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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. the russian army repelled all attacks in the ssu, and also improved the situation in many areas: zelensky’s formation lost over 900 more soldiers and mercenary officers , five tanks and 14 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 18 howubs and self-propelled guns, mostly american and british polish , air defense systems shot down five
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storm shadow cruise missiles , seven jet. a scandal is growing around the world around the leak of negotiations between german generals who discussed the attack with taurus missiles on the crimean bridge and military warehouses. this record will complicate berlin's relations with its nato allies. the wall street journal points this out. so the german generals revealed that in ukraine the military from great britain, france, and the united states are already
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actively acting against russia. including. “you need to pay now, otherwise later the insidious russians will take all the money.” russia's victory in ukraine will result in major consequences for europe financial losses. for our collective security, it will no longer be 2% of gdp, but much more. from an economic point of view , the situation will become catastrophic. but there are leaders in the european union who call for common sense. the west sees that despite significant assistance , despite anti-russian sanctions, ukraine is simply not capable of winning, and if we send military personnel from the eu and nato to ukraine, then all we can do is doomedly lie down on the balcony with a cognac and a cigar, waiting for the world apocalypse. pragmatic founder of an american pmc black water, erik prince called on
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kiev to come to an agreement with russia as soon as possible. the western defense resource is pitiful; it cannot withstand a conventional war against a russian bear. an ugly world is better than any words about a perfect war. straighten the front line, give them crimea. let them have donetsk and lugansk, whatever they want. american taxpayers do not have to spend another 100 billion on ukraine, where corruption reigns. this idea was also supported by billionaire elon musk, and us presidential candidate robert kennedy suggested that washington make peace with moscow finally deal with my own problems. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, lead. official representatives of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova commented on the scandal in germany and noted the statement of german structures. is monstrously multidirectional in nature, there is no unity in the politics of germany, the elites have neither responsibility to the people nor feedback, therefore there is no real democracy in the country, all information in the press
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is distorted. more than 14,000 applications have already been submitted for the educational program time of heroes, only for the first day. announced the launch of a new initiative for special operations participants and veterans. vladimir putin in his message to the federal assembly. the next day the time of heroes website appeared. his address is now on the screen. program participants will receive unique opportunities for growth and development in order to serve russia in peaceful life. registration until april 8. the program website answers all applicants’ questions. the world youth festival, the largest in the world, has opened in sirius. 20,000 people take part in it, which. represent 188 states, how was the opening ceremony, i saw alexander perfilev, the emotions of the participants are literally overwhelming, i just see the guys who are going, apparently to a street concert, what are your emotions, very cool, everything is fire,
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simplicity, but you yourself you hear first -hand, emotions are literally overwhelming, and the opening ceremony was very bright and solemn, just in the big ice palace. which is behind me, it is illuminated with the main colors of the world youth festival. at the opening ceremony participants and guests of various delegations were surprised by a laser show and acrobats performing in the air. special attention was paid to another guest, this is artificial intelligence, which was voiced by actor konstantin khabensky, and then a composition was played to which... all participants stood up and held hands, this is like the personification of unity and peace. the president of russia also addressed the festival participants. vladimir putin noted that our country is open to dialogue. you are the young generation, you dream of
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what a safe, just world can and should be, it is up to you to create it. the festival will give you the opportunity to discuss this with your peers and be confident. your discussions will be interesting and useful to the widest audience, as well as your impressions of the events that will take place at the festival sites, and of course, about russia itself, about the people who live here. you will personally be able to see that, for example, a smile is not just a mask for us, but a sincere expression of feelings, that if we give our word, we always keep it. we believe him. participants from 180 countries
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, representatives of the delegation entered the opening ceremony, raising the flag of their countries above their heads, for example, the delegation from india, this, by the way, is the largest delegation, they arrived
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on a special flight of 360... to the question: does russia agree in response to turkey’s proposal to once again become a platform for negotiations on ukraine, sergei lavrov noted that russia has never refused negotiations. russia has never refused negotiations. an example of this is the istanbul agreements of april 2022, which, as
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admitted the chief ukrainian negotiator. to achieve the defeat of russia on the battlefield, which is worth the latest statements by austin, the head of the us pentagon, that if ukraine is defeated, nato will be forced to act against russia, macron’s statement about the possibility of sending ground troops to the territory of ukraine. summing up the results of his visit to the forum, he noted that the world majority is increasing its weight and understands
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the importance. the weight of the world economy, technological development, they decided that for the sake of maintaining
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elusive dominance. frozen russian assets and income from them for fear of measures from moscow. sergei lavrov emphasized that russia will not leave such steps unanswered if they are implemented. as for the published conversations of german generals regarding attacks on the crimean bridge, sergei lavrov noted that this fact, as well as the statements of immanuel macron and lloyd austin, only indicate that the west is not ready to abandon the idea of ​​inflicting a strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield, even despite its futility. and... what did you catch about? what and how we spied , it will be impossible to tear yourself away from watching, during the week of the presidential address we saw more
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than others, there is no escape from it, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we watch on sunday at 22:00. the more graves there are in ukrainian cemeteries, the fewer dead people are killed. this is the logical paradox that the leadership of the kiev regime is trying to feed to their masters, although they no longer believe it. we ’ll tell you more about how our troops burn western equipment that was considered indestructible right now in the stop fake program on russia-24. so, either completely loses touch with reality, or hopes. those who still haven't written him off. judge for yourself, the leader of the junta suddenly decided to share data on losses with the public, that’s how many he counted. 31 thousand ukrainian soldiers died in this
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war. neither 3000, nor 150. but each of these losses is a big loss for us. the figure, of course, was happily picked up by all sorts of information dumps from the zhelftoblakite ones. to foreign agents loyal to them, like jellyfish and the like, that is, apparently they believed, well, or very much they wanted to believe, and some were smart enough to praise the character for an adult conversation, it turns out that he does not hide anything and is honest with his citizens, so there is a whole media campaign, the task of which is quite obvious, there is such a terrible joke that 31,000 is true, but this is on the scale of one cemetery, all this is monstrous and scary and... when our garbage dumps join this necrophilia, this corpse-eating, raking up the garbage, they stick out of these rubble, a jellyfish, a foreign agent, appears there, she picks it up and says, what this is reality, but this is, firstly , to spit on the graves of ukrainian soldiers, this is to tell them that you were not there, we
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never sent you there, traditionally there are characteristic nuances, well, firstly, if two hundred units are so few, then why carry out total mobilization and announce the conscription of a... half a million people, secondly, since the survival rate in the ranks of the ukrainian army is so high, then why does the mob reserve fiercely resist the tskashnik in literally every city of the independent, maybe they know something that they don’t know their president finally thirdly, how can one not remember the resonant publication dated december last year, then a popular european resource, whose authors specialize in the analysis of open data, put together a two-hour video from filming of graveyards following the results of the counter-offensive, there is nothing here... each of the videos was obtained in the nezalezhnaya blissosphere, where there is plenty of such content, the geolocation is as wide as possible, lviv, ivanofrankovsk, krivoy rog, kharkov , dnepropetrovsk, nikolaev, kiev region, you can’t list everything, pretentious captions
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it seems that the price of our freedom is attached, but the main thing is to tombstone 4000 flags with fresh wreaths, so we are definitely talking about those who did not return from the front. it would be interesting to listen to zelensky’s comments on this matter. the growth rate of these cemeteries and the fact that they are scattered throughout the country indicate that at least 30 thousand people died, and this , of course, was a weak move, it was a big mistake, well, that is, many who are even loyal to him, yes to zelensky, they say that it wasn’t worth not mentioning anything at all, that is, just keeping silent, like before calling this figure. which no one will believe, in short, the real statistics are there, and here are the results of a survey on the streets of odessa, where the boys who were lucky enough to survive were asked to comment on the arithmetic of the president. i don’t think that this is a true figure, far more boys died and were injured at once, it’s just that no one sounds like that,
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singly more, i think, even more, more, of course, much more, and even the foreign owners were on foot, a vivid example tatya new york times, they write, mid-twenties third, the us authorities had confirmed reports about the death of 70 thousand ukrainians, and the bbc also hints that the number of two guys is significantly out of place... in place, because he got too carried away, he dictates to the west, saying that there are much more losses, this also an attempt to set conditions for zelensky about how much weapons to supply him, when he needs help, how necessary what... equipment needs to be supplied, that is, in fact , all of europe is now dancing to zelensky’s bait, this is, of course, for many elites, many forces, v
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europe and the united states itself don’t really like it, that is, a counterforce is emerging, well, the question is when western sponsors will run out of patience, because individual ones are still ready to play along with bandera’s lies, which is worth german foreign minister anna lena berbock, who, according to tabloid bilt almost became a victim of a russian drone in nikolaev, she was forced to flee from a quote: invisible threat from the air in an armored car, well, in general , the story is action-packed, you can’t argue when conditional berbak barelis arrive there, such collective, then they order a disco, for them this disco jockey with an infernal face turns on the siren, they arrange these demonic dances to it, as they run somewhere to a shelter, jump there, fall, all this is filmed on all
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camera phones, and then for now... the average range of use has not yet reached that far, the most popular ones, well, be it a ghoul or a vt-40, range from 7.5 to 12 km, a similar radius for maviks with grenades, and the distance between nikolaev positions of russian positions on the bare pier there are five times more, on the other. country, if such a drone were to approach, it would be very problematic to get away from it, as reported, the german minister’s motorcade left nikolaev at a speed of about 80 km/h, the same ghoul, when approaching a target, accelerates to 100, probably would have easily caught up with the convoy of cars, hence the logical the conclusion is that no one was hunting for foreign delegations, but fear has big eyes, and there are even cooler fantasies, as evidenced by the daily mail material with an exclusive note about ukrainian attack aircraft, which, imagine, were watched not just by drones, but by pro-russian aliens, holy crap, no fucking way, what kind of plate is this,
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in any case, it’s standing still, you know , it’s still there, in fact, that’s what we see, well, this is either a technical failure, or modern artificial intelligence technologies, which now allow you to insert anything you want into any video frame, in general the use of ufos in the information agenda, this is a favorite technique of the west, so to speak, that is, this is an attempt to... raise all kinds of dregs to the top , after which needs to formulate certain, so to speak, narratives , certain, so to speak, tasks for the defense complex, allocate even more taxpayer money for defense costs, then from the svidomo circus to a spectacle that is truly pleasing to the eye, the first of the abrams tanks was destroyed by our military , exactly the next day after the documented arrival of these vehicles at the front, by that time the kiev media had already... managed to boast that american technology was tearing russian equipment to pieces, but for some reason, no one
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demonstrated evidence, but the russian fighters did not hesitate to provide objective control personnel. the notorious m-1 was first stopped by loitering ammunition, and then finished off with an accurate shot from an anti-tank gun, blazing for its dear soul. accordingly, now it would be nice to look into the eyes of those who seriously considered these tanks to be almost the best in the world, expected from them absolute superiority over ... t-90 of the russian armed forces and called the abrams literally a whispering death, because any meeting with it supposedly turns inevitable death. these abrams, how they rushed with them, we went the way of the bayaroktarov, and the three axes, and the khaymars, all this was called such a wunder waffe, which could destroy the russians and change the outcome of the war. they also made some kind of monstrous bet on these abrams for the american one. all this was not shown to the average person, it was all hidden somewhere in a distant drawer, only there the most sophisticated lovers of military affairs, i
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mean the american public, can climb up... to see what they did to aboram. but in general, the eloquence of any words, the silence of ukrainian telegram channels, an analysis conducted by kraken media made it possible to establish that they mentioned abrams only 78 times per day against the background of almost 3 million mentions in the russian segment of social networks. but extremist instagram went even further, where, as it turned out, they simply blocked the video of the scrapped tank in order to, quote: protect the image and business reputation of the manufacturing company. censorship without cuts. and the western it platform works. together with western intelligence services, they actively use censorship technologies, simply, they take they delete the video that you don’t like, but because the price of the shares, so to speak, depends on the showing of this video to the whole world, this will have an extremely negative impact on their reputation , primarily on the international market for military equipment, and partners will show this, look , so you say one thing,
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but in fact a drone has arrived and that’s all yours... there is no tank, how can you answer this, but they cannot answer. by the way, the latest self-propelled guns have previously received no less enthusiastic epithets from propaganda. archer artillery mounts, made in sweden. recently, stockholm transferred eight of these self-propelled guns to ukraine , which are positioned as the most advanced in their class; they praised the accuracy and solid ammunition, but above all the speed and maneuverability characteristics ; they say, after firing, the archers quickly leave the line of fire, which means they are invulnerable to counter-battery combat. but... his ability to fly clearly into the target was clearly not taken into account by the enemy. the problem is in the artillery itself, in its presence, because if you pay attention to the latter, especially six months, yes, then it’s clearly a waste of artillery, but the output of its system is not covered by new supplies, well, not even half, that they can no longer, which means, somehow take care
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of these most valuable, most modern samples, and they have to... do the dirty work in which they actually die. well, to complete the set, here’s some more nato scrap metal: an m1150 briacher mine clearing engineering vehicle burned down in the avdeevka area. russian tank crews did a good job on it, by the way, this is a rather rare beast, which was also painted with might and main image of a wunderwaffe. as stated, in addition to clearing minefields, the unit is capable of fully performing the functions of an assault tank, since nothing can penetrate its armor. but in reality, britcher is more likely not ... agile and heavy than powerful, it was created on the basis of the above-mentioned avrons, from which they took the tracked chassis and engine, but the m1150 weighs as much as 10 tons more, and the reason for this is a four-meter plow, adapted for removal layer of soil in minefields, after which the special m-58 installation should come into play, it shoots unguided rockets with hoses filled with c4 explosives, when they fall to
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the ground they detonate along their entire length, causing the triggers located along... to be triggered, thus a passage 8 m wide and up to 100 long should be cleared, but ironically it stopped breacher just -it's a minefield . their western allies themselves, they never attached much importance to such technology, well, it was supposed that it would work there in completely hothouse conditions, so the enemy had already fled there, there were mines fields, as they have repeatedly noted. turned out to be, well, overly saturated for them, that is, there should have been much fewer mines, it turned out that there were a lot of them, so these machines could not withstand such a load. in addition to the usual sweeping up of criticism , the sub-commander, the gang with the bank, does not forget about drawing victories. this time , minister of defense umerov and commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine syrsky showed up, who, according to ukrasmi, visited zero,
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that is, they allegedly visited the invaders directly at the front line. sounds loud, but looks strange, please note attention, the cameraman chose a bad angle for a second, he filmed the office ceilings in the dugout, the whole ukrainian reality is a mask of a screen, and this is why these photographs are absurd, a dugout with office ceilings, even the cambrigians don’t get there, and we’re talking about such serious military men there bosses, well, they went somewhere, took a photo somewhere on the tenth line, turned around and left, the most important thing for them is pr. that is, the result is not important for them, it’s all as if for those who die in positions, and for these people it is important to report and expose photo cards, well, the russian leadership doesn’t need decorations, even if some people persistently imagine them, a resource with the self-explanatory name cotton swamp made a strained attempt to troll vladimir putin, where to say the new plane that was demonstrated to the president at the tupolev design bureau was stuck at the stage of a cardboard model and never
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will not take off, should i check after


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