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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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children and family values ​​are more important than material wealth and money, and can such evidence even be accepted in the russian federation? let's take a close look at africa and the developing world in general, what is now the main goal setting, even in poor countries, to become rich, to get out of poverty, to achieve the level of consumption that exists in the western world. by the grace of god, this trend
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is not yet destroying traditional values, but it is undoubtedly weakening them, and we see it especially in latin america, this means that what is happening is that people are striving to live the way they live in rich countries, but rich countries, as we said today, are experiencing a spiritual crisis, if only in african countries. awareness of the importance of spiritual values, if it is not accompanied by spiritual growth and all this will also be associated with the degradation of religious faith, then nothing good will come of it, if the rich west has entered into a crisis, what will happen to the poor countries of the third world if they have spiritual foundations his lives will be destroyed for the sake of this desire to be... rich and being unable
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to achieve this wealth, which is why my words in no case should be understood as meaning that there is no need to strive to improve the material condition of people, their situation, of course, is necessary, it is necessary to develop the economy, science, education, everything without fail, but at the same time be vigilant not to destroy the spiritual foundations of life, including the deep faith in god, which is truly marked today in both africa and latin america, if this is accompanied at the same time by religious degradation, then you will not take anything good out of it, and perhaps the crisis will be even deeper and more severe than is the case in developed countries, so stand and hold on to those values spiritual, religious, which are your values, at the same time
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you develop science, technology, and the economy, just so that one does not crowd out the other. young people live in a world of high technology, they communicate via text messages or video calls, they say that personal communication has already lost its relevance. do you think a person needs to communicate with others face to face, is there any value left in this? if aspiration.
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technique, technology, science, the more attention should be paid to the mental, spiritual component of a person, because well, everything is not a joke. this is what science offers us today, because it offers wonderful things that can be used in everyday life and so on, but it creates weapons of mass destruction and other possible ways of weakening and destroying the human race, not only through weapons, therefore , the stronger and more intense scientific and technological development is, the stronger must be... the development of the internal, internal, spiritual component of every person and human society, only this guarantees the survival of the human race, otherwise the apocalypse , and what is an apocalypse, the end of the world, and the end of the world is
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the triumph of evil, so, if we think about the future, we must certainly remember that without... and what role does the immediate play here? person-to-person communication outside of social networks , texts and video communications on phones, well, if we limit ourselves only to social networks and videos there and all other new technologies, we will lose the most important thing,
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i’ll give you such an unexpected example, when you choose matter, well, to buy for yourself dress or something. in the public space there is now an opinion that the church wants to stop progress and return society to the middle ages, do you think the church should keep up with the times? thank you, what do you think, here we are
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we’re sitting here with the help of microphones, communicating with young people, it’s like keeping up with the times or not, you know, it’s all like these theses, right? the church is outdated, it is about something that is not interesting to young people, you need to keep up with the times, and what means a lot with the times, again , an intellectual and moral choice is required, what of this modern must be chosen in order to go along with it go? i wouldn’t like to go along with all these ideas that destroy the integrity of the human personality. of the human family, who undermine love for the fatherland, who tell us that patriotism in general is an outdated thing, but i would not like to keep up with those who profess as modern ideas such ideas that imply my
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renunciation of my own identity , and my own identity is rooted in the identity of the country, the people, the family, so in no case should i ... give up anything good and right, especially those that form the human personality, even though this is in some sense belongs to the past, just as everything belongs to the past, including, i don’t know , the periodic table, right, or the pythagorean theorem, all this is in the past, but we use all this today, so i think that in this way nothing should be thrown out of the past what is necessary for... the present and the future, but at the same time we must build the future, based, among other things, on historical knowledge, knowledge from experience, including the intellectual and spiritual experience of man. the russian flag has a double-headed halo,
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some believe that it personifies the connection russia with europe and asia, what do you think? he simply transferred to the russian empire, unlike the single-headed eagle in the west. what did the double-headed eagle mean to byzantium? neither asia nor europe, no one thought about it. it was about a symphony between church and state. byzantium was the heir to the roman empire, then the empire became orthodox. of byzantium there was a patriarch, as he still remains now, and of course, the entire culture
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of byzantium was formed under the influence of orthodoxy, so to reflect this symphony, or as the greeks said symphony in relationships church and state, and this symbol was presented, visible in the double-headed eagle, above each eagle there is a crown, this is a recognition of the meaning. church secular power and confession of the truth that in the unity of these in the harmonious interaction of these two principles and these two authorities, the security, stability and well-being of the byzantine empire, this is how this symbolism is read, i am not against this symbolism today. the real legend is immediately visible, it is almost impossible to touch it,
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youth festival, a rich, active program has finally started. the festival will last 5 days, each day dedicated to a specific one. one topic, today is a day dedicated to responsibility for the fate of the world, all participants, we all influence what the future will be like with our decisions and actions and one of the goals of the festival is to create a future that one can be proud of; today at wfm they are talking about what one can be proud of in different directions; already now, for example, minister of health mikhail murashko gave a lecture for forum participants on the development of healthcare and medical technologies, he talked about how our healthcare system is changing right now and how these changes.
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create new breakthrough products, they clearly have great prospects, these are new unique groups of talented guys who methods, including delivery into the cell with viral and non-viral delivery, the head of rosatom, alexey likhachev, gave a lecture entitled the russian nuclear industry and global challenges of humanity. he explained why russian developments are of interest to the whole world, and how the industry’s achievements are responded to. global challenges and how innovation helps solve social, economic and environmental problems. we have the only floating nuclear power plant in the world, we are very proud that it provides heat, provides electricity to the most a remote part of chukotka, the port of pivek, the city station, the belibina station, and of course, now
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i’ll say a little more about this, we will develop not only large powerful power plants, but also small capacities. with the same energy with which we build powerful power units all over the planet. heads of regions also act as speakers at the festival; for example, the governor of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, told listeners about the far east and what opportunities they can open for themselves there. about his role in the development of our countries about the paramount importance of the far eastern gateway to the asia-pacific region. participants of the festival were able to ask the speaker their questions, communicate in the format of such a live dialogue, but... the governor invited young guys to the khabarovsk territory, where they will be able to realize themselves, as he said, in any field. there are vacancies everywhere, today we have 25,000 available vacancies, all of them are waiting for new specialists from all over the country, so i am here, i can say, i encourage everyone, i agitate for moving to distant east, east today is a region
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of opportunity, in 2013 president vladimir vladimirovich putin announced that the entire 21st century. principled character, my colleague, alexander abramov, works at the game, he comes into direct contact with us, but on the eve of the match , spartak lost one of its leaders, kensi promes, he was detained at dubai airport. sasha, greetings, how does this or may not affect the game and is there any news about the fate of the attackers? yes, anton, good evening,
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indeed, the story of not returning to vinte promesa from the united arab emirates in russia. to some extent, it even interrupted the fact that the russian championship returned after the winter break. spartak is playing today in st. petersburg against zenit, and of course, there is no problem in the red-and-white quincy team. according to the latest data, the quincy site continues to be located on the territory of the arab emirates. the day before he was released from the police station, but leaving the united arab emirates is still prohibited. by the way, spartak has already made an official statement on this topic just the day before, where... he said that the queens promess would receive disciplinary sanctions for the fact that in fact he was absent from today’s match for personal reasons, well , by the way, this is not the only problem for spartak today, let me remind you that the main one. flew from st. petersburg to moscow, so right now
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the spanish head coach of spartak is watching this match from the base, and spartak is in fact playing in st. petersburg today without its head coach. according to the feeling of the absence of the head coach on brovka and quincy promets on the field, spartak has not yet been hindered in any way, directly now the second half is underway and on the gazprom arena field there is what is usually called an equal game, the score is 0:0. let me remind you that the winter break in the russian championship lasted a little less than 3 months, just the day before the russian football premier league resumed, rostov already beat the wings of the soviets on friday, today the next four matches are taking place in our championship, the nineteenth round, we are all accustomed to that , that at this stage in the last 5 years zenit was already a leader, but not now, right now...
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only dad will tame it, daddy, daddy and a beastly appetite, a snack won’t hurt, and a beastly appetite, sausages, daddy can, this night our friend has already had to get up several times to admire the stars, buddy, if you get up more than twice at night, apalaza at the first symptoms of the prostate - afalase. afalase is a modern drug for early treatment. prostate adenoma. russia is the biggest
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country in the world. time zones, more than 145 million inhabitants, over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 100 thousand polling stations, at home or online. every voter's vote is counted and guaranteed to be protected. about 1 million election organizers, observers, video surveillance at polling stations, electronic ballot processing systems, and a mobile mechanism help with this. voter and remote electronic voting, state automated election system ensures accurate and fast counting votes, elections in russia, important, honest, convenient, your brother is there in the donbass, in
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the aurora battalion, what? nobody knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither dry rations nor weapons for you, get ready, no, this won’t work, i came for him, i have to find him, hope markin, he looks a lot like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him. alexey shevchenkov, that’s where they went on reconnaissance, there were three of them, then i don’t know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion, soon!
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if it is possible to send troops to western ukraine, nothing should be ruled out on this issue in the future. if we send troops into ukraine, we will obviously become a warring country, this means the beginning of the third world war. when you and i remember the events of the forties, the defeat of the french army, but the french group was larger.
9:00 pm
the third in part of the city of karabulak a regime was introduced counter-terrorism operation. the republic's operational headquarters reported that it is being carried out within the boundaries of four streets. they noted that the situation is under control and asked citizens to remain calm and prevent mass unrest and interference in the actions of law enforcement agencies. the russian army repelled all attacks.


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