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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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vladimir putin spoke by phone with the president of kazakhstan kassym zhumart takayev. the kremlin press service reports this. the parties discussed the implementation of joint projects in the trade, economic, transport, logistics and energy fields. takaev, in a conversation with putin, noted the substantive programmatic nature of the president’s message to the federal assembly. the heads of state also agreed to further strengthen relations of alliance and strategic partnership. in germany, a scandal is growing
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around the leak of negotiations between the german military. leading media in germany admit that the recording is genuine. the bundeswehr did discuss an attack on the crimean bridge. as spiegel writes, after analysis, the possibility that the recording could have been faked was ruled out. develt refers to the opinion of the officers who were allowed to listen to this conversation. and they counted it. quote, authentic. bill has already stated that the recording is real. and the berlin newspaper notes that counterintelligence is urgently looking for the source of the leak, while the german authorities, including the ministry of defense, are still silent. covering up the incident by blocking the publication of this conversation on social networks, the bundeswehr is covering its tracks, as stated by the official representative of our foreign ministry , maria zakharova. she predicts that everything will follow the same scenario as the german investigation into the terrorist attacks on the nord streams.
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president macron’s words that he does not rule out sending the military to ukraine alarmed both society and the local opposition. the head of state has already announced that he is going to discuss ukrainian politics with the heads of political parties next thursday and hinted that he is not abandoning his plans intends to send special forces of the armed forces of the fifth republic to help kiev. against the backdrop of this discussion, farmer protests have resumed in paris and throughout europe. the farmers demand that the eu authorities pay attention to them.
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writes paris is preparing a bill to make the sending of french special forces to ukraine essentially legal, writes lemont. great britain is no longer hiding. the british military has been fighting on the side of ukraine for a long time. yes, illegally, yes, they would have remained silent further, but scholz’s language is letting the allies down. london accuses berlin of disclosing classified information. against the backdrop of published evidence that german officers are involved in a hybrid war against russia, the chancellor reads the mantra: taurus of the armed forces of ukraine, never to be seen. in russian.
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in saxony there is a tradition of giving something, including to the chancellor. mr. chancellor, please accept a toy steering wheel as a gift, you can handle it better than the country. spantira ukraine, the west lives by double standards, and most importantly, has been lying to kiev for a long time, experts say. in general, we need to close up shop with this war, because ukraine is now only busy with topics that are committing demographic suicide. she is already chewing the next generation of her living force, which will have nothing to replenish. ukraine has a shortage of people, and... the united states will provide additional food and supplies to ukraine by air. it turned out that i had messed everything up again. he meant the gas sector. all that biden can do now is test diapers - americans are joking on social networks. ukraine. world order, write the american
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media, comfortable for the united states conditions are formed by the wars that they themselves instigated, first in afghanistan, then in iraq, now in ukraine, experts believe, while ordinary people always pay for all the failures of the west in conflicts around the world , swedish military officer gilmery käike told reporters, this is when the fact that, tired of devastation, corruption, lies and, of course, debts, the residents of ukraine have long ago decided who they stand for. if you had the opportunity to ask putin a question, what would you do? they told him what i would tell him, but i won’t be punished for it, i would tell him i said that i respect him very much, he loves his country, and he loves ukraine, and i want us all to be together, to lead, when
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the regional week began in the state duma, vyacheslav volodin arrived today on a working trip to his constituency , saratov region, at a meeting with residents of the region, the state duma speaker discussed the message. president of russia to the federal assembly. in his message, the president not only answered almost all the questions that the regions have, but found a solution. and today a lot depends on you and me, on citizens, on different levels of government, how effectively the message will be implemented. it has everything we need to solve problems. in the field of education, in the field of health care, support for families, youth, cities, settlements. owners of plots in gardening partnerships across the country are expecting gasification.
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vladimir putin announced the expansion of the blue fuel connection program during his address to the federal assembly. stanislav will tell you what advantages this has for those who live outside the city all year round. here's some firewood from the forest now we’ll put in and heat it, selected birch firewood, pensioner igor dugin uses a lot of it over the winter, well, three or four cars to heat the house, 30 cubic meters for winter, a very expensive pleasure, you can’t run away with your pension, but there are no other options. .. his family lives in a gardening community far outside the city, heating a large house with electricity is very expensive, so you have to use firewood, if there was gas, it would be easier, the plumbers even immediately told me that main gas would someday appear in snt, perhaps no one believed until the president, speaking with a message to
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the federal assembly, did not state that gardening partnerships should be included in the social gasification program on an equal basis with other settlements, on this side of the house, which belongs... to the village of kurilovo, on this side - these are already houses that belong to snt, respectively, in the village a long time ago there was centralized gas, but here in snt no one counted on gas, well, it was impossible to bring gas here, now there is hope, here is my house, we live we've been here for almost 3 years, i have the heating comes from the gas tank, which is generally snt, and gas is not provided here at all. but in order to live with all the comforts of a human being, we gasified ourselves at the expense of a gas holder, vladimir danilov has gas, or rather, they bring it once a year, fill the tank, the same gas holder, and this gas heats the whole house, here is our kitchen and dining room, here’s how we could do it
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to make it convenient and comfortable for us, here we have batteries that give us heat, but we still keep electric ones just in case, it’s a pleasure too. not from cheap ones, the danilovs spend more than 50,000 rubles during the season. of course, you have to save money; when social gasification reaches snt, it will be much easier and warmer. is this even a gift that is unexpected? this is very unexpected, because it saves us a lot of money, because according to the previous one, before the snt fence, and the snt fence, we have a gas pipe that fits almost 500 m. and to pull it here at our own expense, well, we’re just not... able , now, as the president said, gas should be brought directly to the border of the site, to beneficiaries, families of svo participants, gas communications will be installed inside the site. on the instructions of the president, a program of social gasification is being implemented, this is free delivery of gas pipelines to the borders of land plots, and
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today, as part of a message to the federal assembly, the president expanded this program, he instructed to also ensure additional gasification. gardening partnerships located within the boundaries of populated areas, and this is another impulse, the pace of increasing gasification throughout the country. the moscow region is one of the leaders in social gasification. as they said, in mos oblgaz, the inclusion of snt in the program is a very important and expected step. you are right, the presidential social gasification program actually launched in 2021. first, it included populated areas where there was gas. to date , 120,000 contracts have already been accepted in the moscow region, most of them have been implemented, the president made the program unlimited, just yesterday we learned that the criteria for the program will be expanded and will also be included in the conditions.
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12 based on the film of the same name was shown on stage samara academic opera and ballet theater. the director promised this meeting to the residents of the city a year ago and kept his word. samara residents greeted the production with a full house. my colleague will tell you about the impressions of the audience. thinking about mercy, which is above the law , a difficult decision, not to break human destiny is not easy for the jury, one of them, voting against the charge, takes responsibility not just for...
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mikhalkov promised to show his performance on the regional stage, the director kept his word, production was sold out. today is the most serious performance, from the point of view of talking with people, my experience shows that people are waiting
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for such a conversation, that they are not used to such conversations that. we are leaving the stage, and this means that what we do is not in vain. the return of the gay pirate scene, known to the samara audience at the gorky academic theater, was triumphant. if i were to really show emotion now, i would scream right now, i would probably scream for a very long time for a minute, this is in every cell, this is how you can put it this is a small sketch. according to the plot , it took the jury 18 hours to reach a verdict; in the theatrical version, the characters doubted their acceptance.
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a participant from russia took first place, belarus in third, all this was not liked by the contestant from ukraine, who caused a scandal, with details anastasia ivanova. beauty is not without a scandal, especially if at the competition the participant is from ukraine, when the independent contestant was also left without a prize place, considering it a disaster, or rather russia is to blame, the usual rhetoric under yellow-blue flag. when the participant did not take up.
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purchased, why did this answer follow? at a beauty contest, here you are, ukraine, which says, ukraine, what? milnichuk, in the style of the nominal president of her country, began to pretend to be a victim, saying that she was discriminated against from the very beginning of the competition, how exactly? all this hell happened at the miss europe beauty contest when... i arrived there, the organizers tried for an hour to take a photo of me with a russian woman, they forced me to do it, i, of course, refused, as if the ukrainian had not declared herself the winner even before the start of the competition, the title of miss europe was taken by a girl from russia, roza gadieva from tatarstan, in her life off stage, she is engaged in floristry, this is not the first time at beauty contests, now she deliberately did not enter into
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conflicts, but not i held back my emotions when i took the triumphant crown, but i watched. participants, well, the participants are worthy, but ukraine should not have won there, but as for the scandal that the ukrainian caused, well, even if she had won, she would still have caused a scandal, because if she had not caused a scandal, then she would have had problems at home , that is, well, this is such a manner of behavior, in general it is surprising that, taking into account western rhetoric , the russian woman took first place, by the way, only the ukrainian and other participants were indignant at this on the contrary, they congratulated rose. europe has been held for decades, this is not a miss of the universe, but still an indicator that western countries have finally begun to show objectivity towards russia, this competition has really now shown that... europe is still inclined towards us quite objectively, at least in this small and such a segment of beauty contests, because what happened earlier, even in the same mis
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universe, where there were also ukrainian participants, yes, our contestant was suppressed in all ways, then here i believe that there was a clear victory for russia and of course ukraine will only be pitied, as always, no matter how ukraine stretched out its hand or in this case? did not expose her cleavage, it was not possible to please the jury, judging by the modest reaction of the independent public to their contestant, her own country is not waiting for her at all. anastasia ivanova, olga alvukhina, news! alyon, again shopping, gifting, on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i will buy gifts for everyone. and to new neighbors, what a blessing that the vito sale has discounts of up to 70%. give yourself and your loved ones a completely
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register on holiday discounts in magnet. borilla 79.99. we 're going on vacation. and we're going. third year, so open a vtb savings account. the rate is 16%. save up faster. there are two turning points in latin america at once. argentine president miley addressed parliament practically with a declaration of war. and also without delay , the summit of the latin american community opened in the main state of saint vinzen and the grenadines. about new latin american and caribbean rhythms sergey brilev will tell you. this is how they play dominoes in the caribbean, but this is not st. vincent yet, but trinidad in cuba, namely cuban television, americanos.
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latin american and caribbean community . and now, on the sidelines of the summit , the presidents of venezuela and guyana, that is, those countries between which there is now a fierce territorial dispute, shook hands and exchanged gifts. as it turned out, both of them prepared rum. the mediator, the prime minister of the host country of the summit, applauds. at one time, from russian journalists, we were the first to get to his residence. this is not jesus christ. this is not jesus christ. at the time of the last supper , the bible had not yet been published, and christ did not have a sword or money. the composition is, of course, provocative, but the meaning of the conquistador was first captured, and then won, by the fighters for
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national liberation. we have all been able to say enough about the collective punishment that the israeli government is inflicting on the palestinian people. i want to take advantage of the presence of the un secretary general, my comrade antonio guterres, to make a proposal to selak for an immediate end to this genocide. yes, the inaction of international organizations in gaza is a joke for some latin americans, but for others.
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neighbors, well, you understand, the game may be over, but in general there is no end or end to this game. sergey brilev, alexey kalach and evgeny makarov. news from latin america. and now footage from the special operation zone. using the lance drone, the russian military destroyed a self-propelled howitzer made in slovakia. this video is published by the ministry of defense, the footage shows how after.
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from welding to assembly, the finished car has already been built, the equipment is being adjusted, which was transported to the site last year from talyaty. we have a mastery school, where we teach primary skills to all recruited, well , personnel, because people come who did not even have experience before, in each mastery school there are specially trained, well -called trainers and operators with extensive experience. at the end of last year , a test batch of largus electric vehicles was assembled on the assembly line.


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