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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  March 3, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm MSK

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in kazan, at the international multi-sport tournament of the game of the future, the final day of competition. today are the decisive matches for the main awards of the tournament. our sports correspondent stas radikultsev is watching the competition. he is now in direct contact with the studio. stas, greetings. in which disciplines are there already known winners? yes, yuri, welcome. well, it’s already
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getting quieter in the stands, the games of the future are coming to an end, just a few minutes ago the figital skateboarding competition ended, and here it was real noisy, hot, beautiful and elegant, now the people who judged the tournament continue to skate in this amazing skate park, and by the way, the guys who performed just now, they also continue to have fun on all these edges, railings, ramps and so on, well, today also... medals were played out in football, more on that a little later, i’ll tell you that literally, about half an hour ago, a solemn, important ceremony of people ended, rewarding people, without whom, probably, the games of the future would be so bright, emotional, memorable, comfortable, innovative , beautiful and wonderful, they couldn’t be, these are volunteers , the minister of sports oleg matytsin, the head
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of tatarstan rustem menikhanov took part in this award ceremony, well, deputy prime minister of russia dmitry chernyshenko noted chernyshenko in his speech that it was in kazan that it originated the volunteer movement before the 2013 universiade continued, of course, as we all remember very well in the olympic sochi, and then it only gained momentum, since russia, of course, is a great sports power that hosted a huge number of outstanding sports...
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the most important thing that you will have after these games, of course, is the memory that you were the very first, we were the first in space, you and i are the first in space, and you will forever be the first volunteers , and i’ll note, of course, that the organizers of the games of the future did an amazing job, the stands are full. the broadcasts also attracted a huge audience all over the world, more than 100 countries watched the broadcasts of the games of the future, especially since the participants were also from more than 100 countries, almost 2,000 athletes of the games of the future , had a lot of fun here, won and gave emotions to the spectators in the stands, there was always a sold-out crowd in the stands, as today it was at the final matches in physical football, in the match for third place,
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the mexican team met and russian team phoenix, i must say that in the end the mexicans turned out to be stronger, despite the fact that the russian team even included famous stars from beach soccer, including a former star of the russian football premier league, well rodrigo ulibari shared his emotions with us after the final whistle for bronze, let's listen to him. i have been in professional football for more than 10 years, but what i saw here is the highest level, an incredible tournament, a great honor and pride that we became medalists in the games of the future, we will take home the brightest memories, and although we are athletes, today we will probably celebrate success in incredible kazan, that’s the plan, a shot of tequila, whiskey and don’t forget to buy souvenirs for the family, and the opening ceremony, a bright and powerful show, this...
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let me remind you that my colleague stas rekultsev was in direct contact with the games of the future in kazan. from a dream to a home, one home is just a click away. this is a corporate event. from a hangover enterum. a new generation of enterrasorbent removes toxins while preserving beneficial substances. a smart solution against poisoning. the renovations have been done and you can relax. credit! cash with a comfortable payment will be enough for what you need and what you want, go get money, post office bank, what a blessing that there is a sale on avito with discounts of up to 70%. give yourself and your loved ones brand new equipment, inspiring sale
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german security, bundestag deputies stated that strikes against russia cause enormous damage and called for increased investment in the protection of internal information systems. the serious situation, it seems, is still unconscious, quotes parliamentarians from local newspapers. about how the plans of the generals the bundesphere frightened the public of germany itself, elizaveta khramtsova will tell. two eternal russian questions, who is to blame and what to do, have become key, at least for the german government, and their anxiety. they try to blame whoever is to blame for the scandal on the whole people. german newspapers call the leak of a conversation between officers about the supply of taurus missiles and preparations for attacks on the crimean bridge a disgrace to the country and a disaster for the luftwafe. television began talking in unison about propaganda, but
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no one called the audio recording itself a fake. i had to be content with the usual cliches that arti is the kremlin’s ideological weapon. and the moscow correspondent of the cdf found it in the leak. german secret information is an element of the election campaign in russia, but while reporters are unable to shift the focus from the most important problem, why did the leak happen in the first place? building robert schneider writes that scholz will no longer be chancellor of the world, because the head of the cabinet forgot the lessons of history, because after forty- five, reliable deterrence helped to avoid.
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equipment on the other hand, there are not enough soldiers, something still needs to be done so that ukraine, as a country preserved. for germany, the scandal could also lead to problems with nato partners, writes the wall street journal, because the negotiations proved that the american, british and french military are already in the conflict zone, although this is denied by western politicians. in addition , a holiday has arrived on the street of scholz’s opponents, and the opportunity has arisen to cure him of his worst sin, unwillingness to help kiev. parliament.
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deputies politely called it a distortion of facts, schholz will have to answer at a meeting of the bundestag defense committee on march 13. opponents of the head of government are now saying that the revealed truth may only be the tip of the iceberg. elizaveta khramtsova, news. russia has enough opportunities to resolve the issue of import substitution of medicines; last year alone, eight new production facilities were opened in the country, said health minister mikhail murashko. today he was on a working trip to sevastopol and visited medical centers.
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health was also discussed today, these are the block of questions relating to public programs, corporate, in particular employers who should formulate according to the working-age population, certain approaches to maintaining health, a set of issues related to inpatient treatment, a more efficient use of all resources, and overall coordination. the federal network, the crimean one, but because today medicine has really gained enormous opportunities to treat patients with cardiovascular diseases and cancer, and this should give maximum results at different stages. from krasnodar to the venue area special operations sent a batch of special equipment and cars. loaves of bread will be delivered to the front line for units of the center group of troops and paratroopers.
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more than 12 billion rubles have been collected for the purchase of special equipment and equipment for fighters on the front line. now a short advertisement, immediately after konstantin churikov will talk about the new laws and rules that came into force on march 1. and then watch the interview with american journalist tycker carlson. in blogger lex friedman's podcast as part of a joint project. russia 24 and youtube channel carlson tv. vascular violations. blood clots, valicosis. poor blood vessels may be the cause of these health problems. the drug angian helps improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, relieve inflammation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. angionm. keep your blood vessels normal. divide in half, prices on yandex market, discounts up to
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1,200 renovated and new recreation centers throughout the country. concerned projects of russia according to the decision of the president and caring people. the petrovs have holidays ahead, valentine's day for renovations. putty day and international wallpaper day. don't limit yourself. cash loans from post bank with comfortable payments from 1,000 rubles. enough for what is necessary and what is pleasant. come in for money. post bank. but you can use a magnet. will win your smart prize, for example, the one that spins around the house for you, give time to your loved one, buy a magnet with a card from the application, play and win smart equipment, magnet, alyon, shopping again, gifting on marketplaces with a vtb debit card, cashback 25 %, i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, i opened the application, chose the car brand, avita
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will select everything for you, pay as conveniently as possible with alphapay and receive it from any smartphone. the arrival of calendar spring this year is marked many new laws and rules, they concern different spheres of the economy, and therefore people’s lives. here is just a small part of what is changing, mortgage loans will now be issued more carefully, the export of gasoline is banned until the end of summer. short-term compulsory insurance has appeared and the tobacco market is now regulated similarly to the alcohol market. let's start with a mortgage: for many, this is the only possible way to buy a new apartment, since square meters are not cheap. but recently the central bank has recorded an increase in the share of loans with increased risk no return. and from march 1, the decision of the central bank tightened the conditions for issuing mortgages for
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clients with a debt burden of more than 80%. that is, for those who give more to banks. everything, especially since in the third quarter of its income, well, one might say, almost last year, the share of such clients increased by almost 50%. the primary housing market, in our opinion, is overheated and in the second half of last year, mortgages grew by an average of 3.2% monthly. mainly due to the fact that people sought to take out soft loans before the conditions of government programs were tightened. played a role high inflation expectations; overheating is also indicated by the high share of risky loans, especially for primary loans. market participants say that, if desired, the bank can help the borrower fit into the new conditions for issuing a mortgage, but to do this, the client must find someone more solvent in his environment or reduce credit card limits. for example, you can attract a borrower
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who has sufficient income and a low debt load. this means that clients are co-borrowers. a loan for two, when calculating the personal income tax, the client’s earnings will be taken into account and accordingly from the borrower, which will increase the total monthly income. there is another way - to close credit card loans, or reduce the limit on them. the fact is that open credit cards are taken into account when calculating personal income tax, even if clients have not used them or have completely forgotten that they have them; because of this, the debt burden also increases. changes. in the fuel market, from march 1, the government temporarily banned the export of gasoline for six months. the measure is intended to maintain stability during a period of increased demand during field work, holiday season, planned repairs. the main task of the government of the russian federation
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is to ensure that the market is balanced, it is stable, so that prices at gas stations rise at the level of no higher inflation, so that wholesale and small wholesale prices and prices on exchanges allow the normal formation of the economy of oil refineries, the small wholesale segment, this is the economic sphere , it is currently market-based, so both market and government regulation instruments are used. another one a norm that came into force on march 1: russian exporters are required to report to the bank of russia about the foreign currency assets and liabilities of their subsidiary structures, including foreign ones. experts say this will help to more effectively monitor the movement of foreign currency, and therefore identify in time possible imbalances that threaten. stability of our financial system, this will certainly add stability, and at least in relation to the exchange rate of the russian currency, because the central bank, the ministry of finance will have an understanding of what
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kind of foreign exchange reserves companies have on a consolidated basis, that is, including subsidiaries, including foreign ones, this is the first, second - this will allow closing the so -called possible loopholes or ways to minimize the mandatory sale of foreign currency earnings. innovations also affected russian motorists; they were offered a new product - short-term motor vehicle insurance. driver liability can now be insured for a period from one day to 3 months. whoever's osaga policy has expired can, for example, sell a car, and they extend it, for example, for a month and no more in order to simply not re-register later. for those people, of course, this is a plus. another thing is that it will be somewhat more expensive, this is quite obvious, but within the maximum cost of the vehicle. and those who hope to purchase this osaga, osaga policy, you know, one to one, that is , divide the policy amount into 3.65 days, as if paying for each day, they are mistaken, most likely
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it will be enough, well, more expensive. important changes concern the market of tobacco and nicotine-containing products; it is now subject to government regulation according to analogies with the alcohol market. experts see only advantages in this. mandatory requirements are being introduced for the presence of a license for production and for turnover. for distribution , even for storage of tobacco products, all these tobacco products, as before, must be labeled, and both consumer packaging and larger boxes there must be labeled, thus our tobacco market will be almost completely protected from illegal tobacco manufacturers , because it will become much easier to fight him, both by the police and non-profit organizations that sometimes monitor regulation. and also, from march 1 , a new online business start service launched in russia, with its help you can register an individual entrepreneur or llc with one founder without visiting
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the tax office. the entire registration will take one day, but biometric data will be required. there are several dozen, if not a hundred, rules of laws coming into force in march. having barely begun, spring promises a lot of new things, but as it should be in spring, all changes are for the better. where else can you turn dance into a global one? heritage, a spot in an invincible machine, knowledge in a vocation, technology in live communication, tradition in innovation, only here, in a country on which the sun never sets. 40 million customers in the largest country in the world six juicy nuggets for only 69 rubles at a tasty
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point who collects trophies will rule in both real and digital worlds games of the future subscribe watch the broadcast on social networks alen again shopping gifts i will buy gifts for everyone and new neighbors, hello, in magnet you can win your smart prize, the one that boils itself, the desire to help, the one that moves around the house for you, and now all you need to do is be with your loved ones, give time to your loved ones, buy cards from the magnet application, play and get instant prizes, win smart equipment, a magnet, now it will appear , well, what about a card that earns itself, a gazprombank debit card with a stable income of up to 35%.
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summer experience in conducting them, to be better aware of your thoughts and express them as frankly as possible, so as not to get confused in your own lies, and just be yourself, and i he seemed to approach it like an overprepared student, and i kept wondering why he was nervous, i guess it was because he thought a lot of people would see it, and also, in all likelihood, he was prepared to teach you the full
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history lesson what he did. i was absolutely shocked and very annoyed by this because it seemed like an attempt to avoid the topic, that is, as usual, i asked him the most obvious and stupid question: why did you do this? and he gave the answer in a speech that i think is worth reading. i don't speak russian, so i don't heard it in the original, but he said that at the beginning of the war he made an appeal to the russians.
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has a right to know more about this guy so just let him talk because i don't feel like my reputation is at stake, people have already made up their minds about me i guess to the extent they could, i don't care about those opinions , so just let them persuade, so i calmed down and just let him talk, i thought it was very
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interesting, do you agree with that? no, you think do you think this has anything to do with the war in ukraine or not? this was his answer, so it is very important. you said he was nervous and you were nervous? were you afraid? is this vladimir putin? i was absolutely not afraid or nervous. i am 54 years old, my children are grown, i believe in god, i almost never get nervous. i was just interested, i mean i'm interested in soviet history, i studied it in college, i 've been reading about it all my life. my father's job was cold. killing my own population, i just couldn't do it accept, we were in molotov's old office, for me it was simply stunning, i thought i knew a lot about russia, it turned out that i knew a lot about the soviet period, about the purges of '37, about the famine in ukraine, i knew about it quite a lot, but i really knew nothing about modern russia, less than i thought, as it turned out, but yes, i was
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shocked by where we ended up, and this is one of the main driving forces at this stage of my life, that's why i do what i do, because everything is interesting to me, and i want to see as much as possible try to draw conclusions from this as much as possible, i was very absorbed by the whole thing, but no, i wasn't nervous, what was the purpose, stick with it, what was the purpose of the interview, what did you think about it and how did you imagined success when they went for it, to convey more information, information, to the public, yes, exactly like that. i mean, i'm very concerned about what 's happening not only in ukraine or russia, but throughout the world. i assume that the world is undergoing a reboot, and to the detriment of usa, and i don't think most americans realize this. this is my opinion, i have expressed it many times because it is sincere, but my goal was to bring more information to the west so that
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people can do it themselves.


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