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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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your brother is there in the donbass in the aurora battalion , so he is alive, no one will know anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, a mine, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you, get ready to go to moscow, we'll list your brother as missing, no, that won't do, i came for him, i have to find him, hope mark.
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the militia passenger becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion soon.
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in the early twenties of the last century , most french people were trying to get away from painful memories of the war. plunged into a life full of entertainment and pleasure. contemporaries called these years crazy or crazy. the symbol of this era was the renewed paris. the city was significantly rebuilt, the remains of medieval fortifications were demolished. the eiffel tower was no longer considered an ugliness and was declared a new symbol of paris. in 1922, the first radio station started operating in the capital of france. and soon.
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thousands of citizens acquired tube radios. new passenger elevators appeared in residential buildings, and telephone lines were installed in most apartments. thousands of provincials and emigrants from all over the world flocked to the capital of france. paris soon became the most densely populated city in europe. writers, artists, performers from all over the world came to paris to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of an eternal holiday. the narrow streets, shady boulevards and paved ovenus were full of life day and night. 13 thousand taxis drove tirelessly along the wide avenues. countless music halls, cabarets, theaters, cheap cafes and luxurious restaurants could barely cope with the influx of visitors. parisian bohemians were obsessed with gambling. it happened that evenings at the casino, fortunes were spent. at
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night, the banks of the seine were illuminated by the neon lights of night bars and dance clubs. there were one and a half thousand brothels in the capital of france. strict morals. completely became a thing of the past, girls began to cut their hair short, use bright makeup, wear short skirts, smoke, listen to jazz. russian emigrant roman gul, who lived in france at that time, wrote: “the french are too relieved of their responsibilities.” they were freed from this by the falsely understood, poisonously perceived swaddling freedom, commonly understood democracy. france lives better than... others, it restores production faster. by the way, the french noted that the population grew very rapidly. the statistics are as follows: the population of france is only 38.8 million. in the twenty-first year, by the thirty-sixth year, 42 s are small. that is, population growth,
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well, there is 2-2.5 million. what is this evidence about, that france did not want to give birth, it wanted to live well, this is one of the reflections of this french relaxation, why strain, spend your children there, so of course. of course, this kind of french laxity, sloppiness and relaxation, this was the most important factor in the country’s internal unpreparedness for the difficulties that the era presented. at the beginning of the 1930s , a severe economic crisis broke out in europe, following america. in france, the great depression sparked a wave of protests. endless strikes virtually paralyzed the country's economy. during the crisis, the total number of protests in france increased by 10 times and reached 17 thousand per year. in 1936 , 2.5 million workers took part in the protests.
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that same year , a coalition of left-wing parties, the so-called popular front, won the parliamentary elections. the new government of france was headed by socialist leon blum. as a result of the crisis, the government of blum's popular front came to power, they took a whole series of very drastic measures, this included a forty-hour work week, an increase in social benefits, and generally an expansion of the social base, that is, it was quite expensive, but france had money in general on that’s all, another thing is that there was an overlay, it was at this time that it became clear that the situation...
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was largely populist from the moment clemenceau resigned in january 2020 until the start of the second world war, that is, until september 1939 , in france, 42 cabinets were replaced in 20 years, that is, like this, two 2 cabinets per year. accordingly, when there is such
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a constant change of political elites, it is difficult to talk about any more or less precise line of behavior, so it is shaky all the time this policy. in total, leon blum's government adopted 133 laws aimed at improving working conditions. in addition to the forty-hour workweek, annual paid holidays and two days off per week were introduced in france. these measures led to a sharp reduction in industrial production. the omnipotence of the trade unions, endless strikes and strikes virtually paralyzed the work of the plant. french writer andre maurois recalled: the occupation of factories by striking workers, the inertia of the government and crazy demands trade unions catastrophically reduced the production of the aviation industry. in 1937, the monthly
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production of aircraft was an incredible 38. and this was at a time when germany was producing a thousand aircraft every month. french financiers and industrialists perceived the reforms of the popular front as a national disaster and began to withdraw their assets abroad. in just one year, as a result of flight. as a result , the government was forced to nationalize all railways and some military factories. on the pages of the right press, french industrialists launched a fierce propaganda campaign against the popular front. publicist raymond aron recalled: these sheets, fed on hatred, expressed a certain psychology.
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and the military industry is private, the same as renault, and the military industry, it is concentrated on foreign orders, on civilian orders, and if it is given orders to build 300, 400, 700 tanks a year there in order to begin rearmament, and new models, then it’s just not ready for this, because it needs to be rearmed production, expansion of this production, purchase of new machines, when they say that it is necessary to re-equip its factories and start producing.
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on the eve of world war ii, france still had the largest army in europe. however, the average age of the french commanders and army commanders exceeded 60 years, and the high command was 70. the generals who went through the first world war were staunch supporters of traditional defensive tactics. a proposal from a little-known colonel at the time. calling for the creation of maneuverable tanks no one took the bands seriously. the most
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popular tank of the french army was the outdated renault ft by that time. this machine and its modifications have been produced since the first world war. the crew of the tank consisted of two people. the vehicle moved at a speed of 7 km/h and operated within a radius of no more than 60 km. it was impossible to use french light tanks in serious offensive operations. the newest medium tank s-35 and heavy tank renault b1 were produced in insufficient quantities. in total for in four pre-war years, the french army received less than a thousand new combat vehicles. military expenses.
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this is a fortress army, but it all remained dead weight, and there were mortars and machine guns, but all this was concentrated on the army of typewriters. at the end of the twenties, french politician andre maginot proposed building an indestructible defensive line on the border with germany. the maginot line, with a total length of over 400 km, was being built. and has been improved for more than 10 years. the french spent a fabulous amount on its construction.
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amount, about 3 billion francs. powerful fortifications included multi-level underground forts with living quarters, ventilation plants and elevators, electrical and telephone exchanges, hospitals and narrow-gauge railways. the creation of a line does not at all mean that... an enemy strike, secondly, it will make it possible to cover the country until the moment the mobilization, concentration, and transfer of troops are completed and the strike is carried out. when the war began in 1940 , the germans, naturally smart, did not attack to storm this well, practically very difficult obstacle to overcome, they simply passed
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through belgium, where these fortifications were not there. this is the question that construction of this kind. in september 1938, hitler declared that he intended to annex the sudetenland of czechoslovakia, where the german population lived, to the third reich at any cost. prime minister eduardo ladieu left france for negotiations with the german fuhrer. at the same time, the french government announced a general mobilization. tens of thousands of parisians fleeing unexpected mobilization, in a panic they stormed the trains going to the province. as a result of negotiations, france and england agreed to all hitler's demands and signed the munich agreement with him. after this, de lladie was proclaimed a national
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hero in the country. to meet the prime minister, who flew from munich at lebourger airport. france undoubtedly played a huge role in the fact that the german aggression took place, it did not react in any way to the remilitarization of the rennes region, it did not react in any way to the militarization of germany, it swallowed the input german troops to the saar region, it did not
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help defeat the fascists, the italian german nazis.
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on the western front, american journalists called it a fake or strange war. taking advantage of the complete inaction of the british and french, hitler, following poland , occupied denmark and norway. on may 10, 1940 , the fuhrer attacked belgium and the netherlands. soon after this, the wehrmacht invaded france itself and completely defeated the french troops with several lightning strikes. general de gaulle, who fled to london, addressed an appeal to all french people, urging them to continue the fight against the german occupiers. however, the cry, abandoned by the general, did not find widespread support among the people. during the entire second world war, out of 40 million inhabitants of france, no
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more than 30,000 people joined partisan detachments. in the summer of 1940 , the french writer andre. the jew said: if german rule brought us prosperity, nine out of ten frenchmen would put up with it, three or four would accept it with a smile. after the defeat of france, the entire european continent was under the power of nazi germany. on june 22 , 1941, a year after the conquest of france, hitler... attacked the soviet union. the germans transported some of the captured weapons captured in france to the eastern front. heavy martyrs and howitzers of french production.
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there was a vichy regime , at the same time there was a resistance movement, there was a resistance movement , yes, now this is a legend that is not in doubt, what the scale of the resistance movement was is now little discussed, it was smaller than we assume in the balkans, so in general , certainly however, in no case can france be placed among the four great victorious powers, which participated in the nuremberg trials and so on, but it was, it became... as a result of not military, but political events. on august 25, 1944, paris was
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liberated by the allied anglo-american forces, wanting to please the liberator, the french authorities immediately put on the wanted list all accomplices of the german occupiers. as a result of judicial negotiations and spontaneous massacres, about 1,000 were executed in the country in a short period of time. behind bars in solitary confinement on island e, died in 1951. speaking about the fate of the legendary marshal of france, charles de gaulle
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wrote: “what an end, this is how this disgusting series of capitulations ended, which led to slavery being accepted under the pretext of saving property.”
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does she really read minds or not? premiere, anna ostrovskaya, investigative committee, she has special gifts, who do you look at all the time? well, there, the girl is standing buried, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with this case, and do you know who the killer is? yes, look just don’t do anything on your own, stay in place, don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna
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is a medium. we watch it before anyone else in the app or on the website. weapons that are supplied to ukraine as military aid from western countries constantly end up on the black market. medium and large-caliber weapons come from ukraine, thanks to nato supplies. "we have provided ukraine with military support and will continue in the same spirit. some army insiders have confirmed that there are indeed weapons that are being supplied to us in nigeria from the territory of ukraine. the african business with ukrainian weapons is tied to the so-called blood diamonds, they are easy to transport, not a single scanner there takes them, the weapons themselves most often do not reach the front,
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that is, everyone writes them off, zhivylin, two of the same ones began to explode warehouses, in one place or another, well, they went for this hack because they knew that it would be revealed that there were some shortcomings, some losses somewhere. march 3, a memorable date in the military history of russia, 3 march 1799, ushakov's capture of the corfu fortress. ushakov's russian squadron stormed the island of corfu in the mediterranean sea. the decisive actions of the great naval commander made it possible to capture the impregnable fortress with minimal losses. the capture of corfu put an end to napoleonic france's claims to mediterranean dominance. suvorov wrote to ushakov: why did i need to be at least a midshipman at corfu?
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the russian army repulsed all attacks in the ssu, and also improved the situation in many areas: zelensky’s formation lost over 900 more soldiers, mercenary officers, and were destroyed five tanks and 14 other armored vehicles, as well as 18 gunships and self-propelled guns, mostly american, british polish production. the air defense system was shot down by five storm shadow cruise missiles, seven rockets and 107 missiles.


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