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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 5:30am-6:01am MSK

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when using standard chemotherapy in one out of five. radioimbalization increases the possibility of a positive result during treatment several times, while in russia about 8,000 new patients diagnosed with liver cancer are registered annually. we began performing liver radioimbalization for liver cancer in 1919. at the moment , we have already completed more than 200 operations. this, of course, is not very much, as we wanted. to help our patients more and on a wider scale. precisely so that with the help this method and many others could defeat cancer. in obninsk, rosatom is building an entire plant for the production of radiopharmaceuticals in accordance with international gmp standards. neuroendocrine tumors, myeloma diseases, cancer of the prostate, kidney, bone tissue, salivary glands, brain tumors, lung, ovarian, urinary cancer. bladder, breast, skin,
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liver, and this is not a complete list of oncological diseases in the fight against which rosatom radiopharmaceuticals will be used. technological the plant's lines will allow the production of up to 25 types of radiopharmaceutical products, including active pharmaceutical ingredients, finished drugs, and medical devices. the foundation of the plant was laid last year, all four floors of the building have already been built, they are working here with
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... sergey gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn’t have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov , they went there for reconnaissance, there were three of them, then, then i don’t know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope, call sign passenger, a militiaman, a passenger, becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. soon.
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welcome to asia, we invite you to embark on an exciting journey to the very heart of the continent, today. you will see the endless steppes of kazakhstan, the gold mines of kyrgyzstan, the waters of amudarya and white-stone ashgabat, and of course, as always, a lot of news from the very center of asia. let's start with a story from kazakhstan. what first comes to your mind when you imagine the country of the great steppe? of course, these are wind-legged, as mukhtar auezov wrote, horses that cut endless space. for the steppe nomadic
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culture, the horse is the basis of foundations, the key to survival, it is a support in the household and a faithful comrade in battle and a source of food. this is a story of friendship spanning thousands of years. without it it is impossible to understand. the next horseman is definitely all right with his wings, and most importantly with his spirit, boy i won’t talk, this horseman most likely doesn’t even
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go to school yet, but how he rides around a horse, there is something more in this than an ordinary exercise, just feel this energy is incredibly ancient and powerful. and the president kyrgyzstan was ridden by a golden antelope, sadyr japarov’s golden plan worked. one of the largest gold deposits in the world, kyrgyzstan’s kumtor, showed a net profit of more than $302 million at the end of the year, which is one and a half times higher than the planned income. why is this so important? “the struggle for kumtor is an eternal confrontation for kyrgyzstan, it accompanies it almost throughout modern history. kumtor was even called the stolen future of the kyrgyz people. previously, this deposit was developed for many years canadian corporation, his political career. by the way, sadyr japarov built
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on the uncompromising struggle for the nationalization of the field, he even served time in prison for this, and after becoming president he was able to restore national wealth and dignity. and so. published reports show that even under its own leadership, it turns out that the mine can be effective, only now these coins flying out from under the hooves of the golden antelope end up in the national budget, and the example of kumtor now becomes official for kyrgyzstan a model for the development of natural resources in which this country is so rich. last week we already talked about the deposit of uranium and rare earth metals, which the kyrgyz will now also develop on their own, which previously would have been completely unthinkable without the participation of western companies on enslaving conditions; in kazakhstan, the court sided with the government in a dispute with western corporations. the international oil-producing north caspian consortium, which includes such well-known companies as shell, total,
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exxon cnpc, was ordered to pay the state, then kazakhstan has 5 billion dollars for environmental damage. all these giant companies have been pumping oil from... shagan for almost a quarter of a century now. according to the classification, this is a supergiant deposit in our caspian elf. one of the largest discovered in the last 40 years. oil reserves are estimated at 4.5 billion tons. as the commission established, the consortium worked on the principle: at least the grass won’t grow after us. all environmental requirements were violated ; experts estimate the actual damage to be significantly higher than $5 billion. but with lousy sheep, even a tuft of wool, although from transnational giants, even this amount. it will still be difficult to obtain, because it was a court decision in astana. now , apparently, there will be international arbitration, as we know, the most unbiased arbitration in the world. what else do you remember about this week in asia? kasym zha martakayev remotely participated
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in the opening ceremony of an important transport and logistics hub that connected the chinese city of shinxi with kazakhstan, transiting through the dry port of xi'an. it will significantly reduce delivery. across the wide cargo range, from electronics to agricultural products, in both directions, and will give kazakh exporters access to new markets. the banks of the amu darya in karakulapakstan and the kharezm region of uzbekistan were connected by a railway-road bridge over 400 m long. up to 12,000 drivers and up to 24 pairs of trains in both directions can pass through it every day. by the way, shavkat mirziyoyev was one of the first to ride along the new route. he recalled that previously residents of the two regions had to use the old pontoon bridge and it took 2 hours longer. ashgabat was visited by a delegation from afghanistan, headed by the acting minister of foreign affairs in the taliban government. he met with the head of the turkmen foreign ministry, rashid meridov, to discuss further
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prospects for the construction of the turkmenistan, afghanistan, pakistan, india gas pipeline, as well as the project of new railways and other joint plans. central asian beauty in doha. masterpieces of weaving art from uzbekistan are widely presented at the first biinal of design in the capital city. these include handmade carpets, unique textiles with rich patterns for upholstery. in the same time. tional materials such as silk ikat and bakhmal fabric were adapted to modern design. uzbek chess player naderbek abdusatorov is now in the top ten in the world rankings. the young grandmaster achieved an impressive result thanks to his victory over the vietnamese daivangun at the tournament in prague, and if he continues in the same spirit, he will certainly improve his position. however, before the table leader magnus carlson, abdusatorov, like the other contenders, is still far. the verdict in the case of the death of children from
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the drug was passed in uzbekistan. cough syrup doc1 max claimed the lives of 69 children. the former director of the agency for the development of the pharmaceutical industry , sardor kariev, was sentenced by the court to eighteen years in prison. his deputies received 16 years in prison. the director of the importer's company, raghvendra prater, an indian citizen, was sentenced to 20 years. contains tablets. ethylene glycol was also detected in the syrups dok-1max and ambranol. this substance is very toxic and even in small quantities causes serious complications, in particular cardiovascular system, causes acute renal failure. the first cases of child deaths were recorded in the twenty- second year in the samarkan region. how such a tragedy became possible in the first place and what lesson we all need to learn from it, we will discuss with our expert. so, the guilty are punished, but as an expert.
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it is possible under some terrible circumstance, that is, in this case, no matter what the motivation was, someone tried to save some money on reagents or something like that, we are talking about a tragedy that, well, in my opinion, it should unfortunately be recorded in the international history of poisonings, but as far as i know, no serious consequences occurred for the company that did this in india, and how are things going with this in russia now? and what lessons do we need to learn from... this terrible tragedy, well, first of all, i’ll risk guessing that i’m relatively calm about this
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situation in russia, because our control authorities are in excellent condition, and now about the matter itself in this situation, please note, it was not poisoning with the main active substance, it was poisoning with an excipient, that is, a formative solvent, and it turns out that you need to be prepared for the fact that manufacturers from a country like india, which actually... .has a very high reputation for many years as a manufacturer of ready-made substances, but unfortunately, we will have to start perceiving this country again as an unscrupulous manufacturer. india, however , now occupies a significant share in imports, firstly a turn of substances, but also medicinal ready-made forms, both prescription and over-the-counter for pharmaceutical wounds. the authorities of uzbekistan intend to invest $500 million in the modernization of their own gas transportation system, this is being done to increase the volume of
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gas imports from russia. the volume of supplies is planned to increase almost fourfold, from 9 million cubic meters of gas to 32. we will discuss the prospects for such cooperation with bakhtiyor ergashev, director of the mano center for research initiatives from uzbekistan. tell us in general how it happened it is possible that uzbekistan, which has been exporting gas for a long time, is now becomes an importing country, let's proceed from the fact that reserves of natural resources, any natural resources, they are limited, including natural gas reserves, but the second reason is, of course, that uzbekistan is a country with a rapidly growing population, with an economy, then there is an increasing demand for natural gas, both for households, for the population, and for the economy, for industry, for agriculture...
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gas export through uzbekistan to china, taking into account, for example, the prospects of the same force of siberia-2. well, let's proceed from the fact that even if there is a re-export of russian. gas through the territory of kazakhstan and uzbekistan to china, these volumes have not yet been determined, but there are, for example, approximate quotas, volumes of natural gas that uzbekistan and kazakhstan supplied under agreements with china to this country, this is approximately 10 billion cubic meters each, the power of siberia -2 is
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much larger volumes of natural gas that will be supplied to... china, as far as we know now, the power of siberia is 2 - this is a project that is just being implemented, but if it is possible to supply natural gas to china from russia today, using the existing gas pipeline capacity, i think this will be beneficial for everyone. north caucasian. the university together with the ministry of preschool and school education of uzbekistan held a week of mathematics in samarkand. the event was attended by almost 200 schoolchildren, as well as school teachers and university professors, but the main event was the mathematics olympiad, the winners of which received benefits for admission to russian university. by the way, the love for mathematics in these parts goes back
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centuries. this is where the great scientist made his fundamental discoveries. great of the past without any exaggeration , for example, alcharizmi, who is generally considered the father of algebra, who actually introduced the concept of an algorithm on which , if not everything, then almost everything in modern science is built, or take his contemporary and compatriot alfergani, who mathematically proved the existence the shortest longest days of the year, and of course, for many i hear the name of the most enlightened ruler of the middle ages, mirzo ulukbek, by the way, his grandson. the formidable amir timur, well , unlike his formidable ancestor, the commander, ulukbek followed the path of science and made many achievements, discoveries in the field of astronomy and the same algebra. news from overseas: uzbeks in the united states have filed a lawsuit against joe biden. they
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entered the country illegally through the mexican border, but they believe that now they are being discriminated against precisely because of... and people from tajikistan have even gone on hunger strike in the states. tajik migrants in the correctional center in vin, louisiana, went on a hunger strike to protest the conditions of their detention. many of them have been in temporary detention centers for at least six months; in total, according to social activists, there are now about 40,000 people from central asia in such temporary detention centers throughout the united states. let's discuss this situation with bakhrom. ismailov is a lawyer and human rights activist. what kind of help can all these people who find themselves in such a situation now count on? an unpleasant situation? yes, indeed, over the past few years , the traffic of illegal migrants who are trying to cross the border through mexico has increased significantly, this is of course due to the policy that is now applied in the united states, this is the open door policy, but this year a new system was introduced, the so-called
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application with pv1, through which even illegal migration has become manageable. and the first to suffer were, of course, foreign citizens, citizens of uzbekistan, tajikistan, often they become victims of the so-called human trafficking, when they run out of money, promise to cross the border, but in fact find themselves in the hands of the law enforcement system of the united states of america. as for help, well , the only one they can count on is the embassy of the republic of uzbekistan, the united states of america, but as you understand, there is not enough for all of them, as for human rights organizations, then... it is also not enough, so our advice is not under no circumstances should you travel this way to the united states of america, otherwise you risk fall into the hands of an organized criminal group, but if we talk about uzbekistan, where are the main migration flows from this country now directed? today, uzbekistan remains the leader in the export of services in the eurasian space,
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the russian federation remains the leader in the number of labor migrants, more than 3 million citizens of uzbekistan annually... work in the russian federation, are here legally, leave the result of their labor here, and send the money they earn home. , therefore, if we talk about the situation of labor migrants, then of course, first of all, we need to consider their situation in the russian federation, well, in the future we will talk about countries such as kazakhstan, south korea, now japan also claims to attract the largest number of migrants, but let’s not forget about the countries of eastern europe, but as practice shows, most citizens of uzbekistan prefer. go to work in the russian federation. this is due, firstly, to the cost of labor. still, there are many creatures here, significant advantages that a migrant worker can highlight for himself. this is a friendly population and still an understandable language, and of course the prospects that appear from year to year in the russian economy. and to other news. blackout in
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tajikistan. residents of dushanbe were the first to report the outages. in addition to the lack of electricity, problems began with heating and water supply. there have been numerous complaints about the lack of communication and internet. several regions of the republic were left without electricity. reason there was a blackout. substations could not cope with the load due to bad weather. there were heavy snowfalls for 3 days. the coast guards of the caspian states, that is, russia, kazakhstan, azerbaijan and iran, may have their own forum. the russian side came up with such an initiative at a meeting of the heads of relevant departments in st. petersburg. the international construction exhibition uusbuild-2024 has opened in tashkent, where more than 400 brands from 19 countries are represented. of course, the russian ones did not stand aside either. manufacturers, equipment, building materials and interior solutions are exhibited by 110 companies from the moscow region, tatarstan, krasnoyarsk territory and other regions. the most difficult test of the formidable
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knockout artist gennady golovkin. tripleg finally set up non-championship belts, his legacy. gololovkin was elected head of the olympic committee of kazakhstan. now the strength of his jaw will be tested by the impenetrable bureaucracy, and sticky corruption will try to bind him in clinches. do not forget. gennady, perhaps the strongest chin in the history of boxing, has never been knocked out, let alone even in a knockdown, he sent others along this route with frightening force, in 45 fights, 37 knockouts. alya nazarbayeva, the daughter of nursultan nazarbayev, the first president of kazakhstan, was accused of raider seizure, and with personal participation. the accusation was made by the former owner of the gas station network, nurlan bemurzin. according to him, the assets of seven oil storage facilities and 96 az, worth approximately $170 million at 2003 prices, attracted
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high-ranking ladies, namely alya nazarbayeva, the daughter of the first president, and the wife of the former chairman of the constitutional council of kazakhstan. the seizure was formalized in 2003 after personal conversations and threats to aliya nazarbayeva. next, a quote. representative nazarbayev came. said that she could give protection by valuing her 50% equity participation. a year later, nazarbayeva said: “i need your remaining shares, we didn’t understand why, when my father was taken away on november 10, brought to her office, she asked him point blank, are you worried about your family or not? my father said: “don’t touch your family.” , i will sign." the victims were silent for 20 years, since further the quote is also "feared for their lives." and from old kazakhstan to the new, in order to move forward, they decided to move the clock hands back an hour, the whole country switched to a single time zone on the night of february 29. this is what it
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looked like in the capital, astana. since march 1 , uniform time utc+5 has been in effect throughout kazakhstan. now throughout kazakhstan the difference with moscow is 2 hours. that's all for now, see you again as usual in the center of asia next week, take care of yourself.
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does she really read minds or not, the premiere, anna ostrovskaya, the investigative committee, she has special data, who are you all looking at, well, there is a girl standing in a buried place, maybe this dream of mine is somehow connected with... this case, and you know who the killer is, yes, just look without doing anything on your own, the sauté is on the spot , don’t move, for some reason i believe you, anna is a medium, look ahead of everyone else in the application or on the website, march 3, a memorable date. military
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history of russia. march 3, 1799 ushakov captured the corfu fortress. ushakov's russian squadron stormed the island of corfu in the mediterranean sea. the decisive actions of the great naval commander made it possible to gain an impregnable fortress with minimal losses. the capture of corfu put an end to napoleonic france's claims to mediterranean dominance. suvorov wrote to ushakov: why did i need me in corfu, even as a midshipman? if possible, send troops to western ukraine.
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somewhere here we will survive all this. france was a statistic, which was defeated at the beginning of the war, and, by and large, was made a winner at the end, and precisely made a winner. we need to create the future ourselves and do it together. we are very different, we speak different languages languages, but we have the same desire, a diverse and open world for everyone. every opinion will be heard, com.
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the scandal surrounding the published conversations of the german military about strikes against russia is growing in detail: the german ministry of defense confirmed that negotiations between bundesfern officers were intercepted in the luft-va sector. the audio recording is real, so the department said, and the fact that scholz allowed this to happen only shows that his government has fallen into a mess. this was stated by military journalist florian flade. the bundesfer is defensive, right?
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he emphasized. sagen in einem bestimmten slang auch.


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