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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 3:00am-3:31am MSK

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com. the russian army repulsed all attacks in the control system, and also improved the situation in many areas: zelensky’s formation lost over 900 more soldiers and mercenary officers, five tanks and 14 other armored vehicles were destroyed, as well as 18 gunships and self-propelled guns, mainly american and british polish production. air defense systems shot down five storm shadow cruise missiles and seven jet missiles.
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this recording will complicate berlin’s relations with its nato allies, as the journal points out, as german generals revealed that in ukraine there are military personnel from great britain, france, the united states is already actively acting against russia, among other things.
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goebbels. here, for example, is a television program for teenagers. three missiles, german, british and french, using obscene words in all directions, honor the chancellor. we must give olaf scholz a good scolding. why? because he refuses to send me to ukraine. how did he do this to me? but the ukrainians have already got me. and me. the former chairman of the nato military committee, retired general harald kujat, said: the fuss around the taurus is like macron’s words about sending foreign ones. troops to ukraine indicate that the ukrainian armed forces are losing, and the west simply does not know what to do. everyone who was previously euphoric about kiev’s victory and said that ukraine was winning is now in a difficult position. panic has already begun. the dispatch of western troops was considered the last chance to prevent a catastrophic military defeat for ukraine. panic is being fanned for a reason; european citizens want to survive with tens of billions of euros on military orders. swiss. herzeitung calls for cutting
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social programs for the sake of military-industrial complex. the head of mid-france completely intimidates citizens, saying: they need to pay now, otherwise later the insidious russians will take all the money. russia's victory in ukraine will result in major financial losses for europe. for our collective security, it will no longer be 2% of gdp, but much more. from an economic point of view, the situation will become catastrophic. but there are leaders in the european union who call for common sense, they say it is necessary. the west sees that despite significant assistance, despite anti-russian sanctions, ukraine is simply not capable of winning, and if we send military personnel from the eu and nato to ukraine, all that will remain is to doomedly collapse on the balcony with cognac and a cigar, waiting for the world apocalypse. the pragmatic founder of the american pmc black water, eric prince, called for kiev to come to an agreement with russia as soon as possible.
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“the defense resource of the west is pitiful; it cannot withstand a conventional war against the russian bear. an ugly world is better than any words about an ideal war. straighten the front line, give them crimea. let them have donetsk and lugansk, whatever you want. american taxpayers do not have to spend another 100 billion on ukraine, where corruption reigns. this idea was also supported by billionaire elon musk, and us presidential candidate robert kennedy suggested that washington make peace with moscow and finally take care of its own problems. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, lead. official representatives of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova commented on the scandal in germany and noted the statement of german structures. is monstrously multidirectional in nature, there is no unity in the policy of germany, the elite they have no responsibility to the people, no feedback, therefore there is no real democracy in the country, all information in the press is distorted.
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more than 14,000 applications have already been submitted for the time of heroes educational program, in the first 24 hours alone. announced the launch of a new initiative for special operation participants and veterans. his address is now on the screen. program participants will receive unique opportunities for growth and development in order to serve russia in peaceful life. registration until april 8, all questions are answered on the program website applicants. russia is the biggest country in the world. 11 time zones, more than 145 million. residents, over 110 million voters who can vote at almost 100 thousand polling stations, at home or online. every voter's vote is taken into account and guaranteed to be protected, they help with this. about 1 million election organizers.
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observers, video surveillance at polling stations, electronic complexes for processing ballots, a mobile voter mechanism and remote electronic voting. state automated election system ensures accurate and fast vote counting, elections in russia, important, fair, convenient!
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on june 23, 1940, the central streets of paris woke up to the sounds of german military marches; marching columns appeared at the arc de triomphe on the champs-elysees. soldiers, these were parts of the eighteenth army of the wehrmacht, just a few days earlier the french government fled from its own capital, surrendering paris to the mercy of the victors. the parade
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was hosted by german generals fedor von bock and georg von küchler. they greeted their soldiers marching along the champs elysees. it was the dream of a whole generation of germans. they finally took revenge on the french for the shame of the first world war. defeated, humiliated france bowed before the german eagle. depressed parisians watched the german triumph in silence. peering into their faces, the french officer emmanuel della vegerie would later write. a stream of people consumed by fear, frightened jews, repentant politicians, dubious businessmen. the regime behind them gave up, they renounced it, hastening to adapt to the new masters. in this
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to the crowd, which was torn away from the beaches, games and dances, i did not meet either a tailer or a rebel. this world, stricken with myopia, was fussing. and cunningly, with resigned sighs, adapting to the new reality. no one foresaw defeat, but no one seemed to think about victory. panic reigned in france, they were not ready for a serious war, some consumer interests, consumer psychology prevailed too much , they really lived as if behind a stone wall, behind this mozhin line, they believed that all this will cost, because they are among the masters of the world , everything is going well, everything is correct, and that this world can collapse, this is not for them... the day
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before the victory parade in paris, june 22 , 1940, the command of the french army signed a shameful surrender in presence of a triumphant hitler. the german fuhrer staged this event as a real performance. the staff carriage of the french marshal ferdinand foch was delivered to the campiène forest from the paris museum. it was here that germany signed the first treaty of compiegne in 1918. armistice and thereby admitted defeat in the first world war. now hitler has prepared exactly the same fate for france. year, why such a shameful defeat of the french army, and yet the french group was anglo-french, it was larger than in
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the army, it was well armed, they had an excellent military-industrial complex, in particular, by the way, marshal wrote very well about this pétain, he wrote that the defeat of france is the reason for the general sloppiness of the french, the general reluctance, inability to fight for the interests of the country, unwillingness fight, which is why the french army suffered such a crushing defeat precisely because... it was internally not ready to fight, unlike the germans. in june 1940, france descended into chaos. millions of panic-stricken people fled from the cities following the defeated army. russian emigrant writer roman gul, who lived at that time in the rural outback of france, wrote: “all peasants, winegrowers, artisans, grocers, restaurateurs, café garsons, hairdressers.” and these soldiers running like a rabble all wanted one thing, that anything, just so that this fall into
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a bottomless abyss ends. france and all its civic virtues have no choice but to die, because there is no strength to resist. the surrender of paris instilled horror and despair into the hearts of the french. june 11, when the french government fled the capital. having declared paris an open city, crowds of citizens rushed from it to the south. 3 million residents fled from a city of five million, abandoning all their property. children left their elderly parents, doctors abandoned patients who remained in hospitals to the mercy of fate. capital the stations were crowded. soon the trains stopped running. writer victor sersh was an eyewitness to this.
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marshal philippe pétain was a legendary french commander. he was born in 1856 into an ordinary peasant family. he graduated from the famous saint-cyr military academy and became an officer. however, his career was not meteoric. by the beginning of 1914,
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fifty-eight-year-old pétain could only rise to the rank of colonel. i was already thinking about retirement. the first world war changed everything. pétain was appointed commander of the french army at the battle of verdun. this the grandiose battle, during which the german advance was stopped, brought pieten well-deserved fame and unquestioned authority. his name is included in textbooks and histories. in 1940, 84 years old. served as ambassador to spain. upon learning of the german invasion of france, he immediately flew to paris. when the french defenses were broken, pétain offered negotiations to the germans. in july 1940 , the french national assembly elected him extraordinary head of state. in october
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of the same year, at the station of the provincial town of montoir, pétain met. during negotiations, the marshal invited the fuhrer to work together, and this is how the term collaborationism appeared. most french people fully supported pitein. the philosopher raymond aron wrote: it was almost impossible not to somehow share in the feeling of abject relief.
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pétain was a flag, a symbol and, in general, the main figure of french conservatism, he developed the image of the savior of france, an honest old man, covered in orders, it is clear that he is rooting for the country in his soul, this is a symbol of stability, and the french are making a completely logical choice, so we had the most revelry parliamentary democracy, how it ended, the roads of france are filled with refugees, german tanks are heading towards paris, no one offers anything.
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divided into two parts: the north of the country, its entire atlantic coast was occupied by the wehrmacht. the southern regions of the country were declared a free zone under the control of the petén government. the marshal and his ministers moved to the small resort town of vichy. thus a new name for the french state appeared: the viche regime. according to the terms of the armistice, the french army and navy were subject to. despite this, the french state was recognized by the leading powers of the world. the germans
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ordered them to ban marseillaise. okay, let's ban it. the anthem “marshal” “you and me” appeared in honor of pétain, the cult of pétain arose, postage stamps with his image were issued, portraits of the marshal, and this marshal, he became the personification of immutability. then the whole world recognized pétain, they maintained relations with him, the united states, great britain, the soviet union, maintained all diplomatic relations with the vichy government, that is, this is recognized all over the world...
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schools for disabled children. while the whole of europe was shaking from the grandiose battles of world war ii, a cinematography institute was opened in france,
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an association of national museums was created, medical cards, vaccination books and distance learning in schools were introduced. the pitenis were seen as the personification of traditional france. and he raised the slogan, not freedom , equality, brotherhood, labor of the fatherland, family, the french really liked this, they liked the appeal to tradition, to some basic values ​​and hope for the world that we let's survive in this small new french state, let others fight, and we 'll survive all this somewhere here. in this case, the french rallying around pétain
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extended only to the french. already in the fall of 1940, even before pétain’s official meeting with hitler, the vichy regime adopted strict anti-semitic laws. all french jews were stripped of their citizenship and were required to wear yellow stars. jews were prohibited from studying in schools, universities, holding any government positions, working as doctors, lawyers, in 1942, forced
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deportations of the jewish population of france to hitler's death camps began. by decision of the authorities, 76,000 people were expelled from the country. almost all of them subsequently died. hitler was quite calm about the nazi regime; under his roof they began to create in the south of france, in fact , a fascist regime, and not the conservative one that he wanted. pétain was already quite an old man, already during the war, he had already begun to simply transfer to laval all these same opportunities for leading the country, because he simply physically could not do it. in 1942, prime minister of the government.
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several newspapers and radio stations. with the beginning of the german occupation, laval announced his full support for marshal pétain. heading the vichy government. he called for a military alliance with hitler as soon as possible. in his radio address, laval said: france, in view of the irreconcilable sacrifices of germany, cannot remain passive and indifferent. i wish germany victory, because without it bolshevism would reign throughout the world. i wonder what just a few years earlier, loval had been considered a staunch supporter of franco's soviet union. here is rare footage from the union of newsreels filmed in may 1935. french foreign minister pierre laval
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arrived in moscow with an official. having examined leninsky, french. as a result of negotiations, laval achieved the conclusion of a franco-soviet mutual assistance pact. the purpose of this agreement was a joint struggle against hitler's germany. in those days, no one could have imagined that just a few years later, the french politician would to greet. volunteers going with the germans to the war against the soviet union. the unscrupulousness and duplicity that laval showed during the second world war amazed the french themselves. general de gaulle subsequently asserted that until the very end he waged a fight that was criminal. laval believed that no matter how things turned out, it was important to be in power. he decided that he could take
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advantage of the worst. even go to the enslavement of the country, in the name of pursuing his policy, he sacrificed the honor of the country, independence of the state, national pride. and that france, which was under pitein, was the complete embodiment of this french destructive spirit, an incomprehensible and still inexplicable spirit, which rested on very great arrogance by declaring that we are a leading european country, we are the heirs of the roman empire. heirs of napoleon, but lacking a complete desire to confirm this status, and how it needs to be confirmed, it sometimes has to be confirmed with a military hand. political and military the rivalry between france and germany began long before the second world war. in 1870 , the united army of the german principalities invaded france, defeated the troops of napoleon ii and besieged paris. according to the terms
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of peace. treaty france lost alsace and lataringia. in the hall of mirrors at the palace of versailles, as if in mockery of a defeated enemy, otto von bismarck announced the creation of the german empire. france received a chance to get even with its predatory eastern neighbors during the first world war. in november 1918 , revolution broke out in germany and the kaiser fled from the country. according to the conditions.
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soldiers of the avroya battalion.


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