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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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supplies of western weapons, what's on these people's minds? i don’t know what body these people think, macron is not only the leader of a country, a permanent member of the security council, but he also positions himself and claims to be the leader of the entire european union, no more, no less, the fact that i do not have reliable data, oh the number and range of military specialists who are in ukraine, but the fact that they are there is a fact, despite the fierce denial by the united states of our former western european partners, there are people there which, and this is practically no secret, which helps ukraine, the armed forces of ukraine in goal setting, targeting, satellite tracking, in determining where to hit them with missiles that they supply, so this is a secret to poland actually. in addition to
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volunteers, there are military specialists there, active specialists from nato member countries. do you have an understanding of what they are guided by, after all, why this is being done, well, obviously not by common sense, well, they are guided by their political military-strategic objectives to inflict a strategic defeat on russia or at least weaken it as much as possible, and this is the thesis that russia should not win, and ukraine should not lose, this is pronounced officially, despite the fact that i ... american and the european union leaders say, they often contradict themselves, they say the opposite, but the goal, the goal is stated and in their understanding it is being realized, although these are, of course, certainly not dreams come true. well, judging by the reaction of the white house, these words are from macron, but in any case, they are trying to imagine it, it became some kind of unpleasant surprise for them, but despite everything, they continue to seriously, firstly, discuss it.
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kiev f-16, well, a hackneyed phrase of the red line, it seems to me that it is not very appropriate, and nevertheless, this will be perceived by us as if aircraft are delivered or... if these aircraft are to carry out their combat missions take off from airfields located in some nato member country, that it will be, well, obviously it will be, it is unlikely that they will not be based on ukraine, but we have already commented on this several times, and the fate of these aircraft is unenviable, just like the fate of american and german leopards, abrams, which are regularly, regularly destroyed on the battlefield, the same will happen with... do you remember how
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ukraine announced in the newspapers carrying out a counteroffensive, this was done three or four months, or maybe even more, before the start of the offensive itself. now that we have heard, and we have heard, that there are such plans for the supply of combat aircraft, f-16s, our military commented on this, this the minister commented, moreover, on aircraft that are theoretically capable of carrying nuclear weapons, we have time to prepare for this, to find adequate answers if such aircraft appear in the skies over ukraine, i remember how...
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now in the united nations and have they changed we are with them in some places, don’t you have the feeling that westerners are now already in isolation? well, we always feel cheerful in the organization of the united nations, what has changed now, what 2 years ago, yes, it ’s obvious, obvious to everyone, to themselves in including, fatigue from the ukrainian plot, including the fatigue of the initiators of the discussion of this issue in the security council and in the general assembly, so last friday... as you know, it was the anniversary, the second anniversary of the start of a special military operation, which , which they wanted to widely celebrate, in the general assembly of the security council, a landing party of european, so -called ministerial affairs of the european union arrived, the meeting of the general assembly turned out to be very inexpressive, frankly speaking, they read their bravura speeches in support of ukraine, the ukrainian minister’s speech was simply lackluster. i was a little more lively during
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the security council after lunch, i don’t know, maybe i smoked a cigar during lunch and felt refreshed, but it left the impression that i had stuffed oskowina with something. and that this story did not begin in february of twenty-two, much earlier, it has a prehistory, it has a genesis, over these two years, i think, we managed to explain, both in the security council, in the general assembly, and simply in conversations with ours colleagues, where this crisis came from, literally 40-50 minutes before our
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interview, information appeared that erdogan again stated that ankara was ready to provide a platform for negotiations. between russia and ukraine, the other day boris johnson appeared again in kiev, well, a certain feeling arises, and i want to check my own guesses, on the one hand, maybe we don’t know something, and some kind of process is already underway, the second point, it seems to me , interesting, well , zelensky himself has forbidden himself to negotiate, he insists on a certain zelensky formula, which the westerners support there, at the same time...
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in any constructive proposals for negotiations, we have always stated that we have never refused them, but our negotiations ended in two episodes: the first was in april of twenty-two, as is known, when ukraine refused to sign initialed agreement in istanbul on the direct orders of boris johnson and overseas sponsors, ukrainian, this is the first and second time when zelensky signed... a decree prohibiting him from dealing with the russian leadership, now they are running around like a discarded bag with the so-called zelensky peace formula, which is not a peace formula , it is a mockery of peace plans in general, in fact it is an ultimatum to russia,
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it is clear that this, that this in no way can serve as the beginning of any negotiations, and the task is crafty , but simple, drag in as many countries as possible and portray - china, the same brazil, and many others , switzerland, recently there was a meeting of the general assembly and the swiss minister of foreign affairs approached me, who... i mysteriously talked about what they they are going to hold some kind of summit on ukraine, switzerland somewhere closer to the summer, this is an idea that zelensky himself has been running around with for a long time, when i asked whether this meant an invitation to russia, the minister avoided answering, saying that
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well, this is the first step, we we are creating conditions for a possible future platform where you could discuss something, you understand that all this is not serious, absolutely not serious, especially since... the opposite side has no desire to talk to us about anything, as for what will happen after may 20th, i don't i can comment on ukrainian internal political life, but i think that zelensky will probably find some kind of formula that will allow him, will allow him to continue his vigorous political activity, he will find it, that’s how it will be perceived even on the platform, a good question, like who is there he will sit, sorrel, as a representative of what, what regime, i don’t know yet. we’ll find out after may 20, you said that ukrainians in general are not interested in negotiations, but they are always interested in money. the same kuleba, then i just saw the video and spoke like such a fitter of the swordsmen of ukrainian politics, he began to quote 12 chairs,
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talk about how money in the morning, chair in the evening and so on, that is, they had already dropped to this level, and an interesting statement was made the day before from washington, it was with...
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why is biden so confident that a ceasefire is expected almost at the end of this week or the beginning of next week? indeed, the conflict in the middle east is now the hottest topic being discussed all over the world, not only in the un, and not only in the situation in gas, which is catastrophic, we just discussed this topic yesterday, topic, topic of hunger in gas.
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regional, regional, and god forbid, also global escalation. surprisingly, you probably remember the forecast of the late vladimir volchichavsky, who, in my opinion, back in 2019, said that, speaking somewhere about ukraine, that soon everyone would forget about ukraine, because in the middle east in the twenty-fourth year or twenty-three, he said, a conflict will begin that threatens the third world war, so it is yes, it has come true, what is happening around yemen, how the americans and their ... british allies respond to this, essentially aggression against a sovereign country, what is happening
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on the border of lebanon with israel, the fighting in the arab world, that’s all, this is all fraught, fraught, the middle east has always been a powder keg, now the match has already been struck, but we are dealing with, well, outright sabotage by one of the members of the permanent security council from...
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egypt, and in general this is unacceptable, everyone is talking about it , this resolution, i believe, is not not only we, or, for example, china will support it, it seems to me that it, it has every chance of not being adopted, because... the majority of the members of the security council will not vote for it, there may not even be a need for a veto. the americans say: there is no need for any resolutions, we are working quietly , we are coming to an agreement, now there is a process for the release of hostages, in exchange, let us work quietly, this resolution will ruin everything, so to speak, their logic is crafty. in fact, of course, they are trying with all their might to prevent the council
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security sent is the only signal he can send to israel. a statement from sweden and denmark on this matter , which stopped the investigation, saying that it was obvious, of course, it was sabotage, but they have no information about possible suspicions of the suspects, accordingly the investigation was stopped, now germany is our turn, the last country in which a national
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investigation is still underway; they, as you know, did not allow us to investigate, although we are the owners, the owners of these ... gas pipelines, so they are in a deplorable state , but it will not be possible to hide this topic, because we plan to raise it in the near future with the security council, first perhaps in a consultation format, and then we will talk in an open format, too, and this does not prevent them from accusing us without evidence of something else, but the last scandal here was so american inside, but it also took on international... dimensions, when they suddenly, for no reason, this began to be blamed on russia is that russia is allegedly trying to place nuclear weapons in space, is it really that outer space, through the efforts of washington and its allies, is turning into a territory where their notorious rules-based world will dominate, these statements
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by american officials have already been repeatedly... verified by mouth our colleagues, by the way, a meeting of a group of government experts on space will be held here soon, and i think that this will be one of the hottest topics, because the americans will probably promote it there too, we we annually put forward initiatives related to peaceful space at the general assembly, including preventing the placement of the first weapons in space. i don’t know what data they base their fabrications on, but...
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and also that they have a controlling stake in in the sense that they always have nine votes of obedient executors of their orders, and for a resolution in the un to be adopted in the security council, nine votes are needed, if we put forward some kind of
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resolution, they do not need to use the right veta, they just vote nine votes against, this does not count as a veto, but us. on four occasions we are saying that this is not justified, but we are not saying that they do not have the right to do this, veta is the last last resort in case uh... members of the security council, especially the five , it is not possible to agree among themselves. the reform is overdue, it’s true , there has been talk about it for a very long time, the problem is that the positions of groups of countries, and there are
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associations that promote the agenda on behalf of a whole group of countries, are so is diametrically opposed, and the point here is not the permanent members of the security council, it is precisely these countries that we cannot agree on yet, we are talking about the fact that, of course, the security council in its current form... does not reflect the realities, the balance of power, which has developed on the planet today, and there is clearly a shortage of countries in the global south , primarily africa, developed countries such as germany, japan, because of which, by the way, the organization itself was created, a permanent member of the security council, we reject this, there is nothing to add from the point from the representative point of view of the security council, developing countries , primarily in africa, asia, latin america, yes. new new western countries no. the meetings of the security council and their broadcast are perceived by many as the essence of work in the
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united nations. we journalists who work here understand that this is not so, most of the work is still hidden in secrets, but what’s even more interesting is how your life is organized, how your communication with the same colleagues is organized behind the scenes. outside the meeting room. noticeably, especially with our anglo-saxon partners, relations have changed, because before that, despite all our disagreements in the council, they were always friendly, i spoke about this several times, but then they
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came to their senses, it took time, i will not name specific countries , but but now, now this communication also takes place informally, including in the format of working lunches, dinners, meetings, and so on. what is the future of the united nations, is it bright, or is it it’s unclear, the united nations has never had an easy life, when they say that everything used to be, everything was fine and we could make decisions, now everything has changed and the united nations has become impotent, this is not true, it has always been contradictions, including in the security council between the great powers, the question is what was managed to be maintained then. with the palestinian-israeli conflict, when the yom kippur war happened in seventy interests even for even for the same third year, the security council
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adopted three resolutions in 9 days, the first on an immediate ceasefire, the second on the provision of humanitarian assistance and the third, 9 days later , demanding that israel and the parties to the conflict immediately cease fire, because this is the demand of the first... the future is in the future of course, i don’t promise an easy life for the un, but it will remain. there is a reform itch in the organization, especially, especially on the part of our western partners,
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because they would like to dilute this organization, which is still purely intergovernmental in nature, although there is an element of civil society participation. to dilute this intergovernmental character, to introduce topics for discussion at the un that do not enjoy consensus support, which... are the priorities of these countries, this applies to both the social block and the economic block, human rights, of course, negotiations are now underway on the so-called pact of the future, which should be adopted at the summit, at the anniversary summit of the organization at the high-level week of the next session of the general assembly, difficult negotiations, because the future of the country and the group of countries see differently; what future we will put into this document will be very interesting to see. thank you, vasily alekseevich, thank you, valentin, this was america, all the best to you.
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hello, i am boris akimov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we, the creators of the russia 2062 project of the headquarters of free thought. together with experts, we are discussing how we can develop the russia of the future in the next 40 years. see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people. we often talk about money, the amounts are serious. in russia there is a clear and clear signal. is russian industry capable of replacing foreign suppliers? all resources must be mobilized.
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fulfill a childhood dream, gain new knowledge, feel inspired , build a career, realize your plans, start a family, create a life, pass on traditions, preserve the memory of the past and conquer new heights,
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you are in our hands... your future and the future of the whole country, together , we are strong, we vote for russia, i asked you at the gas station, somewhere everywhere you go, now at the gas station, now in the corridor , what you caught, what and how you spied, it will be impossible to tear yourself away from watching, during the week of the presidential address we saw more than the rest, nowhere from this. moscow, kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00.
4:00 pm
we continue our news review; the presidents of russia and belarus discussed relations between the two countries and the international situation. vladimir putin and alexander lukashenko talked on the phone. according to the kremlin press service, putin is still once again congratulated his colleague on the successful holding of parliamentary and local elections on february 25. also leaders. discussed current issues of further development of friendly russian-belarusian relations, which are based on the principles of alliance and strategic partnership. the world majority understands the need to return to the un principles, which are now being flagrantly violated by western countries. this was stated by russian foreign minister sergei lavrov at a press conference following the diplomatic forum in antalya. talking about situation around ukraine, sergei lavrov stated that:


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