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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm MSK

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it's just space. when you try the taste of ham from the juicy ham of cherkizov’s own farms. find yourself in a universe of taste. cosmically delicious. cherkizovo. how do you like it, are we going on vacation? cool, and we are going for the third year, and we haven’t started saving, so open a vtb savings account, the rate is 16%, save up faster and transfer your salary to vtb, it will be even more profitable, let’s go to the bank, mountains, skis, speed, you saved up faster , how come down, vtb, together everything will work out, if you have constipation, slabelen can help in the morning, it’s available at a great advantage... the packaging
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is weakened, i know what will happen tomorrow, order from health city, when you give russian lotto tickets as a gift, it may turn out that you gave shopping for a million and even 101 poodles , every second ticket wins, buy on the website, in stoloto branded stores, this is the same vacuum cleaner, the top vacuum cleaner, the top headphones, and also the top choice, top quality discounts up to 50 %, powerful carrera hair dryer with 50% discount for only 3.999 at mvid. and eldorado: alyon, again shopping, gifting, on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback, i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, in the european part of russia spring began with a thaw, when will the snow melt on the russian plain and can we expect the return of frost in march, in the red sea there were damaged.
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after such a fiery premiere, a war at the crossroads of global internet traffic, what cables were damaged in the red sea, who is behind it? a new meteor is already in orbit. the west wanted to leave russia without weather forecasts, and now russia is refusing western weather satellites. you are watching the main weather program, i’m vadim zavodchenkov, hello. spring in the european part of the country. began with a thaw, but
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looking ahead a little, i will say that it is too early to rejoice, because as you know, march in most regions of russia is a winter month in terms of climate, yet its start turned out to be really warm, especially in the south of the country, in crimea, sensing the approach spring, a few weeks earlier than usual, the marmots woke up in the bychesarai miniature park, in anapa the air warmed up as if in the middle april. it was possible to walk along the streets without outerwear; in general, powerful streams of atlantic air warmed russia for most of february, but this heat was distributed unevenly across the russian plain, so if in the west and north-west in some places the end of the calendar winter turned out to be the warmest in the entire era of global warming , then in the southern latitudes the historical maximums were updated in total...
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from the snowdrifts of the pskov region, the west of the leningrad region, per day, now the novgorod, smolensk and bryansk regions are almost completely cleared, streams of melt water rushed into the rivers, because of this, in the west and north-west of the country , the spring flood began abnormally early; in the novgorod region, near staraya russa , a high alert regime was introduced, there, even at the end of the working week, tractors were breaking the ice to avoid congestion. during ice drift, the velikaya river overflowed its banks in the pskov region, cutting off one of the villages from transport links. usually the snow cover is destroyed here in mid-march, this year due to the active course of spring processes, in
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the region's reservoirs have already received a huge amount of tola water, about 100-150 liters from each square meter of surface, but now the snow is melting on the russian plain. will slow down. in the coming days, the region will be in the region of an anticyclone, so in lightly cloudy conditions it will begin to freeze by the morning; only during the day will the sun be able to compensate for the night heat losses and return the destructive thaw snowdrifts. so, for example, in moscow at night the air will cool down to -4-7, but during the day the influx of solar heat to the earth’s surface will increase and the columns thermometers in... will reach +1 +4, the highest probability of light precipitation in central russia on tuesday wednesday, we will tell you about the development of atmospheric processes throughout march at the end of the issue, don’t miss it! on other topics,
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instagram, banned in russia, began to block videos of the destruction of the american abrams tank near avdeevka. yes, the american media mostly ignored this news, acting as if nothing had happened. in fact, there is something to talk about, for example, about the weak points of abrams, how destroy it, evgeniy tishkavets knows. evgeniy, are the americans managing to hide the truth? vadim, in the modern world it’s not easy to hide something like this. footage of the shot down abrams quickly spread across the internet, and they were also seen in the west, despite the bans. so. in order: the abrams tank was first spotted near the line of combat contact on february 25 , northwest of the recently liberated avdiivka. the next day, the governor of the kherson region, vladimir salda, announced that servicemen of the fifteenth separate motorized rifle brigade of the russian armed forces destroyed an american combat vehicle,
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despite the fact that it was equipped with additional dynamic protection. let me remind you that the united states, having promised abrams to the kiev regime, delayed them for a long time... was hit by a drone, and then finished off with a shot from an rpg. on wednesday, details emerged , it turned out that the drone that destroyed abrams is a domestic fpv drone, produced in ulyanovsk, by the siberian design bureau, called a piranha, it is very maneuverable, quickly picks up speed, and
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stands out among its analogues as unique frequencies at which it operates. the piranhas already have a lot of equipment, both light and heavy, but most of the targets hit are, of course, dugouts and fortifications. ukrainian armed forces shelter. in total, the kiev regime received from the americans 31 abrams, to be more precise, its modification m1 a1, with a 120 mm smoothbore gun. the states themselves now use a more modern version of the m1 a2 tank with an improved guidance system and reinforced armor. the pentagon used abrams during the gulf war during the iraq war and the afghan war campaigns. and it should be noted that already in iraq it became clear that. this beast is so terrible, as they paint it. the abrams burned well after being hit by a 100-millimeter armor-piercing shell fired from the gun of a t-55 tank. there were even cases of them being damaged by conventional infantry fighting vehicles. the american tank really has many vulnerabilities . the sides can be penetrated with
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a thirty-millimeter automatic cannon or rpg-7. the rear niches of the turret, the upper frontal part, the entire area around the gun and the characteristic triangle under it are also distinguished. insufficient strength, and also abrams' engineers left a fairly large gap between the hull and turret armor, so you can aim there. indeed , americans on the one hand. they were happy to give their equipment and sell it to ukraine, on the other hand, they really didn’t want there to be a clear picture that their abrams burned just as well as the products of their competitors. if indeed the situation is the same as with leopards, then most likely american companies will think very hard about whether it is still worth supplying ukraine has its own weapons. leading american media, cnn washington post and new york times. reacted to the destruction of abrams near avdiivka, like the pentagon, with deathly silence. overseas they really don’t want
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this news to spread in american society. users of the banned instagram noticed that the social network was blocking a video of a burning american tank, citing the quote: protecting the image and business reputation of the manufacturing company. this is the so-called blurring of unpleasant events on the battlefield, and using. modern technologies, social networks, social platforms, i’m talking first of all about the fact that certain sites have already begun to block information about the destruction of the abrams tank, because this causes corporate damage, business damage, and damage to the manufacturer’s reputation. speaking of the manufacturer’s reputation, against the backdrop of reports about abramsey being the first destroyed in the russian army, shares of general dynamics, which produces these tanks, are in recent days. are trading in the red zone. in this regard, the question is: what are the prospects for the use of abrams in the nwo zone?
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one can, of course, assume that right now they will be equipped with anti-drone visors, mobile raps and active protection for speedy dispatch to the front, since the mtr is desperately short of armored vehicles, but most likely the situation will be different; they will share the fate of the british challengers. these monsters were also presented to ukraine as some kind of prodigy, but were quickly removed from the front line. as soon as footage of the first burnt tank appeared in the media, it has long been clear that for the current kiev authorities, the image of nato weapons is much more valuable than the lives of ukrainians soldier. in the west, the houthis are accused of damaging submarine cables in the red sea. in turn, the houthis claim that they have nothing to do with the incident and accuse the israelis of slander. they claim that the us and israel are behind the sabotage. one thing is clear:
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the conflict in the middle east is escalating, but what consequences could damage to underwater telecommunications networks have? let's ask tatyana belova. tanya, how important are the cables laid under the red sea? vadim, in case of complete failure of these communications, international communication lines will be disrupted, which will inevitably affect geopolitical stability and... according to available data, four cables of various international companies were damaged. cable and ig connect southern europe to egypt, saudi arabia, united arab emirates, djubouti and india. the tgn cable will be stretched from mumbai, india to marseille, france. aa-1 connects east asia to europe via egypt. and the sicom cable runs from mombassa in kenya to zafaran in egypt. at the south african company sicom global confirmed. damage to the submarine cable, recording a complete loss of signal on the line, however, unlike the israeli press,
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they did not jump to conclusions and blame the houthis for everything. blaming the houthis is wrong. there has been a fault in the cable, but the cause has not been confirmed at this stage. due to the low sea levels in this area, we suspect the cause of the cable damage is contact with the troller or anchor, which is common in low sea level areas. the red sea along with the atlantic and the pacific ocean is one of the key global ones. networks connecting entire states and continents were immediately felt by millions of users; the most severe disruptions in communication were noted in the gulf countries and india. 95% of the world's internet is connected to each other not through satellites, but directly through cables that run along the bottom of the seven big seas, in general... and these cables, they come out - let's say, in certain points, sparsely populated, but these points they are
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actually very vulnerable, especially how anxiety can add something that - here these cables, they are actually weakly protected, the fault was recorded in the range of houthi missiles and drones, exactly in the area where the rebels are carrying out attacks on ships, the latest example, the rubimar, sailing under the flag of belize, but registered in the uk, it received... critical damage when hit by a missile and began to sink; by attacking ships the houthis are trying to stop israel’s war in gaza. users in russia should not be affected by potential communication failures; our country passes through land several intercontinental internet cables connecting china and germany, and the polar express also goes around russia, this line laid from mormonsk to vladivostok nakhodka, which is then connected to japan by a different cable. in addition, russian cellular operators have their own backbone networks. more than half of russia's internal traffic is russian, it does not
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require going outside, that is , it is possible to organize communication between russian cities, to organize communication between. russia and china are also two or three times russia and iran, now, if the world's cables are cut off, the stock exchanges will lose control, that is, the stock markets will go crazy, those parts of the world business that call themselves developed states, then you can return to chaos in half a day. according to preliminary estimates, repairing damaged cables in the red sea will take at least 2 months. reconstruction efforts are complicated by risks in the region. due to houthi attacks as well as us military operations. by the end of the year, russia will completely abandon information from western weather satellites. this statement was made by the head of roshydromet igor shumakov. previously, a fairly large amount of operational data necessary for
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weather forecasting was provided to our country by the european organization eumedsad. she. operates a fleet of hydrometeorological devices in various orbits, for example, satellites of the family, meteorological station and mitop. now the flow of information from them has practically dried up, but the problem was solved thanks to roscosmos, and the domestic constellation of weather satellites will continue to grow, which, according to igor shumakov, will allow russia by the middle or stop by the end of this year. depend on former western partners. just on thursday , the next satellite of the meteor em series was successfully launched from the vostochny cosmodrome and placed into a given orbit. my colleague, associate professor of the department of meteorology and climatology at moscow state university, pavel toropov, will tell you in more detail about this. pavel, what is special about the new spacecraft
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? vadim is a multifunctional device; it will help solve a variety of problems from transmitting data for numerical weather forecasts to observing the sun. the meteorological satellite meteor m number 2.4 was launched from the vostochny cosmodrome on thursday morning. it was successfully launched into the desired orbit by the frigate's upper stage. the satellite's mass is more than three tons, its active life is 5 years. the main purpose of the meteor m family of spacecraft is to measure the physical characteristics of the atmosphere of the earth's surface. this data. used by global weather forecast models. in addition, the satellite’s special equipment makes it possible to observe the activity of the sun, monitor the climate and the environment. environment, as well as study the natural resources of the earth. the list of equipment equipped with the new meteor m is impressive. multispectral optical instruments make it possible to obtain high-quality images of any corner
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of russia, but the most important thing is measurements in the microwave range. they transmit temperature and humidity data. throughout the entire thickness of the atmosphere around the globe, for example, a radar complex records the state of the earth's surface, regardless of weather conditions. this is important for assessing the ice situation in the arctic. in addition, meteor m is capable of relaying signals from emergency radio beacons of the international satellite search and rescue system cosmo sarsat. satellite data plays a special role in weather forecasting technology. this graph shows the accuracy of the weather forecast without using. information and with it. the difference is obvious: without satellites , it would be possible to forecast the weather only a day in advance with 95% confidence. thanks to data from spacecraft, this period increases to 3 days. note that the russian satellite constellation monitors all important events in world, for example, monitors the movement of the largest fragment of iceberg a76. such
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monitoring is part of a large-scale effort to create maps of ice conditions around the world. roscosmos monitors emergency situations on the planet. on behalf of the security council, round-the-clock monitoring of flood and fire conditions, as well as other natural and man-made disasters, has been organized. five satellites are used for this. conopus b, two meteor m, electro l and arctic m. by the way, on friday roscosmos published the first photo from the new meteor m. the device carried out the survey using a multispectral scanning device. the swath is 2900 km. after the constellation is replenished with the following satellites numbered 2.5 and 2.6, launches of new generation satellites will begin. russian spacecraft, as already mentioned, closely monitor
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solar activity, and we do the same in our traditional column, space weather forecast, which we compile together with our colleagues from the institute of space research, the area with number 3590, the activity of this ... went off scale, it was he who produced three x-class flares at once, at the beginning of the week this area reached the central meridian of the sun, from where the influence on the earth is maximum, any explosion in this area could lead to a serious geomagnetic storm on our planet, but this time everything worked out well, the point of view that after all the energy is not infinite and it is still exhausted, it turned out to be correct. accordingly, at the moment, by the end of the week, he completely left these zones; on monday he completely went into reverse side of the sun. after region 3590 left the visible side of the sun,
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significantly weaker centers remained on the surface of the star. they do not have large reserves of energy, so in general the forecast for the coming week is calm. minor disturbances in the earth's magnetosphere are expected only on monday. tuesday to saturday-sunday and flare and geomagnetic activity is predicted to be at a fairly low level, however, as experts explain, this will not last long, the lull in the sun will last for a maximum of week. and finally, our exclusive forecast for the first month of spring. we'll tell you straight out what to expect from the weather in march. now, according to preliminary forecasts, in most of the russian plain the first month of spring will be warmer than usual, with the most significant anomalies expected in
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the northwestern part of the region, in siberia atmospheric processes will develop in a winter manner, here the temperature regime is within the climate, even in the north below normal, the far east will experience weather contrasts, in the north it is colder than usual, in the south it’s the opposite abnormal. warm. in the center of the country, the first month of the calendar spring will be warmer than usual, but the real meteorological spring will start towards the end of the second decade, when the average daily temperature will steadily become positive. at the same time, it will not do without arctic invasions. serious cold snaps are expected at the end of the first and third decades. the warm weather scenario in march is not a reason to count on a quick release of snow cover. abnormally high snowdrifts that have accumulated over the winter will melt more slowly than usual; by the end of the month they will the border will retreat only to the petrozavodsk-saratov line, for example, the capital
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will be completely free of snow only in the first ten days of april, 5-7 days later than the climatic dates. that's all, enjoy the weather, whatever it is, goodbye. your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion, how he is , no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready to go to moscow, we are registering our brother as missing, no, that won’t work, i came for him, i have to find him, hope.
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the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion, soon.
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weapons that are supplied to ukraine as military aid from western countries constantly end up on the black market. medium and large-caliber weapons come from ukraine thanks to nato supplies. we have provided ukraine with military support and
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will continue to do so. some army insiders have confirmed that there are indeed weapons that are being supplied to us in nigeria from the territory of ukraine. the african business with ukrainian weapons is tied to so-called blood diamonds, they are easy to transport, and not a single scanner there can take them. the weapons themselves most often do not reach the front, that is, they are all written off, two of the same ones began to explode.
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spoke on the phone with the president of kazakhstan kasym zhumart takayev. the kremlin press service reports this. the parties discussed the implementation of joint projects in the trade, economic, transport, logistics and energy fields. takaev, in a conversation with putin, noted the substantive programmatic nature of the president's message to the federal assembly. the heads of state also agreed to further strengthen relations of alliance and strategic partnership.


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