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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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in ingushetia, in a part of the city of karabulak , a counter-terrorist operation regime was introduced at the operational headquarters of the republic, they reported that it was being carried out within the boundaries of four streets, they noted that the situation was under control, they asked citizens to remain calm, to prevent mass unrest and interference in the actions of law enforcement agencies. the russian army repulsed all attacks in the ssu, and also improved the situation in many areas.
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taurus missiles on the crimean bridge, something that the ministry of defense recognized as authentic. more details, emil mirsaev. published by margarita simonyan. the conversation between bundeswehr officers has been the number one topic in the german media for the last 24 hours. bilt calls the conversation and quote explosive, and its leak an unpleasant surprise for the german ministry of defense. after all , the conversation was attended, as the local press writes, by the country's best high-ranking military personnel. among them is commander luftwa. inga gerhar, he and his
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colleagues from the defense department have been discussing plans for an attack on the crimean bridge with long-range taurus cruise missiles for almost 40 minutes. the federal chancellor actually promised not to send them to ukraine, this decision seems strange to the military, their plans are to supply these weapons to kiev in two equal batches, 50 in each. so far i do not see that the moment for the start of deliveries of raurus to ukraine has been indicated .
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german experts carefully examined it, all of them practically unanimously recognized the authenticity of the recording, some chose the epithet authentic, sources in the bundeswehr itself informed zdf journalists about its authenticity. voices don't sound falsified, the soldiers are familiar with each other, a huge number of details are mentioned related to countless internal procedures. sources in the german ministry of defense consider the content to be truthful. therefore, german experts are already seriously concerned about safety. on communications they suggest that the leak occurred through the bundesphere's webx conferencing system, through which most internal information passes. the question is whether this is a one-time operation or a structural safety issue, i expect clarification immediately all circumstances. surely several more conversations were listened to, perhaps at a later date, they will be transmitted in the interests of russia. the bundesfer and german counterintelligence are in a hurry. will reassure the population with statements that
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they are still checking the information, at the same time, which is noteworthy, they decided to clean it up. they insisted on blocking all accounts of the social network x that distributed the audio recording. nevertheless , a scandal is already flaring up in the media space, journalists write, a published conversation in luft wafe puts scholz is at a dead end, because, as already mentioned, he recently assured that he would not send taurus to ukraine, noting the high risk that the ukrainian armed forces would start.
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subjectively, and the germans are vassals of the united states, what the united states says, the germans will do, scholz was probably informed that this leak occurred even before it was published, so he did it preventively. the german press sees two options: either scholz is lying in his public statements, or he does not trust ukraine enough, but admitting both outcomes is deadly for the chancellor, they say political scientists. most likely, these statements will either be refuted by berlin at the official level, it will be said that the next vovans are lexus, or it will simply be ignored, but it seems to me that in the current unusual internal political situations in germany, unfortunately. normal human and political logic simply won't work. the russian media made it very clear that attempts to evade answers will be regarded as an admission of guilt. our country’s mission to the un noted that such rhetoric from german officers is unnecessary once again confirms the false aggressive and revanchist methods of german foreign policy. well
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, this is how the head of the russian foreign ministry commented on all this. we have recently witnessed facts. which were revealed about the confrontation between chancellor scholz and the bundeswehr, about some cunning plans of the bundeswehr , which now became apparent from the publication of this audio recording about how carefully they are preparing an attack on the crimean bridge, on other objects, especially ammunition depots, etc. ..
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ovdeevka can be quickly restored as soon as it is pushed back line of contact, deputy prime minister marad khusnulin announced this; he visited the liberated city. read more about evgeniy nipyt's plans. the recently liberated avdeevka was visited by marat khusnulin, deputy prime minister, and went to the coconut chemical plant. we are located at the boiler house of the avdeevsk chemical plant, this is the main boiler house that heated the plant and the city. it is very important to understand how fast he is. needs to be restored, because if we are preparing for winter in the next heating season, then of course we need to move forward restore the boilers, you looked at the city , it’s quite damaged, some of the highways are damaged, but if necessary, we can quickly mobilize to restore all this, the city, which the armed forces of ukraine turned into a fortress and considered it
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impregnable, was seriously damaged by the fighting . the city today suffered about the same as mariupol, but i believe that as soon as the line of contact was... this advance, everything could be restored quite quickly, thanks to our kind to the soldiers who liberated this city, today we looked at the state of the city , i want to note that the administration of the city of the donetsk republic has already left, looked at what needs to be done to restore, first of all, electricity supply, to restore water, visited several cities, in the previously mentioned mariupol took part in the opening of a kindergarten. by the end of the year, we have set ourselves the task of launching 12 more kindergartens, that is, the task is to ensure that mariupol is completely closed, which means there is a need for
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visiting both preschool institutions and schools. finally, last year we did not have this need, that is, more and more residents are coming, there are more and more children. for residents. the city's largest intensive care hospital is being built at an accelerated pace, all buildings are planned to be put into operation by november, work continues on apartment buildings, the difficult task is to finish all apartment buildings by the end of the year, that is, so that mariupol will no longer be there are unfinished apartment buildings left, and another program of 1,500 facades, which we went through today with our copper customers, looked at together with the mayor and evgeniemovich, looked at all the houses that we... the liberated cities are being restored at a high pace, which neither the authorities nor those who are occupied intend to slow down at construction sites so that local residents have access to all modern infrastructure as soon as possible. evgeny nipaty, andrey sapegin, lead. vladimir putin discussed
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joint projects in trade, economic, transport and energy sectors. as the kremlin press service reported, takaev noted on... the russian leader once again congratulated his colleague on the successful holding of parliamentary and local elections on february 25. a world youth festival has opened in serius, with 20,000 people from 188 countries taking part. our correspondent alexandra perfileva gets in touch directly. alexander, greetings. so, how was the opening ceremony, what was the mood of the festival participants? yes, anton, i welcome you, but the emotions of the participants are literally overwhelms, i just see the guys
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who are going, apparently to a street concert, what emotions do you have, it’s very cool, everything is fire, but you hear it first hand, the emotions are literally overwhelming, and the opening ceremony was very bright and solemn , just in the large ice palace, which is behind me, it is illuminated with the main colors of the world festival. youth, at the opening ceremony, participants and guests of various delegations were surprised with a laser show and acrobats performing in the air, special attention was paid to one more guest, this is artificial intelligence , which was just voiced by actor konstantin khovensky , and after that a composition was played, to which all the participants stood up and held hands, it’s like a ring...
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useful to the widest audience, as well as your impressions of the events that will take place at the festival venues, and of course, about russia itself, about the people who live here, you will personally be able to see that, for example, a smile is not an ordinary mask for us, a sincere expression of feelings, that if we give our word, we always keep it , we we believe in youth, and we are building russia as a country...
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history, this is a huge event, i am very glad that i came here, a few minutes before the opening ceremony, we talked with participants from the united states of america. anna mako from texas said she has already made many friends in russia. it’s very cool here, it’s warm, and there are also a lot of guys from different countries, and i like that you can get to know each other and chat. russia is not so scary, but we really like it. we love the hospitality, what they really don't see here on the people and well, they just occupy everyone
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equally. the federal territory of sirius will unite completely different nationalities during these 5 days. the first deputy head of the administration, sergei kiriyenko, also arrived ; he noted that despite the geopolitical situation, russia unites. somehow limit russia, boycott russia, they failed miserably, we now have representatives from 190 countries on the platform, well, practically the whole world. at the same time, what is important, the guys didn’t just come, many came, despite attempts to disturb them, well, except this, well, for the right to come, they still fought, because we had 320 thousand applications, but during these 5 days here on the territory, on the federal territory of sirius , more than 800 events will be held, these include
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master classes, lectures, in the morning there will be even charging from... a specific one topic. today is a day dedicated to responsibility for the fate of the world. all participants, all of us, through our decisions and actions, influence what the future will be like. and one of the goals of the festival is to create a future that we can be proud of. and so at wfm today they talk about what you can be proud of in different directions. now. for example, minister of health mikhail murashko gave a lecture for forum participants on the development of healthcare and
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medical technologies. he talked about how our healthcare system is changing right now and how these changes will help achieve the main national goal - preserving the population, health and well-being of people. there were no empty seats in the hall; mostly young students came to the lecture, for whom it is very important to develop specifically in this area. there were students from other countries, they were interested in learning more about the healthcare sector in another country, specifically in russia. the most significant developments today are being carried out in the field of genetics and genetic technologies, including work here at the sirius site. completely unique groups of talented guys who create new breakthrough products, they clearly have great prospects, these are new methods, including delivery into the cell with viral and non-viral delivery, the head of rosatom alexey likhachev gave a lecture under title: russian nuclear industry and
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global challenges of humanity. he explained why russian developments are of interest to the whole world, as industry achievements. with the same energy with which we build powerful power units all over the planet. heads of regions also speak at the festival in kachispetsfikerov; for example, the governor of the khabarovsk territory, mikhail dekterev, told listeners about the far east and what opportunities they can open for themselves there. about its role in the development of our country about the paramount importance of the far eastern gates in
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asian-pacific area. festival participants were able to ask the speaker their questions and communicate in the format of such a live dialogue.
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it can be useful, radiation, if you know how to handle it correctly , is the basis of the whole principle of nuclear medicine, diagnostics and treatment. with the help of radioisotopes, it began to be used in the soviet union in the fifties. thanks to the increase and
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expansion of the production of radioisotopes, the capabilities of medicine for diagnosing and treating oncological diseases made it possible to achieve the main thing. for millions of people this a real chance to be cured of previously incurable diseases with the help of radiopharmaceuticals or abbreviated radiopharmaceuticals. they are produced by adding radioisotopes to carrier molecules. rusatom plays a leading role because it is a leading global organization that supplies about 70% of the need for radioisotope products around the world, we represent products from more than 50 countries, but in order to produce, or as nuclear scientists say, produce isotopes at nuclear reactors, including and for nuclear medicine, special production is required. we are now at control room, research nuclear reactor, prepared targets, we place our reactor, where we irradiate them with neutrons, through a nuclear reaction we obtain the radioisotopes we need.
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the 99m generator is also produced here; in clinics it is used to diagnose cancer and other oncological diseases. the technets generator is the gold standard for diagnostics; on the one hand, it is a very simple product, on the other hand, it is a very high-tech product. in order to make a technetium generator here on site. our our enterprise uses a nuclear research reactor, and we supply these generators throughout the russian federation, from vladivostok to kaliningrad. the key point in assembling generators is charging them with the highly active isotope malibden 99 in hot chambers. a pre-assembled generator enters the hot chamber, cold, that is, it is not active. in the hot chamber, the communication is connected to the technze generator and a molipden solution is passed through. just. after charging, the generators are tested for functionality at purity and absence of impurities, their lifespan
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is only a couple of weeks, so they are immediately sent by special transport to clinics, including the tsyb medical radiological research center, where the first nuclear pharmacy in russia was created. firstly, this is such wonderful creativity, it’s not all of a sudden for us. now these radionucleides that we make and that we synthesize can be immediately used to treat patients, because from them we must first create so -called drugs, nuclear the pharmacy allows you to do this on the spot directly to directly match the patient who is being treated, as a rule, these are patients who have already undergone many treatment regimens, and standard treatment regimens, or so-called clinically recommended ones. didn’t fit, then we can actually match the patient who is in the clinic. a nuclear pharmacy is only called a pharmacy, but in fact it is an entire radiochemical
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laboratory. we take a specific component, a specific protein that will hit exactly the tumor we need, and not spread throughout the body, and we will add a couple of additional substances to this protein in order to make it better. our protein connected precisely with the radionuclide. an important point: the protein in the drug is identical to the protein of the malignant tumor, that is, the tumor will accept it as one of its own. the dosage of all components is very accurate; the base for the drug is transferred through the gateway to a neighboring laboratory. the mixture is heated in a special cabinet, and the radionucleite is attached to the base. there is also a pre-calibrator inside, with the help of it we determine what we have received. the drug requires activity, because each patient needs a certain activity, which doctors tell us in advance; even people with the same diagnoses
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can receive different activities. using test strips, the drug is checked; the main indicator is the percentage of protein and radionuclide. this is what a freshly prepared radiopharmaceutical looks like, similar to ordinary water. it cannot be stored, because the radioisotope lives for several hours. and then disintegrates, which is why in in a nuclear pharmacy, drugs are made for a specific patient, this small elegant suitcase actually weighs almost 5 kg, it is made of tsvets, there is hepataren inside, a radiopharmaceutical developed at the radiology center of the ministry of health for the treatment of inoperable cancer, has no analogues in the world. there are several unique stories here , firstly, it is made on a rhubarb platform, a rhubarb platform by... the drug, well, in simple words, is extracted from a generator that can leave the factory, despite the period of its decay, and each drug has its own
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half-life, it can... be delivered in this generator to any point in the world itself. with the help of hepotaren , the center performs radioimbalization for malignant tumors in the liver; the advanced method is very effective, in 90% of cases it allows you to stop the growth of the tumor and increase life expectancy by four to five times. albumin microspheres are injected into the vessels feeding the tumor, on which a radioactive drug based on rhenium has already been applied, allowing irradiation from the inside, and already on... on the fifth day after the operation the patient goes home. the uniqueness of the radiotherapy method lies in the fact that we do not just damage the tumor cell, we damage its genetic material, and we lead to a break in the dna chains of the tumor cell, as a result of which further division of tumor cells becomes incomplete, and although not quickly, but over time, but
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complete death occurs in... for many patients, such an operation is the only chance: the use of a surgical method of treatment for liver cancer is suitable in only one way case out of six, when using standard chemotherapy in one out of five. radio imbalization increases the possibility of a positive result during treatment several times, while in russia about 800 new patients diagnosed with liver cancer are registered annually. we began performing radioimbolization of the liver. for liver cancer in 1919, at the moment we have already performed more than 200 operations, this is certainly not very much, we would like to help our patients more and on a wider scale. precisely so that with the help this method and many others could defeat oncological diseases; in obninsk, rosatom is building an entire plant for the production of radiopharmaceuticals in accordance with international gmp standards.
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neuroendocrine tumors, myeloma diseases, cancer of the prostate gland , kidneys, bone tissue , salivary glands, brain tumors, lung cancer, ovarian cancer, bladder cancer, breast cancer, skin cancer, liver cancer, and this is not a complete list of oncological diseases in the fight against which rosatom radiopharmaceuticals will be used. technological the plant's lines will allow the production of up to 25 types of radiopharmaceutical products, including active pharmaceutical ingredients, finished drugs, and medical devices. the foundation of the plant was laid last year, all four floors of the building have already been built, and they are working here ahead of schedule. next year , dozens of drugs for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, cardiovascular and other serious diseases will be produced here.
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