture. the exercise at the totssky training ground in the ussr , american maneuvers with desert rock nuclear weapons showed that, despite its destructive force, atomic weapons do not guarantee the destruction of the enemy’s armed forces, especially if he is prepared for such a scenario. and the korean war confirmed the theory that modern jet
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fighters can shoot down most strategic bombers before they... reach their target and complete their mission, so in the sixties there comes an understanding of the political role of nuclear weapons, not the military. us secretary of defense robert mcnamara coins the term "assured destruction". this means that the enemy will not go to conflict, knowing that a crushing blow would follow, especially when by the end of the sixties both sides achieved nuclear parity, negotiations began on the gradual reduction of arsenals. by the end of the eighties , they were reduced by eight times, but in the mid-seventies, as technology grew, the idea of ​​a high-precision strike, or as it was also called, decapitation, appeared, when there was a chance to be the first to destroy the enemy’s leadership. the new concept was introduced by secretary of defense james schlaesinger, which later developed into a crisis
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euromissiles due to the deployment of pershing in europe, and then into the treaty on a complete ban on small-medium missiles, yes. and only with the onset of detente after the collapse of the ussr, us secretary of defense william pere proclaimed a transition to the doctrine of mutually guaranteed security, but as practice has shown, not for long. at this point, nuclear deterrence already exists between india and pakistan, but there is also a mechanism for nuclear deterrence of a weak state against a strong one. demonstration to the aggressor that even if he achieves his goal, then... will pay an unacceptable price for this, north korea adheres to this concept. very often we are faced with a situation where there is a slide into such an increasingly large confrontation, politicians hope that, well, some limited amount of funds will be enough to scare and convince the opponent to kill
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the enemy. as a rule, this turns out not to be the case. and this is where this phenomenon of creeping uncontrollable escalation comes from, which has been encountered many times throughout history, but we are talking about conventional weapons, yes, if we are talking about great powers, then with conventional weapons, if we look at the largest war of the second half of the 20th century, and this is the iran-iraq war, then chemical weapons were used there and the dynamics were exactly like this, in the beginning of iraq.
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we will be the first to use it - although it happened, and the second world war is an illustrative example, when different sides had weapons of mass destruction, but they were not used en masse, mutual restraint was maintained in the use of chemical weapons, fear of retaliation certainly plays a big role role, there is certainly doubt about the feasibility, to what extent it will really have some kind of practical effect, but probably another important... factor that influences politicians, leaders, is the desire to leave some kind of ace up their sleeve, fear that if we now use everything we have, then the confrontation may continue, the fight may continue, the enemy will not be destroyed, then we will be left, so to speak, without additional means of influence. well,
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recently there was a ponic publication, a certain simulation game showed that artificial intelligence, given free rein, is ready to easily use nuclear weapons. he succeeds, there can be no moral restrictions. in the end of january. the bulletin of atomic scientists, an association founded in 1945 by oppenheimer einstein and other prominent scientists, moved the hands of the doomsday clock to 90 seconds to midnight, showing that humanity is closer than ever to the apocalypse. the reason was the rapid growth of breakthrough technologies of artificial intelligence, which today is actively used for military purposes. to assess the reality of the threat, a team of scientists from... georgia institute of technology and stanford university developed a video game with simulated war, during which five models of neural networks gpt-4, gpt-4 base,
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gpt-3.5, cloud-2 and mettozlam had to accept decisions on behalf of the state in the event of cyber attacks and real invasions. at the same time, neural networks performed a variety of actions, from diplomatic visits to the use of weapons. results are disappointing, all five neural network models are prone to escalation of conflict with the use of nuclear weapons. for example, gpt-4 base during the game said that many countries have nuclear weapons, which means they need to be used as soon as possible, trying to explain why he considered it right to escalate, the chatbot gave an example of the opening scene of episode four of star wars, the new hope, and gpt 3.5 - indicated that the enemy's nuclear potential poses a threat, so a nuclear attack should be carried out against him. according to futurism, the us military
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has been investing in artificial intelligence technologies for many years, using computer algorithms to make independent decisions in complex situations. last year, bloomberg reported that the israeli defense forces use artificial intelligence recommendations when choosing targets for... strikes, as well as calculations of the required ammunition and the formation of an attack schedule. intelligence proposes a goal, and the operator checks and approves it. the use of such a mechanism is not regulated by law either in israel or internationally. by according to the guardian and loocal hall, tel aviv used these technologies to strike the gas strip during the war with hamas. still goes back to the discussions in 2000 regarding drones, because it was said that in drones there is a kind of moral weapon, because the pilot, the pilot of a regular
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airplane, he is in danger, so that means he behaves more carefully, the one who this means he is bombing there from a quiet shelter, and sometimes on the other side of the world, which means he can use weapons less, he has less restraint in using weapons. and in parallel, a rather critical point of view appeared, not mainstream, non-conventional, which says: well , actually, if we look at history, yes, people very often used violence irrationally and a person who is in a state of stress, in a state of psychosis, who constantly faces the danger of being killed, he can use violence much more... easily, in turn, the machine, yes, it does not experience any such emotions, and if you put in it, relatively speaking, the correct program, uh, that number
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norms of international humanitarian law, then it will act much more rationally and it may well be that it will use less violence only against combatants, for example, these discussions, of course, have always been built on the basis of one very basic assumption that we are talking exclusively about conventional weapons , about weapons on the battlefield. the problem with artificial intelligence, probably the main thing is that when we program this intelligence, solving some specific problems, we can quite unconsciously put our psiposes that exist that we don’t even think about. thank you, igor istomin from mgemu was with us. of all the leaders of nato countries, macron’s idea of ​​​​the possibility of sending nato forces to ukraine was supported only by the head of the estonian government, kaja kallas, she also emphasized:
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that no options should be ruled out , madam prime minister, you are right, nothing should be ruled out when the great estonian singer baritone georg otz was the best performer of the wonderful song: do the russians want war ? then everything turned out differently, but there is no need to rule anything out for the future. yes, we know how to fight, but we don’t want to fight again. the soldiers fell in battle to their sad land, you ask your mothers, ask my wife, and then you must understand, do the russians want it,
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do the russians want it? the russians also want war, this was an international review, goodbye. meet the popular moscow writer nikolai rebinin, your brother in donbass, you need
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to go there. you should go, it’s just for the passengers to ride here, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, in a couple of days you’ll go there, to gray woman, beyond this line you will become different, but what then? there was my childhood and youth, and now it’s darkness, that’s it, we’re leaving, it’s scary, no , “it’s hard to get used to, passenger, 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i didn’t intervene, i betrayed him, now i have to find him, there is still hope, there is always hope, soon.
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, for free, without registration, in the application or on the website. the scandal surrounding the leak, the publication of a conversation between german officers about strikes on the crimean bridge, leading german media'. authenticity
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of the recording, when will official berlin speak up? sergei lavrov is completing his visit to turkey, where the anatalia diplomatic forum is taking place. we will find out what meetings are planned for today from our correspondent, we are waiting for the live broadcast. the official opening ceremony of the world youth festival on the federal territory of sirius. more than 2,000 participants from all over the world came to the black sea coast. advancement in the zaporozhye direction, russian paratroopers stormed the strongholds armed forces of ukraine points near verbovoy. in the avdeevsky direction, six tanks and four enemy infantry fighting vehicles were destroyed, including bradley, made in the usa. the second day of the diplomatic forum starts in turkish antalya.


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