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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm MSK

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the leaders discussed the implementation of joint projects in the trade, economic, transport, logistics and energy fields. takaev noted the substantive programmatic nature of the russian president’s message to the federal assembly. putin and takaev agreed to further strengthen relations of alliance and strategic partnership. conflicts in ukraine in gaza, the need to return to un principles, sergei lavrov spoke about this and more today at a press conference following the diplomatic forum in antalya. the morning began with a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan, after which a dialogue took place with a colleague from kyrgyzstan, and then sergei lavrov held negotiations with king s in atina. in addition, sergei lavrov held negotiations with the head of mid-kazakhstan and the minister. strange affairs of slovakia, the latter
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said that he does not believe that the ukrainian conflict will end on the battlefield and that procrastination will not lead to a resolution, political discussions and peace initiatives are important, regardless of where they come from. to the question: i agree whether russia responded to turkey’s proposal to once again become a platform for negotiations on ukraine, sergei lavrov noted that russia has never refused negotiations. russia has never refused negotiations. an example of this is the istanbul agreements. boris johnson came to kiev and forbade the zelensky regime to carry out. we do not have a lack of good will, we see a lack of good will on the other side, not even so much good will, we see a lack.
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as for the published conversations of german generals regarding attacks on crimean bridge, sergei lavrov noted that this fact, as well as the statement of manuel macron and lloyd austin, only shows that the west is not ready to abandon the idea of ​​​​inflicting strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield, even despite its futility. anna voronina, vladimir overin, anna tarasenko, news. the lining can be quickly restored as soon as the line of contact is moved back. the deputy prime minister announced this. khusnulin during a visit to the liberated city. first of all , it is necessary to establish energy and water supplies. read more about evgeniy nipad's plans. the recently liberated avdeevka was visited by marat khusnulin, deputy prime minister, and went to the coke and chemical plant. we are at the boiler house of the ardeevskiy plant, this is the main boiler house that heated the plant and the city. it is very important to understand how quickly it can be restored, because if you are preparing for winter the next heating season.
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promptly contact everything to restore. thanks to our kind people the city suffered today in much the same way as mariupol, but i believe that as soon as the line to the soldiers who liberated this city. today we looked. the state of the city, i want it to be pushed back, it will be enough to note that the city administration, the administration of the donetsk republic, has already gone out and looked at what needs to be done to restore, first of all , electricity supply, to restore water, a work plan for the mosque. during his trip to the dpr, the deputy chairman of the government visited several
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cities, and in the previously mentioned mariupol he took part in the opening of a kindergarten. to end this year, we set ourselves the task of launching 12 more kindergartens, that is, the task is to have them all in mariupol. closed, which means there is a need for visiting both preschool institutions and schools, finally last year we did not have this need, that is, residents are coming, there are more and more children, there are more and more children. the city's largest intensive care hospital is being built at an accelerated pace for residents; all buildings, which are planned to be put into operation by november, work continues on apartment buildings, there is a difficult task to complete all apartment buildings by the end of the year, that is, so that mariupol no longer... has no more unfinished apartment buildings and also a program of 1,500 facades, which we went through today with our media customer, looked at together with the mayor with eveniemsanovich looked at all the houses that we plan to renovate. the liberated cities are being restored at a high rate, which neither the authorities nor
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those working on construction sites intend to slow down, so that local residents had access to all modern infrastructure as soon as possible. evgeny nipot and andrey sapegin, lead. a real legend is immediately visible, it is almost impossible to touch it, but not for you, this is your legendary alfabank credit card. order a free credit card with a whole year without interest and receive a super cash in rubles every month, and also withdraw cash for free from any atm, it’s not just profitable, it’s alpha profitable. yes, alek kurich, this task is a priority, i’m speeding up as much as i can, now i’ll speed up the process even more, everyone is delighted from the taste of aromatic freshly brewed coffee to tasty and precise, favorite cappuccino, as well as
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country, far from drilling sites and oil pipelines, who would have thought that in the very center of ours the fuel mafia is becoming more active, the swindlers have been feeding a huge city with gasoline of dubious quality for more than a year. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. panic began in the city, well, the gas was normal, no one was hitting the police. you have documents for gasoline, you sell fuel, right? well, aren't you ashamed, are you? this mobile gas station is no longer operating. well
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you know what you're spilling here, illegal gasoline. the use of this type of fuel can lead to major repairs of the car engine. this is a gasoline fraction, called nefras, it is not gasoline. heels or, as they call it here, boots with barrels come here and they are filled with this muck. that’s it, the employees got to the site , that is, these boots come to you, and you refuel these cars, yes, that’s right, well, yes, yes, we ground the plant so that there is a fire, and if it explodes, then it explodes, refuel the car without leaving home, also recently such a service it seemed like a fairy tale to many, but a couple of years ago the dream of car owners came true and it started working in novosibirsk. mobile fuel delivery service, gasoline and diesel fuel were delivered at any time anywhere in the city,
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and even a little cheaper than at official gas stations. it would seem like a great undertaking, but it didn’t work out that way, the city was suddenly filled with illegal mobile gas stations, violating basic safety rules, cars, gas stations stopped right in residential areas and sold... high quality gasoline, which called from wheels. novosibirsk residents quickly nicknamed such cars “boots” due to their external resemblance. how the gasoline boot group was liquidated, where the scammers got fuel, why the gasoline fever gripped not the most oil-producing region of our country. we took up this matter and conducted our investigation.
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there is no need to look for them, they are on every corner, in the literal sense of the word, most often unusual belted vans, common people's boots, can be found in residential areas of novosibirsk, inside they have one or two fuel tanks, a little over 200 each. separately for ninety-five gasoline and for ninety-second. any driver can drive up to such a mobile gas station to refuel. one more. the highways leading out of the city have become a favorite stopping place for gasoline boots; they can’t be found here. at the end of august 2022 , a large-scale police operation took place in the novosibirsk region,
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an operational event is being held here, we are looking at the scene of the incident. law enforcement officers, all of them. checked mobile gas stations, their owners and the right to sell fuel, a separate issue is the quality of gasoline, because all you have to do is leave the city and there they are, boots! novosibirsk-pavlodar highway, we stop at the first gas station we come across.
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yes, sberbank, i don’t know, that is, to whom do people transfer money, you don’t know, that’s how trade goes, by the way, it’s quite brisk, it seems like they’ve never heard of a cash register here, and if a person asks for a check, what do you issue, there’s a check ? no, there is no receipt, no, there is no receipt, that is, the person filled up and went, no, yes, what about you? some kind invoice, you can look , but it’s not an invoice, the owner of the boot, konstantin zerianov, is ready to answer for the quality of gasoline, the product says it’s clean , he only fills up his car with it, well, the gasoline is normal, but people fill up, as you say, no one hits you in the face, according to no one hits you in the face, and they also say thank you,
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they say thank you for such gasoline, and it’s been like that since kazakhstan yesterday. actually two lexuses refueled, at this illegal gas station a liter of ninety-five gasoline costs 44 rubles, ninety-two - 42, the price is almost a quarter lower than the regional average. zerianov admits that when paying in cash, he is ready to give the fuel even cheaper, because in addition to the salary, he receives interest on the gasoline sold. this mobile gas station no longer operates and there are a huge number of such cars in the novosibirsk region , you can buy the ninety-fifth, ninety -second device with liters, here is the account in savings banks, then we look at the compartment where the fuel is stored, the ninety-fifth is 250 l,
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the ninety-second is 250 l, there's half a ton in total. these makeshift gas stations are actually bomb on wheels. nobody observes basic security measures. we will return to the keepers of gasoline boots, such as konstantin zerianov, a little later. now let's move back a couple of months. then our colleagues from the program went to novosibirs to conduct the duty department. on the side of the road, a well-worn oasis in camouflage, a bright yellow sign on the back promises customers gasoline at ridiculous prices , a car is regularly refueled here, but why should i refuel at 45 when there is 38, meanwhile the gas station is for someone
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frantically calls, and in a matter of minutes to a mobile gas station under... it turned out that mobile gas stations are a scourge for novosibirsk, they attract motorists with their prices, they guarantee quality only in words, fuel. we sent the product purchased at one of the illegal gas stations for examination, the result is disappointing, the octane number of the first sample does not correspond to the declared
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ninety-second gasoline, since its octane number is 79. the use of this type of fuel can lead to failure of the fuel system and major car engine repair. it would seem that this is a clear violation, that is, illegal trade, every possible disregard for basic fire safety rules and a complete discrepancy with the declared quality of the fuel. at the novosibirsk mayor 's office they already knew about the problem and even tried to fight it... in 2 months, maybe a little less, we seized 10 cars, unfortunately, such, you know, a real war with these
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owners of this business, three cars were literally stolen from us , stolen from the place of safekeeping. to thoroughly understand the problem, the film crew of the program investigating eduard petrov went to the capital of siberia. we arrived incognito. city, at first no one knew, neither the local authorities nor the security forces. this allowed us to assess the situation impartially. we take a taxi around the city without a specific
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route or any prior information about the location of mobile gas stations. there's a car standing there, gasoline delivery. exactly an hour, during this time we found more than ten such mobile gas stations, kalkhitskaya street,
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next to the moika there is another car, neftsip, gasoline delivery directly to the tank, street the signalmen have a car, a ninety-fifth petrol. 4 rubles, ninety-second gasoline - 42 rubles. we are trying to find out where these gas stations fill up with fuel, where their main base is, naturally, we ask local taxi drivers, who else but they should have complete information, and it turns out that there really is such a point, some 30 km from novosibirsk , let's go. august 23
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, 2022, leninskoye village, molodezhnaya street, on this youth street, there is a gas oil gas station in the distance, and here is a gas station called neftesip, ninety second. costs 43 rubles, ninety-five gasoline costs 45 rubles. it’s not clear what’s behind the fence here, but there’s a bunch of all sorts of canisters , there’s just hoses sticking out of the ground everywhere, well , apparently this hose is very similar to some kind of tie-in, well, i think we’ll come here with the police and take a look , what it is. for clarification, we turned to the main department of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the novosibirsk region. why is this happening right under the noses of the police? turns out.
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management is well aware of this problem; this year, with monitoring the operational situation and studying citizens' requests for information posted in the media, we discovered a surge in the number of reports about the illegal activities of mobile gas stations, including container-type ones. when carrying out initial verification activities, including the purchase of gas motor fuel, we found that the price is significantly lower than at the official gas station laws, while the quality of the fuel does not meet the requirements of technical regulations. during the year , police carried out several activities to inspect mobile gas stations. as a result, several dozen gas station workers were fined. drivers who sell fuel, including from urgus cars , face administrative liability under article 141, which is deprivation of business activity without state registration, as well as under
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article 9.1 of the novo law. it turns out that the income of one day of operation of a point where gasoline is illegally sold outweighs any fines. why not work in this case? it turns out that this is the direction, the employees eep and pcc have been developed for a long time. moreover, the police are planning. to cover up both the sale and production of burnt fuel, the special event “boot” began the next morning. operatives of the novosibirsk oep ipk, with the force support of fighters from the special squad krom , advance along the highway towards the village of krivodanovka. there's a technical stop here. and
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further along the country road, we approach a lonely barrier. we run from the car to work, a special operation begins, here we are, here we have guys opening the gate, we go into territory, we go into the territory of this oil depot, let's see what we find at this base. the factory is small, but
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there are quite a lot of workers. when they saw people in uniform, for some reason they tried to hide, but no one managed to escape from the special forces officers, they line everyone up near the administrative building and check their documents. hello, so what do you do, tell me, but nothing, what is your name? alexander, alexander? do you work at this nursery? no, what are you doing? came to visit, to visit, right in this outfit? yes, i smell you gasoline, well, i’m visiting, what are you doing, spilling gasoline? spilled gasoline at home, spilled gasoline at home? i see, what are you doing? with a woodsman? with a woodsman? yeah, i understand how to pay, is it normal? enough, enough, okay, what are you doing? i won’t say anything, i won’t say anything, tell me, what are you doing here? who are you? i came to drink coffee,
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coffee? yes, i'm visiting. by chance, by chance , they got caught too, but it’s clear that the hard workers are clearly not happy about the visit of the police and journalists, they worked quietly, didn’t bother anyone, so you, you are a security guard, a security guard, what are you guarding, that territory, and where does the gasoline come from, you know, i don’t know, no, you don’t know, it’s clear what your salary is 24, 2400 rubles. per month, yes , of course, they pay regularly, yes, of course, good, in general, money doesn’t smell like gasoline, no, no, normal, clear, well, you know that you are spilling illegal gasoline here, no, didn’t know, didn’t know , we didn’t know that you were spilling illegal gasoline, i don’t know, we didn’t know , of course, the police, meanwhile, continue
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to check the workers’ documents, but... we are inspecting


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