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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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we watch educational programs from to explore the world.
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dear friends, i welcome you to our next release of the author's program besagon tv, it will be called the snow will melt, and we will all see who shit where, i think you will understand why it is called that, but first of all i would like to see you ... russia 24 and russia-1, together with youtube, our previous program, an emergency episode , was watched by more than 10 million people, well, in general, apparently, that’s what we’re doing. need,
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at least these people, you know, you're after last issue, we received a lot of requests that, firstly, we go out more often than we do, but we will try, although i’ll be honest, it’s not easy, because there’s a lot of preparation for each program, but we ’ll try, but secondly, there were also a lot of requests to translate... our program into other languages, and i would like to report to you with pleasure that this has been done, and our previous issue has been translated into english, french, italian, spanish, german, japanese, portuguese, ukrainian, and even hindi, so i don't know how many people will watch this program who speak hindi, but in any case they will have such an opportunity, well, a link to the translations of our episodes will be in the description
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under the video of this episode on our website, and of course i want to thank you for the congratulations that we received, since the number of our subscribers has exceeded a million, so we are reaching the top, and of course, this issue of ours will also be dedicated to the events taking place today, where we wanted to start, well... you know, she is overwhelmed with a huge amount of information, she heterogeneous, it is the opposite, a huge number of fakes, well, in principle, it is quite difficult for a person to understand all this if he has all this, if all this, so to speak, falls on him, so to speak, of course, everyone has their own position, we also naturally have one , but you understand, i would like our task not to be...
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you have been gathered and connected, what is happening? so the philosopher arnold toynbee, who dealt with issues of civilization, expressed the idea that the cause of the death of civilization is those blows, those challenges that occur from within in civilization itself, this is precisely what, in my opinion, is very important, that is, the death of civilization arises... not
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from a blow from the outside, or rather, not only from a blow from the outside, but also from a blow from the inside, as toenby believes, this is the result internal struggle, internal contradictions. well, just recently a document appeared, this is the original, the original of the secret order of the commander of the national guard of ukraine, colonel general nikolai balan, dated january 22, 2022. order on organizing
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the training of a battalion tactical group fourth brigade. operational purpose to carry out combat and special missions in the joint forces operation as part of the brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. it is described here in great detail when this should happen, how it should happen, but i want to remind you that already in the previous program we said that this preparation, in principle , began in 1991. listen, and pay attention, it was in this year 1991 that people of military age, military personnel, officers,
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so these people were obliged to sign the following document: in the event of military aggression by russia... they undertake to fight against it. and you remember, we talked in the last issue about the seemingly casual threats of ukrainian president zelensky in munich, when he said that there is a possibility or such an assumption or desire of ukraine to withdraw from the budapest agreement, that is, when ukraine was recognized and agreed to be a nuclear-free power .
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can be used to create a dirty bomb, back in 2015, secretary of the national security and defense council alexander turchynov stated that the new government was ready for this, ukraine had everything to take a crazy step. in addition to the emergency situation in ukraine, there are four more nuclear power plants, that’s 15 power units. since 2018, 46% of nuclear fuel has been supplied to
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the united states; in 2019, kiev received permission for its own production. however, after statements about a dirty bomb, turchinov was immediately pulled back. why do european partners? a new exclusion zone is nearby, so they could easily share technologies for creating nuclear weapons with kiev. the path to creating a nuclear the charge for ukraine, where there is access to plutonium, is much shorter than what iran or north korea once had ; the country has at its disposal both the soviet scientific background and the developments themselves. charge delivery vehicles are also not a problem. according to official data for 2021, ukraine had up to 90 launchers and up to 800 missiles in its arsenal. in an exclusive interview with our program, the former general director of the yuzhmazh industrial group, where the famous scalpels and zeniths were produced, said: recently a ukrainian enterprise developed a new light rocket. the alpha, which they made for the pentagon, is a compact
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missile, it can launch a ton, but it has two warheads, we were literally a few months away from the fact that this could happen. two nuclear power plants, chernobyl and zaporozhye, were immediately taken under the protection of our troops and are being guarded.
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seizure of the building, now these neo-nazis are everywhere, and the most humiliating thing is that the british, canadian and american military go to ukraine to train the local military in nato tactics and working with nato weapons. the photographs show that they train azov, we train the nazis. that is, in parallel, since 1914, in parallel with the shelling of donbass, these people were practically ready. to conduct battles in cities, we read: by the beginning of the special operation of the armed forces of the russian federation in ukraine, 80%
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of the ukrainian army and nationalist formations were unevenly distributed along the 60-kilometer front in the donbass, and control centers were located in cities such as mariupol, volnovakha, rubezhnaya, donetsk, lisichansk, slavyansk and kramatorsk. i also want to draw your attention to one point this document, this order. listen, as many as five paragraphs of the fourth paragraph are devoted to the issues of careful selection of personnel, examination of everyone by psychologists and ensuring their high motivation. for this purpose the national guardsmen. it is prescribed to provide visual propaganda with information and propaganda materials,
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flags of printing products, that is , people must be mentally prepared, those who are not ready for this operation are not allowed, but what does morally ready mean? well what does this mean? who is this morally prepared? these are the people who write shells all the best for the children of the nation. high motivation in the opinion of the commander of the national guard of ukraine
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, colonel general nikolai balan, is ruthlessness, shamelessness and impunity. doesn't this remind you of what happened in volyn in 1943? we were talking about it. remember? november 9 , 1943, the polish village is overgrown.
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ossr and articles 296 and 297 of the criminal procedure code of the ossr, the military tribunal sentenced. death caste through hanging. comrade commandant, carry out the sentence. it was in 1946, on kalinin square, the current
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independence square, the birthplace of the maidan. i need to take up arms and go kill these damn damn ones, together with their leader, i will raise the whole world as soon as i can, so that damn, there’s just not even a scorched field left from this wasp, damn them to float away from the atomic weapons, that’s what the current leadership says, i know that
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many of you believed that ukraine allegedly hates you and will allegedly attack you. allegedly will destroy, you were told that we are destroying cities, look at all this, at what russia did, ukraine does not shoot at its own, that is, we did it, we, and not the troops of the armed forces of ukraine, yes, i want to appeal to those who are crying, to those who want peace, to those who do not believe in all this, if it...
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it doesn’t matter, not interesting, tell me how to understand this, this is what irina vereshchuk, deputy prime minister of ukraine, says, listen, in search of salvation from the humanitarian catastrophe that arose in connection with the constant shelling by the armed forces of the russian federation, residential areas, ukrainian cities and towns, in in connection with this, ukraine requests the establishment silence regime
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about we are offered to help establish humanitarian corridors, declare a regime of silence at a certain time, so that people who are in cities can safely leave the danger zone, we do this, we drive up buses, we are ready to receive them, they one comes out, why? yes, because they are not released, they are a human shield for the ukrainian armed forces, who place their heavy weapons among residential buildings. look, this is absolutely isis tactics, this is what they did. what can i tell you all? to the people i already wrote about our valiant defenders of the postures who
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shoot down russian planes here, heroes, you know, they are sitting here, breaking down our fences, breaking them down. the fire is coming from residential buildings, and they can see it through the windows. all the people, there are tanks driving there, hail and mortars driving there in passenger cars, and the local residents of mariupol are simply hiding behind a bill, i think, yes, people
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are not being taken out at all, these people don’t even know about the existence of such corridors, they have no connection with the outside world, no one knows this he says, not only that, those who try to get out are warned that the roads are mined. in the city no one knows about humanitarian corridors, no one knows, i told my neighbors, no one knows, firstly, they blocked the streets, that we couldn’t even enter the city of mariupol at the exit from our street, there were large mountains of branches near the school they laid it down, blew up the bridge, let’s say they covered the streets opposite us with stones, so it was impossible to go by car at all, nowhere at all.
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and what else does it include, it’s high the motivation of military personnel, perhaps, is the retention of hundreds of foreign students as human shields. trying to leave ukraine, i went to the railway station , we were told that women and children were allowed on the train, but african and indian... women were pushed out of the train, only ukrainians and other white europeans were released, in the area of ​​​​that barrier they divided us whites into one side, africans, indians, people from
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the middle east to the other. then we organized a protest, the military erected weapons and they threatened to shoot us, they said that if we tried to break the fence, they would open fire on us. we haven't showered in 3 days, there's no light in the dorm, there's nothing, we can't do anything, it's all over, this place is unsafe, every single day. some of us have mental traumas, we don't want to be used as beat, please, please let us go, we don't want to be a part of your work, please. let's go further. ukraine asks to start negotiations. here you are. i would like to once again appeal to the president of the russian federation. throughout on the territory of ukraine there are battles. let's sit down. to the negotiating table to stop the death of people, then again , so to speak, in a more intimate form, if you don’t want
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to leave now, sit with me at the negotiating table, i’m free, sit with me, just don’t need 30 meters like with macron, scholtz and so on, as they are accepted, i’m a neighbor, you don’t need to hold me 30 meters away, i don’t bite, i’m normal. man, sit down with me, talk, and russia is going to these negotiations, i ’m leaving him out now, the humiliation that our delegation is experiencing, the delay of the ukrainian delegations for a day, again postponed, another day , ours are waiting and patiently, patiently waiting for the start of these negotiations, which they themselves asked for, and in parallel with the request for these negotiations, we hear this: we receive different signals that some politicians they are again looking for leads to russia, and someone else is again working for a split, working against our
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unity. this is one of the negotiators from the ukrainian side, denis kireev, without trial, he was shot allegedly for treason in the courthouse, a trial that never took place, the sentence was carried out right on the street, listen, i don’t want to blame anyone, i’m just connecting the facts, but
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it surprises me how they can...
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do their task, their duty, their military duty, and he can’t act like this , remember?
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these were light skirmishes, for all intents and purposes the russian army is tiptoeing through ukraine. russian aviation could have erased the ukrainian sky in the first 3 hours, the russians owned the ukrainian sky, any flying plane was russian. at the beginning of the program i talked about the philosopher.
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when it says.


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