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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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and we begin this hour with news from antalya, where an international diplomatic forum is taking place these days. the telegram channel is now publishing a photo from the negotiations between the head of the russian foreign ministry and the minister of foreign affairs of slovakia. slovakia is officially classified as an unfriendly country in russia, but recently, with the coming to power of the government of prime minister robert fitz , some changes have been observed. negotiations
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between the foreign ministers of slovakia and russia ended not so long ago, based on the results of this meeting there is already a first statement, so the ministry russian foreign affairs said that lavrov and the head of metslovakia discussed the situation in ukraine, and the head of the russian foreign ministry, at a meeting with a colleague from slovakia, confirmed his readiness to restore relations with slovakia at the interparliamentary level. in addition, the news agency is now quoting. statement by the minister of foreign affairs of slovakia following a meeting with sergei lavrov, here, verbatim , the head of mid-slovakia said the following: there is no light at the end of the tunnel, therefore our government, the government of slovakia, has decided that it will not transfer weapons from warehouses slovak armed forces to ukraine. we have also suspended a €40 million aid package to ukraine because we do not see a military solution to this conflict. in addition, the head of the slovak ministry of defense added that... there will not
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be a single military man from slovakia in ukraine, and also the telegram channel and news agency tas are now publishing this video of the minister of foreign affairs of slovakia, it was made before the start of negotiations with sergei lavrov , we see that the head of slovakia is obviously expecting the start of negotiations, well, in fact , we expect the final statement from sergei lavrov already in in the near future our channel will be broadcasting live from antalya. belarus was discussed.
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energy fields. takaev, in a conversation with putin, noted the substantive programmatic nature of the president’s message to the federal assembly. the heads of state also agreed to further strengthen relations of alliance and strategic partnership. in germany , a scandal is growing around the leak of negotiations between the german military. what a record. it is genuine, as recognized by leading german media. emil mirsaev will tell you more. published by margarita simonyan. talk officers of the bundeswehr, the number one topic in the german media over the past 24 hours. bilt calls the conversation and quote explosive, and its leak an unpleasant surprise for the german ministry of defense. after all , the conversation was attended, as the local press writes, by the country's best high-ranking military personnel, including the commander of luft wafe, inga gerharts. he, along with his
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colleagues from the defense department , discusses plans for an attack on the crimean bridge with long-range taurus cruise missiles for nearly 40 minutes, which the federal chancellor actually promised not to send to ukraine. this decision seems strange to the military; their plans are to supply these weapons to kiev in two equal batches, 50 in each. so far, i do not see that the moment for the start of deliveries of rotyat taurus to ukraine has been indicated. it was not like scholz said to pistorius: “i want information now.” and tomorrow morning we will make a decision, i have never heard anything like this, no one knows why the federal chancellor is blocking these supplies, the most incredible rumors are appearing. german experts carefully examined the saudi track; they were all in one voice recognize the authenticity of the recording. some chose the epithet authentic; sources in the bundeswehr itself told zdf journalists about its authenticity. the voices do not sound falsified, the soldiers know each other, a huge number of details related to
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countless internal procedures are mentioned, sources in the german ministry of defense consider the content to be truthful. therefore, german experts are already seriously concerned about the security of military communications, they assume that there is a leak. occurred through the conference call system the webx bundesphere, through which most internal information passes. the question is: is this a one-off operation or a structural safety issue? i expect immediate clarification of all the circumstances. surely several more conversations were listened to, perhaps at a later date they will be transmitted in the interests of russia. the bundesfer and german counterintelligence are hastening to reassure the population with statements that it is only just. check the information, at the same time, which is noteworthy, they decided to clean it up, insisted on blocking everyone social network accounts x that distributed the audio recording. nevertheless, a scandal is already flaring up in the media space, journalists write that the published conversation in luft wafe puts scholz at a dead end, because, as already
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mentioned, he recently assured that he would not send taurus to ukraine, noting the high risk that the ukrainian armed forces will start use these missiles to attack russia. to the rear. so the bundestag deputies did not dare to include in the final text of the latest resolution on the supply of long-range weapons to kiev specific name of types of weapons. but is it worth trusting such rhetoric now after the leak of the discussion between bundesfern officers? big question. the german press sees two options: either scholz is lying in his public statements, or he does not trust ukraine enough. but admitting both outcomes is deadly for the chancellor, political scientists say. most likely they either will. at the official level, berlin has refuted these statements, it is said that the next lexus vovans, or will simply be ignored, but it seems to me that in in the current unusual internal situation in germany, unfortunately, normal human and political logic simply will not work. the
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russian media made it very clear that attempts to evade answers will be regarded as an admission of guilt. our country’s mission to the un noted that such rhetoric from german officers once again confirms this. sports news, the international multi-sport tournament future games in kazan is entering the home stretch. today i failed skateboarding in the competition, the day of the semi-finals. an athlete in this discipline you need to demonstrate your skills in a real skate park, as well as in a simulator. our sports correspondent stas ardikultsev is following the progress of the competition, he is in direct contact, stas. i welcome you, we are waiting for details, what kind of discipline this is, yes, i even welcome you, but this is really one of the most spectacular and personally one of the most anticipated disciplines for me, and here i will remind you of 21 sports, skateboarding was figital, from the first
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day, it literally attracted me, finally have the opportunity to be here in this amazing skate park, it is decorated like even if this is the spaceport of the future, there is even a real one here...
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of the line that the collective west, led by the united states, is pursuing in open disregard for the principles of the charter of the united nations, first of all the principle: respect for the sovereign equality of all states and using the current international situation to push the so-called rules on which, according to them, the world order should be based and which, in fact, when you begin to analyze them, mean only the desire continue to act in colonial neocolonial ways, to live at the expense of others, we see this. based on the example of the events that are unfolding in europe in
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the middle east, east, east asia including the east china sea in other regions of the world, that is why we are still convinced that the world majority, which is increasing its weight in every sense, in the world economics, in world politics,
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by the foreign ministers of turkey, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan, hungary, serbia, slovakia, intensive schedule, i believe that all this is useful, discussed a wide range of issues with each of my colleagues and bilateral, development of bilateral relations, interaction in the international arena. let's.
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trends in the west among the western leadership, of course, they cancel out all assurances that the west is interested in some kind of political settlement, this is not true. there are plenty of facts that the west is leading the matter towards a military solution, despite the fact that even more facts show the full extent. the complete failure and dead end of such a course, but with a tenacity worthy of better use they continue to introduce their militaristic line. yerevans stated that the armenian authorities are discussing the presence
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of russian border guards at the airport, as if they could comment on this. well , i cannot confirm these reports, although this fits perfectly into the logic of the positions that are now being expressed by the armenian leadership, prime minister pashinyan, the speaker of the armenian parliament and other figures.
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from the south caucasus region, these are the same political engineers who are accustomed to leading the whole world from their apartments and who have never brought any benefit to anyone anywhere in the world. look at the entire list of american adventures, well , you can look at the last 50 years, vietnam, and...
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in cooperation with your closest neighbors and peoples historically in solidarity with you, with those who oppose your friends.
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please, in the last week we have been observing contact, just the other day there was a meeting at the european site in berlin,
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there is an ambassador-at-large who worked in yerevan and baku, most recently he visited the capital of azerbaijan again, as for the visit to the armenian capital, so far our, our colleagues in yerevan have not confirmed it, which actually reflects the trend that i just mentioned, we know about the meetings that are being held between the ministers of... armenia and azerbaijan under the auspices of various western figures, the last time it was under the auspices of annelene
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bärbock, as i understand it. i asked about the impressions of my azerbaijani colleague, when i met him, well, somehow i’d better leave his answers to myself. progress, in my opinion, will depend on how honestly the trilateral agreements between the top leaders of russia, armenia and azerbaijan are implemented. and here , i repeat, those statements that are heard on a daily basis from the lips of the armenian leadership, of course, make us somehow think about what is happening in reality and how - how should this be taken into account in our practical steps? lime, sergey viktorovich, we in due time played a fairly large role in
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the liberation. germany from nazism, and after the destruction of the berlin wall, maybe in some ways it was disadvantageous for us. and now there is another scandal, when it is already officially confirmed in all dozens of municipalities that officers, german officers wanted to strike tauras, seriously discussed the crimean bridge, remembered again how our relations with germany are applied, with this conversation there is no betrayal of the teachers.
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long before the bundeswehr officers talked about how to bomb russia, had the opportunity to one of the press conferences to share our assessments of the evolution of the positions of the german, german elites, this was approximately when they were already under pressure from the united states.
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so that for sacrament, in order to somehow satisfy their hunger, the germans died for them, ate cats, boiled leather for this , they did not make payments, then they answered us, and you know, here are the jews, they are a victim of the holocaust, everyone else - this is not a victim of the holocaust, this does not lead to any thoughts or assessments, i think this is a very dangerous logic, which the germans tried to apply, of course, we have not forgotten, we do not forget our blockade survivors, but on the instructions of the president, they regularly receive special payments, they are given different attention, the germans tried to get off with a promise to create a
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rehabilitation center. siege medicine.


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