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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 11:00am-11:31am MSK

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in kazan at the international multi-sport tournament future games, today is the final day of competition. at these moments , awards in the stand of 2 + lasertac discipline are being played out. ours is watching the progress of the decisive battles. sports correspondent mohalin, he goes live from the scene. danila, hello, how are the competitions going? yes, greetings from kazan, from the kazan tennis academy, where competitions in the stand of 2 and laser disciplines continue and indeed end today. so, literally from a minute on in a minute the match for third place will begin, in which fors sport teams will take part, and then to the absolute plus final.
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it won’t be limited to this, because then , as you know, they have the second part of the entire discipline, where they will compete in laser, so this really gives a lot of variety, because those participants who have a lot of skills, specifically in shooters, they react quickly, quickly change position, change weapons and already automatically play this particular game standof 2, which is in fact a mobile version counterstrike, then they need it later.
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very beautiful, it was very cool they did it, i liked how the organization was at a higher level, the city itself, how we traveled, how well we looked at kazan, kazan at night is generally beautiful, this very thing seemed to be filled, and for the tournament, that is, how if only this whole atmosphere was also very cool, interesting, well, we talked with him before the start of the competition for third place, it’s clear that alexey baranov is getting ready. concentrates on this match, but we understand that after all, these the games of the future are coming to an end, some people are tired, especially those who for two weeks or most of this time were completely focused on their discipline, on their sport, this is normal, but today these games are just right towards the end at 16:00 there will be a closing ceremony, which will be shown by the russia-1 tv channel, a word from the studio, yes, thank you indeed with many new disciplines.
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we met during the games of the future in kazan, we will wait for the closing ceremony today, well, our correspondent danilo makhalin was in direct contact with the studio. during the first 24 hours of the time of heroes program, over 14,000 applications have already been accepted. the personnel project, initiated by the president, was created for participants and veterans of the special operation. from among them , highly qualified managers will be trained to work in state-owned companies and departments. the program is being implemented on the basis of the senizh workshop with support. higher school of public administration, they plan to accept applications until april 8, all conditions can be found on the website, the address of which is now on the screen. the scandal surrounding the published conversations of the german military about strikes against russia is acquiring new details. the german ministry of defense confirmed to journalists that the negotiations of bundeswehr officers, i quote, were intercepted in the luft wafe sector, the audio recording is real.
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us and british soldiers. the nato structure is completely rotten, the alliance is lying to the world. the leader of the french patriots party, florian philippot, is already writing this on social networks. nato has been at war with russia for a long time, everyone is told that this is not so, says the politician. now a short advertisement.
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during his speeches to voters, trump, as usual, continued to harshly to criticize biden, he said that under the current president, america has lost its former glory and has been humiliated on the world stage. biden talks about democracy, although he himself is a danger to it. he has done nothing for our country. yes, he succeeded in the third world, but in america he was unsuccessful. in sochi, a new gas pipeline was built in the vardane microdistrict. the fuel line was built in record time. the first houses have already been connected, daniil knyazev spoke with residents. launch of a gas distribution pipeline in the village vardane was held in a solemn atmosphere, the symbolic fire was lit by the local residents themselves. most importantly, a huge word of gratitude to all the builders, engineers, technologists, who today did everything very quickly, in the shortest possible time, very quickly,
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now all residents can quickly connect. the first connection contracts have already been concluded; the new gas pipeline will provide nearly 1,500 households with natural gas. we built it. at the end of the twenty- third, beginning of the twenty-fourth year , high and medium pressure gas pipelines in in the village of vardane with a length of more than 6 km, which will make it possible today to gasify almost 1,500, or more precisely a thousand. 496 households in the village of vardane, for local residents, connecting the village to gas is a long-awaited event; they heated and cooked here with wood or electricity. it’s such a joy for us, if we have gas here, you can imagine how warm, cozy, joyful it will be, the 21st century gas should be everywhere, so gas is, so to speak, another standard of living, how people need to improve their home yulidan was hooked up by one of... the mistress is already i managed to check how everything works.
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connecting to gas, according to yulia, will help significantly reduce family expenses. this is a big savings, gas, because we were heated, we have diesel heating, and hot water, the boiler is electricity, that is, heating and hot water are very expensive in general, and gasification is of course more than half, i think , will be cheaper. fuel will be supplied to social facilities, schools, and factory post offices, but gas workers still have a lot of work ahead of them. this year workers will begin construction of new gas pipelines, blue fuel will arrive in the village of golovinka, anchor slot and lao. daniil knyazev, vladislav mashinsky, maria krug, news from sochi. divide in half, prices on yandex market. up to 50% when paying with an alfa bank card. if you don’t have a card, order
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is enough for what you need and what you want, go for money, post bank, when you give russian lotto tickets, it may turn out that you have given shopping worth a million and even 101 poodles, every second ticket wins, buy on the website from branded stores in stoloto , alen is shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, 25% cashback. i'll buy gifts. hello, main legal topic. from pistols with a silencer to grenade launchers, we haven’t had such a catch for a long time, can the seized arsenal in st. petersburg to lead investigators to criminals from the nineties, dmitry pishchukhin ended up in a garage
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where weapons and explosives were stored, a former prisoner proclaimed himself... the messiah and decided to revive the royal empire in a small village. the tsar of russia was elected by the council. uyanovsk security forces exposed the followers of a pseudo-religious sect led by a repeat offender. vlada egorova found out how they did not react at all to the detention of the mummered king. primorye security forces continue to fight the timber mafia. i tried to help, a good deed, to earn a little money. how and... it was the seaside businessman who helped the black lumberjacks who export wood abroad. alexandra mostovaya figured out what was preventing her from bringing order to the taiga. the music producer died after surgery at timur khaidarov's clinic. the patient was examined, we did everything possible in terms of equipment, you know? could the patient be saved? new details
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of the scandalous story. in moscow , the mercedes driver who caused the fatal accident was arrested. a taxi passenger died. the probable culprit of the accident appeared at the meeting the court, with his head painted, asked not to send him into custody, but the court decided otherwise. let me remind you that the driver of a mercedes flew into a taxi car at high speed. the strong impact caused the crossover to fly into the air and overturn. the taxi driver was hospitalized in serious condition, but his twenty-five-year-old passenger could not be saved. mercedes also allegedly rammed another car. the person responsible for the fatal accident refused to undergo a medical examination. grenade launchers, sniper rifles, machine guns and pistols with a silencer. so unprecedented the arsenal was discovered by security forces this week in an ordinary garage in st. petersburg. they came to skron as part of an investigation into a high-profile case of an attempt on the life of lawyer viktor patrushev and the murder of his driver. who turned out to be the owner of the weapon, what
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crimes could the arsenal have been used to commit, and how many more murders in st. petersburg remain unsolved? since the nineties, only our correspondent dmitry pishchukhin managed to visit inside the garage in which the cache was equipped, here is his report. it took operatives of the legendary 12 hours the homicide department of the st. petersburg main directorate of the ministry of internal affairs by an employee of the investigative committee to describe the seized weapons and explosives. the security forces came across this cache during an investigation into a high-profile case of an attempt on the life of lawyer viktor patushev. they determined that the garage belonged to ginther.
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two tnt plates and two grenades were discovered, and this is only a small part of the impressive arsenal that was stored in an ordinary garage. the investigative activities, which lasted more than 12 hours, are now coming to an end, law enforcement officers are carefully studying discovered weapons and cartridges of various calibers, these weapons could easily arm an entire platoon. in total, investigators counted more than 50 weapons and ammunition, they were stored mixed with cars. for several hours, a garage cooperative on the outskirts of st. petersburg was cordoned off; dog handlers, explosives experts and specialists from the homicide department of st. petersburg worked here. and now, when all the investigative actions have come to an end, we have the opportunity to look into the very garage where the weapons were stored. but the main arsenal was stored on
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on the second floor, here, it was covered. in bags, among other things, the operatives found a fake police officer’s id; in the pasted-in photograph they recognized repeat offender andrei artyukhin. investigators believe that it was he who attempted to kill lawyer viktor patrushev and shot his driver. the makarov pistol, from which the driver was mistakenly shot, was part of this collection. as we can see, the investigators were looking for weapons under the skin, here they were. makarov pistols were discovered; a pistol of this exact model was used last week for carrying out a massacre near an elite gymnasium in st. petersburg. the killer followed the lawyer's car. in front of numerous eyewitnesses, he shot in the back of the head a man who had brought a child to classes, but misidentified himself, the victim was the lawyer’s driver, he died in the hospital, investigators began
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to actively study the past of the lawyer, who was the real target of the killer. viktor patrushev is a man with a controversial reputation; the media have repeatedly reported that he may be involved in dark affairs. a few years ago i was put on trial for fraud involving billions. rubles, but was acquitted. organizers. in this scheme, a huge network was built from a large company, small companies, which at the documentary level organized such fraudulent schemes, of course, this is a serious, grave crime, this is a pure criminal organization, this is a gang. another combination that patrushev tried to pull off was related to a legal dispute over a luxury cottage in an elite village of st. petersburg. the house was pledged, the rights to the property were bought by the same... alleged mastermind of the murder, ginterest alfan saragauskas, but patrushev bombarded the courts with papers, preventing the decision from coming into force. apparently, then the opponent decided to eliminate him.
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it is quite possible that this is not the only crime on the account of the arrested alleged customer and his accomplice. we haven’t had such a catch for a long time, we can work towards tracking down these individuals for their involvement in committing crimes that have not been solved. the cache found in the garage is called an echo of the dashing nineties. the trials are long and these organizers served time in prison, today they are being released from the colonies, prisons are joining our ranks, well, of course, there are probably those places, caches where weapons are stored, which we could not open one hundred percent and reveal everything necessary. forensic scientists will have to carefully check all the weapons and compare them with high-profile crimes of the bandit era.
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we showed video footage of the seized arsenal to a weapons specialist, even after a cursory examination, without conducting a ballistic examination, it became clear to dmitry omelyanyuk that the weapons were actively used, for example, machine guns have characteristic notches, and some trunks have had their serial numbers filed off. of course, one can assume, at least...
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an attempt on the life of lawyer viktor patrushev . most likely, a high-profile criminal case will go far beyond the scope of a contract killing. thanks to the impressive arsenal found in a garage cooperative on capercaillie street, investigators may be able to uncover many so-called wood grouse. maria bukata and galina orlova. vesti, duty station st. petersburg. in the primursky territory , a businessman who may be closely associated with forest mafia destroying the usuri taiga. as the police found out, the entrepreneur was preparing documents for the export of wood abroad, thereby legalizing the extraction of black loggers. how did he manage to do this and what prevents him from stopping the illegal logging of the taiga. our film crew witnessed investigative actions involving a detainee from the primorsky territory. alexander mastovaya. for a resident of the village of chuguevka, primorsky territory, valery porfenov, the morning began in shock. just a few minutes ago he
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slept peacefully in his bed, and now stretched out on the floor. the russian guard police officers came with sad news. our film crew observed the investigative actions from the first minutes. the searches began in the kitchen, rich in alcoholic beverages. the shelves are lined with bottles of scotch whiskey and... the border through controlled companies. essentially, illegal business was disguised as legal activity. what were your responsibilities? silence of the phytosanitary document? well, have you checked their documents? well
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we read, well, yes, everything is written there, contracts, agreements are all there, everything seems to be in the law, now it turns out not, traces of the timber mafia lead to this timber warehouse in the chuguevsky district, cubic meters of stolen timber were supplied here. together with the operatives, we drove into the territory of the warehouse, this is where the harvesting of timber was carried out, as we can see, now the process has naturally been stopped. because operational activities are underway, the scale of the barbaric business is evidenced by dozens of batches of harvested wood, the so-called round timber is forbidden to be exported from the country, but it is precisely this that the black lumberjacks value, it is the raw material for lumber, which they willingly buy abroad, there is a huge amount of wood in the warehouse, the workers pretend that this is the first time they have heard that it was stolen, they knew that it was these materials were subsequently planned to be sold abroad, including the so-called round timber, which is generally
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prohibited from being exported from our country. no, i didn’t chapel at all. the usriska taiga is a special natural zone; it is called the calling card of primorye. black lumberjacks show no mercy the most valuable species: cedar, oak, ash or ipu. in the risk zone, chuguevsky, kavalerovsky, partisan districts, as well as the dalnegorsky urban district. together with employees of the regional ministry of forestry, we went to the site of illegal logging, but getting there turned out to be difficult. we can’t get to the cutting site by car, so we’ll have to walk. we get to the place, traces of special equipment are everywhere. our film crew has been working in this area for several hours, we have walked about 3 kilometers, and we can say that it is completely black lumberjacks have recently been at work, cut branches lie in the snow , we see such stumps every 20 m. we measure the diameter of the stump, cut down, mongolian oak, and the diameter is 48 cm. they cut it down not so
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long ago, because there is snow.
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a persistent offender, signs a protocol in a traffic police car, the man assures that he doesn’t know the law well, but that doesn’t stop him from working , it’s waste, as far as i know, they don’t need documents, as they do, well, this is the first time this has happened to you, you often do this carry it, yes absolutely true, but how can we work differently? half the country works this way according to the law, half the country works this way, what tricks do heavy truck drivers go to to
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hide the presence of stolen timber? it’s difficult to say how many cubic meters there are, the driver does not have documents for this material , in addition, i would like to note that he prudently tucked in his numbers, they are not readable, employees of the department of economic security and anti-corruption of the ministry of internal affairs of russia for the primorsky territory work together with specialists from the regional ministry of forestry over the past 3 years, damage from black loggers in primorye decreased sixfold, from 4 billion rubles to 600 million. our colleagues from the investigation program. for many years they have been talking about the fight against the timber mafia; the government decision to ban the export of round timber abroad was the result, among other things, of the work of journalists. this car belongs to the family clan: the father steals, the son loads wood. the set here is simple: a tape measure, a chocolate bar and a telephone. previously , criminal gangs armed with
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machine guns and pistols operated here in the forests. in the primorsky region black forests.


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