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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 1:30pm-2:00pm MSK

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we can propose to make a good hub here in general, they can receive not only for their country, but also through their country, other arab countries, which absolutely all have a need for our wheat in this regard, and not only wheat, now we have begun to supply corn here and other cultures, russian metal, machinery, equipment, transport - this is also the sphere of interest of the saudi partners, however , scientific and technical interaction, russian higher education traditionally enjoys great authority in the arab world, in addition, carrying out promising joint scientific research and also the development of alternative energy sources, because the energy transition that saudi arabia is implementing within the framework of vision 2030 needs reliable partners who would have saudi
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arabia is not the most popular holiday destination, but the kingdom may well become one, given the mitigation requirements for guests, ease of obtaining an entry visa, a rich list of events. russia has always been of interest to citizens of arab countries. moscow, st. petersburg, kazan are cities that are also interesting to them, because after all, this is a european style of relaxation with full... in a combination of all possible services that they are used to receiving. tatarstan is a special zone, because this region, where islam professes, is culturally very close to them, this republic. the vice-speakers of the state duma and the advisory council will have to prepare a plan for joint parliamentary work. this was proposed by vyacheslav volodin. our saudi colleagues are all for it. we met understanding and respect for what russia does and does. and the leadership, the president, and
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this is a guarantee that we will see progress in the parliamentary direction. in order to develop interparliamentary dialogue, it is important to introduce new formats, says vyacheslav volodin. he invited his saudi colleagues to moscow, where it is planned to sign a cooperation agreement between the state duma and the kingdom’s parliament. a return visit to russia could take place as early as this year. alexander laktionov, nikita kharaskin, maxim koul, lana tyan, elena bogdan, duma tv. parliamentary hour. in the second part of our program, see: the resources of foreign agents will remain without domestic advertising. deputies adopted the law. the first eternal nuclear reactor will be launched in russia. what other statements were made during the government hour? write off debts, support the grain market, help start-up cooperatives. how can you make working on the land even more attractive? forgive me, he
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sent this to his mother, your brother, already in thailand, in the donbass, about 10 years ago i saw through the window how they were beating him, i did not intervene, i betrayed him, now i i have to find him, it’s not scary to leave when they’re waiting for you at home, in a couple of days you’ll go there, to the gray one, there’s still hope, call sign passenger, how’s mom? say hello, i love you, digital services coming soon, elections coming soon, where to vote? let's look at the website of the central election commission of russia, they have convenient services, you can find out the address of your polling station, find out about the candidates, this information is also available in your personal account on the state services portal.
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forty, the defeat of the french army, because the french group, it was more than upward, this is the reason for the general sloppiness, it suddenly became clear that no one can rearm the army , the military industry is not ready, let others fight, and somewhere here we will survive all this. the station was
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an extra, which was crushed at the beginning of the war; by and large, they made it a winner at the end, and they made it a winner. what we caught, what and how we spied, it will be impossible to stop watching, during the weeks of the presidential address we saw more than others, there is no escape from it, moscow, kremlin, putin, watch on sunday at 22:00. the parliamentary hour is on the air and we continue. the published fact of a recording of high-ranking german officers discussing plans to strike the crimean bridge obliges the german leadership to give an explanation, the chairman
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of the state duma said in his telegram channel. the deputies will raise the issue at a plenary session immediately after returning from the regions. it is necessary to send a demand to the bundestag to carry out this. investigation, the chairman of the state duma emphasized. german leadership should provide an explanation for a number of questions, what decisions of the federal republic of germany were guided by the military when discussing the strikes on russia. will they be punished? does scholz understand that attacks on our country will require retaliatory strikes from russia? this is serious information that requires investigation. we will appeal, we will appeal to the german leadership so that they... give an appropriate explanation, it is not clear to us that this is happening, that the new plan of barbaros or the revival of the wehrmacht, love or that this is happening, we need to deal with this understand, this is not a joke. in the final third reading, the state duma adopted a law banning the placement of advertising on the resources
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of foreign agents. he was supported by more than 400 deputies. last year , more than 200 russian companies placed advertisements for agents on information channels. this way. for money from abroad and collect advertising funds here, in turn , the sites themselves and agents will be prohibited from advertising in the media and on the internet, as explained by the co-author of the initiative, the chairman of the security and i’m countering corruption, vasily piskarev,
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we are talking, in particular, about materials containing an active hyperlink to the website or blog of an foreign agent; there are no restrictions on the publication of information messages if there are appropriate markings. the adopted law is aimed at protecting the country’s sovereignty, the chairman of the state duma emphasized. you and i are obliged to protect our soldier officers. and those who do not understand this must finally realize that we are talking about protecting sovereignty. we are very liberal, the corresponding law in the united states america and other countries decide much more harshly. these questions. if inagagent continues to place advertising materials, he faces a fine of up to 50,000 rubles. for citizens and half a million for legal entities. after violating the law twice, foreign agents will face criminal liability. the punishment will be up to 2 years in
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prison. liability issues for media advertising campaigns have also been resolved. first, the media will receive a warning about the inadmissibility of violating the law. agents, and the fine for advertising placement can reach 300,000 rubles. what other laws were adopted by deputies this week, see our review. those who illegally import cigarettes and alcohol into russia from other countries of the eurasian economic union will be fined and put in prison. federal budget losses from illegal imports of tobacco cigarettes amount to 122 billion rubles annually. of which, more than half of the damage comes from...
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those who send money from the country abroad. the document also provides for an increase
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in the maximum balance amount by non-personalized electronic means of payment from 60,000 to 100,000 rubles. the bill was adopted in the first reading. the state duma has authorized the use of digital and financial assets in international payments. the adopted law helps. it clarifies the procedure for purchasing financial products through marketplaces. today such payments are made through banking. system, the bill will allow it to be bypassed, thus, according to politicians, external influence will be minimized. talented school graduates need support accepted by during the first reading, the bill will assign additional measures to them. we are talking about russians living abroad and compatriots who took part in international olympiads as part of foreign teams. they will be able to enter russian universities without exams, this will attract even more. gifted graduates to our country. the russian flag will be installed at all educational institutions. this
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bill was adopted in the first reading. the tradition of raising the main state symbol and listening to the anthem at the beginning of each school week appeared in all russian schools on september 1, twenty-two. now the tricalor must be constantly hung above schools, lyceums, gymnasiums or installed on their territory. in other educational organizations they do this at their own discretion. however, the flag must be present on the buildings of kindergartens, universities and colleges, deputies believe. the first eternal nuclear reactor will be launched in russia. the head of rusatom spoke about the prospects for russian nuclear energy in the coming years. the government meeting was held in the state duma hour with the participation of rosatom general director alexey likhachev. he told deputies about the role of the nuclear industry.
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the head of rosatom was invited to the state duma for the government hour, and this is no coincidence, notes state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. preparations for the government report have already begun, and deputies need to understand how state corporations work. detailed discussion via video link.
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technological independence, and here we cannot afford critical dependence on unfriendly countries, even in small things, and we do not allow 99% equipment and technologies of the state corporation of its own production; at critical facilities , rosatom has completely replaced foreign software with russian software. for many years the nuclear industry was secret, but today everything is different. now everyone can learn about achievements in this area, almost half a million people... or the atom pavilion at vdnkh. one
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of the objectives of the exhibition is to show that the nuclear industry has long been not limited to nuclear weapons, construction and operation of nuclear power plants. it helps develop medicine, introduce new production technologies and digital products that today in many ways make life in russia more comfortable. over the past year alone, rosatom received record foreign revenue, more than $16 billion. how about with everything that's been going on lately, especially? how those same foreign projects are being implemented , the people's republic of china, four blocks, the first dash of the fourth tenwan in industrial operation mode, four more blocks are being built, india - six blocks, turkey - four blocks, this is the largest, most developed nuclear construction site on the planet, egypt also four blocks, but at the acceleration stage, our special
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pride is hungary, despite all the pressure, and belarus.
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with life, as it develops there, but some regions, as they act, they have problems, they have their own obligations, governors always have a shortage of funds, they allocate them for these purposes, and if this dialogue takes place with deputies, perhaps there will be more verified decisions, perhaps , this will be more of a project in the field of education, in the humanitarian field. politics, culture, such active interaction with parliamentarians will help solve problems with financing, as the chairman of the state duma noted, rusatom, for example, in the future will be able to help with the purchase of equipment for schools, cultural institutions or hospitals. maria burkova, sergey gordeev, anna melikyan, sergey vergunov, duma tv, parliamentary hour.
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a meeting between the chairman of the state duma and the chairman of the council of ministers took place at okhotny ryad. principles of mutual respect, friendship, intervention in the affairs of sovereign states, of course, in the future we need to think about filling our meetings with more specific content, and we hope that our relations will be more stable . vyacheslav volodin instructed the chairman of the committee on economic policy, maxim tapilin, to visit yemen to
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establish working contacts. ahmed ben mubarak, in turn, said that yemen pays great attention. electrification, military and civilian, which we were now able to achieve in our time thanks to being in yemen , tens of thousands of people were educated in the soviet union with the help of the soviet union, so we have a serious basis for building cooperation. with on march 1, the country has a temporary ban on the export of gasoline and increased standards for the sale of diesel fuel at stock exchange trading. the measures will stabilize the situation on the fuel market. during a period of increased demand due to the spring sowing campaign. at the congress of the association of peasant farmers and agricultural cooperatives,
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which was held in moscow, participants discussed how else they could support the industry. report by yana dobrovolskaya. this little girl weighs 700 kg. you can get 9 tons of milk per year from it. and there are about 300 more similar mashenkas on this farm . many russian farmers are betting on dairy production. since 2000 , milk and meat production on small farms has increased significantly. iramel bulatov from the moscow region was one of the first to choose this path in the country; he and his wife opened a farm. over three decades, the family business has grown significantly. recently, with money from a new grant, they built their own cheese factory, producing hard varieties of cheese, it all started with two cows. 35 years ago there was such a country dirt road here. we are 10 years old they farmed without electricity, milking cows by hand. a big breakthrough occurred in 15, when i received the first grant -
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government support measures for the construction of livestock farms. today ramel bulatov is one of hundreds of participants in the anniversary congress of agricultural cooperatives in russia. farmers from all over the country came to moscow to join state duma deputies and government representatives.
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how to make sure that there are direct communications, problems arise regarding taxes, reporting, registration of farms, participation in tenders for land and so on , therefore, the farming community has very close contacts with the deputies, measures to support the industry continue to be improved, this year a new grant has appeared for start-up cooperatives, a preferential lending program is in place for small agricultural enterprises, and the deputies of the farmers are turning to the government for. ..
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volume of products, packaging and documentation. get into large stores due to requirements for the initiative will give regions the right to create infrastructure for processing agricultural products of small enterprises, its storage and sales. today there is an objective, constructive dialogue in which farmers talk about their problems, the authorities hear all this, the authorities and farmers are ready.
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yana dobrovolskaya, nikita kharaskin, yulia borodina, elena bogdan, duma tv, parliamentary hour. and that’s all, you watched the parliamentary hour, see you on air.
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is she really reading the mind or not? premiere. anna ostrovskaya investigative committee. she has special gifts. who are you all looking at? well , girls. look first in the application or on the website.
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the identities of six militants eliminated during the counter-terrorism operation in ingushetia have been previously established. these are adherents of the banned islamic state. there were no casualties among law enforcement officers and civilians. first day of work.


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