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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm MSK

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in germany, a scandal is growing around the leak of negotiations between the german military; leading media in germany admit that the recording is genuine. bondisver actually discussed the attack on the crimean bridge. as spiegel writes, after analysis, the possibility that the recording could have been faked was ruled out. refers to opinion. build has already stated that the recording is real. the berline net newspaper notes that counterintelligence is quickly looking for the source of the leak. at the same time , the ferg authorities, including the ministry of defense, remain silent for now. silencing the incident by blocking by publishing this conversation on social networks, the bundeswehr is covering its tracks. this was stated by the official representative of our mit.
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zakharova. she predicts that everything will follow the same scenario as the german investigation into the terrorist attacks on the nord streams. in france, president macron’s words that he does not rule out sending the military to ukraine alarmed both society and the local opposition. the head of state has already announced that he is going to discuss ukrainian politics with the heads of political parties next thursday. and he hinted that he would not change his plans refuses, intends to send special forces to help kiev.
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french farmers are blocking highways, like everyone else, demanding attention. leaflets have appeared in large cities, with a message to macron, we will not die for ukraine, but the authorities do not listen to their own. paris is preparing a bill to make the sending of french special forces to ukraine essentially legal, lemont writes. the uk is no longer hiding that the british military has been fighting on the side of ukraine for a long time. yes, illegally, yes, they would have remained silent further, but scholz’s language is letting the allies down. london accuses berlin of revealing secrets.
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ukraine has a shortage of people, and the western defense resource is a mockery. there is a deadlock in the us congress, plans to help kiev are being buried before our eyes by budget wars until the end of march, and then the preparations for the elections in the white house are total chaos. biden says one thing. the united states will provide additional food and supplies to ukraine. by air,
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it turned out, he got everything mixed up again, he meant the gas sector, everything that biden can now test in a diaper, the americans joke, in on social networks, everyone seems to be tired of ukraine. i don’t consider putin a problem, zelensky is our problem, because putin defends his country. russia is not our enemy. the united states is inciting the american conflict for the sake of world order, the american media writes, conditions that are comfortable for the united states are shaping the wars that they themselves instigated. first in afghanistan, then in iraq, now in ukraine, experts believe, while ordinary people always pay for all the failures of the west in conflicts around the world, a swedish military man told reporters, despite the fact that they are tired from devastation, corruption, lies and, of course, debts, the residents of ukraine have long ago decided who they are with and for whom. if you had the opportunity to ask putin a question, what would you tell him? what could i say to him without being punished for it? i... told him that i
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respect him very much, he loves his country, and he loves ukraine, and i want us to be all together, never touch, russian. at the games of the future, which end in kazan. participants had to play computer games at speed. what other competitions took place and what the first fidgital wedding looked like, danila mokhalin will tell you. another additional gaming point of the games of the future, the same it park where the tank battles took place, but the location is different, a separate space for speedrunners, where they train and play.
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that is, it’s kind of slippery, but you just have to hold it tightly. the most popular games were chosen for the speedrun, especially in retro mode, hitman, maxpein and gta wice city. that same famous mission with a helicopter, which everyone knows from gta vice city, is not in rana it is used because it can be skipped using certain methods, it is not needed for a mandatory passage for enip in order to reach the ending, so we don’t see it. the most popular one, the one i like best, is bnihhop, that is, it is a technique that allows. move faster by jumping, well, this is in many games. a quick reaction is needed in the rhythm simulator, where the final was held on the big stage of the expo, the task was to cut flying figures on the fly in a virtual reality helmet. to be honest, i expected that my opponent would win, because in
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preparation he was stronger than me on average, but apparently my nerves overpowered me and i survived. oh, very happy to win, honestly, really happy, where to spend this money? and most likely for studying at a university, the city of the future is so universal that for a while it even became a tax office. artificial intelligence, among those couples whose wedding ceremony was scheduled for march 1, chose egor and elena orekhov. it turned out to be the first wedding. the decision that it was necessary to hold the wedding here was made in a second, it was it was accepted unambiguously, without much thought and weighing, such space, such scale. impossible to miss and of course we said yes , the games of the future will literally end immediately on sunday, march 3 at 16:00 a closing ceremony is scheduled, which will be shown on the russia-1 tv channel. daniil makhalin, stanislav radikultsev, alexander makridin, ivan lavrikov, sergey kuznetsov and alexander
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stalmashevsky, lead kazan. mothers, we come one at a time, don’t detain people, what ’s going on here, but you didn’t know, translate money from your business account to your personal account, you pay a fee, what century do you live in, what bank do you use, individual entrepreneurs, btb does not charge a commission on transfers to your personal account, open an account for business on vtb bank for your business, or maybe you and i should also open an account at vtb? yes, dad and zhenya give us gifts, we turn from loved ones into the daninadovs into the davozmilovs, take it, they are, of course, out of love, but love is just savings, thank you, thank you, thank you, so we are again
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we become loved, it’s nice to receive thanks and a bonus favourite, thank you for taking care of your loved ones, megamarket, it’s profitable to please. pay as conveniently as possible with alphapay with any smartphone, receive super cashback every month, it’s not just profitable, alpha is profitable, how about you, we’re going on vacation, cool, and we ’re going, this is the third year, and we haven’t started saving, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster and transfer your salary to vtb, it will be even more profitable. you can check a car before purchasing using
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scanning vision, and for those who don’t have it, through auto service according to 25 criteria, calmer, buy with an auto service on avito auto, alyon, shopping again. i’ll buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, when you give russian lotto tickets, it may turn out that you’ve given a million-dollar shopping spree. even 101 poodles win every second ticket, buy on the website in stoloto brand stores, where you can still turn a dance into a world heritage, a spot into an invincible machine, knowledge into a vocation, technology, into live communication, traditions into innovation, only here in the country, on which the sun never sets. timkov - 40 million clients in the largest country in the world. when
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speeding along the motorway, you will easily fly past this sign. and in the new children's clinic there is something to see besides him. this sign is modestly hidden behind the high-profile victories at the newly built stadium, and you certainly won’t care for it against the backdrop of great talent in the renovated cultural center. the sign of russia's national project is easy to miss. holiday: i’ll tell you a secret. nazon cashback 3% on sbp on everything. and it doesn't matter what you want
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to give. buy gifts for ozone posbp at a favorable price. register on in moscow fashion week has started. there were over a thousand applications for participation. shows of russian foreign designers are held for several at once.
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lecture called “communication” i sew clothes and you know, when my clients buy them, they wear them, then they tell me: i want to learn to speak buryadsky, when people talk about how they have such energy, i think that this is a good assessment of my work, very warm and you even know, there is nothing that makes me feel uncomfortable, i myself was born in buryat, and so i study and work here in moscow, so how can you introduce your own designer? unexpectedly, at moscow fashion week there are also men's collections, designer valentina gubchenko
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says that she was inspired by the sea, her palette from the color of sea foam to deep ocean blue, rethinking the courageous profession of a sailor who went out into the city for a walk, when guys in our look are walking down the street , well, those clients who dress with us, i’m telling you for sure, everyone pays attention to them, they ask where you bought this, literally, probably in the summer we let's open our first store. their showrooms, that is, this will provide an opportunity for economic growth in this area; within the framework
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of moscow fashion week there are , of course, markets where you can not only see, browse, but also purchase for yourself the collection you like, clothes, shoes, accessories. we make eco-fashion , we take stock items, we take vintage items , we create super-creative designs from simple, uninteresting, out-of-fashion items, we do not sell seams, which are made quickly and cheaply in china, but we... and that’s why hand with models on the catwalk, russian designers have a whole moscow fashion week ahead, where. each of them will surprise you. evgenia petrukhina, konstantin morozov, andrey greshnev. how do you like it, are we going on vacation? class and we're going. this is the third year and
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they haven’t started postponing yet. so open a vtb savings account. the rate is 16%. save up faster. and believes that everything will definitely work out, by those who love to make small surprises and give great joy to those who are far away, but are ready to overcome any distance to
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to be close to your closest ones, we believe that if a dream exists, it will definitely... come true, and sber will help you realize everything you have planned. alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors. the performance by nikita mikhalkov 12 based on the film of the same name was shown on the stage of the samara academic opera and ballet theater. the director promised this meeting to the residents of the city a year ago and kept his word. samara residents greeted the production with a full house. and my colleague will tell you about the impressions of the audience elena fralova. meditation on mercy, which is above the law. the difficult decision not to break a person's destiny is not easy for a jury. one of them, voting against
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the prosecution, takes responsibility not just for the boy who, according to investigators, killed his adoptive father, but for everyone who passes the sentence. and here he sculpted a different image for me, even at first i somehow tensed up when he told me on the phone, rukol, you should be like a moth at first, i think, like me , like a moth, what is this, i didn’t understand his intention , but now i see how brilliant the idea of ​​how it is suddenly brought out from this stuttering man, a quiet speaker , and such heights that i am surprised at... the director did not do without cinematography techniques in the theater, the 3d effect is achieved thanks to the transparent fourth wall separating the actors from the audience, general plan periodically interrupted by footage from the film of the same name, additional screens above the stage focus the public’s attention on the details of what is happening. last september, at a creative evening in
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samara, nikita mikhalkov promised to show his performance on the regional stage, the director kept his word. from the point of view of talking with people, my experience shows that people are waiting for such a conversation, that they are not used to such conversations that we see from the stage, and this means that what we do is not in vain. the return of the stage of the gay piradze, known to the samara audience from the gorky academic theater, was triumphant. if i were to truly show emotion now, i would scream right now, i would probably scream for a very long time for a minute, this is what happens in every cell, this is how you can express it in a small sketch. according to the plot , it took the jury 18 hours to reach a verdict; in
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the theatrical version, the opinions of the characters in making a choice, the vicissitudes of fate are presented in a three-hour performance. the samara audience gave it to the premiere. russia moves the world forward, we invent and develop, build and... lead, we create a country in which we want to live ourselves, we defend our homeland, and brightly welcome guests, and we confidently move forward, our
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future, we create together . my grandfather, a chemist world famous, said that the davankovs have only one homeland - russia. i want us to be proud of our scientists and respect our teachers. therefore, investments in science education should double. times and this is in my program with love for people. vladislav davankov, time for new ones. welcome to asia, where the heart
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of the continent beats. vladimir putin spoke on the phone with the president of kazakhstan, kasym zhemarty takayev, reports this. kremlin service. the parties discussed the implementation of joint projects in trade, economic, transport, logistics and energy fields. takaev, in a conversation with putin, also noted the substantive programmatic nature of the president’s message to the federal assembly. the heads of state also agreed to further strengthen relations of alliance and strategic partnership. new laws and regulations have come into force in russia regarding the issuance of mortgages and regulation of the fuel market. konstantin churikov will talk about what exactly has changed and how it will affect people’s lives.
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the arrival of calendar spring this year is marked many new laws and regulations. they concern different spheres of the economy, and therefore people’s lives. here in front of you is only a small part of what is changing. mortgage loans will now be issued more carefully, gasoline exports are banned until the end of summer, and a short-term insurance market has appeared. tobacco is now regulated similarly to alcohol. let's start with a mortgage: for many, this is the only possible way to buy a new apartment, since square meters are not cheap. but recently the central bank has recorded an increase in the share of loans with increased risk no return. and from march 1, the decision of the central bank tightened the conditions for issuing mortgages for clients with a debt burden of more than 80%. that is, for those who give banks most of their income, well, one might say, almost everything. moreover, in the third quarter of last year the share of such clients increased by almost 50%. the primary housing market, in our opinion, is overheated, and in the second half
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of last year, mortgages grew by an average of 3.2% monthly. mainly due to the fact that people sought to take out soft loans before the conditions of government programs were tightened, they played a role and high inflation expectations. overheating is also indicated by a high proportion of risky issues, especially in the primary. market participants say that, if desired, the bank can help the borrower fit into the new conditions for issuing a mortgage, but to do this, the client must find someone more solvent in his environment or reduce credit card limits. for example, you can attract a borrower who has sufficient income and a low debt load. this means that borrower clients take out a loan for two already at '.
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the government banned exports for six months gasoline. the measure is designed to maintain stability during a period of increased demand during field work, the holiday season for scheduled maintenance of oil refineries. deputy prime minister alexander novyk commented on the ban on the export of gasoline in an interview with our tv channel. the main task of the government of the russian federation is to ensure that the market is balanced, it is stable, so that prices at gas stations do not rise at the level of higher inflation, so that wholesalers have access to it.
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therefore, both market and government regulation instruments are used. more one rule, which came into force on march 1, requires russian exporters to report to the bank of russia about the foreign currency assets and liabilities of their subsidiary structures, including foreign ones. experts say that this will help to more effectively monitor the movement of foreign currency, and therefore, promptly identify possible imbalances that threaten the stability of our financial system. this will certainly add stability , at least in relation to the exchange rate of the russian currency, because the central bank, the ministry of finance will have an understanding of which currency reserves are held by companies on a consolidated basis, that is, including subsidiaries, including foreign ones, this is the first, second - this will make it possible to close the so-called possible loopholes or methods of minimizing the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings, innovations also affected
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russian... motorists, they were offered a new product, short-term insurance. driver liability can now be insured for a period from one day to 3 months. whoever's asaga policy has expired, they need, for example, to sell a car and renew they are, for example, for a month and no more, so that later you simply don’t have to re-register, for those people, of course, this is a plus. another thing is that it will be somewhat more expensive, this is quite obvious, but within the maximum cost of osaga. and those who are looking to purchase this one. it is now subject to government regulation, similar to the alcohol market; experts see only advantages in this. mandatory requirements are being introduced for the availability of a license for production, for
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distribution, and even for storage. how are the boxes, so our tobacco consumer packaging and larger markets will be almost completely protected from illegal tobacco producers, because it will become much easier to fight against both the police and non-profit organizations that sometimes monitor regulation in this direction, and also from march 1. .. a new online business start service has launched, with its help you can register an individual entrepreneur or llc with one founder without visiting the tax office, the entire registration will take one day, but you will need biometric data. rules of laws several dozen, if not a hundred, coming into force in march, having barely begun, spring promises a lot of new things, but as it should be in spring, all changes are for the better.
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entrepreneurs, come one at a time, don’t detain people, what’s going on here, but you didn’t know, transfer money from your business account to your personal account, pay a fee, what century do you live in, what bank do you serve in, individual entrepreneurs, btb doesn’t takes commissions from transfers to your personal account, open a business account on, a bank for your. a maybe you and i can also open an account at vdb? the first rule of the hunt, it starts at any second, the second rule of the hunt: the prey goes to the one who pursues it, a new game hunting, draw every 15 minutes, the main trophy from 20 million. hunting, test your instinct. 100 lotto. maria loves the sun very much, but life passes among ice floes. sore throat.
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this is a minus, of the pluses there is miramestin, it is logical to have one in the medicine cabinet, where you can still turn dance into a world heritage, sport into an invincible machine, knowledge into a vocation, technology into live communication, traditions into innovation, only here, in the country on which the sun never sets, tinko. 40 million customers in the largest country in the world, yes alek kurich, this is a priority task, i’m speeding up as much as i can, now i ’ll speed up the process even more, everyone is delighted with the taste of aromatic freshly brewed coffee, tasty and accurate, my favorite cappuccino, as well as raf flatwite, hot chocolate and...


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