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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 2, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am MSK

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and goals, the russian army is tiptoeing across ukraine. russian aviation could have erased the ukrainian sky in the first 3 hours. the russians owned the ukrainian sky, every flying plane was russian. at the beginning of the program, i talked about... the philosopher toenbey regarding the fact that civilizations perish from a blow from within, and what a blow from within is, i can give a lot of examples, the internet is teeming with them, a huge number of fakes, lies, turning upside down, substitutions, substitutions, and so on and so on, well, it’s good when it expresses a person on whom, in general , depends little, no, in the mass a lot, well , a little from a specific person, in general in this sense, it’s from... it’s one thing, another thing when it
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’s said by a person in power who takes part in adoption of laws. remember, we talked in one of the besagons about the senator from tyva, lyudmila narusova. about the same thing as ms. narusova, senator from tyva, the homeland, by the way, of our minister of defense. how many times has she been there ?
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is this reliable or did you accuse me of being an army and giving false information, but military department, which refuses to confirm the authenticity or not, but how is that? how do her colleagues, for example, andrey klishes, react to this? russian law is structured in such a way that all evidence is provided by the investigation, the investigation will prove it, this is what i wanted to hear.
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young patriots from tuva are turning to you, where you are listed as a senator, yes , yes, you did not disobey, you are, we are ashamed of you, or rather of your position, there is a saying: the bird sings, sells itself, this is exactly what you do, spreading lies about the russian army, we tell you, hands. away from the russian army, hands off our heroes, we ask you to resign your powers, it’s good for you, we have no shame, here is the appeal of mikhail khodorkovsky, i am addressing german gref, alexei kudrin, anatoly chubais, roman abramovich, mikhail. to all
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those who know me, whom i know. guys, now is the time when you shouldn't try to sneak between construction sites. either state your position, or we are enemies, don’t be offended. i’m interested in this question, these are those who are mr.
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huge financial leverage, huge , well, now look at this, i don’t know what to say to you, other than to forgive, that’s what they ’re crying about, about these people, ah, this is very scary, this is very scary, to live it’s no longer possible, it’s simply impossible, help, whoever can, help us as much as possible. where is this power that sits there, the devils? and i have to shout glory to ukraine, for what? for the fact that i worked all my life, paid taxes, and now i’m sitting in the basement, and little children are dying, their arms and legs are being torn off, and i will shout words to ukraine, or
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about these? ukraine, we are ruined. but certainly not about those friends of his whom he betrayed, not about those russian citizens whom he openly calls for sabotage and wrecking. we call on citizens to commit general sabotage; there are effective ways to put pressure on the authorities. which do not require personal heroism. any job can be sabotaged. conscript files may go missing at military registration and enlistment offices. police departments may forget to fill out reports on detainees. citizens may stop paying utility bills en masse or delay payments.
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even a transport collapse in large cities, drivers not going to work, a failure of the traffic light system, will become a very noticeable event for people from... will create a feeling of mass rejection of the war, but in general the world understands what is happening, it is aware of this , look, there is different refugees, there are these refugees, these are women, children, elderly people who are fleeing the war, who cross the border with russia, who are accepted by russia, different regions, trying... in every possible way to help their lives, and there are others, who drive expensive cars, for money, to get in without a queue, crosses the western border of ukraine, look, look what’s happening, look, what’s the money,
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look, it’s all money, it’s all money, it’s all paying money, paying money. but this is how such refugees behave in those countries that accepted them, guys, be careful, ukrainians have already appeared in marburg, who decorate cars where russians hang, flags, paint over license plates, shout, glory to ukraine, the boy betrayed, gave up his apartment . for refugees, in the morning there was no plasma tv wall, on the wall it was written: russian ship go, our dear refugees, so that you understand, our country is small, but honest and collected, and excuse us,
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please, that not every one of our houses has a toilet with a european-quality renovation with a balcony, if you somewhere you don’t like something, please don’t come to moldova. immediately cross the border with romania to europe, that’s who you are, explain to the girl who speaks to you in russian, she ’s serving you, and you start yelling at her why she’s speaking to you in russian language, i don’t like the hotel because the pool is not open there, you see, because they are used to living in comfort, i want to appeal to the one who painted it. if you are ukrainian, come and repaint it back, if you want your country, this money that you spent on painting at night was spent on your people, refugees. in moldova , the russian people united with the moldovans, drove up to a hotel where there are many refugees, and in front of the hotel there were many cars
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with ukrainian license plates, all your porsches, teslas, all your fat cars were just in rubbish, they opened the hoods, cut off all the wires, cut everything off... now your miraculous monument will stand there in the form of rubbish, so you paint it in different colors, here is the other side of the coin, look how... five-pointed ones behave stars, such stars were
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only sewn on their clothes; red on the clothes of jews during the war, only yellow and six-pointed. listen, does anyone remember how it all started, what we wanted? all we wanted was for nato to keep its promise and not advance any further. east. we just wanted to protect ourselves. and that it started yesterday? remember, 15 years ago, our president spoke about this. nato is pushing its advanced forces to our state borders, and we are strictly complying with the agreement and do not react in any way to these actions. there is a fair right to ask frankly who this expansion is against.
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i think in one place we can strike terror in the fastest way if we accept, regardless of the requirements , the parameters that the country must meet if we accept the baltic states in the context of the relationship between nato and russia, between the us and russia, if there is anything that can shift the balance in our favor, i mean aggressive.
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says university of chicago professor john mearsheimer, this is already happening today. how can you imagine the situation that, for example, in 20 years china will enter into an alliance with canada and mexico and station its troops on the territory of canada and mexico. and we will just watch with glory, this is not a problem. we are progressive people of the 21st century, only old-fashioned people like vladimir putin would be worried. naturally, this is impossible. and i repeat, when
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ukraine joins nato, the missiles will be located 39 km from our city of belgorod and 4 minutes of flight time to moscow. this may not concern us. meanwhile, this nazi epidemic is spreading. sides in all spheres of life, you have to think of it, paralympians who have been preparing for the olympic games for 4 years are not allowed to play these games, russian cats are not allowed to attend some exhibitions, and it gets to the point of absurdity, they are prohibited from performing chekhov, they are forbidden to play cheikovsky, the singer netrepka and the conductor gergiev are demanded that they abandon their homeland, this is really terrible, this is how the mother of a sick child reacts to it, 8 years of killing children, killing women, 8 years, the whole
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world is closing look at this, my child is sick, it’s hard when we pressed the button to support the president, for donbass for lugansk, i knew what this was threatening me with, i’m under sanctions, my whole family is under sanctions, and those devices that ... stand on my child, they are american, and i know that today i am on she put the life of her child on the line, but those murdered children, they put everything in... its place. i want to remind you of a document that we talked about several years ago. colonel general. the decision to raze moscow and leningrad to the ground is unshakable in order to completely get rid of the population of these cities, which otherwise we will feed during the winter. the task of destroying cities should be carried out by aviation;
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tanks should not be used for this. the commander of the fourth tank group, colonel general. without fire, remember, for example, statements posted on the website of the officially recognized svoboda party, tegniboko, in order to create a real ukrainian ukraine, physically liquidate the entire russian-speaking intelligentsia, all ukrainophobes quickly, without trial, shoot,
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any member can create a register of ukrainophobes in his area. freedom, execute all members of anti-ukrainian parties and organizations, not only pro-russian, but also pro-romanian, pro-hungarian, pro-tatar. russian-speaking, amorphous biomass of living stomachs, this herd needs to be eliminated by about 5-6 million individuals. let's remember who helped at one time in nazi germany? we also talked about this. according to philosopher and political scientist oleg matveichev, the list is incomplete, approximately as follows. krup, puma, adidas, ikea, metro, bank chase, ford, codec, coca-cola, nesle, bmw, maggie, nivea, general electric, hyuga boss, they all worked and
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felt great. who is now supplying weapons to ukraine? yes, the same ones, practically the same ones. is it really possible that all these documents and facts are not enough for these sobbing doubters? want more? please. the russian army prevented a catastrophe that threatened the whole world by thwarting the deadly plans of the west. the russian general staff now has hundreds of documents that reveal a lot of terrible truths. experiments with the causative agents of crimean hemoragic fever, plague, anthrax, all this is a potential filling for a biological bomb, more than 320 containers were destroyed, only in two laboratories, in kharkov and poltava, whose documents fell into the hands of the russian
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military. american and german specialists visited these biological laboratories. employee records were entered in dollars, the source of funding is the threat reduction office of the american department of defense, over the past 12 years , outbreaks of deadly hemorrhagic pneumonia and cholera have been recorded in ukraine, even in africa they suffered less from swine flu, only in the spring of 1916 in ukraine more than 300 people died, ukraine even came up with natural ways to deliver biological weapons across our border, among the documents discovered, for example, a protocol migration of wild ducks, in the askania novo biosphere reserve near kherson, they were visited...
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through russian territory, now they will tell me, conspiracy theories, again insanity, bronyo, okay, you don’t believe me, but the deputy secretary of state...
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that is, the same ones secret biological laboratories , which ukraine definitely does not have, means that they still exist, after all, there are, and according to nulth, these secret biological laboratories not only exist in ukraine, but their activities are so dangerous and frightening that she, quote, fears that so called research materials in these laboratories may go to russian troops, so as not to swear on air, let's just say that our jaws dropped, in an open hearing in the committee , victoria just confirmed under oath that russian disinformation, which, as we were told a few days ago, this is a moral lie, a conspiracy theory and nonsense, in fact the absolute truth, even in that besogon we addressed
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those who want to generalize, understand the general meaning, and not get bogged down in details, at the same time i assumed that this was not a war between russia and ukraine, russia's war with europe or with america, this is a war with russian civilization, with orthodox ethics. but after these facts that i just told you about, it’s even worse. this is a war with ethnos, when the slavs are invited as an experiment , in order to understand how these toxic substances act on this ethnicity, guys, the ost plan is a children's tale, a fairy tale, here is
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another thing that i drew attention to attention, here is a statement from the ministry of defense of the russian federation, the goals of the special military operation, this is protection citizens of the dpr and lpr, demilitarization and denazification of ukraine.
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of course, of course, negotiations are needed, but under certain circumstances, in my opinion, if we stop, we will not complete the matter.
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i understand that, of course, all this instills fear, anxiety, that it brings inconvenience, it disrupts our usual life, but i want to remember the words of one - a comedian from eastern europe, who said: “tough times, you have to do without everything that something our ancestors didn’t even have an idea of, and proof of this here's a little video, take a look.
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well, as the great commander alexander vasilyevich suvorov said, we are russians, what a delight, well, here we are.
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if on voting days you find yourself far from your polling station, you can vote at your location at any polling station in the country. to do this, you need to submit an application no later than march 11 to any election commission or to the mfc or at government services and you can vote at the chosen polling station.
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hello, i am boris sakinov, and i am oleg stepanov, and we are the creators of the russia 2062 project headquarters of free thought. together with experts , we are discussing how we can develop russia. next 40 years, see you in the future. investment rating, economics, through specific stories, we can reach people, we often talk about money, the amounts are serious, there is a clear signal in russia, is russian industry capable of replacing
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foreign suppliers? mobilize all resources, give me a recipe in general, here’s how to achieve what you have achieved, it seems to you that you are on top of the world, got up, dusted yourself off, is russia ready to change, at any the structure is undergoing an evolution , in ingush... in a part of the city of karabulak , a counter-terrorism operation was underway, as reported by the national anti-terrorism committee, in one of the residential buildings, fsb special forces blocked a group of bandits who were planning to commit several terrorist attacks. when trying to detain the extremists, they opened fire, and the security forces entered into battle. residents of neighboring houses were evacuated for safety reasons. the nac operational headquarters is monitoring the situation.


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