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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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[000:00:00;00] russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24. the russian army repelled all attacks in su, and also improved the situation in many areas: zelensky’s formation lost over 900 more soldiers and mercenary officers. five tanks and 14 other armored vehicles, as well as 18 howubs and self-propelled guns, mostly american and british polish- made, were destroyed. air defense systems shot down five
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storm shadow cruise missiles and seven jet missiles. this recording will complicate berlin’s relations with its nato allies, as wool street journal points out , as german generals revealed that in ukraine the military from great britain, france, and the united states are already actively
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acting against russia, among others. goebbels, for example, a television program for teenagers. three missiles, german, british and french, using obscene words in all directions, cleanse the chancellor. we must give olaf scholt a good scolding. why? because he refuses to send me to ukraine. how did he do this to me? but the ukrainians already got me. and me. the former chairman of the nato military committee , retired general harald kujat, said: the fuss around the taurus is like macron’s words about sending foreign ones. everyone who was previously euphoric about kiev’s victory and said that ukraine was winning was now in a difficult situation, panic had already begun, sending western troops was considered the last opportunity to prevent a catastrophic military defeat for ukraine. panic is being fanned for a reason; european citizens want to survive tens of billions of euros on
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military orders. swiss. herzeitung calls for cutting social programs for the sake of the military-industrial complex. the head of mid-france completely intimidates citizens, saying: they need to pay now, otherwise later the insidious russians will take all the money. russia's victory in ukraine will result in major financial losses for europe. for our collective security, it will no longer be 2% of gdp, but much more. from an economic point of view, the situation will become catastrophic. but there are leaders in the european union who call for common sense, they say need to. the west sees that despite significant assistance, despite anti-russian sanctions, ukraine is simply not capable of winning, and if we send military personnel from the eu and nato to ukraine, all we can do is doomedly lie down on the balcony with cognac and a cigar, waiting for the world apocalypse. the pragmatic founder of the american pmc black water, eric prince, called
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for kiev to come to an agreement with russia as soon as possible. “the western defense resource is pitiful; it cannot withstand a conventional war against a russian bear. an ugly world is better than any words about perfect war. straighten the front line, give them crimea. let them have donetsk and lugansk, whatever they want. american taxpayers do not have to spend another 100 billion on ukraine, where corruption reigns. this idea was also supported by billionaire elon musk, and us presidential candidate robert kennedy suggested that washington make peace with moscow and finally take care of its own problems. anton dadykin, ekaterina radaeva, lead. well, official representatives of the russian foreign ministry maria zakharova commented on the scandal in germany, noted the statement of the german structures. is monstrously multidirectional in nature, there is no unity in the politics of germany, the elites have neither responsibility to the people nor feedback, therefore there is no real democracy in the country, all information in the press
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is distorted. more than 14,000 applications have already been submitted for the time of heroes educational program, in the first 24 hours alone. announced the launch of a new initiative for special operation participants and veterans. his address is now on the screen. program participants will receive unique opportunities for growth and development, in order to serve russia in a peaceful life. registration until april 8, all applicants’ questions are answered on the program website. the world youth festival, the largest in the world, has opened in sirius. 20 thousand people take part in it . represent 188 states, how was the opening ceremony, i saw alexandra perfilev, the participants are literally overwhelmed with emotions, i just see the guys who are going, apparently to a street concert,
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what are your emotions, very cool, everything is fire, but you yourself are the first to hear lips, emotions literally overwhelm, well, the ceremony the opening was very bright and solemn, just in the large ice palace, which is behind me, it is illuminated with the main colors of the world youth festival. at the opening ceremony, participants and guests of various delegations were surprised by a laser show and acrobats performing in the air. special attention was paid to another guest, this is artificial intelligence, which was voiced by actor konstantin khovensky, and then a composition was played, to which... all the participants stood up and held hands, it was like the personification of unity and peace. the president of russia also addressed the festival participants. vladimir putin noted that our country is open to dialogue. you are the young
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generation, you dream of what a safe, just world can and should be, and it is up to you to create it. the festival will give you the opportunity to discuss this with your peers and be confident. your discussions will be interesting and useful to the widest audience, as well as your impressions about the events that will take place at the festival sites, and of course, about russia itself, about the people who live here, you can personally see that , for example, a smile is not just a mask for us, a sincere expression of feelings, that if we give our word, we always keep it, we
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believe in... many stars, learn new things, many new things , meet new friends from russia , i was in russia on a different program, this time it was very interesting, everything will be ahead, guys, believe in yourself, you can get there too, i really want to meet new
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people, get to know more nationalities, that is, their culture, their peoples, history, this a huge event, i’m very glad that i came here, a few minutes before the opening ceremony we talked with... restrict russia, boycott russia, they
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failed miserably, we now have representatives of 190 countries on the site, almost the whole world, at the same time , what is important, the guys did n’t just come, many came, despite attempts to interfere with them, well, besides this, well , they also fought for the right to come, because we had 32,000 applications, but during these
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5 days here on federal territory.. read more about anna voronina's statements. sergey
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lavrov today held a series of negotiations on the sidelines of the antalya diplomatic forum. the morning began with a meeting with the minister of foreign affairs of uzbekistan, after which a dialogue took place with his colleague from kyrgyzstan, and then sergei lavrov held negotiations with king s in atina. in addition, sergei lavrov held negotiations with the head of mid-kazakhstan and the minister of foreign affairs of slovakia, the latter stated that he does not believe in the end of the ukrainian conflict on the battlefield and that it is being delayed. head of the servant of the people faction in the verkhovna rada,
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arakhamia, boris johnson, having arrived in kiev, forbade the zelensky regime to carry out. we do not have a lack of good will, we see a lack of good will on that side, not even so much good will, we see a lack of understanding of what is happening on that side, and we see desire on that side as before. to achieve russia's defeat on the battlefield, which is worth the latest statement by austin, the head of the us pentagon, that if ukraine is defeated, nato will be forced to act against russia, macron's statement about the possibility of sending ground troops to territory of ukraine. summing up the results of his visit to the forum, he noted that the world majority is increasing its weight and understands
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the importance. frozen russian assets and income from them for fear of measures from moscow. sergei lavrov emphasized that russia will not leave such steps without a response if they are implemented. as for the published conversations of german generals regarding attacks on the crimean bridge, sergei lavrov noted that this fact, as well as the statement of macron and lloyd austin, only indicate that the west is not ready abandon the idea of ​​inflicting strategic defeat on russia on the battlefield, even despite its futility. a... voronina, vladimir overin, anna tarasenko, news. new projects in kabordino-balkaria were discussed by deputy prime minister alexander novak and the head of the republic kazbek kokov. novak visited the chegem greenhouse complex, the largest in the north caucasus, where, thanks to new technologies, it is possible to harvest
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up to 5 kg of tomatoes from one bush. the greenhouses occupy 37 hectares, and they want to more than double their area. more than 9 billion rubles were invested in production. in the elebrus region, a few kilometers from the resort, novoca and kokov opened a new hospital, where there is modern equipment, it is gratifying that such facilities are appearing in our country, that modern, gasified facilities are appearing, we have just lit the torch, and this hospital is provided with the most environmentally friendly, cheap
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source of energy and... 40 years old, and you still can’t tell, just recently it calls itself, this cultural center is more like hundreds of similar objects throughout the country, within the framework of a national project, has experienced a large-scale cultural worker of a wide profile, so it has undergone modernization, now it is easy and
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comfortable to work here, but there are not very many people willing, russian cultural institutes graduate more than a thousand annually. most college students came from small towns and villages in the region, but few returned back. the problem of personnel shortage will now be solved at the federal level. on the initiative of the president, which he announced during his annual address, from 2025 in russia will launch a “zemstvo cultural worker” program, similar to those that are already working to attract people to the russian outback. i think the program is very cool, it ’s specifically for young professionals who are a little, so to speak, afraid to move to small settlements, and this is like, let’s say, an additional incentive to, why not try. the cultural worker who wants to move to the village will receive 1 million rubles. the one-time payment
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will be doubled if the place of new residence and work is the far east or new regions. this is a cultural center in novoallekseevka, there is a staff here. i don’t even remember school as much as i remember the cultural center. evgenia rybakova moved to a village in the north of the nizhny novgorod region to work only 4 years ago, and did not regret it at all.
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here the people are different, here everyone knows each other, here you can find anything you want in 10 minutes. the zemstvo cultural worker program is now being actively developed in the relevant ministry, so far only the exact amounts of payments are known, the contract period will probably be the same as for zemstvo doctors, that is, 5 years. the start is scheduled for january next year. leonid muravyov, anton kolmakov, ruslan bikbulatov and andrey potapov, lead. the large-scale russian troika festival was held in the vologda region; 13,000 people visited it during the day. the culmination of the holiday was the races of russian troikas. crews from six regions came to the competition. guests were also able to watch the fights of warriors and take part in the capture of the snowy town. cooks made a huge gingerbread for the holiday. therefore, we are waiting, the holiday begins in 2003, and we hope that from
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over time it will become the calling card of the vologda region, this year for the first time we tried to make the holiday as large-scale as possible, the program includes the activities of artistic groups, master classes, and an exhibition of real vologda products, an exhibition of folk arts and crafts, we hope that everyone is very happy i'll enjoy the holiday. it will succeed and become a good vologda tradition, we always do everything together, support each other, believe in the best, forget it. and give warmth
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and overcome difficulties together, together we strength, let's vote for russia. on the coat of arms of obnensk there is a peaceful atom; unique radiopharmaceuticals are produced here, with the help of which they save the lives of people with severe cancer. radiation, if you know how to handle it correctly, can be useful, the whole principle of nuclear medicine is based on this, diagnosis of treatment using radioisotopes, it began to be used in the soviet union in the fifties. thanks to the increase and expansion of radioisotope production,
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it is possible. the world's leading organization that supplies about 70% of the need for radioisotopes rusatom plays a leading role, because these are products all over the world; we supply products to more than 50 countries. but in order to produce or, as nuclear scientists say, produce isotopes in nuclear reactors, including for nuclear medicine, special production is necessary. we are now at the control room of a research nuclear reactor, we have prepared targets, we place our reactor, where we irradiate them with neutrons, through a poisonous reaction we obtain the radioisotopes we need, here they produce generators 90. 9m in clinics it is used to diagnose cancer and other oncological diseases generators is the gold standard for diagnostics, on the one hand
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it is a very simple product, on the other hand it is a very high-tech product, in order to make a technetium generator here on the territory of our enterprise, we use a nuclear research reactor, and we supply these generators throughout the russian federation, from vladivostok to kaliningrad. key point in assembly generators - this is charging their highly active. by flooding malibden 99 in the hot chambers , the pre -assembled cold generator enters the hot chamber, that is, it is not active, in the hot chamber the communication is connected to the technetium generator and a molipdenum solution is passed through, which is sorbed on the core of the generator, on a chromatographic column. after charging , the generators are tested for operability, frequency and absence of impurities, their lifespan is only a couple of weeks, so on special... transport they are immediately sent to clinics, including the medical radiological research center named after tsyb, where the first
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nuclear pharmacy in russia was created. first of all, this is so wonderful. creativity , it’s not all of a sudden that these radionuclides that we make and that we synthesize can be immediately used to treat patients, because from them we must first create so-called drugs, the nuclear pharmacy allows you to do this on the spot directly directly select to the patient who is undergoing treatment, as a rule, these are patients who have already undergone many treatment regimens and... standard treatment regimens or the so-called clinically recommended ones did not work, then we can actually select the patient who is in the clinic. a nuclear pharmacy is only called a pharmacy, but in fact it is an entire radiochemical laboratory. we take a specific component, a specific protein that will go exactly to the tumor we need, they
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will spread throughout the body, and we will attach the pair. pre-calibrator, with the help of it we determine have we received the drug with the required activity, because each patient needs a certain activity, which the doctors tell us in advance, even people with the same diagnoses can get different activities. using test strips, the drug is checked; the main indicator is the percentage of protein and radionuclide. this is what
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a freshly prepared radiopharmaceutical looks like, similar to ordinary water. it cannot be stored, because the radioisotope lives for several hours and then decays. that is why in the nuclear pharmacy drugs are manufactured for a specific patient. this elegant little suitcase actually weighs almost 5 kg. it's made of lead. inside, hepataren is a radiopharmaceutical developed at the radiology center of the ministry of health for the treatment of inoperable cancer. it has no analogues in the world. there are several unique stories here, firstly, it was made. on the reneva platform. the rhubarb platform allows the drug, well , in simple words, to be extracted from a generator that can come out of the factory. and despite the period of its decay, and each drug its half-life, it can be delivered in this generator to any point in the world. using gepotaren , the center performs radioimbalization for
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malignant tumors in the liver, a very advanced method. for many patients, such an operation is the only chance; the use of surgical treatment for liver cancer
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is suitable in only one case out of six; using standard chemotherapy can help our patients. it is precisely so that with the help of this method and many others it is possible to defeat oncological diseases, in obninsk rusatom is building an entire plant for the production of radiopharmaceuticals, in accordance with international gmp standards. neuroendocrine tumors, myeloma diseases, cancer of the prostate, kidney, bone tissue, salivary glands, brain tumors, lung, ovarian,


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